Chapter 91 Leo's Fight (Part 1)

After landing on a nearby rooftop, Leo was in a good amount of pain. The line of red energy had left a horizontal cut across his entire stomach area.

'What the fuck... That really hurt! I didn't even have a chance to use any energy to defend myself. I should really start using my Aura more often so I don't get surprised so much.' Leo thought while trying to get up out the crater he created inside the roof he landed on.

A sharp pain rushed through Leo's back as he got up, followed by several more in different spots along his spine and ribcage. 'I think I broke something...' Leo slowly straightened himself while looking up at the hole he was pushed out from.

'You're lucky it wasn't worse, if you didn't have the system increasing your bodies defence seperatly from your ability then you'd probably be dead right now.' Dreifus said.

'I agree. The attack would have done more damage but I probably would have lived, it's the fall that would have killed me. I should have slowed myself using Redirect, I was too surprised to process the situation.' Leo replied while rubbing his ribs lightly.

It was then that a figure jumped through the hole and landed on the rooftop a few meters away from Leo. Their landing was just as hard as his had been, only they landed on their feet.

The figure stood across from Leo and tilted their head slightly, then with a feminine sounding voice spoke "I'm surprised you're standing, I know you're strong but that fall should have hurt you enough to keep you down without killing you."

"I'm just lucky that way. Why are you here?" Leo asked while straightening himself. He began channeling energy through his body, as well as activating his Aura.

"I've come to capture you, that's all I'll say." The cultist answered and swung her arm out, sending a vertical line of red energy directly towards Leo.

The energy tore through the wood beneath their feet, showing the power behind the strike. Although the energy was fast, Leo had a split second of warning thanks to his Aura, allowing him to dodge the strike by stepping to the side with some space to spare.

"I'm impressed, but having half decent speed won't save you." The cultist said with an amused tone of voice.

[Sudden Quest]


'Survive? Usually it says I must defeat my opponent... Does this mean it thinks I won't win?' Leo didn't have much of a chance to think about it before he was forced to ignore the system and focus on the fight.

She raised her hands and started swiping them out in front of her in various directions. Several lines of energy were projected forwards, all of them at different angles and heights. Leo did his best, jumping over some, side stepping others, all while twisting his body in strange ways to avoid getting hit.

Unfortunately there were just too many of them and Leo sustained several cuts in various places along his body, causing him to lose energy each time as his energy was used to lessen the damage to his body. The cultist continued to create lines of energy and hurl them towards Leo and eventually one of them made direct contact.

Leo had just side stepped an attack when he felt one near the floor heading for his ankles. He jumped slightly but as he did one of the other lines changed direction in mid-air and went straight for him.

Leo lifted his arm and did his best to supply it with energy to prevent it from getting too injured. The energy hit him in the forearm and cut into his skin while the force from the attack pushed him through the air and towards the edge of the building.

[-8 Energy]

Leo absorbed the energy from his movement, forcing himself to slow down as he moved through the air. He landed just before reaching the edge of the rooftop, his body having taken a heavy beating from just that one exchange.

[Energy 28/40]

'Damn, I'm losing energy too fast. Even after absorbing some energy just now. The cut on my arm isnt too deep because of the energy I used to defend, but if things continue on like this I'll be unable to fight back. I can't use my energy for defense as much.' Leo analyzed his situation, hoping to find a decent solution to his problem.

'You also need a way to get passed those lines she's throwing around.' Dreifus added.

'You're right...' Leo replied, annoyed at his current situation.

More lines of energy were coming for Leo and he didn't have the time to contemplate his options anymore. He tried to dodge the energy but continued to recieve light cuts as he failed to completely avoid the lines. As his energy dwindled down even further Leo decided that he had to do something.

[Energy 21/40]

'My bodies natural defence increases with strength stat, and I also need more speed. This is the only option right now.' Leo opened his system and implemented his improvised solution.

[Strength 13 - 16]

[Speed 13 - 15]

[Unassigned stat points - 0]


Leo stopped using his energy for defence, hoping that increasing the strength stat would bring his natural defence up enough to the point where the attacks would be bearable.

He increased his speed stat so that Dash would be more effective since it increases his speed by a percentage rather than a fixed amount. This was the only way Leo could think of that might allow him to save energy and dodge the attacks.

Leo charged forwards towards the cultist while dodging the lines of energy at every step. His progress wasn't exactly fast, but he was getting closer with every step, using the speed boost granted by Dash to dodge more effectively.

Through the increase in speed, Leo managed to dodge all the attacks with some space to spare. He got within a striking range of the cultist and stomped forwards with his left leg while pulling his right arm back. He then stepped forwards with speed, putting his right leg in front, at the same time he thrusted his arm forwards while slightly rotating it.

[Palm Strike]

Infusing his attack with energy, Leo was confident he would deal significant damage to the cultist. As his palm connected with her stomach, something strange happened.

His hand went right through her, as though she wasn't there. The next second her entire body turned into a green mist and spread all around him, obscuring his vision.

'She has two abilities... What the fuck is going on here?!'

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