1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 28

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 28

28. Monstrous Bird (2)

As the monstrous bird came to life before him, a scene from the boss battle’s introduction illustration flashed in his mind.

【Phase I: The Glutton】

The whimsical drawing of the monstrous bird, sticking out its tongue from its beak, ready to carve into a human with a fork and knife in hand.

Personally, he found the drawing quite revolting, but that was nothing compared to reality.


“Please, I don’t want to die. Save me. Save me.”

My mind was filled not with thoughts of reviving the dying soldiers but with the fear of ending up like them.

“Hershel, he’s taken his stance. Be ready.”


“I’ll say it again, your body is slow. Don’t even think about dodging his attack at close range.”

“I know.”

There’s a reason I deliberately came to the broken fountain. It was because the area was open for 200 meters ahead, allowing him to be thrown far away by inertia the moment I dodged.

As I prepared to evade his charge, I repeated to myself:

“Relax the strength, keep the feet light.”

“Good, that’s the right stance.”

Donatan and I focused all our nerves on our legs and feet. To move our bodies as fast as possible, there was nothing more efficient than visualizing the same movements in our minds.

“He’s coming!”

At Donatan’s signal, I gestured to the maid watching from afar to run.


The sound of the wall crashing echoed in my ears as the monster’s beak appeared before me.

Having moved my body in advance, I barely managed to step aside, avoiding the beak aimed at my legs.


My feet, lifted by the wind pressure, landed on the ground. I had been uncertain, but now a conviction that it was worth a try surged through me, and strength filled my hands.

“I wish I could react a bit faster?”

“Instinct is acquired and accumulated through experience. You’ll be able to dodge the next attack even faster.”

The monster’s second charge came. Then the third. I managed to dodge with a bit more ease. The monster, seemingly annoyed by my evasion, narrowed its three eyes.

Seeing this, I sensed that this would be the last charge.

From experience, I knew that a change in its gaze meant a change in its attack pattern.

It meant that my time at the fountain was up.

“Then it’s time to take a hit.”

“Did I hear that wrong? What did you just say?”

“I won’t dodge this time. You’ve seen it, haven’t you? How I was fine even after taking a punch from a golem.”

Donatan asked incredulously.

“Huh, yes, that’s true. I’ll give you that. But that was just a lump of stone. Do you think you’re on the same level as that monster?”

“Just watch quietly this time.”

I slipped my hand into my pocket and strutted arrogantly towards the grotesque creature.

“Do you even deserve to be called a great demon? To me, you look nothing more than an overweight pigeon.”

Not that a birdbrain like you would understand human speech… or would it?

The creature’s feathers bristled with rage. I had spoken with such bravado to Donatan, but truth be told, I was scared out of my wits.

Even with ‘1-second invincibility,’ it takes a lot of courage to face a freight truck barreling towards you at racing car speeds with a clear mind.

“Hoo- come at me.”


No sooner had I spoken than the creature’s body dissolved into liquid and scattered. It crashed into me and then exploded. Donatan, seemingly unable to believe the situation unfolding, exclaimed in a stunned voice.

“How can this be…?”

“See, I’m fine, right?”

Just 1 second, but ‘invincibility’ is an unchanging rule. No matter what, I’ve proven countless times that I won’t die for that one second.

“Did you kill it? Did you slay this monster?”

“I wish that were the case.”

This thing’s only weakness is the ‘Sword of Sanctity,’ a monster among monsters. It wouldn’t die from something like this. That’s why I took out a vial from my pocket.

“Viper Silurus’s Venom”

A corrosive poison with penetration deeper than fine particles of mercury.

I sprinkled the venom, said to seep even into rocks, onto the squishy fragments of the creature.


It wouldn’t die from mere poison, but it would at least feel pain and buy me some time.

“Well, time to run away.”

The next place to buy time was the grand mansion.

But here, I had a premonition that something had gone awry.

I had clearly instructed that trio to lead the mansion’s people to safety while I bought time, but I hadn’t seen a soul.

