1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 18: Three Heads In a Roll

Chapter 18: Three Heads In a Roll

Three Days Later, in the city of Bursa, formally Prusa, Opsikion, Anatolia.

"Are you insane? Is your Emperor out of his mind? What is Loukas Notaras doing?" The Grand Vizier of the Ottoman, Candarli Halil Pasha, is appalled by this absurd piece of news that he looked outside of the window to make sure the sun rose from the west.

Candarli Halil Pasha stared at the four ambassadors with his unique pair of bull's eyes. Still haven't recovered from the shock of receiving such a ridiculous letter, he leaned his forehead on his palm. This old man had too much matters on his plate recently, from losing influence on the Sultan and his court gradually as Mehmed grabs back power bit by bit, and also losing control of navy and Kapudan Pasha for losing half of the Sultan's battle fleet in the Aegean. Then now he received this stupid letter that will potentially spur troubles and end his years of diplomatic reputation as the Grand Vizier.

"Yes, your highness Candarli Halil Pasha." The ambassadors, now knowing how dangerous the letter they are carrying, pleaded with tears in their eyes. "The Mega Doux has always said about how trustworthy you are, being an old friend of the Empire. We plead you to use your influence in court and urge the Sultan by all means to agree to at least some of the terms in this treaty."

The ambassador bites his teeth, stepped forward approaching the ears of the Grand Vizier, and whispered by his ears. "If, your highness accepts to help us, the Mega Doux offers a total two thousand Ducats of golden coins, made from the purest gold possible, if the Sultan agrees he will pay up, the Mega Doux has promised another three thousand Ducats as a gift of thanks"

Candarli Halil pasha frowned, stood up from his seat and walked around his desk for a while, and asked back. "Tell me, what is this old, cunning fox thinking of this time round."

"Yes your highness, our Mega Doux, in consideration of the benefiting peaceful relationships between the two states, we shall hold our hands tight together to endure the unknown waves of hardship in the future, build a peaceful and prosperous bond that last for eternity."

Candarli Halil pasha slammed his fist against the birch table and ordered. "Drop it! Stop all these nonsensical diplomatic use of long-winded words, tell me the real deal. What, does Loukas want." He stared at the eyes of the ambassador directly and threatened. "Don't test my patience, young man, don't forget that I used to serve in the army of my Sultan, my blade by my waist is no wooden stick hang there for decoration."

The ambassador gulped and kneeled with his head low on the ground, under the fear of the old man in front of him. "Yes, your highness my lord Mega Doux wants to prove to the Sultan that Constantine, is an inept ruler and unfaithful tributary of his majesty. He promise you that if you help him become the ruler of Constantinople, he won't stab the most prestigious Sultan in the back and will gift you whatever you want in the city of Constantinople"

Candarli Halil pasha went to re-read the letter as the ambassador speaks, upon hearing the last sentence, he rolled his eyes, didn't even bother to look at the man and continued in a disgusted tone.

"Tell me, how am I supposed to trust a Roman, who is excelled at civil strives and stabbing people in the back?"


"Don't try to bribe me on this, young man." Candarli Halil pasha got up from his chair, worn a coat, looked at his ashen beard and hair, said in a deep, low voice. "I built this country since I am young, with the former Sultan Murad II, I gave this country my youth, my blood, my sweat, watched this country grow with me being the Grand Vizier Listen you devious Roman, I am not like that fraudulent Loukas, I will not sell my country for your stinky gold"

"Now I shall bring you to my sultan, he will decide what is to be done with you."

* * * *

The Sultan is inspecting his janissaries training in the old capital of Bursa when Candarli Halil pasha arrived with the Romans. Mehmed is a good mood, leaning against a couch while his wife, Gulbahar Hatun feeds him with peeled grapes freshly harvested from Anatolia. Their sun Beyezid playing with sand not for away with two maids, and below them on the training ground, the janissaries are training melee combat and preparing the next battle. It all seemed like a fine normal family gathering afternoon of the royal family.

