1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 113: Last Few Meters

Chapter 113: Last Few Meters

"The admiral of the Romans advanced forward by fifty meters!"

Antonius continues moving forward right after Harald and his men while his sailors, who on natural loud speakers trained by the waves of the seas roar out his message.

Seeing their respected admiral showing up onto the ground risking himself is a great boost to the morales of the Varangians fighting on the frontline and the sailors guarding the flanks. Upon hearing the message, they began wielding their blades in hand much more frantically hoping to push the enemies away to prevent Antonius from getting into any potential danger.

Both sides are now on the brink of collapse, it is just a matter of time before one man from one side feels like they cannot take it anymore and fall back, eventually causing the disruption and collapse of the entire army. And with Antonius himself personally joining in, it extended the durability of the entire Roman force giving them a buff causing them to over run the Ottoman janissaries at that one point of time, eventually causing the Janissaries to be unable to take it anymore and collapse, leaving the position of the victors to Harald and his gang.

However, this does not conclude the battle of the day, the situation just turned into a little bit better. The Ottomans still have there last line of defence, Kudret Suvari.

"The admiral of the Romans advanced forward by a hundred meters!"

Harald and his men, forced by their admiral closing in behind slowly, attempted to rush up the slope where the Ottoman commander's flag flies in the windy early spring Mediterranean season. What Harald and his men did not realise is that thanks to Mauro and his Genoese mercenaries, the Ottoman archers stationed on the walls are mostly cleared out by Mauro, with their ladders detached preventing any further from climbing up, and major stairs linking to the battle ground blocked. This means that the walls are now secured greatly reducing the tactical stress level by eliminating Ottoman ranged support, while Mauro and his men are temporarily safe on the walls as the Ottoman Janissary commander has to deal with the close to the eyes threat of Harald and his legion of gruesome looking Norse giants first.

Without all these bolts and arrows flying down pouring onto them, the Varangians only has to deal with the enemies in front of them up on the slope.

The Ottomans did put up a really good stance against the Romans by using the geographical terrain advantage to its fullest. By staying on the higher ground of approximately thirty to fifty meters high, the Varangians are forced to elevate uphill through the limitations of surrounding urban terrains. But it proves to be no difficulty for Harald and his men who are already used to live in mountainous mountain terrains from young as they paced themselves steadily uphill towards the Ottomans with blood still dripping from the grooves of their blades.

However, apparently their admiral is still not satisfied enough with their progress.

"The admiral of the Romans advanced forward by a hundred and fifty meters!"

The continuous shouting indicating the whereabouts of Antonius keeps going on behind acting like a piston pushing the Varangians in front giving them no time to rest or reform. Antonius knows very well that the Varangians cannot stop for whatever reasons, or else all of their efforts will come to no avail as if they do not push, the Ottomans will come back from all directions. From the front, the broad flanks, or even the rear.

If a man lay down his burden off his shoulders, he might never be able to pick it up again.

Harald tried hard to look up, open his blood clotted eyes are started uphill, where the Ottoman commander is already there waiting for him, in a reachable distance. Not far behind him is the utmost vital target and the culprit that caused all of these The Gate of Kerkaporta. Looking at this, caterpillars vessels emerged in Harald's already half blood shot eyes donning his eyes in a bright cardinal colour. It is definitely a fright in the night when you see a vampire like creature with full body covered in the colour and scent of blood charging towards you wielding a breath taking battle axe with blood still dripping on it.

While charging, Harald yelled to his men without looking back. "Comrades! The hill is around fifty meters of height, if I managed to push until the top, shout my name for me to know when to stop!"

After that, he grabbed his axe and charged upwards mercilessly slaughtering and mutilating one after another enemy, an incensed Nordic polar bear, a merciless slaughter machine, and the protagonist of the night.

Harald brutally slashes his battle axe onto the shoulder of an enemy before him giving him a free face wash of gushing blood blocking his vision. Unable to pull his axe out of the corpse, Harald immediately noticed that his axe has went through the man's clavicle bone into his ribs and got the blade stuck there. Knowing that most probably he will not be able to carry on the assault, Harald let out a ear splitting roar, lifted up the entire corpse up using the axe as a pivot and flung it towards the most obvious target in his hampered by blood clots vision, the red flag of the Ottoman commanders, freeing his battle axe in the process.

With a magnificent force, the corpse flew a beautiful curve across the mid air, watched by almost every single pair of eyes in the area, and finally landed on the middle section of the wooden flag pole, crushing it into half before collapsing onto the ground.

In both the Romans and the Ottoman Janissaries' eyes, the red flag signifying the Ottoman commander, is sent crumbling down and fell into two pieces.

Antonius, who has been observing the situation closely from behind, quickly noticed the precious strategical opportunity Harald has provided him with. He widened his eyes like a bell and gave the next command.

"Quick! If you know the Turkish language, shout the commander is dead! The Janissaries have lost! For those of you who don't know, follow those who knows! Start now!"

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