1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 21

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 21

21. Mirecel (3)

The next morning, on the garden path’s ground.

A sizable moth is being devoured by a swarm of ants.

As I watch silently, I can’t help but feel even more pitiable.

The moth’s wings, disguised with the fierce eyes of a predator, seemed to be a metaphor for myself.

Yesterday, I was nothing but a moth, pretending to be strong, yet flustered by a mere child.

But at least I’m not dead, which is something.

Had I failed, I would have ended up just like that.

Resolving to live not short and thick, but long and thin, my mood improves considerably.

“What’s with that pathetic look on your face, Hersel?”

“Quiet, charlatan.”

At my sharp retort, the defeated Donatan lets out a pained grunt.


“Donatan, all mouth and no action, must be tasting death right now. It’s only natural to feel ashamed after boasting about easily winning against a child, only to be crushed miserably.”

“What did you say?”

“It was a mistake. I was just talking to myself.”

“You… you little! …Hup!”

Grinding his teeth, Donatan suddenly gasps for air.

“Hersel… Be on guard, quickly! That damned kid is back again!”

It seems he’s developed a trauma from the defeat.

Anyway, a shadow falls over the moth, now devoid of life, surrounded by ants.


Has he come for revenge?

Perhaps, he’s noticed that I’m not worth much attention…

Narrowing my eyes, I ask,

“What do you want?”

But Mirecel’s reaction is somewhat unexpected. His eyes gleam, and the corners of his mouth lift, unmistakably like that of a young child.

“What’s the matter? Big brother said he’d play with me anytime. Have you forgotten already?”

…It seems like I might have said those words just to naturally escape.

Considering he takes everything he hears at face value, perhaps even with monstrous talent, a child is still a child.

So, what do I do with this?

Should I really entertain him…?

While conflicted, Mirsel blinked.

“Come to think of it, this is the first time I’ve ever played with a sibling.”

It was just like them. They must have been irked by this guy, who shone with a talent as brilliant as a pearl.

“They must be mama’s boys, wanting to play with their mom.”

“Mama’s boy? What’s that?”

“It means a fool who’s grown up but not mentally mature, still looking for mother’s milk.”

“Pfft. Anyway, I’m looking forward to it. Rumor has it that the eldest brother is the only one who knows how to play properly.”

Not someone who knows how to play properly, but someone who plays all the time, perhaps?

Anyway, Mirsel seems to take it for granted that I will play with him.

Well, I don’t particularly mind, do I?

I’m curious to see what expression the mistress will have.

But what shall we play?

While digging through the warehouse of childhood memories, Niasel approached with heavy steps. Like yesterday, he had a bundle of papers tucked under his arm, but today was different; he also had a book with him.

“The fairy tale book you gave me. Read it to me. The maids won’t read it even if I ask.”

“A book?”

“Yeah. The book you lent me before going to my grandparents’ house.”

Niasel handed me the book as if passing the buck.

“You can read it yourself.”

“There are too many difficult words; I can’t read it.”

A fairy tale book with difficult words? Curiosity piqued, I opened the book.

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“This, this is…”

I immediately closed the book. I had only read the first page, but the sentences were vivid in my mind.


[As tempting as a peach]

[Her waist bent like a bow.]

Such sentences were blatantly written from the first page. It was a book meant only for adults, with a prostitute as the protagonist. No wonder the maids wouldn’t read it.

To give such a thing to a child…

Hersel, you crazy b*stard.

“Bro, you’re not going to read it?”

“Such things should be saved for when you grow up.”


As I tuck the book into my chest, the little ones become a nuisance.

“What’s so special about it?”

[What’s so special?]

It seems like I need to throw them some proper toys to quiet them down.

But considering I’ve only played games since childhood, how would I know children’s play?

Ah, there was a time when I did play something other than games, something that involved moving around.

A sad time when I joined a club called the ‘Retro Gaming Club’, hoping to play with 8-bit and 16-bit consoles, only to end up playing traditional games like spinning tops and kicking shuttlecocks after school.

“Why not teach them a fun game instead of such a boring book?”

Indeed, no experience is ever useless.

* * *

I chose kite flying. It’s been a while, and I wanted to try it again.

As I had the servants gather materials to make a stingray-shaped kite, Mirsel looked at it skeptically.

“The ones used in the military don’t look like this…”

Kites existed here as well.

They were used in Roman times for weather forecasting and identifying military positions.

The only difference was that ours were in the Korean style.

But then, the problem…

“Hey, what’s this! It won’t fly!”

[Big brother tricked us!]

“It’s because there’s no wind. The weather here is too calm.”

