12 Miles Below

Book 2. Chapter 21: Call the ships to port

Book 2. Chapter 21: Call the ships to port

The clan lord had an estate of his own. The difference between the Houses and his was the scale and location. Atiuss home remained by the center pillar of the clan, multiple gates leading into it.

As a tradeoff, the scale and size of the estate was smaller in comparison. The auditorium was a simple rectangular room, four pillars giving the area a sense of larger scale, compared to what it truly held in reality. Panels and dividers sectioned off the room into parts only adding to the illusion.

While the clan lord didnt collect trophies or wealth, he collected memories instead. Flat screen portraits held a few strategic locations in the surrounding walls, displaying image after image of past heroes and tales. Glimpses at the past, wars and other items that held significance to the clan lord, even if they held none to us. Some of it was obvious, such as a proud looking man standing tall and smiling in armor, while the clan lord's arm was wrapped around his shoulder, a grin stretched across his face of a mission well done. I didn't recognize the face, though the armor belonged to House Swiftstrike. I was likely looking at the portrait of a long dead knight from the past.

Every few minutes, the screen would transition into another image. I imagine if the clan lord had commissioned paintings instead, the vast amount of memories made over centuries would simply not have any room to fit in this small chamber.

Kidra and I walked in, flanked by Ironreach. Hed also been given the same summons, only hed been at the Winterscar estate so naturally to wait for us.

In the chamber, other knights had formed up, a small semi-circle around the throne of the clan. The other knights in the room came from different houses. Windrunners were accounted for, and so were the Shadowsongs. All five of them, with exception to the Shadowsong prime who was missing.

Atius himself was also missing, the throne empty. A silence remained in the room, a breath held before a storm. We all knew what the score was. Given there were only knights in attendance here.

The clan lord didnt keep us waiting, instead walking into the audience chamber with the Shadowsong prime at his side. The two seemed to have been in a deep conversation, which had ended the moment they walked inside.

Atius made his way to the throne. Ill be short and to the point. Three of our scout teams have returned, bringing back positive confirmation of movement. They hadnt spotted the main army, only clear traces of movement and supplies that point to a massive event occurring by the Othersiders. Guns, ammunition, relic armors, food provisions, Occult weapons and shields.

The room remained silent, all of us knelt down waiting for instruction. Atius sat on the throne, one hand on the hilt of his own sword. Well need to step past simple contingency plans. The time for war is now. In my time underground, Ive earned a few favors. Favors I intend to collect upon now. Given the situation, Ill be dispatching a small delegation group to the nearby city of Capranor. Their city would not stand if it hadnt been for my actions fifty five years ago.

He turned to look us over. Any volunteers?

All hands rose, including mine.

He chuckled. And here I see the fruits of the seeds planted. Ill remind you all, if the raiders have any senses or strategy, theyll know we can and will ask for assistance from nearby undersiders. They will likely have relic knights of their own stationed around the cities looking for such a delegation.

The tone was clear. This mission would likely see a high risk of death. Still, none of our hands dropped down. This was our calling after all.

He motioned to Shadowsong at his side, who stepped forward and spoke. Traditionally, diplomacy requests between the surface clans and the undersiders have to be done with more than just a delegate. A head of a House will be needed to descend down and discuss the terms with the city. Only such an authority would be recognized with the importance required.

The issue is that the majority of our knights are currently tied up in the major expedition and are not scheduled for a return within next week. Time that cannot be wasted.

Atius stepped up, adding his voice again. Given we expect there to be resistance, we cant send a non-knighted diplomat. It will need to be a head of house with knight training, of which there are only two currently in the clan while the expedition is away.

My mind instantly hit the two possible candidates. Kidra and Ikusari Shadowsong, Ankhas father. A pit formed in my stomach as a hunch already whispered which would be picked.

Given Shadowsongs skills, I need him at my side to assist in preparing the clan. The duty thus falls to Kidra. Atius said, looking directly at my sister.

She simply nodded. Ready.

Atius cleared his throat. I charge Kidra of House Winterscar, to journey down to the undersider city of Capranor. You are to call upon debts owed to the clan, and return with assistance from that city. You will be escorted by four knights.

Shadowsong spoke at the Clan Lords side. After much debate, we have come to the conclusion that Kidra will be accompanied by my own daughter and two others under my banner. This will fill out numbers. Experience and skill will be brought into the team by the inclusion of Windrunner.

Evarum Windrunner, affectionately named Rum by Ironreach when they werent on the clock, was one of Atiuss bodyguards. It was pretty clear to me what was going on here.

The clan lord certainly already knew about Kidras recent explosion in speed and was counting on that. Add Windrunner into the mix, and the pair would likely be plenty strong enough to survive any odreal underground. The other shadowsong lackeys being sent down were likely to pad the numbers up without heavily reducing the number of skilled knights the clan currently had on hand. After all, Ankah and her two minions had only recently taken their armors, so their skillset was likely basic but not basic enough to slow down Kidra or Windrunner.