That is, until Mehmed read this letter of troubles.

"So" The Sultan, still smiling, dropped the letter on the ground, and asked the four ambassadors. "This is what Constantine wants to say? Threaten me to send back my most beloved brother?"

"No, Sultan, my Emperor just wants to ask a few simple favours as requested on"

"Shut up, you stupid Greeks." Mehmed suddenly stood up from the couch, and signalled Gulbahar Hatun to back off with Beyezid. The later bowed towards the Sultan and Candarli Halil pasha, before dragging Beyezid and other maids out of this place.

"Listen ignorant people. I, Mehmed, have enough of your devious plots. My father Murad was indeed a lenient and conscientious suzerain to you and your emperor. But I am not my father, remember that closely." Mehmed still having this terrifying smile on his face although his mind is burning with flames of rage, responded as he walks pace by pace towards the ambassadors.

"And you dare to come demanding for my leniency after plundering my treasure fleet, burning my battle fleet. Tell Constantine, if he eludes his bold and impetuous grasp on me with my beloved brother, it will only be because Allah continues to overlook your cunning and wicked schemes." By this time the ambassadors have already kneeled on the ground, frightened and trembling in fear.

But Mehmed is not done yet. "You, you are amck. To think that you lowlife can threaten me with your fantasies, furthermore the ink on our treaty signed three years ago haven't fully dried yet, and you came asking me for another blatant provocation. How dare you, to treat me like a child."

The ambassadors are already perspiring like mad, head hanging low on the dirt, trembling for mercy against the wrath of a young Sultan, unleashing his fire of bury against the four poor messengers. However, Mehmed is not done yet.

"Listen, Greeks."

"If you think you can wager a war, I will be waiting with my army in Thrace."

"If you think you can put Orhan on the throne, I will slaughter every man supporting him."

"If you think you can call another crusade by John Hunyadi across the Danube, I will massacre every single of them like what happened in Varna."

"If you think you can recover your 'lost Roman pride and land', come and try me. However, take this in mind; you shall not make any success in any of these. All that you will achieve, is to lose every bit of that little things your still have. Your empire, your city, your emperor, and your people."

After ranting and letting off his anger, Mehmed seems to have calmed down a bit, although his chest is still bulging up and down from just now. He seems to have lost interest in this four poor fellows. Mehmed turned around and summoned the guards.

"Behead three of them and torture the remaining one. Keep him alive with strength to go back to Constantinople, with their heads and my return letter."

"Yes, my Sultan."

Mehmed walked to the balcony with, looking at his loyal Janissaries lining up in parade formation awaiting their Sultan's inspection. Candarli Halil pasha followed closely behind with his back bent, apparently also a bit affected by his Sultan's fury.

The vast army spread to no boundaries, counting in tens of thousands, they are the most loyal soldiers commanded by the Sultan directly himself. They are his sword, his shield, his backbone and his watch dogs.

"My brothers of Sun and Moon! Sons of Muhammad! The Romans just sent a letter of insult to the Ottoman Sultanate! What should we do!"

"Kill them!" A huge battle roar erupted from the Janissaries.

"They threatened to take our land, says that they will restore their glory, what should we do!"

"Conquer them!"

"They say they will extinguish everyone in their path, what should we do brothers!"

"Eliminate them!"

"Iin Devlet-i Alye-i Osmnye!"

"Iin Devlet-i Alye-i Osmnye!"

Mehmed turned back and looked at the head and neck of his Grand Vizier and asked kindly. "My dear Candarli Halil pasha, I will go to war with the Romans in six month's time. I hope that I will have your utter support to gather the forces of all other Pasha and Beys."

"You shall have my utmost support and loyalty, my Sultan." Candarli Halil Pasha replied, with his heads low that Mehmed cannot see his facial expressions.

"I am so happy that you are on my side Pasha. I want two hundred thousand men assembled and another fleet being built in half a year's time."

Candarli Halil pasha lowered his head even more and replied.

"By your order, my Sultan."

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