1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 20: Where Is Justice

Chapter 20: Where Is Justice

It did not take long before Yuri could assemble all his companions from their Nordic lands scattered around the city. All bunch of burly merry man that sailed all the way south following the path walked once by their forefathers. It was widely circulated that once they retire formally as the Roman Emperor's Varangian guard, they will receive that greatest honour, a bunch of fine silks manufactured from the distant land of Serica, royal purple cloak, and other treasures gifted to them by the Emperor of the Romans they are serving. One piece of fine silk itself is enough to change for a manor and vineyard back in those freezing cold Nordic hometowns.

Of course, that is a miracle of the past. Now even Constantine himself cannot afford to wear silk all the time. And the Varangian guards is a no more after the Romans have lost most of their land.

Soon as Antonius invited the fifty of them and settled down inside the camp, they began bragging about their brave histories and fighting talents in front of their new employer, trying to hint for a better pay and prove their usefulness in warfare.

A man from the extreme north land of Islandia, named Harald, started first. "As your all know, I am a direct descendant of the most renowned warrior back in Smland!"

The other Varangians, apparently having heard about this version of story for multiple times, all started groaning and complaining. "Oh no, Harald began telling his fantasies again! Make your boring story quick!"

"Okay, okay." Harald continued with his hands akimbo, holding his enormous beer belly. He then continued bragging. "Since us Scandinavians went to seek a living out in the seas, the Danish goes westwards to conquer the isles of Britannia, the Swedes goes eastwards to ransack the lands of Novgorod, while the Norwegian goes no more, they end up hunting and robbing along the cliffy shores full of tall sky-high pine tress."

"Oii! Harald! Bullshit! Du er full av tull!" A group of red-head Norwegians started yelling and cursing in their language.

"Although I am born in Smland of Sweden, but since the high times of Viking age my house has reached the isle of Ireland. My house is known for being one of the bravest among all Swedes and master of the seas. But we had to set off for Iceland because Ireland is a tough rock to bite."

He paused a while, as-if he is not telling an ancient marvel but a true piece of history and continued in a powerful voice. "As you all know that place is full of fire-spiting venomous wyverns, krakens devouring passing by ships eating sailors raw, and jtnar giants smashing the head of people with his skull club. However, my forefathers slain the venomous wyvern, fended off the kraken, ransacked the giants and chased them out of the isle!"

"Oii! Harald! Bullshit! Stop boasting!" The rest of the Varangians slammed their fists against their wooden shields and cursed in disagreement. "You told us a few days back in the tavern that you went to the giant tree of Yggdrasil, crawled her roots into Niflheim and slain the root-eating evil dragon of Nidhogg!"

Harald's face blushed and tittered in embarrassment, scratched his giant tummy and sat back down on the ground.

Antonius laughed and booed in Harald and other's words bragging themselves, sitting together in a circle with Yuri, Harald and other Varangians talking about each other's glorious past and their talents. He must admit that he liked this feeling, laughing and teasing alongside with these men with an open mind and heart. Much better as compared to those conspiracies and intrigues he faced back in the court and palaces.

Thinking about this, Antonius stood up, shook his already numb leg and announced. "Alright lads, I will employ all of you into my new 'Varangian guards'"

"Hooray!" The Varangians jumped up, hugging and kissing each other as they heard the news.

Antonius laughed again, led them into camp and pointed at the bunch of recruits doing basic military training. "Listen lads, I want you to train those rookies into men who can fight on both land and seas with giant battle axes like you, quick as I will be using you in presumably a few month's time."

"Aye! My brother Antonius, just leave em'to us and we will train em'into true Nordic warriors!"

"And meanwhile, in your free time, if you encounter any similar Varangian loitering in dock looking for a job, guide him here, we need more men, fifty of you is not even enough to form a battle formation." Antonius glanced to the doors and saw a courtier of the Emperor, called Andronikos, bowing and awaiting him. "With that, act quick lads, you got work to do."

"Aye! We have a job! Now act quick lads!" Yuri and others responded loudly as Antonius turned around and walked up to Andronikos.

"The Basileus is expecting you, Lord De'Ricci."

A while later, in Palace of Blachernae, royal garden.