Kidra being an excellent diplomat in her own right was likely sugar in the tea as far as the mission required.

Capranor is only a weeks worth of travel to the south of the clan home. The descent downwards is expected to take three days. Thus, Im expecting this away team to return to the clan no later than a month from now. We predict the raiders are two months away from launching their first wave. Its critical that you make it in time.

Kidra nodded while Atius stood and glanced over the rest of the assembled knights. Everyone here are the reserve knights that were not currently deployed. Im expecting light skirmishes as the raiders begin to mount up. Likely sabotage missions, or attempts to destroy outer fortifications. It will fall to us to defend the clan from such attacks up until the expeditions outside of communications range naturally return. Questions?

One of the knights stood, bowed, and spoke. My lord, when are we to tell the people?

Atius gave a nod to his right hand, and shadowsong picked up the question. The rest of the session felt more like a blur to me as the crippling realization that within the hour, Id be alone and left in charge of an entire House.

Kidra clasped my shoulder and shook it, armor and all. Dont do anything stupid while Im away, dear brother. Ill hear of it.

Dozens had gathered here already to wave goodbye to their friends and family. The room was oddly packed and bustling. I almost couldnt hear her over the noise in the airspeeder hangar.

Ill make sure there isnt anything to clean up when you get back. Or if there is, Ill sweep it under the bed. Out of sight, out of mind, right? I grinned, hands fiddling with Journeys helmet at my side.

She rolled her eyes at that. Follow the list I left you, do not deviate from it. Everything to keep House Winterscar in working condition is there. If theres issues outside of my predictions, listen to the advice of Edgar. She said, pointing at the man to my side. He gave me a neutral, professional glance in return. Hes the Logi accountant hired on to our house. Sagrius is the guard captain, if you need the soldiers to do anything, hell be the one to contact for mass movements.

That man in question was further back in the hangar, overseeing that supplies and crates were correctly provisioned and loaded up. The uniform was crisp and perfectly worn, including the golden Winterscar crest pinning his cloak. The man struck me as someone deeply serious and devoted to his work. Ergo, my spiritual opposite.

Dont worry, dont worry. Its nothing new to me or anything. Whats the worst thing that can happen? I said, shrugging my shoulders. A month is too little time for me to piss off everyone youve ever known. Two months though, I can do a lot in two months.

Now the eyrolls had turned into a glare. Dont tempt the wrath of the gods. I know I can trust you with this. But please dont make me second guess myself.

I gave a nod, looking her dead in the eyes. Time to be serious. I solemnly swear to guide House Winterscar in the direction you set out. I spoke, giving her a full salute.

She nodded, accepting the words. Behind the hubble of the hangar was reaching further levels as the airspeeder itself was going through the checks and tuneups. Scavengers were now equipping their rebreathers and powering on their environmental suits. The vents in the hangar had started up, blowing ice cold air into the room and quickly dropping the temperature.

Im just nervous, and when Im nervous the bad jokes start coming out. Its like Ironreach and his puns. I said.

One of the reasons Im glad to be traveling with Windrunner. Kidra said. Hes far more serious about duties. Though the other three will be a pain to manage.

Expecting trouble?

Kidra glanced over at the three Shadowsongs, who were also giving their own goodbyes to a small gaggle of scavengers of the same house. The Shadowsong prime stood silently in the back, arms folded across his chest and appearing indifferent to watching his daughter leave for a month. If he had any thoughts, they werent shared with anyone.

Nothing I cannot handle, or have handled before. Kidra finally said. The three shadowsongs are under my command, for once. Ankah may be a royal pain in my back, but she will follow my orders and she understands the mission hinges on delivering Atiuss will to these Undersiders.

Behind me, two soldiers from my house walked into the hangar, carrying with them sealed boxes of supplies to be loaded up on the airspeeder. Theyd be accompanying my sister out into the white wastes as a bodyguard detail up until it was time for her to cross over underground. At that junction, it would be only the relic knights. The House soldiers would be returning home, hopefully with good news.

Teed was here as well, though he wasnt the pilot for this ride. Hed had private words with Kidra earlier, and was quietly waiting at the side for me to wrap up.

Kidra, on her part, simply equipped her helmet, sealed it, then turned and walked up the airspeeder ramp. Like an unspoken agreement, the rest of the knights and crew filed behind her, boarding the airspeeder.

A divide spread, between the crew that would be going on the trip, and the hangar staff that would be left behind. Teed passed through the airlock, taking one last look at the massive speeder. The pilot aboard gave him a quick salute through the windows, which he mirrored back before finally going through the portal.

On my part, I equipped my helmet and sealed it shut from the environment, walking and taking a spot next to the Shadowsong prime. In moments, we were the only ones left in the hangar.

Water condensation on the ground was already quickly turning to ice as the vents now began to expel the freezing wind directly. It was important to do this in a controlled manner, least a vacuum happen the moment the heavy hangar doors open.

And you, little Winterscar, what are your thoughts on all this? Shadowsong asked to my side, arms still folded up. Do you believe your elder sister should have been sent instead of a proven knight?

