Chapter 597:
Translator: MarcTempest
Editor: AgRoseCrystal
Chapter 597
[Kim Jong-ho of the movie ‘Dandelion’ nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globe!]
[The movie ‘Dandelion’ nominated for four categories at the Golden Globe!]
-Really??? Is this for real???
-…All of a sudden?
=It’s not sudden. The reviews for ‘Dandelion’ are really good.
=22 The atmosphere here is not normal. The critics’ ratings are really good and so are the audience’s ratings.
-I hope he wins!=Me too. Isn’t this the first time since Lee Seo-jun that a Korean actor is nominated for the Golden Globe?
=Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Korea, which was stunned by the unexpected news, soon became excited.
The internet was flooded with ‘Dandelion’, ‘Kim Jong-ho’, and ‘Golden Globe’. The reporters and broadcasters were busy trying to get an interview with the actor Kim Jong-ho.
-We’ll send you the list of shows you can go on before you return to Korea. Please choose the ones you want to appear on. And congratulations on the nomination!
“How many times have I been congratulated…”
-Come on, you must be happy!
The agency staff laughed and hung up the phone. Lee Sang-woo, Kim Jong-ho’s manager, smiled wryly. It was not one or two times that he was congratulated. He felt like he had a scab in his ear from hearing the same thing every time he made a call.
Lee Sang-woo put down his phone and Yoon Seong-oh, Lee Ji-seok’s manager, asked.
“Is it the company?”
“Yeah. They told me to choose the shows I want to go on before I come back.”
Yoon Seong-oh’s eyes widened.
Of course, there would always be love calls for ‘Actor Kim Jong-ho’, but it felt a little different to invite him as a ‘Golden Globe nominee’.
“Does Actor Lee Ji-seok also get a lot of calls?”
“Yes! He gets a lot of them! But he can’t go right now.”
Yoon Seong-oh quickly answered and opened the hotel room door.
“Let’s have dinner!”
Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok, who were drooping like seaweed from the intense schedule, got up slowly.
“They say it’s delicious here.”
“There’s soup too.”
The two managers quickly put the food on the table. They felt the warm steam. Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok thanked them and quickly drank the soup. They felt like their stomachs were relieved even though they didn’t drink any alcohol. ᚱ
“It would have been nice if Seo-jun was here too. We could have gone together.”
Yoon Seong-oh, who took a seat nearby and picked up his chopsticks, said with a regretful expression.
“There are only two of them in Korea. The actors who are nominated for the Golden Globe.”
That was why the actor who was mentioned the most after Kim Jong-ho was Lee Seo-jun.
There were only two actors in Korea who were nominated for the Golden Globe, and the two actors had known each other for a long time since they met in [The Royal Physician], and one of them even won an award. It was a story that was more like a movie than a movie, and it was enough for the broadcasters to send love calls.
That was why Cocoa Entertainment was suffering from unexpected invitations and interview requests. Even though Seo-jun was not active, there was a strange phenomenon where work kept coming up.
“Jong-ho hyung said he was inspired by Seo-jun to challenge Hollywood, so I guess that’s why.”
“That’s right. It’s like a documentary in itself.”
Lee Sang-woo also sat down to have dinner. Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok silently devoured the food. Yoon Seong-oh spoke excitedly.
“A child actor with fluffy hair and a middle-aged actor who was already famous met and helped each other, and the middle-aged actor followed the child actor’s challenge and tried a new land and finally got nominated for the Golden Globe! Normally, he wouldn’t even think of challenging himself.”
They say there is something to learn from a child, but it was not easy for an adult who had a hard head to do so. But Kim Jong-ho did it.
A quiet voice came between Lee Sang-woo and Yoon Seong-oh’s voices. It was Lee Ji-seok.
“Jong-ho hyung did really well this time. I’m really happy for him.”
“…Are you crazy?”
Kim Jong-ho felt goosebumps on his arm at Lee Ji-seok’s sincere congratulations.
Yoon Seong-oh pushed a spoon in front of Lee Ji-seok as if it was a microphone.
“What’s your real intention?”
Lee Ji-seok smiled slyly.
“I’m going to win the Best Actor award later, so you can have the Supporting Actor award.”
The two managers burst into laughter, and Kim Jong-ho made a face as if he knew it.
“But when will this end…”
“Hmm. I think we have to keep doing this until the awards ceremony in February.”
At Lee Sang-woo’s words, Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok, who had regained some energy after eating dinner, groaned.
