1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 399: Back to the Table

Chapter 399: Back to the Table

"Yes, you are right your highness, we are here to yield."

The ambassador had a serious face that made any one who doubt that he is making a droll think twice, even for Mauro. He slowly raised his wine cup again, glanced at the ambassador through his cup and asked. "But your army out there do not look like they are here for peaceful purposes though, is there a miscommunication between you guys?"

"No, not at all, in fact every thing that has been happening so far is going on perfectly going on according to the plans made by my Sultan. And you must believe my words, majestic general, honourable senator, that what ever my Sultan is trying to do now, is to curb all violence, bloodshed and wars to reach out for a solidified alliance with your liege, the emperor of all Romans, and build Thrace in to a peaceful and better tomorrow."

The old senator Innocentius made a cold sneer."You said that you are here for peace and curb all violence and bloodshed, but why are there thousands of soldiers out there surrounding us? Are they there to let me guess, greet us with flowers and gifts? Or are they here to organise a ceremonial parade for us before we take our leave?"

"We, the Ottomans, are a group of people that are very different from your Romans, you see honourable senator." The second in charge of the Ottoman delegates walked up to Innocentius grinning, holding a wine cup and gave him a toast but got rejected instead. "We believe in a very simple rule that peace cannot be solely discussed and achieved on a diplomat's table, instead it must come with the supplement of a formidable power. Without the blades we bind and armour we hold, there shall never be any kind of people known as 'Ottomans' now, instead it shall just be a simple name recorded by historians on the long run of history."


The old senator did not give the Ottomans any form of good attitude since the start, and the delegates did not look like they mind about that too as they casually turned towards Mauro, bowed down with that iconic grin and asked politely. "Now, valorous general, before we start with any form of negotiation, may I confirm that you have the ultimate right given by the emperor to decide on things and make decisions by yourself?"

Mauro took a peek at the eunuch and nodded his head. "Aye, I have."

"Great, then here is the proposal that my Sultan and his viziers have prepared for you." The head ambassador took out a scroll magically out of no where and passed it to Mauro. "The details of each and every term has been stated clearly on the scroll, if you have any doubts"

Mauro opened the scroll and read a few terms raising his eye brow and scratching his bold head, then threw it to Senator Innocentius beside him. "I am illiterate." He said, with pride. "Please, senator, do translate this for me."

The old senator is already urging to read the content on the scroll, if it is not for the political and diplomatic politeness, he would have went up straight to snatch the scroll from Mauro's hands. Upon hearing this he speedily took the scroll from Mauro in the hope of finding some jaw dropping contents, and indeed he is not disappointed.

"The Ottoman Sultanate and the Roman Empire, as agreed by the mighty Emperor and Sultan, shall withdraw the armies, and maintain a friendly relationship with mutual respect, help each other when one side is in times of need, and safe guard a peaceful environment in the entire region of Thrace for future corporations, and work together to deter any outside threats, in the process building the two states in to a more prosperous future. This looks nothing like a truce, this looks like an alliance!"

The ambassador replied with a shy smile rubbing his hands.

"The Ottoman Sultanate shall form a closer bond of a 'brother state' with the Roman Empire The Ottoman Sultanate shall actively take up the role of an elder brother, looking after the Roman Empire and her people with absolute care and love The Roman Empire shall pay a tiny amount of 'house keeping fund' accounting for only three thousand ducats per annum, with a group of high ranking ambassadors per annum to Edirne to greet the Sultan himself, and if there is a change in the throne of the Roman Empire, the new emperor must send a legate to report to the Sultan in order to achieve a better and trusted corporation with one another."

Senator Innocentius feels like his scalp is itching as he reads out this term. Indeed this term is much better than the ones signed by the previous Palaiologos emperors with Murad II, stating that Constantinople shall be a complete tributary of the Ottoman Sultanate with no independent diplomatic policies, he knows that if he really signed his name on this treat, he shall still be persecuted by the angry citizens who can be gathered and enraged by the smallest thing related to an enemy state, surely the emperor would not mind removing him from his post to soothe the crowd, regain his popularity and support, then appoint a more obedient senator in to the opposition to increase his influence in the senate.

The old senator turned to look at Mauro beside him, who seems to not give any attention to what is going on around him still drinking alcohol, the senator looked left towards the eunuch trying to figure out the emperor's attitude on this, but he too lowered his head pretending to write some thing on the script when the paper is freaking blank. The ambassador, who is observing Innocentius all the time, gave a smirk. "Please, my lord, read the next term, you shall be enlightened."

With no better choice senator Innocentius continued. "The Ottomans shall lend a total of thirty nine towns and fortresses to the Roman Empire for fifty years, effective starting from the year 865 in Hijri calendar, to the year 915, with a lease fee of one ducat per year. During this time the Ottomans shall not send any request to take back these lands unless the Roman Empire forfeits this treaty, and after the fifty years term might be extended, if the conditions are met and both sides agree."

With years of experience brawling in the bargaining halls of the senate, the senator who came from the last century immediately realised that this treaty, must be a fraud because it is way too vague in its lines; thirty nine towns and fortresses? What if the Ottomans suddenly say one day that 'oh, the towns on the treaty is actually the ones in Anatolia, and you have to get those by yourself' And of course the Ottomans are technically correct in this situation as Anatolia is indeed Ottoman soil, but can the Romans actually go there and claim those lands? Innocentius do not think so.

It states that the Ottomans shall take the lands back if the empire forfeits this treaty, but what is considered forfeit? And, they say that the treaty can be extended, but under what specific criteria? Oh, does it mean that if the Ottomans does not agree on an extension, then the treaty is automatically forfeit as well? This entire treaty does not make any sense, and any one with a clear mind on diplomacy knows that the proposer of these terms most likely did not even have much time to think about it, or it is simply because he did not bother to think about it since the start.

In the end of the day, there is only one thing that is vital in the negotiating, signing and keeping of any treaties, that is the state's military capabilities. And Innocentius is sure that these seven thousand men over here, is the only and last expedition force the emperor could have master with his decades of prestigious, wealth and influence. While the Ottomans are still in control of Thrace, Bulgaria, Epirus, Anatolia and Armenia, although most of these regions are already autonomous.

Innocentius looked left towards Mauro, and the later too have realised some thing through these treaties keeping a troubled expression on his face. The senator looked right at the eunuch again, who is too turning the quill on his hand staring blankly at the sheet of goat leather paper. The Ottoman ambassador seemed to have no rush at all, keeping a warm grin all the time standing beneath, being the centre of the spot light stared and observed by every one else in the hall.

It only took minutes for the hall to turn from a merry welcome ceremony to now where by the participants all stood firm, waiting anxiously for the event that follows as it shall definitely affect the outcomes of many, whether their souls can be saved, or extinguished with the winter wind.

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