1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 409: Apostolos

Chapter 409: Apostolos

Antonius realised that he should not discuss such matters with Yuri for he does not seem to take any thing in to consideration except for war and mead. But he did raise a possible fact, that is the Genoese find it harder and harder to grow crops in their usual dates in Cherson due to colder temperature and longer winter seasons. Can this too affect the seeds planting season of Thessaloniki too? That is something that he, as the ruler of this land, must consider.

Yuri began elaborating on how great the wine in his homeland is and sighed that it is a pity that he could not transport it here, if not he would have treated Antonius with the treasured country wine. Antonius answered without giving much thought that he could invite him for a drink whenever in the future if both of them got the time. Yuri is startled for a bit, then laughed out wildly with his hands on his wrist, promising Antonius that he would find a way to make it possible through his private connections with his country men. However, for the whole time, Antonius is not listening carefully to the words Yuri as he is still thinking about the issue of longer winter season.

After a while of waiting the man came back, bringing in another big group of men with what it seems to be the village chief in the middle judging by his hair colour. The group of men bears no weapon, but still Yuri stopped talking about began concentrating on these people with his hand on the blade behind his waist, ready to cover the admiral just if these people came here with no good intentions.

The chief looking to be in the age of his late forties approached the admiral and bowed. "My dear guest, may you please allow me to introduce myself, for my humble name is Apostolos Eurymachus, I am the chief taking in charge of this village"

The chief took a haste glance at the face of the man standing before him, and then kneeled down in the surprised looks of his followers. "Long live the Imperium Romanum! Long live the Caesar of the empire! May Christ always descend his generous blessing upon you wherever you go! All heil the honourable Caesar of the empire!"

The others reluctantly kneeled, and some is yet to react still not managing to think it through. But the most surprised person here is still perhaps Antonius, but still he remained a clam and peaceful smile on his face pretending like as if he knows every thing and is already expecting the chief to blow his cover. He purposefully waited for a few seconds, making the kneeling chief go on questioning which part has he done wrong shivering on the ground. Then after the few seconds of torture, Antonius finally spoke slowly but clearly.

"There is no need for such things Apostolos, you are not my tenant, and I am not your land lord Or are you people used to doing such things over here? Anyways, how did you know who I am? Did I meet you before? Or did you serve in my fleet last time."

The village chief Apostolos' heart skipped a beat, knowing that the test has already started now. His head spined quickly and within breathe, he already has a solution to the question looking at Antonius, showing a bright and confident grin. "The reason why I am paying such courtesy and respect to you, my lord, is not because I am those kind of devilish and gluttonous land lord that only knows how to oppress his tenants like how the Ottomans treat their slaves, instead I am doing this because I know you, my lord, I studied you, I have read through all those magnificent battles in the past, acknowledged your contribution towards Christianity and all Romans, I firmly believe that you are the only saviour of the empire, and"

Apostolos took another peek at Antonius' face checking for his emotions. "And I believe that you, my lord, should be the highest, most supreme, most prestigious ruler on this piece of land"

The emotion on Antonius' face did not change a bit, Apostolos' heart skipped a beat again thinking that he has appeased the admiral in the wrong way and quickly changed to the next topic. "I did not have the fortune to meet you in person before, my lord, and neither did I gain a valuable chance of joining your dominating fleet scourging the enemies of the empire with fire and steel. I knew you are my lord because of your posture, you are standing upright with your back and legs firmly straight, showing that you are not a kind of person whose knees and back can bend easily unlike the usual servants. You are always looking at people by maintaining a direct eye contact, which is again a trait that a servant should not have."

"I see, you are a smart chap." Antonius' interest on the village chief has grew higher. "I like talking to smart folks, they make the conversation a lot easier, I appreciate your hospitality, and I must thank you for the kind gesture you have shown to us as a host on behalf of all my men."

"It is indeed a great honour serving you my lord." The chief replied quickly kneeling down once again, but got pulled up by Antonius. "I believe that all of the people residing in this town are pleased to welcome their supreme ruler, with a generous heart and open mind."

"Oh really? But I got reprimanded like a bloody child a day back in the town's central market."

Cold sweat began pouring down from the face of the chief, his two hands which is being held by Antonius is shivering despite him trying his best to control his image. "I shall make sure that bugger who dared to conduct such crime against the supreme leader gets the rest of his life locked up in the deepest cellar in the dungeon as a warning to the others to remember that as the sons of the Roman empire they must offer their highest respect"

"Relax, relax, I have no intentions of giving such punishment to that man in the first place." Antonius interrupted with a cheerful glee and narrowed eyes, just like the other monarchs of the feudal age he enjoyed this kind of moments playing with his followers, making them panic and guess what their lord is really thinking about. "Let this be clear, I have no intention in giving punishments, and I do not want to see you giving the man punishments without telling me, is it clear?"

The poor chief nodded his head obediently, he now dares not to utter one more word knowing that the more he says, the more mistakes he can possibly get himself in to.

"I am not a ruler who throws their entire life in to places like palaces, hunting grounds and army camps ruling their people from these places. I am the kind who likes to adopt a more practical way of understanding the living conditions of my people, the current state of my land, you see? I guess that you have already known the purpose of my visit to your town, and so would you kindly like to accompany me to inspect all the various settlements under your rule. And I shall be choosing my own path on this journey, I do not need any arrangement being given to me, like the ones you are trying to do now spying me in secret, understand chief? Do not try to test the senses of a man who have survived years on the battle field."

The town chief Apostolos never felt his heart beating this fast in his entire life before, he hastily nodded with his knees softened again, vowing in the name of Christ that he shall follow every single order from the supreme leader with zero objections, he shall never ever attempt to do any fancy business like this time, and promised that he shall be a responsible guide.

Hearing these replies Antonius and Yuri bursted in to wild laughter, then dragged the chief back in to the hostel leaving the group of people who are supposedly the hired brutes behind looking at each other, not sure what they should do now. They are not that afraid of the tales and fames of Antonius, as most of them are either from Albanon or Epirus. But soon they decided to leave and disperse after seeing two Varangians coming out of the hostel, with one carrying a crossbow and another carrying an axe.

With the bunch of brutes gone for good, the last possible threat that the chief can possibly do is now gone. Now the fate of the chief called Apostolos is completely held in the hands of the admiral, whether he gets to live or not is now completely dependent on his performance for the following few days of the tour.

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