“I knew there would be a lot of awards, but I didn’t know there would be this many.”
“I know, right.”
Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok sighed as they listened to the schedule for tomorrow.
Kim Jong-ho, Lee Ji-seok, and the ‘Dandelion’ team were currently in the Oscar race.
[The movie ‘Dandelion’ in the Oscar race!]
[The movie ‘Dandelion’, the list of awards so far!]
=They were in the Oscar race?
=I didn’t expect much from a low-budget movie, but they started to do it because the reviews were good.
-But will they make it?
=Considering that they were nominated for the Golden Globe…
=22 This route feels familiar.
=33 Can we expect something?
=Don’t expect too much from a growing sprout… But Kim Jong-ho is too big of an actor.
=We said not to pressure Lee Seo-jun because he was youngㅋㅋ But Kim Jong-ho is an adultㅋㅋㅋ
=Can we pressure him as much as we want?ㅋㅋㅋ
=No, even adults feel pressure;;;
=It’s okay! Mr. Oscar Digest will take the blame!
-Wow… The list of awards is no joke. Did they go to all those ceremonies?
=22 It must be hard to just go around. How did Lee Seo-jun do it?
=Lee Seo-jun (actually Marina Studio) spent money.
=A lot of money…
=The effect (was) clear.
-Anyway, I hope they get a good result.
=22 It’s okay even if they don’t.
=33 It’s their problem!!
Time passed quickly.
The new year came and the Golden Globe Awards were held at the end of January, a little later than last year.
The ‘Dandelion’ team walked through the red carpet with flashing flashes and entered the awards hall. The voices calling for the ‘Dandelion’ team were heard from here and there, as they were the talk of the town.
“Did you hear that? Korean. Maybe they’re Korean?”
Kim Jong-ho loosened his tight tie a little and leaned back on his chair. He answered Lee Ji-seok’s question and sighed.
He felt more nervous than when he went to the Oscar ceremony last year. There was a big difference between attending the ceremony as a supporting actor of a nominated film and attending the ceremony as a nominee.
“…Do you think I can win?”
“I don’t know. It might be hard.”
Lee Ji-seok gave a somewhat pessimistic response to Kim Jong-ho’s question that sounded like a monologue. There had been no Asian winners since Seo-jun’s award.
“It’s already an achievement to get this far.”
The reaction in Korea was similar.
It was not the Best Actor award, but the Supporting Actor award, but many people thought that he would not win. It was not because Kim Jong-ho was lacking. It was because they did not trust the voters.
“I guess…”
Kim Jong-ho relaxed at Lee Ji-seok’s words. His shoulders, which had been tense, dropped. He seemed to have high hopes after receiving various awards in the Oscar race.
A moment later.
The Golden Globe Awards began.
Kim Jong-ho, Lee Ji-seok, and the ‘Dandelion’ team enjoyed the ceremony while applauding the winners.
When the three categories that had some possibility went to other films, the viewers who were watching the live broadcast left comments of regret.
-I knew it.
=22 Why can’t they give him one…
-KBC wasted their money on the live broadcast rights.
-ㅠㅠㅠ I think I should stop watching. They don’t show our actors’ faces.
=22 Show us Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok’s faces!!
Some viewers were about to change the channel when the actor awards began. The Best Supporting Actress award was over and the nominees for the Best Supporting Actor appeared on the monitor.
-Wow! It’s Kim Jong-ho!!
-Is that an arm next to him, Lee Ji-seok?!
-It’s amazing that he’s there!!
-Congratulations on the nomination!!
Everyone was delighted to see the familiar Kim Jong-ho among the Hollywood actors. That’s right. It was amazing to be nominated.
“/The Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor goes to!/”
So no one expected it.
“/Dandelion, Jong-ho Kim!/”
When his name was called, he was like, “…What? What did they say?” and blurted out without knowing.
The screen that showed Kim Jong-ho widened. The faces of Lee Ji-seok and other actors and the director who were sitting next to him were also shown. The actors around him were the first to come to their senses with cheers and applause. It was Lee Ji-seok.
“…Hyung…Hyung! It’s you! Crazy! Jong-ho hyung!!”
Lee Ji-seok hit Kim Jong-ho’s arm and shoulder repeatedly with an excited face.
Kim Jong-ho came to his senses at the impact.
“/Congratulations! Kim!/”
“/Hurry up and go!!/”
Kim Jong-ho got up from his seat at the congratulations around him and quickly regained his composure. He headed to the stage with a calm face based on his experience of attending the awards ceremony so far, and hoped that his trembling hands would not be caught on camera.
