Chapter 439: People of the North 4
Olek was devastated to learn that everything he'd believed was actually exaggerated nonsense meant for children under 8 who still played in alleys instead of working.
But that wasn't my concern - what mattered was the Wesley family story.
Fortunately, these three minstrels were reasonable people. They showed proper alarm at spreading false rumors about the hero, and despite their burly appearance, they were observant and knowledgeable like retired adventurers should be - perfect for getting information from.
"To think our young master actually met a real hero party. When he left for the Kingdom making such bold claims, who'd have thought they'd come true?"
"Bold claims? What exactly did he say?"
"Well, you know, manly stuff about wanting to face off against the hero. Said even if the hero was mighty, they couldn't match a northern man, just going on and on about his ambitions..."
"Hey, hey now!"
Olek jumped in alarm at the three adventurers' revelations. Of course, I wasn't bothered by mere expressions of wanting to test his skills - he hadn't actually cursed or anything.
What interested me wasn't how gullible Olek had been before coming to the Kingdom, but rather the Wesley family treasure - the story about treasure hidden at the rainbow's end. I needed to steer the conversation carefully.
Usually, talkative minstrels like these would loosen their tongues with a few words of praise."By the way, I wanted to ask something. Olek told me an interesting story."
"An interesting story? What kind...?"
"About treasure at the rainbow's end."
"Ah, that story!"
From what I could tell, these three worked together seamlessly, having adventured as a team. They were so well-integrated with the townspeople that they could even tease the Margrave's son despite being outsiders.
'Blabbermouth' Igor gathered various rumors and found interesting stories, 'Braggart' Tom embellished them to suit people's tastes, and 'Storyteller' Olson, with the loudest voice and best speaking skills, spread the rumors convincingly.
Which meant the Wesley family story must have been something Igor picked up somewhere.
"Interestingly, I heard a similar story in the Kingdom's north. Might be something you'd find interesting... want to hear it?"
"A story from the hero? Only a madman would refuse!"
"On an empty stomach? And I'm the Holy Sword's owner, the hero's back at the mansion."
"Hahaha!!! If you're chosen by the Goddess, aren't you all heroes? The mage, Sir Roland, the archer, and the nun - you're all heroes!"
The medieval beer was so weak I doubted it even reached 3% alcohol. Figuring you couldn't get drunk on this even if injected straight into your veins, I acted like a jovial drinker, making the three men's mouths stretch into grins.
They were clearly pleased - being able to brag about buying drinks for the Holy Sword's owner could get them invited to wealthy merchants' places instead of just cheap taverns. Someone of my status could make the act of receiving rather than giving feel like a bribe to some people.
Anyway, while I deliberately ignored Han Se-ah's circling camera, Tom elbowed Igor, who quickly jumped up to move a large piece of meat from the table to in front of me.
"Ahem, the story I heard goes like this-"
The tavern instantly fell silent as I began my tale, making it clear I wasn't just after free beer and meat.
"Oh... is that so?"
I told them about a village in the Kingdom's harsh northern mountains inhabited by descendants of those who couldn't cross the range, and the legendary tale of a man who did cross them. Ṝ
Maybe it was their exaggerated northern personalities, but the tavern patrons grew so quiet you couldn't even hear them swallow, some discretely wiping tears from reddened eyes. ...What exactly was so moving about this story that it made them cry?
I really couldn't emotionally connect with northern sensibilities, even if I understood them intellectually. Glancing at Tom, I saw even his burly frame was inappropriately touched by emotion.
"That's my story. But hearing Olek's version made me curious about something."
"Ahem... curious about what?"
"Olek mentioned something about markings on this treasure."
Perhaps risking one's life for an impossible challenge was deeply moving to northerners. Tom, eyes still watery, quietly reached into his pocket.
Given his appearance, you'd expect him to pull out a dagger or hand axe, but instead he produced a dirty, crumpled piece of parchment. Being a working minstrel, he'd apparently kept records of all the rumors.
Though it was as worn and crumpled as a newsletter forgotten in a school bag, what was drawn on it was clearly the Wesley family crest.
"Oh, oh oh oh!? Quest, quest clue!"
-Should've left the mansion sooner instead of messing around lololololol
-Teacher auto-completing everything lol Are you just dead weight?
-While you were ogling maids, the quest smoothly progressed here? What are you even doing lol
-Hero creepily smiling at little maids vs Hero gathering info from townspeople lololololololol
-Does the quest window update even from far away? You're just getting carried by your capable companion
Though dirty, crumpled, and partially erased, Han Se-ah's quest window confirmed it.
When a character quest auto-progressed at the local tavern, what kind of streamer wouldn't come running? Han Se-ah, fired up by her advancing quest window, practically kidnapped Katie and rushed over.
"Roland, what were you doing outside the mansion?"
"A northern tavern... it's quite similar to our domain."
It was potentially an honorable situation - not just the Holy Sword's owner but the hero and party member visiting together. Though the tavern keeper fainted in a minor incident, nobody paid much attention.
The other customers were melting at Han Se-ah and Katie's beauty, while the three retired adventurers were so overwhelmed by the hero's intense approach they could barely breathe.
It was like throwing a popular idol into a group of socially awkward men who couldn't speak in front of women. Han Se-ah, excited about the quest, kept asking questions, but the retired trio could barely stammer responses.
"Did you draw this marking yourself?"
"What's this, it's similar to our family crest... no, it IS our family crest! Why is it here in the north?"
With an exotic beauty with black hair and fair skin on the right and a northern beauty with flowing silver hair on the left pressing close and asking questions, Igor's normally motor-mouth suddenly clamped shut.
Tom and Olson, who could wave their arms around describing giant private parts to neighborhood aunties, became stuttering mutes in front of Han Se-ah and Katie.
The townspeople burst into laughter again, pounding tables at the sight, creating absolute chaos.
"Well, um, Tom found that!"
"Hey, why'd you say it like that!"
"Really? Where?"
"Uh, well, where was it..."
Regardless, Han Se-ah kept pressing Tom with glittering eyes for quest progression. Katie also tagged along, curious about finding her family crest in a corner of the northern Empire.
Worn down by the one-sided interrogation, Tom wracked his barely functioning brain to recall a memory.
A memory from his past wandering the northern snowfields as a mercenary fighting monster waves and adventurer exploring uncharted territories, before coming to Sibedev domain.
"Ah, yes! I went to a village similar to what Sir Roland described! Actually, after the village disbanded, I got this from a resident who came down looking for a better life!"
"A village Roland mentioned? The one in the mountain range where people claimed to be descendants of knights?"
"Yes, that's right! Ah, now I remember. There were people there who insisted they were from the Kingdom, not the Empire."
...Why was the story I hastily made up turning out to be true?
As Tom gestured wildly while explaining like he'd just remembered, everyone's eyes turned to me.
This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com