“Donatan, did you see anyone leave the mansion?”

“I was too focused on that thing to notice. But judging by the noise inside, it seems your guess is right.”

As expected.

It wasn’t really a surprise. It was just as I had anticipated, and all I could do was sigh.

* * *

“Why should I follow that order?”

“Well… Sir Steward, given the current situation, shouldn’t we listen to the young master if we want to survive?”

In the hall of the grand mansion, Jack pleaded with sweat dripping down his face. But the steward, as if the words were not worth listening to, wore a cold expression.

“Look here, Jack. I’ve heard rumors that you’ve been mingling with that person lately. Seems those rumors were true. Enough nonsense, if you’re not planning to hide here, then just leave.”

Persuading the steward was no easy task, especially since she had valid reasons on her side.

Jack gritted his teeth as he saw the old butler behind him, wearing an apologetic expression.

‘Darn it, this is all because of that old man.’

The old man was one of the few survivors from the Melbra village massacre by the monster.

The steward had sought advice from the experienced survivor, and his response that he had merely hidden and survived by luck with outside help had led to this situation. They were now planning to lie low here until someone came to their aid.

As Jack pondered over how to fulfill Hershel’s orders, Selly stepped forward in front of the steward.

“With the situation as it is, let’s put an end to these foolish political fights, shall we?”


At the steward’s incredulous response, Selly pointed to the barricade the old butler had erected at the door and said,

“Honestly, you know it too, Mr. Harden. He just got lucky to survive. How many villagers of Melbra are there, and you’re saying some didn’t hide and danced in front of the monster instead? That’s why there were so many casualties? That doesn’t make sense. The people who died must have also desperately prayed, hiding behind doors, waiting for the disaster to pass. Right, Mr. Harden?”

“There’s no denying it…”

“Look. Everyone here probably thinks it’s a stupid idea to stay, right? Unless they’re a fool.”

Despite the sharp glances from the people, Selly looked up at the steward unfazed. The steward’s brow furrowed. Selly’s last remark had crossed a line, prompting the steward’s hand to fly towards Selly’s cheek.


But Selly caught the steward’s wrist mid-air.

“You think I don’t know what you’re up to? I know everything. You’re risking people’s lives here just to look good in front of the lady of the house! Is this really the sane thing to do?”

The steward ignored Selly’s shouts, instead commanding the soldiers around him,

“What are you waiting for? Escort them out, even if it takes force.”

The three were surrounded by a group of soldiers at that moment.


A rough noise made everyone’s eyes shrink.

“They’re coming.”

“The calamity…”

“We were all wrong. So wrong!”


After two dull thuds, the main gate opened. A tall man with blue eyes looked down at the table blocking the entrance and grumbled,

“What’s this? Such a nuisance.”

Jack’s eyes trembled.

“Sir, sir. I was indeed trying to follow the order, but it-“

“Ah, no need for explanations. It’s clear as day. That old hag is just loafing around, isn’t she?”


Hershel stopped in front of the steward. The steward stood his ground, head held high as if he had no intention of backing down.

“You must have heard my order from Jack. Are you refusing it?”

The steward gulped under Hershel’s fierce and arrogant gaze.

“Are you of a higher rank than me?”

“······Not exactly, but managing the servants is within my jurisdiction.”

“Is that so? Then you’re saying you can take responsibility for their lives instead? Good. Go out there and try to hold back that monster by yourself. Or better yet, kill it if you can.”

The steward hesitated, unable to utter a word.

“Why? Can’t do it? But you know what? I can. At least I can buy some time, unlike you who can do nothing but sit here and hide. Everyone knows that from experience, right?”

Hershel continued with a chilling smile towards those around him.

“No matter how much they pray for death, they just won’t die.”

The people nodded weakly as if they were mute from eating honey.

“Then, take it that you all understand and follow Jack and Rodel to the designated place. Selly, take good care of Niasel.”

