1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 2: Ducato di Candia

Chapter 2: Ducato di Candia

Krete, sitting in the mid of the eastern Mediterranean, perfectly located on one of the busiest trade routes in Europe. It has served as a barricade for Byzantium against Saracen pirates into the Aegean, and also serves as a platform for enhanced communication by trade through the east and west.

To the north one can reach the busy ports of Greek coasts, such as Thessaloniki, Constantinople, and Izmir within a thousand miglio (Roman Mile) distance. To the east you have the centre of trade in Asia such as Cilicia and Antiochia also within a thousand miglio. To the south, you have the light tower of the entire upper and lower Eygptus. And to the west, one can sail directly following the wind to Palermo, the city of pride of Sicily.

Such a geographical importance gave it the name of the most strategically important island in east Mediterranean. The Republic of Venice had its eyes on this island a long time ago ever since their trade network entangled into this area. They made it an official colony after the fourth crusade and bought it from the Rex of Thessaloniki.

And now, Antonius is standing on the docks of Candia, a free trade city under Ducato di Candia, a vassal of Venice.

"Abraham, take this full cargo ofwhatever it is, sell it to the Hospitallers or whatever herbal merchant you can find, then split the coin between the crew."

Antonius is clearly frustrated by the cargos of herbs and plants being unloaded onto the port by his crew member, ordered his chief captain to get them out of sight as soon as possible.

After that, he alighted the ship and went thinking about a good place to sell his information that he acquired not long ago from Abdullah.

Straight to the duke of Candia? Of course, no, he is not that high ranked and prestigious to face the governor. But he cannot just sell it to some random folks on the harbour, he even doubts that these ordinary folks will take the slightest interest in it.

Just when Antonius is wandering about on the harbour, with no where to go, he got surprised in meeting his own friend.

"Giovanni! My friend! What are you doing here in Candia!"

"My friend Antonius! It has been ages! Come give me a hug!"

The two pals of old times hugged and laughed, it is not easy to encounter an old friend when you spend ages on the seas, and it is even harder to see one Genoese on Venetian territory.

"I am here to gather some new recruits." Replied Giovanni, "My company lacks some archers and crossbow men after my last deal, and you know that the Cretan archers are specialised in this area."

"Ahh I see, you and your band of merry-man. Aye I do, I had a taste of Cretan archers myself a couple of months ago."

Giovanni ignored Antonius' remarks of 'merry-man' and continued. "I have acquired a new seemingly profitable deal from Constantinople, in a week's time I shall gather enough men and set off for Chios." He turned around and inspected Antonius. "Actually, my brother, you do seem like a fine mercenary, why not come with me for this deal."

"Nah I know myself Giovanni, I make no fine soldier, I doubt that I can even hold a heavy sword in plate armour properly! Oh, just curious, what is the reward that Constantinople gave you this time, can't possibly be gold and coins isn't it?"

"Hahahaha you really do have a sense of humour my friend." Giovanni chortled, like he had heard the best joke in the world.

"Everyone knows that the so-called 'emperor' of the Greeks is the poorest emperor of Europe, what kind of treasure can he offer me? My reward this time is an isle in the Aegean, a place that I can finally make home for me and my boys."

Upon hearing this deal, Antonius suddenly grew hesitate. An isle in the Aegean can definitely help a lot with his sea-faring business providing a natural port and safehouse for his crew, he paused for a while and responded. "My dear Giovanni, I think I have changed my mind, Ill meet you in Chios one month later."

The two men hugged once more and separated, went for each other's business. Antonius, still trying to search for a buyer of his information.

He made his way through the narrow but bustling streets of Candia, commuters and sailors carrying wares pass by shoulder to shoulder, and the sound of merchants advertising their merchandise can be heard at every corner of the city.

Antonius reached the inn, a tavern like this in a trading port can always be a sensitive place of gathering and sharing information that one can always find something of interest over here.

All port-side taverns that Antonius went to is about the same. Located in some shadowy district in the city near the port, with ceilings low enough that force him to bend in order to enter, various unnameable Mediterranean plants run through the already cracked walls making people wonder if it will eventually collapse one day, and most importantly, the scent, it might be unbearably stinky for first-timers into a tavern like this.