Well. That seemed like a whole bottle of drama I certainly had no leg in, given the tone he spoke in. Kidras far more skilled than people guess. Shell do just fine for the mission. I trust the clan lords intuition on this matter. I answered diplomatically.

The prime nodded. I suppose I have no other choice than to do the same and hope this isn't some ill thought of plot from your house."

I shrugged my shoulders. Were all on the same side in the end, right?

Are we?" He said softly, a tone in his voice that I couldn't quite pick at.

Maybe I can cut right to the heart of this little squabble. Is this more about you being worried for your daughter, or upset the Clan Lord picked a Winterscar over you?

Ikusari turned his gaze slowly in my direction. I couldnt tell what face he was making under that helmet, only that it likely wasnt a friendly one. I do not allow my personal feelings to cloud judgement. Your sister is untested and only a novice knight. He pointed one gauntleted hand to the speeder. The only knight of experience I would trust aboard that ship - is Windrunner. One single knight on a mission of this importance. That... is what I do not agree with. Ironreachs vouch for your sisters skills in combat is suspicious to me. No one simply masters relic armor like this. How Atius did not see through that ploy is something I have yet to understand.

"If you think its not true, or some kind of political play for power, I can tell you right now - its not. She really is as good as they say.

The airspeeder ahead began to power on the main engines, cycling through each to verify integrity. It was absurdly noisy in the hangar, except both the prime and I had helmets that easily cut through such noise. Usually, the side walls of the speeder were left open to allow quick deployment. This time around, the speeder was sealed shut due to the weather report. They didn't want loose snow to flow into the speeder given the approaching storm.

How? Shadowsong simply said after the deep pause between us. You have had these armors for a scant few weeks. And Ironreach claims you and your sister already move faster than he does? If this is not some political scheming, it would be preposterous. I would believe it from Tenisent, but you are not him. Not even a pale imitation of the man.

I felt anger bubbling up inside me, but self control was never really something I excelled at. Father was a legend, theres no way anyone can compete against that. I tried hard to keep my mouth shut, and yet the teeth still came out. You would know all about trying to measure up against him.

Heres everything thats wrong with this picture: For one, this was the Shadowsong prime I was smack talking. For two, I was smack talking right to his face, which usually isnt the greatest of ideas. Its never ended well for me anytime in my past, and I honestly have no idea how I still havent learned the lesson after having my face punched in, the first time. Let alone the second, third and fourth time. And yet here I was, pissing people off like usual.

I tried to cool off and disarm the topic. It was pretty clear to me Atius had so far kept the Winterblossom technique secret as he decided just how to integrate it into the clan. Likely he was mulling over his options before he committed to any path, if I had to guess. It made sense that Shadowsong would think we're pulling the toolbox over the Clan Lord's head here, since he doesn't know what I've been doing in the shadows.

House Winterscar has seen some... let's say 'renovations' on our work culture. I testilly tossed out. Renovations that Im quite proud of. The backstabbing politically addicted house is buried under the snow and good riddance to that lot. This new House is Kidras vision, and she doesnt make mistakes.

Asking me to trust the words of a Winterscar? He scoffed. Do you take me for a fool?

The airspeeders engines picked up, and a deep rumbling could be heard even through the armor. The hangar door was opening up and the wind picked up strongly, the last bits of warm air inside the hangar sucked right out of the room out into the freeze. Behind, the sun was slowly setting across the horizon, a deep red. Waves of wind blasted snowdrift periodically, a small blizzard raging outside.

It was a poor weather to set out in. A blizzard wall was fast approaching from the north. The airspeeder departing should outrun it, though they were already prepared in the event the storm sped up and overtook them, side doors already shuttered on the speeder. The colony on the other hand was immobile, so in a few minutes, the storm will blow over us. We wouldn't be buried in snow, the wind was too strong for that. But for a few hours, visibility outside would be practically zero, esspecially with the sun setting. Nothing that an airspeeder can't plow through, though an environmental suit exposed out here would find danger if the winds blew the poor sod across the ground. Easy to break something if you're tumbling across hard surface.

The airspeeder began to backtrack, gracefully sliding out of the hangar and into the ice tundra that spread across. Turning on itself as it moved, angling to the south. Far in the distance, mountains of white and silver stood waiting for them. With a final roar, the airspeeder began to pick up speed and kicked up a plume of white sleet behind it as it sped away.

Leaving the empty hanger occupied with only the Shadowsong prime and myself. "Look, it's too late to recall the speeder. You'll just have to trust me on this. Trust starts somewhere, right?"

"Indeed... it does." He said cryptically, head glancing back out into the white wastes, hand on the pommel of his blade. I turned my own to watch the receeding airspeeder.

The distant howling of the oncoming storm could be heard already, a massive white wall of powder snow being shoveled by harsh winds, racing across the horizon towards us. Even this far away, I could hear it.

And among that sound, I heard something else: The sound of an Occult blade being drawn, right behind me.

Next chapter - Worthy

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