A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 11: The Constellation (2)

Chapter 11: The Constellation (2)

"Give me a good reason. Else, I won't be sparing you, even if you're a King," Alan's harsh words fell upon the green-haired fae, who was now sitting beside the main perpetrator of all, Estelle.

Estelle let out a small chuckle by the side, rejoicing in the King's perils.

"Estelle, what makes you think that you will be spared?" Alan directed his somber gaze to his daughter.

Estelle blinked her doe eyes over and over again.

"Ao! We were just... playing around, right? Hmm?" Estelle nudged Heine using her elbow, her smile so bright that it could blind someone's vision.

"I was forced to play around with her!" Instead of strengthening her claims, he decided that it would be best for him to shirk responsibility, and that was exactly what he did.

What was friendship? Can it be eaten?

Estelle widened her eyes in disbelief. Sending a hateful glare to the entity next to her, she had to endure scolding from the one and only Demon King Alan.

Of course, Alan also knew when to stop. After he saw that Estelle was no longer in focus, he knew that any words that came out of his mouth at this point would fall into deaf ears.

Because there was simply no point in continuing, he had to give up and take another route.

Estelle hated the compulsory classes the most. In her mind, she was fully aware that the teachers offered lectures around the things she already mastered.

Theory of gravity? She came from the 21st century of a world where magic did not exist and humans had to improve their life using science! Physics, chemistry, biology, she was obviously better than the tutors in that sense!

Magic? Although the time she spent with Heine and Minerva was limited because they had their own tasks to do, she was a genius on her own! Give her an ancient grimoire and rest assured that she will decode it in a day!

Moreover, since the entire Dukedom did not know that Estelle had already awakened long ago, the magic classes were actually only about basic theory.

Basic theory. How much information could be stored under the phrase 'basic theory'? The concept of magic was not something revolutionary. It was something even a commoner could explain by the time they turn six!

Can you imagine how torturing it must be, hearing the phrase: 'Magic requires mana to be activated' at least ten times in one lesson?! If she really did follow a noble child's schedule and attend the magic class 10 times a month, she was afraid that she would be able to recite the entire lesson backwards in no time.

And such, if one were to name a thing that the young miss hates, the classes were certainly going to be the majority picked answer.

Exactly why Alan Clareste decided to save his words and add a week's worth of classes into Estelle's schedule.

"I'm going to extract your soul, pulverize your weak and frail body, blast the ashes into the large seas, create a new vassal, and insert that cursed soul into the goddamn thing," Estelle was staring into the blank space, her eyes gloomy and dark as she muttered.

"I heard the nobles have to take your 'punishment' on a daily basis, though? Even worse, the royals apparently have to finish twice the amount of work in the same time span," Heine held both his arms in front of his chest, his eyes tied to Estelle's movements.

If he didn't pay close attention, the words Estelle carelessly spouted at him might seriously develop into real actions.

"Well, I didn't ask to be a noble, they didn't ask to be a royal, but I *clearly* nudged your stick shaped arms. You mean to tell me that you are that stupid to not understand what the gesture made? Damn, sucks to be you," Scowling, Estelle made sure to emphasize on certain words and even went so far as to create gestures in the air.

"Your point? I saved myself from unnecessary trouble, and it was your fault in the first place! Why in the actual hell did you push me into that pool? You're clearly the one lacking in IQ!"

"IQs are bull. shit! They are just numbers! Me using the reason 'Oh, I saw of a shadow flash behind you and thought it was a ghost, so I instinctively pulled you into the damned pool' would be a better argument!"

Heine's eyes flashed in a strange light, but it was quickly replaced with another retort, replied with a sound argument from Estelle, then back to Heine, starting a never-ending cycle.

It was unknown whether 'thankfully' was the best way to describe the situation that followed the bickers, but soon, a certain crimson-haired beauty came to visit.

Minerva seemed to have rushed to their location in great haste. She was anxious, and her overall appearance conveyed that she did not have any prior preparation at all.

Her striking crimson hair was disheveled and out of place, loose ends were sticking out everywhere, indicating that the poor strands of hair had not been combed.

Her eyes were sunken, a dark shadow looming under the poor amber-colored eyes. Her skin looked overly pale for a normal person, her complexion too ashen to be called healthy.

"Minerva?" Estelle stopped paying attention to Heine once she saw Minerva enter her range of sight.

Heine also turned his head and focused on the staggering woman

"Uh, yeah. Sorry... I couldn't... make it," Minerva's steps were wobbly, and it was not long before she stumbled upon a small rock and fell face forward onto the ground.

Estelle and Heine managed to prevent the fall and caught her mid air, but if they were late for even one second, the witch would have surely injured her head.

Estelle and Heine looked at each other. Estelle was obviously puzzled, but Heine's eyes did not appear to be so simple.

Having spent quite the ridiculous amount of time with Minerva, his first reaction was not to worry about her collapse, but rather what trailed her to their location.

Minerva's older sister, Witch Yulia Eire.

If Alan was nicknamed the demon king, then Yulia had the potential to surpass that.

Like Alan, she was usually calm and collected on the usual basis. The phrase 'calm before the storm' perfectly described her strange temperament.

As Minerva's elder sister, she was naturally also another bloodline witch, which meant that one of their parents was a witch.

A witch's power was not inherited, but the potential was.

The 'potential' was essentially the deciding factor of their future powers. The powers were sourced from something they call constellations.

The witches' potential would allow them to randomly be assigned to a constellation.

Minerva's constellation was the World's Library, while Yulia's was the World's Arcana.

To put it simply, World's Arcana was a magic that specializes in seals and barriers. Like the World's Library, extensions and upgrades could be added to the main source.

Both Minerva and Yulia usually spent their free time developing and researching new possibilities to the main branch.

The problem laid within Yulia's undeniable thirst for more knowledge and discoveries. Her temperament could drastically change depending on the findings, and Minerva would be dragged into the experiment in one way or another.

If Minerva did not even rest before showing up to them, it would create the possibility of her escaping the research process instead of finishing it.

The evil lord Yulia was someone that would not let her colleague go no matter what if the research was not finished.

Heine gulped when he thought of the elder witch's rampage mode.

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