Of course, there is another thing associated with the tavern in these times, women. Antonius can already see a few familiar faces around there hugging some young lass and drinking them mead sumptuously.

Antonius walked straight towards the bartender. "One yale of beer." He requested, after surveying the surrounding and making sure no one's attention is on him. He made eye contact with the bartender and asked, "Do you know anyone here buy pays money for...some info?"

The bartender did not utter a single word in reply, he pointed at a man sitting alone in a desk in the corner, and then went back wiping his mugs.

Antonius looked in the direction of a man, a noble-like man wearing black high collarless Venetian style and head wrapped in draped pointed hat with a tassel, playing cards with only himself.

He finished the last gulp of his beer and walked straight to the man with his heads low, then sat down opposite the man.

"Yes?" the man raised and head and peeked at Antonius. "Fancy a game of cards with this old man?"

"I heard that you are that kind of person that will pay a hefty sum forother people's affairs."

"Aye, you have any business to tell?"

"What kind of 'businesses' are you interested in?"

"Everything, from the daily life and gossips in this city, the politics of this duchy, to multi-state affairs, the weight of the information determines the value of coin you will get, of course."

"Aye I see, how about this the most beloved concubine of the Ottoman sultan is bedridden, can't live long most likely"

"The affairs of the Sultan and his woman does not interest me, but I shall still give you a few Grossus for that." The man replied instantly and is about to reach for the purse, an action that is considered dangerous in a tavern like this.

"Wait!" Antonius stood up from the stool and gripped the arm of the man, he raised his head the second time but this time his eyes are filled with alert.

"I have another news, big one it must be." Antonius slowly sat back, releasing the grip, and continued. "The Ottoman Sultan are planning to go on another round of offensive on Constantinople, presumably next year."

The man's pupil suddenly narrowed, leaned forward, and asked under his breathe in an anxious tone "Are you sure about that, is your source of information reliable?"

Antonius got surprised by his reaction, but soon he got a crafty smirk on his face. Judging by the man's reaction Antonius knows that he has the upper hand in this deal and can definitely get a good price for it.

"Wait a minute, sir, common don't be so impatient, lets talk about the price first, then I can tell you the full story."

The man, realised that he has made a gaffe, took a deep breathe and calmed himself down. He finally took proper look at Antonius, seemingly noticed that this deal might be the most important one in this whole year.

The old man, after catching his breathe and finishing his last sip of mead, replied in a serene tone. "I don't know how much it worth, it shall depend on how trustworthy your news is and how soon this 'event' you said will happen."

"Let's say I have some 'internal' sources directly from the Ottoman palace in Edirne? How will that count?" Antonius asked back while playing with the cards on the table.

The old man replied with silence.

Just when Antonius grew tense, worried that this deal might not work or the old man has given up, the old man suddenly stood up.

"I need to take my leave, young man." He slowly put on his cloak and tidied his hood. "Meet me near Saint Andrews Bastion at dusk, and bring your 'internal source' with you, if you don't, I won't be giving you a single copper."

Antonius watched the old man as he goes, however soon he realised something.

"Damn!" Antonius slammed the table with his fist clenched. "Why did I let him go." He murmured to himself. He grew increasingly tense that if he brings his captive, Abdullah with him, Abdullah might take the chance to expose his true identity of a pirate.

He knew this too well, Venice do have a trade pact with the Ottomans but not with their century old rival Genoa, if he got exposed, he will definitely be hanged and trailed here.

It did not take long before Antonius decided to give up on this deal and his instinct tells him that he ought to leave this tavern as soon as possible, back to his ship where he thinks is his only place of safety.

However, just before he leaves, a firm hand gripped hold of his shoulders from behind.

"Hey! You! You are not from here aren't ya!" Antonius can smell the harsh scent of low-quality alcohol and the odour from a sailor's mouth coming from behind. He lowered his head and decided not to respond and get out of here as soon as possible, but the strength increased on his shoulder.

"Hey piss-pot I am asking you a question!"

Antonius raised his head, turned behind, and smiled with a sneer.

"Oh yes."

"And I am from Genoa."

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