1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 383: The Rare Snow Flakes

Chapter 383: The Rare Snow Flakes

The now eight thousand plus strong force continued being embarked on a journey that seems to be covered in the mist of danger and mysteriousness like haze, which seems to be getting thicker and thicker every step they goes. Some Roman senator who followed this expedition could not control his fear after overhearing that conference, and out of pure stupidity and ignorance towards military knowledge, suggested that they should separate the entire army in to three components, with these 'outlanders that are not from Constantinople' to go first, so that if there are real danger ahead they would be ones to die first, and in exchange let the bulk of the troops retreat in peace. 

Of course, this stupid idea got bluffed at by Mauro even before it reached the emperor, whom by his nature went on to tease and joke about these plans, but unknowingly his words did cause an impact in the fragile mind of the young senator who was fed with golden spoons grown up in a noble back ground. Unknowingly these comments by Mauro, although very true indeed, caused the relationship between his superior Constantine and the senators to deteriorate even further. 

The emperor is busy too, doing the jobs that are supposed to be done by his commanders sending out waves after waves of scouts out in to the points he has marked on the maps. And this got better after direct complaints from the commander of the scouts and cavalries reassuring the emperor that if there is an ambush right on the plains, then his scouts are more than capable of catching the trails with their professional knowledge. But the emperor is still worried, which according to his words spoken to Innocentius, he almost wanted to ask the Ottoman ambassador Ayaz Ahmad directly about what are the Ottomans planning.

The ambassador Ayaz Ahmad Pasha kept his pace though, does not seems to be affected by a bit even as the increasing suspicion and suspense by the Romans going around him every day, as if he could not feel those pairs of doubtful eyes. He still gets involved in the route planning and advice giving discussions twice ever day. This day that he gave an advice telling Constantine to move the troops north where there is another Ottoman outpost that is waiting to be captured, and finally one senator could not take it any more, totally forgetting about the emperor's words of not exposing their suspicions to the ambassador to increase the latter's alertness, and lashed every thing out when the council is dismissed.

The senator, called Typhoeus decided to express his concerns in a more indirective approach. "Honourable ambassador, have you recently received any letters or information from your master Abbas Pasha, ever since you have been told to remain here on our side as assistants?"

Ayaz Ahmad Pasha looked down at the muddy ground, sighed and shook his head. "Sadly no, not even a message asking me about my well beings, neither did he inform me of any future plans or instructions, almost making me forget that I am a part of his faction"

"I see, I see, don't worry pasha, you shall be allowed to go back to Bulgaria once we settle our issues with that Ottoman Sultan." Senator Typhoeus could not ask any more enquiries, left a few words of kindness and compassion, and went back to his own premises feeling disappointed that he did not fork out any useful information from the mouth of this ambassador. The later behaved in a completely normal manner, with no signs on his face showing that he might be a snitch. Though with suspicion being heightened to another level through Constantine's instinct, every piece of advice that this ambassador now gives is careful evaluated by the emperor before executing.

The winter of the ancient Roman lands is rather different from those in Alemannia, Rus and Gaul. Snow is a rather unusual phenomenon being observed here, with the entire place near to the Mediterranean seas, there is a constant wave of Sirocco wind which is warm and humid, originated from Northern Africanus this wind constantly travels northwards affecting the climate of the coastal regions, making it a rather different environment when compared to northern Anatolia, which is roughly on the same latitude as Thrace, and it snows a lot over there.

But unusual certainly shall not mean that it will not happen, and during night of the next day the encampments of Constantine got hit by a spectacular snow storm waking every one, including the emperor Constantine, up from their light sleeps. Of course, it is not to have a view of the snowy white scenario and play tug of snow ball walls together, but to clean the thick layer of snow that has built up on the canopy of the out field tents. This is to prevent the weight of the thick layer of snow building up and overwhelm the supporting structures of the tent, burying the people that are still in deep sleep deep beneath the snow, making death come stealthily forbidding the trapped soldiers from even alerting the others or struggle for life, succumb to the being pressurised by the snow, or suffocated, or even worse gradually frozen to demise.

The snow for that night was absurdly heavy, tainting the entire sky in a fady grey. Beneath the mid night howls and hoots in a distance. In the middle of the shallow patches of wild grass and dense forests, there is a storm building in chasing the freezing wild souls from all walks of life away in to finding their own shelter. The mother nature began showing her true potential of causing despair to creatures, with snow flakes that are designed and made in enchanting forms forming a whip of the reaper taking away countless lives in the vast land.

Luckily the army of Constantine acted fast, mainly due to a portion of highlander mercenary archers that the emperor recruited from the mountains of Anatolia, equipped of a lot of experience living in harsh winters and snowy conditions almost for their whole life time. They are the first to react, and thus waking up the entire camp in dealing with this potential threat.

Mauro could not realise it, but Constantine immediately realised that the Ottomans might use this potential chance to launch a sneak attack on them, because in his mind the Ottomans must be better adapted to living and waging wars in the snow judging by the fact of where they came from. Thus, he immediately sent out another wave of sixty scouts, with two in a group, sent out in to the snow in scouting for potential trace of enemies.

In the midst of all the works, the emperor just happened to walk past the tent of the Ottoman ambassadors while instructing his commanders on where to place the casualties who are suffering from frost bites. In his surprise and suspicion, he found out that the interior of the ambassador's tent is still light, with vivid candle lights flickering and a few shadows being casted on to the translucent canvas. Out of suspicion he paused the inspection, and decided to take a look.

The emperor entered the tent, and he saw the four Ottoman ambassadors all sat down with their legs folded on the carpet, with their leader the supposed what pasha seating still in the middle, with his eyes still open as if he is waiting for some thing. Judging by the shallow black circle by his eye lid Constantine knows that he probably have not slept well for the past few days, which is pretty normal too since he is the one who forcibly trapped them here as hostages.

"Greetings, your majesty." Seeing the emperor, the ambassador stood back up on his feet bowing slightly forward and asked. "By the grace of The All Mighty Allah, your majesty has came to inspect our puny little tent, how may this poor soul here assist you, your majesty?"

"Nothing, nothing." Constantine waved his hands while taking the chance to look around the tent. "There is a strange snow storm going on outside, and I am just here to check the well being of my honourable guests"

"We are fine, your majesty. I have went through a snow storm like this in my youth times back in Anatolia, and actually we had a way of some how 'foresee' a snow storm by looking at the skies, thus this snow storm is no surprise for me, we are already fully prepared and there are nothing to be worried about." 

"I see, I see." Constantine looked around for one last time and forced a grin. "Then I shall not disturb you any more then, honourable ambassador. May you and your men have a good night's rest, we shall embark once the snow storm is over." 

"Yes, your majesty." The ambassador bowed down once more, peeking at the emperor while keeping his head low. "Good night." 

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