1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 103: Sultan's Happiest Day

Chapter 103: Sultan's Happiest Day

"May Allah bless our Sultan! Allah senden raz olsun! Allahu Akbar!"

"Hahahaha." Mehmed felt like this is the happiest day in his life since his coronation, but he still has not forgotten that things changes quickly on a battle field, and he must seize this opportunity tightly before it slips away from his own hands, and secure his red apple by his most courageous, battle hardened and trust worthy man.

"Where is my first warrior of the Janissary, Kudret Suvari? I summon thee!"

"Yes, my Sultan! I am here by your orders!" A bold man answered resoundingly, his voice echoes through the camp every time he speaks. It is a man measuring roughly two meters tall, built like a wild bear, every single inch of muscle seems to bulge out of his Rumelian chain mail, and no one dares to challenge the power of his arms which looks as thick as a tiny tree. Even his thigh and legs are filled with strength and muscle.

The blemishing scars and deferments caused by injuries are a trophy of his life long military career. A proof showing that he can be relied upon by his Sultan as always to conquer even the hardest obstacles on the path of the Ottoman conquest.

Mehmed drew out his Kilij blade, and sticked it onto the ground creating a series of loud humming sound. Then Mehmed removed his white glove and gently placed it on Kudret Suvari's conical bronze helmet and ordered. "Kudret Suvari, You are the bravest out of the braves, strongest out of the strongest, most patriotic and loyal to me in all my Janissaries..."

"Now I order you, Kudret Suvari, take my blade, command all the Janissaries, storm into that blessed opening on these cursed city walls, and I need you to bring two men before me, one is Constantine, I need him alive! Find him my warrior! And another man, is called Antonius, I only need his head! Make sure he is dead!"

"Yes, my Sultan." Kudret Suvari responded as he looked at his Sultan in the eyes with a pair of monotonous eyes and emotionless face revealing the terrifying war mark across his face. "But I do not need your blade, my Sultan, I do not mean any disrespect to you my Sultan, but your Kilij blade is too weak and tiny for me."

After he finished his words, Kudret Suvari took out his iron spiked brute from his back measuring roughly half a meter long and smashed it on the muddy dirt splashing all the earth and squashed pebbles around. "This is my weapon my Sultan, with her I can easily smash any head of enemies who dares to defy you, even if he is wearing the best helmet in the world."

Mehmed nodded, patted on Kudret Suvari's bronze conical helmet and praised. "That is the task that I assign you this time my bear, I promise, as your Sultan, that after the siege I give you the privilege of able to loot for one day before everyone else, whatever things you take will be yours, forever yours, no one even me can take it from you."

"It is a great honour my Sultan!"

Mehmed suddenly bowed down and whispered right near Kudret Suvari's right ear. "I only brought five thousand Janissaries this time, and I have already lost six hundred of them. Do me a favour, bring them back to me. At least bring back their bodies."

"Now go!" Mehmed commanded as he walks away. "Take the city!"

Julian and the Venetians are engaged in a protracted battle along every single corridor, every window, every door in the narrow streets near the Ottoman occupation area stretching from that tiny gate of Kerkaporta. The Ottoman commander knows very clear that they have limited support and reinforcement in short time, and they are now the minority inside the city. In order to extend their control and hold their occupied territory inside the city. Thus they must control there key strategic along the northern sector of the Theodosian walls and the Komnenian walls. One is the Gate of Regia, another small gate connecting the palace to the outside world, having this gate under control will give the Ottomans another channel to send reinforcements directly. One is the palace of the Porphyrogenitus, which can be transformed into a fortified garrison, and the third is the octagonal towers measuring seventeen to twenty meters tall on the Wall of Manuel Komnenos, forming the basic defense of the extended area of Blachernae, and foreseeing the area beneath it.

On the other side, Julian also roughly knows the intentions of the Ottoman Janissaries, thus he is trying to use every single bit of his superiority in intelligence about the surrounding area, putting up lines of defense one after another. But he soon came to realise that he got two immediate difficulties. First is that although reinforcements are coming in from anywhere giving them an outnumbering advantage against the Ottoman Janissaries in the walls, but they all came from various divisions under different commanders meaning that there is no centralised command and extremely unorganised.

Moreover, due to the narrow terrain in the corridors, streets and alley ways, there is a limited battle width whereby only a few men can be in the front engaging the enemies, while the rest of the soldiers are either at the back cheering up for their mate in front or sitting down watching a show while replenishing their energy. The whole battle field is as chaotic, messy and puzzling as an advanced mathematics calculus question.

The direct result of this disorganization is that although the Ottomans are the one with lesser men, they still managed to hold the grounds by putting up defense blockades in some areas. What makes matter even worse is that in some areas the Romans put up too much forces wasting valuable manpower, while in some narrow streets or alley ways it is poorly defended or even having completely no defense at all, allowing the Ottoman Janissaries to sip through these defenses bit by bit and suddenly appearing at the back of the Romans, just like how their ancestors entered the Anatolian and Armenian mountains a few hundred years ago.

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