With no other choice, we decided to move to a different spot. I crouched down and assumed a piggyback stance.

“Climb on.”

It would be a long walk, and it would be hard on her sore legs.

Niasel hesitantly climbed onto my back. As I lifted her, Mirsel looked at me with a strange expression.

“You walk on your own four feet.”

“…No, it’s not that.”

Since we were outside the mansion, I also took Jack and Rodel with us.

The place I’ve arrived at is a bit of a painful landmark for me.

The sunset is exquisite, and with the cool breeze blowing and the houses in view, this is the cliff where that psychopath Selly tried to push me off to my death.

“Keep a close eye out. As you well know, it’s quite a dangerous spot.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Would there be any objections, young master!”

I have no intention of going near the cliff, but the two kids are different. Perhaps thinking I was mocking them about a past incident, Jack and Rodel nodded with stiff faces.

I released the kite into the wind’s embrace. As the string unwound and it soared into the air, four mouths gaped open.

“Is it, is it really flying?”

[Mine still hasn’t taken off.]

I also launched Niasel’s into the sky and handed over the string. Mirsel, stubborn as ever, kept throwing his kite off the cliff. Each time he reeled in the string, it felt like the genre of the game had changed.

“Is this some kind of fishing?”

“Be, be quiet.”

He handles a sword so well, but is he hopeless at this?

No, if he had good senses, that wouldn’t be the case, right? He should easily feel the wind’s flow.

Watching Mirsel closely out of curiosity, I noticed his hands were trembling. It seems his wrist hasn’t recovered from when he tried to strike at my neck last time.

I wanted to help, but seeing his face, sweating and working so hard, I just ended up watching.


This time, the kite lifted slightly. Mirsel’s lips quivered faintly. Having tasted the joy, he began to immerse himself even more.

After a few more attempts at gauging the wind and adjusting, Mirsel’s kite soared the highest among the three. Jack and Rodel watching also cheered.


“It looks odd but flies well!”

However, I couldn’t calmly appreciate it. The others were too focused on their kites to notice, but Niasel had moved closer to the cliff.

“Oh no…”

He must have moved while engrossed in kite flying. His uneasy legs kept wobbling, indicating a precarious situation.

I approached slowly, worried something might go wrong. But just as I was about to reach him, Niasel fell.

At the same time, my steps turned into a run.

I grabbed Niasel’s collar and pulled him back to solid ground. However, due to inertia, my body kept lurching forward.

“Huh, brother?”

“Young, young master…?”

Finally noticing the commotion, Mirsel and the guards turned their eyes wide open towards us.

I glared fiercely at Jack and Rodel.

“Let’s see.”

That was the last I saw of them, nodding with resigned faces.

Ah, this sight of hair rising like seaweed.

Falling off a cliff for the second time.

* * *

“You guys, are you really going to be so smug in this situation?”

Mirselle crouched down, incredulous at the trembling Jack and Rodel. But their response was even more ridiculous.

“Hershel, sir, will be fine… He’ll be back soon.”


He fell off a sheer cliff; how could he be unharmed? Mirselle wondered if the guards had lost their minds. They sounded like they were crouching down, ready to die like a mouse’s daughter-in-law.

“Last time, it was 3 hours, right?”

“Rodel, you better beg for forgiveness when the young master returns. He might even cut you some slack by 30 minutes.”

Eventually, Mirselle decided to take action.

“Tch, you just watch Niaselle. I’ll go check on him myself.”

Mirselle ran up the steep slope, then hesitated.

‘But why do I have to check if that guy is alive?’

It was strange when you thought about it. Wouldn’t it be fortunate if he were dead? Hershel was a snake that had cunningly infiltrated Niaselle’s gaps.

-Regardless of who becomes the head, the treatment will be the same, right?

-Even if Dayselle becomes the young master, it would probably be the same.

-After all, who would care? At best, we’re just baggage, likely to be locked away in some basement. That’s what nobles actually do. They can’t kill their own flesh and blood, but it’s embarrassing to show them off.

A few months ago, Mirselle overheard such gossip by chance. She wanted to scold the maids, but Niaselle’s intervention stopped her.

However, it was different for a third party.

-So noisy, chattering away. What’s wrong with being mute? A woman only needs to know how to lie in bed, right?

-Hershel, sir…

-Maybe the quiet would be preferable… Hmm, vocal cords can be damaged postnatally, right?

-I’m sorry. It won’t happen again…

It was clear to anyone that it wasn’t protection but mere irritation. Yet, whether it was perceived as kindness, Niaselle began to subtly follow him around after that day.