Constantine came here to take a break, lay off the stress left on his shoulders with the affairs of his tiny state and all those court struggles between different factions.] He sits on a rocking chair in a pavilion in the middle of the garden, enjoying the scent of fragrance from flower buds, chirping of birds in nature, and the cosy breeze of the Mediterranean, enjoying his unique moment of peace. Until his peace is interrupted by the entrance of Antonius.

Antonius detached his cutlass to the guards and took off his boots as a form of Roman palace custom, he was then ushered by a palace maiden to Constantine, who is accompanied by no advisors or courtiers around, only some maidens and gardeners nearby. Antonius soon realised that this is a solo private meeting, just between him and the Emperor.

"Ah, Lord De'Ricci, here you are." Constantine gave Antonius a warm smile, waved at him and greeted. "Its only a private meeting, you need not show those troublesome court courtesies here, come inside and have a seat beside me."

"Aye, I thank you Emperor." Antonius walked into the pavilion big paced, sat down at the opposite side of Constantine and stared with him eyes to eyes, without showing any form of courtesy.

This is the first time that the two men has came to such a close interaction since Antonius marched into Constantinople, but he is pretty sure that it won't be the last time.

Antonius examined the face of the Emperor closely for the first time, he has a slim look and bearded chin, Constantine is around twenty years older than him, which gives him some wrinkles. He has a strong, energetic and vigilant pair of eyes, but also a black circle around his eyes from years of hard never-resting work trying to pull his country away from death.

The two men stared at each other for a while, and Constantine broke the silence. "So How have you been, my mgas droungarios?"

"Fine, Emperor, training new soldiers in preparation for a new battle."

"I see." Constantine nodded and replied. "I have informed the other courtiers that I have my full trust on you, so you can recruit and train as when you like, just be sure to notify me if you have a new battle plan with the Ottomans."

"Thank you. Emperor." Antonius leaned forward a bit and said nothing else.

The pavilion went back to the state of an awkward silence.

It took a while before the Emperor broke the silence again. "I have heard of the turmoil of understanding, between you and Loukas, I offer my condolence to your man."

"I thank you on behalf of Abdullah, Emperor." Antonius immediately answered back and then remained silent.

Seeing this, Constantine sniggered. "You are really a true man on the seas from the border of barbaric lands and civilisation aren't you."

Antonius still remained silent.

The Emperor continued on a lighter tone. "Don't worry Antonius, justice shall be done I have punished Loukas, as the Mega Doux he should not jailed people without evidence. I have confiscated him half a year's salaries as a form of punishment."

Antonius examined the Emperor with surprise for the second time. He was shocked again that his man, Abdullah, was so mistreated and beaten beyond shape in the jail, and all Constantine, the Emperor did is to 'fine half a year's salary' of the richest man in Constantinople, Loukas. So, what now, if Abdullah is here with Antonius, must he kneel down and thank the Emperor for 'giving him justice'?

This is an absurd 'justice' by an Emperor.

Antonius clenched his fist in the feeling of fury and unjust, he feels that he is about to enlist the beast of rage within him out. However, he soon remembered Abdullah's words of wisdom from this morning in the camp hospital.

"No Antonius, you still don't understand my words. It is not worth it, we have no roots in this place, we don't know what happens when we are out of this harbour. The city inside those walls are covered in fog and mist, remember my brother, any action taken without going through your head will get you killed."

After getting this through his head, Antonius relaxed and controlled his anger. He had lost his interest in today's meeting with the Emperor and wants to take his leave quick.

Constantine yawned, apparently also a bit tired from all of today's events and said in a worn-out tone. "Fine, Lord De'Ricci, please do continue to secure the Empire's maritime routes and borders, for Abdullah, I will compensate him a hundred ducats, don't let this matter affect you Lord De'Ricci. The safety and stability of the Roman empire still depends on you."

Upon hearing this, Antonius immediately stood up, bowed towards Constantine, and left the garden and the palace. Leaving Constantine on the chair behind staring at his back.

"What a barbarian, my majesty, must the empire rely on these barbarians from overseas?" Asked a maid who was behind Constantine the whole time.

"No, you don't understand, he has every right to be angry But what can I do? Jail Loukas? Politics is far more complicated, it is a world that you are not familiar quiet now, I need some rest." Constantine finished impatiently, and then closed his eyes on the chair.

"Yes, your majesty."

Silence returned to the Pavilion.

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