“/Congratulations! Kim!/”
The host handed the trophy to Kim Jong-ho and congratulated him and stepped aside. Kim Jong-ho felt the reality again at the weight of the heavy trophy. He stood in front of the microphone.
Among the countless foreigners, he saw Lee Ji-seok and the ‘Dandelion’ team. He felt somewhat calm.
He had thought that a long time ago.
When the young actor stood alone on this stage, he wondered if he was scared.
So he hoped that more Asian actors, Korean actors… I would be sitting in the audience when he won the award again.
‘I didn’t expect to be here so soon…’
‘Life was strange.’
He couldn’t figure it out even after living so long.
‘I bet the viewers who are watching the live broadcast are going crazy.’
Just like he did when Seo-jun won the award.
He laughed as he thought that.
Kim Jong-ho, who had some leisure, opened his mouth.
“Hello. I’m actor Kim Jong-ho.”
A long time ago.
Just like the first Korean actor who won the award, Kim Jong-ho greeted the viewers around the world in Korean.
[Actor Kim Jong-ho wins the Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globe!!]
[Actor Kim Jong-ho’s first words “Hello. I’m actor Kim Jong-ho.”]
[Another winner from the Seo-jun squad!]
-…He won?
-Wow… I thought he wouldn’t win… Maybe I lacked faith.
-No, why are they so unpredictable?? (Not that I don’t want them to give it.)
=22 What the hell. They didn’t give it for a long time and then suddenly they give it? (Thanks for the award.)
=33 They won’t take it back, right? (Suspicious)
-ㅠㅠㅠ I didn’t expect to hear Korean at the awards ceremony again.
-Make a documentary for usㅠ With Seo-jun and Kim Jong-ho actorsㅠ
=22 They have the script reading materials from [The Royal Physician]. Release them and the ones that haven’t been releasedㅠㅠ I know you have a lot of unreleased stuff.
=33 There were a lot of unreleased stuff in the Working Man special episode.
-ㅅㅂ I thought he wouldn’t win so I turned off the TVㅠ
-Now I think we can expect the Oscar.
=22 The chances have increased a lot.
=33 Of course, it would hurt like hell if we get hit in the back of the head.
-Where can I watch the Oscar live?
=It hasn’t been announced yet.
=I guess the broadcast rights are fierceㅋㅋㅋ
-But don’t they have to be nominated first?
=…Right? When is the announcement?
=Early February. It’s coming soon.
-By the way, does Seo-jun still have the voting right? It was until 5 years, right?
=Fortunately, it’s now 4 years!
In a hotel room.
The ‘Dandelion’ team gathered in one place.
They all looked thin from the hard Oscar race. They sat in front of the TV.
“/We finally made it to this day./”
“/That’s right./”
They all stuffed their mouths with dinner while keeping their eyes on the TV. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation.
Among them were Kim Jong-ho, Lee Ji-seok, and their two managers. They were watching the announcement from Korea, and they were getting messages from their agency staff and acquaintances. They were busy replying.
“/When will they announce it?/”
“/It will start soon./”
The production and distribution staff also did not hide their excitement. They were sure that ‘Dandelion’ would be nominated for at least one category, considering the awards they had received at the Golden Globe and other ceremonies.
A moment later.
An Academy official announced the nominees for this year’s ceremony.
What do you mean one category.
‘Dandelion’ was nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Original Score.
Of course, just like the Golden Globe, winning was a distant dream, but it was very satisfying to be nominated in the first place.
“/Okay, okay. There’s still more to go! Let’s enjoy the joy after the actor categories are over!/”
The director, whose face was red with excitement, said and everyone stopped cheering. Now it was the actor categories.
[/The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor nominees/]
After the Best Supporting Actress nominees passed, the Best Supporting Actor nominees were introduced. The hotel room was silent without a breath. They all prayed for a familiar name to come up.
And then.
[/…Dandelion, Jong-ho Kim…/]
“Uwaaah!! Hyung! It’s the Oscar! The Oscar!”
Lee Ji-seok grabbed Kim Jong-ho’s shoulder and shook it. Lee Sang-woo and Yoon Seong-oh also raised their arms and shouted. The others were the same. They all screamed with red faces from excitement.
“/Nominee Jong-ho Kim!!/”
“/Party! Let’s have a party!!/”
The hotel room was filled with cheers in an instant.
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