Despite continuous warnings to stay away, Niaselle wouldn’t listen, and Mirselle had no choice but to warn Hershel directly.

-Hmph, ignorant as a young one can be.


-Do you think there’s a man who would take away a half-penny? Maybe, who knows. If she knew how to flirt even a little, some deficient guy might take her away. A burden like that, you sell it if you can.

Surely, after hearing that verbal abuse, one would be convinced. This guy is irredeemable trash.

But the actions of Hershel up close were completely different from the harsh words he spat out.

He gladly made time to play with her,

And willingly picked up Niashel, who everyone avoided touching because she was said to be cursed.

It seemed he always treated Niashel well. Though I don’t know which book, they say he even read her a fairy tale.

Crucially, without a thought for his own safety, he threw himself off a cliff for Niashel.

That made me think.

The intimidation of the maids back then was because he was angry about his sister being insulted.

The malicious talk that day was because he felt embarrassed about his true feelings being discovered.

Maybe he’s just someone who’s extremely clumsy at expressing himself.


Once again, her steps quickened. Mirshel was running, gaining speed. In the distance, she saw a carriage. It was a supply carriage heading to the mansion. Mirshel intended to pass by without a care.

But then, a familiar voice from behind stopped her in her tracks.

“Wait, stop the carriage.”


“My little brother has come to meet me.”


The carriage came to a halt. Hershel was sitting in the open back of the carriage.

“What are you doing? Not getting on.”


Mirshel examined his complexion. Though covered in dust, there wasn’t a scratch on his skin.

“Are you going to walk?”

Hershel tapped the seat next to him. Mirshel, somewhat dazed, sat down beside him. Indeed, up close, there were no injuries.

“Brother… Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Well, nothing like that, but it’s unpleasant. It’s the second time, but I just can’t get used to it.”

“Second time? Oh. Has this happened before?”

Hershel nodded. Mirshel finally understood why Jack and Rodel had been saying such things.

‘It’s natural that I couldn’t bend him… He’s too sturdy to be bent.’

Cloppity-clack─ Cloppity-clack─

The carriage moves. For a while, only the sounds of hooves and rolling wheels fill the air. Yet, the atmosphere wasn’t bleak. Sitting in the luggage compartment, I gazed vacantly at the scenery, savoring the sensation of my skin prickling in the cool breeze.

“The weather’s quite nice.”

At Hershel’s remark, I looked up at the sky. It was sunset. The warmth of the amber glow seeped into my skin, making my chest feel warm.

Mirsel blinked against the intense scarlet of the sunset.

“Brother, will you play with me again?”

“Not today. It’s late.”

“How about tomorrow then? Oh, but let’s skip kite flying since it’s dangerous.”

It was the kind of trivial conversation brothers might have. I had hoped for such exchanges to continue, but Hershel suddenly crossed his arms and furrowed his brow.

Soon, Hershel spoke up.

“Let’s play with tops instead.”

A smile spread across Mirsel’s face.

* * *

The faint clatter of dishes echoed.

In the silent ambiance of the dining table, the hostess scanned her children and spoke up.

“Is it because it’s been a month and a half, or is it just awkwardness between you two? It’s too quiet.”

Daysel paused with his fork and cleared his throat.

“I’ve been lost in thought, hence the silence.”


“You must be aware, Mother.”

Daysel shot a sharp glance at Mirsel. Mirsel quickly chewed and swallowed the meat in his mouth.

“What are you looking at?”

“Why have you been tailing that guy all day?”

“Just curious why he’s still alive, that’s all. Wanted to do a bit of snooping.”


Mirsel tapped his throat with the side of his hand.

“But now I get it. I tried to break his neck with all my might, but it was the wooden sword that broke. If I had kept holding on, my wrist would’ve flown off.”

Daysel’s eyelids twitched. Erusel, emitting a flustered air, asked in return.

“The sword broke? Did you use aura? Did you use it?”

“I said I used all my power, don’t make people’s mouths hurt.”

Daisel was at a loss for words.

It was unbelievable. That damned little brat was only ten years old, yet he possessed the martial prowess to contend with the knights of the empire.

Even he, who had manifested a golden aura, couldn’t be certain of matching such a skilled person. And to think that Mircel had been defeated?

Suddenly, looking at the caviar on the plate, he briefly recalled the moment Hersel had produced a black hue from the bead.

“…No, that can’t be. The kid immediately showed a brown color.”

A prodigy in swordsmanship, but still just a child. It’s the age of tall tales. Surely, he must have swung incorrectly and shattered something by mistake, claiming it as such.

With that thought, Daisel forced away his unease.