With a loud clap that echoed through the hall, Hershel signaled them to move.


“Come on, don’t dawdle. Move it, move it!”

At his cue, the old butler hesitated before starting to move, and the others began to gather around Jack and Rodel. The steward followed with a resigned expression.

Just then, a soldier peeking through the curtains urgently cried out.

“The, the monster is looking this way!”

Realizing the delay, Hershel sighed.

“···Hold on. Let’s adjust the plan.”

Things in this world seldom go as planned.

* * *

He sprinted up the mansion’s stairs at full speed.

Already short of breath due to his poor stamina, perhaps it was the urgency of the situation that pushed him beyond his limits.

He felt like he could collapse at any moment, but he managed to reach the top floor.

“Heave! Heave!”

It felt like his lungs were about to burst.

“Tsk tsk, how can your stamina be worse than that of a mere soldier?”

“Ugh. Shut up, dude.”

“Hmph, so what are you planning to do this time?”

“What else? The thing I do best.”

To achieve what I had in mind, I needed some preparations.

I dashed to Aol’s room and rummaged through the wardrobe.

“What do you need that outfit for?”

“You’ll see.”

His sense of smell was extraordinarily developed. The ‘grudge’ in his title came from a tale of vengeance, chasing his target to the ends of the continent to kill them, and the secret to his tracking was precisely that scent.

And now, the greatest object of his hatred was naturally Aol, who had struck him down and sealed him in this place.

Carrying his clothes was enough to attract the creature’s attention.

Indeed, among playable characters, equipping a tank with it had an excellent aggro effect, which proved quite useful.

I guess it’s time to pack it up and get moving.

I opened the window and fluttered a coat of Aol’s. The creature’s eyes bulged, and after sniffing around, it contorted its face.

“What are you going to do by glaring at me? Can that body of yours even fly?”


It flew diagonally. More precisely, it leaped with a jump. I stepped back, making it crash its head into the ceiling, then I threw myself towards the window.


[Physical attack detected.]

[Special ability activated.]

[1-second invincibility cooldown: 60 seconds]

As soon as I landed, I shouted to everyone in the first-floor hall.

“Now’s the time! Run!”

Jack and Rodel took the lead, guiding the people. Selly followed closely behind a soldier carrying Niasel on his back, and people began pouring out from the main gate.

“We’ll split into two lines. Half follow Rodel. The rest follow me!”

“Young master, I wish you good luck.”

“Jack, and Rodel. We’ll finish the story of you leaving me behind and running away after all this is over.”


Jack and Rodel pretended not to hear and ran off in a hurry. They’re so annoying.

I made my way through the divided crowd towards the main hall on the first floor. By now, the creature must have smashed Aol’s room to bits, and it would soon come down.

As I watched, your battle tactics seemed quite intriguing. What’s your next move?

Well, the original plan was to roam around the mansion, but with my current stamina, that would be impractical. I need to rest a bit.

I rummaged through my pocket. Five bottles of poison remained. It would be best to use them all. I need to buy a lot of time for the next phase. The next location to stall is a bit far off.

“I guess it’s time for a proper bout of food poisoning.”


As soon as I finished speaking, the monster burst through the ceiling and landed in the main hall. Hidden by the rising dust, I threw a set of Aiol’s clothes on the floor. Realizing that its bullet-like attacks were ineffective against me, the creature charged at me this time, pounding the ground with its feet.

And then, mercilessly, it smashed its fist down onto the floor where Aiol’s clothes lay.


Unaware that five bottles of poison were hidden in the pockets of the clothes.


Now, I might as well take a leisurely walk to the next location and replenish my strength.

Breathing evenly, I left the mansion. The purple hue in the sky had faded, and the saturation dropped once again.

The speed was astonishing.

Even with a speedrun, at this point, I would have barely cleared one chapter. And that’s if I was lucky.

But to have already eliminated two chapters?


It was a moment to truly appreciate the top-class talent that the kid possessed.

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