Mircel put the last piece of meat into his mouth and showed the plate to his mother.

“Mom, I’ve finished everything cleanly, can I go now?”

“Yes, you’ve eaten very neatly.”

“Niasel, you’re done too? Let’s go together.”

Niasel nodded as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. As Mircel was about to pass by, the hostess caught him with a somewhat chilly voice.

“But Mircel, did you say you followed because of your curiosity?”

A slightly stinging tone. Mircel nodded nonchalantly.



“So… I told you, I was curious why big brother didn’t die.”

“Big brother?”

Since he usually referred to him as ‘that thing’, Mircel covered his mouth with his palm, realizing his slip.


The hostess erased her expression. Mircel too, gradually lost his flustered look and met her gaze with equally cold eyes. The atmosphere turned icy. Niasel and Erusel broke out in cold sweat, while Daisel watched the situation with keen interest.

“What this mother wants to know isn’t that. I want to hear what you think of him, having seen him up close.”

“Well, I still can’t quite grasp it?”

Mircel replied brusquely, and the hostess raised her hand. In the breathless silence, the children’s attention focused on where her hand was directed. It was towards Mircel’s face.


She gently stroked Mircel’s soft cheek and smiled warmly. Mircel too, brightened his eyes, returning to the expression of an innocent child.

“Alright, go on in. You need to sleep early to grow tall.”


Mircel took Niasel and disappeared. The tension deflated in an instant. The hostess, with a displeased look, surveyed her two sons and said,

“You might not like that I let him go without pressing further. I do have my favorites, it’s true. But know that my worry is greater.”

With a voice tinged with emotion, Dacel expressed his intention.

“If you show resistance, I will not stand idly by.”

“You’ve got it wrong, Dacel.”

After scolding him, the hostess cast a profound gaze towards her two sons.

“The worries I spoke of were not about Mircel.”

Dacel silently swallowed his saliva.

“Mircel is not someone to be pushed away with hostility, but a child to be embraced. Remember that, Dacel.”

The hostess continued her meal as if she had no more to say.

Maintain a harmonious relationship rather than an adversarial one. It was only natural, considering Mircel’s talent, as per the mother’s wishes.

‘The more he grows, the more my position is at risk.’

Dacel had no intention of leaving the rival threatening his position unattended.

* * *

Piles of letters stacked on the desk.

The hostess picked up the last unopened letter. The wax seal on the envelope bore an eagle emblem. She wanted to check the contents immediately, but the words chosen by Mircel echoed in her ears, delaying the opening.

‘Big brother… such a difficult child to control, how did he manage to influence him?’

It was indeed a troublesome matter. In time, Dacel would inevitably have to embrace Mircel.

He didn’t actively seek to improve their relationship, even though the situation would eventually make it so.

‘This is not good…’

There was nothing more troublesome than a person who could attract others.

Nevertheless, putting that aside for later, the hostess opened the letter. It was from the Schweik family, with whom they had recently had friction over territorial issues.

The letter contained various formalities, along with the location and time for a meeting.

It was a unilateral notification with no mutual consultation, so the hostess scoffed.


At the ring of the bell, the steward approached with tense steps and bowed his head. He certainly noticed the hostess’s foul mood.

“…Did you call for me?”

“Tomorrow, we go out. Prepare for it.”

The foremost priority was to protect the family’s welfare. The Hursel matter had to be set aside. That was the adult’s responsibility.

* * *

I wonder why the chirping of the birds feels so welcoming.

Perhaps it’s because it’s usually not so audible. No doubt, they sensed the peace and came as soon as the wicked, mischievous thief cat left the spot.

I clutched the spinning top I was carving. Selly stood beside me, holding a toolbox.

“Number 2 hammer.”

“…What is this?”

“Don’t you see? It’s for making tops.”

“But why… are you only embedding a metal core in the master’s?”

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Selly looked at me disapprovingly. I ignored her and hammered into the center of the top.

“Sometimes, even a child must taste the bitterness of life.”

It had been a while since I made one, and time had passed. The listless light piercing through the window signaled that evening was approaching.

I glanced outside the window and my eyes lit up. A carriage was parked at the main gate. Observing it closely with the telescope on the desk, I could make out the scales symbol of the Orvella family.

Has it finally arrived?

But why did Daysel go out to meet it?

“Did that guy also apply for membership to Edel Kraiss?”

“Daysel? Of course. I believe he applied a year ago, why do you ask?”


As the carriage door opened and a man stepped out, Daysel’s face split into a pleased grin. Naturally, a smile bloomed on my lips as well.

“That guy, he’ll soon feel the sting.”

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