1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 413: Hope Is Gone

Chapter 413: Hope Is Gone

"Minimis etiam rebus prava religio inserit deos."

"A foolish superstition introduces the influences of the gods even in the smallest matters."

-        Livy, Annales, XXVII. 23.

"There is no need to worry about anything my lord, indeed the girl is sent here by some one else, who is most likely her own parents. But there is probably no harm involved"

The local expert Apostolos reassured Antonius after hearing the full story. "The reason why you are experiencing all of these today Is most likely because of a local superstition"

"Local superstition?" Antonius raised his eye brow hearing the word, as he knows from his experience that if there is any thing associated with things like folk lores, culture, superstition, practise or religion, things can quickly escalate in to a very troublesome state.

"Yes, my lord, local superstition. This kind of stuff is common last time in my town too, the villagers who have lived in poverty for generations would believe that if there is a nobility from the cities coming over to the village for a trip, then they can send a virgin who is a villager to come to the noble's bed at night and seduce the noble, impregnating her. This would supposedly trap some 'aura of nobility' in to the village, and with this aura it would give the village a better future leading the village out of poverty"

As Apostolos talks, the girl's weeping sound became lighter and lighter, seems like she is also attracted by what the old man is talking about. "And actually, apart from the superstition, there is also a more practical answer for this behaviour, if the girl is impregnated, the villagers would raise the child as one of their own, and wait for the young nobility to get married, ascend the throne or inherit a wealth. Then the villagers shall bring the child to the noble and remind him of what happened years back, then either asking him for a ransom, or a tax cut, or promoting the villagers in to his government or his army."

Antonius could not have believed what he has heard and asked back. "So you mean it might be a scam? A scandal?"

"It might be." Apostolos nodded heavily. "It is a majestic decision for you, your majesty, to hold still your artillery and control your temptations, if not"

"I am not a scam, honourable guest." The girl walked up to the two and interrupted their speech. "Yes, I admit, that my father did want to send me here, but in the end of the day it is still my own decision. Please do not blame my father and mother They are honest farmers who knows nothing about scamming or lying, it is me Please forgive me for my actions, my lord."

"You know who I am?" Antonius raised his eyebrow again, why does every one seem to know his real identity despite him trying to hard to keep it as a secret?

"I do not know, my lord." The girl pointed towards Apostolos. "But he just referred you as your majesty, so I just made an assumption, please do forgive me my lord."

Antonius looked at the bald old chief with no emotion on his face, and the later looked back at him giving him an ignorant smile. The girl continued shivering knowing how bold her actions tonight are, and finally after some time she made up her mind and confessed. "I came over tonight not because of the pressure from my parents and the superstition, but because of my own desire, my lord. I do not want to live the life of a regular village woman who shall stay in this isolated place for the rest of my life, being married to an ungracious man next year who is most likely a drunkard;"

"; I do not want to do house chores and help around in the fields all day, scrapping my beauty and my soft skin even before I turn twenty; I do to have the life of a mistress, I want to have my own slaves, my own peasants, I want to be a renowned woman in the cities, I want to be married to a better man; I want a better life, I want to escape this boring and dreadful life style in this village. And thus when I saw you coming in to the village, my eyes brightened up as I finally saw the hope of me leaving this place Last night my father told me that I am going to be married off to another villager who is five years older than me next year, which is why I made this decision tonight My lord, I am sorry for my actions, but is there any mistake for me to pursue for a better life?"

Antonius massaged his forehead and sighed. Knowing that things have became even more complicated. He took a look at the young woman before him and indeed, although she still cannot be compared with his wife Anna, is still a gorgeous lady making her stand out among the other girls in the village. No wonder why she got such confidence in her words, her confidence came from her looks which is also the thing that made her despise this lousy background she came from.

"II see." Antonius hesitated and replied. "Don't worry, there is certainly no mistake in you for pursuing a better life style, but I need to remind you as a senior that your way of doing it is wrong. You see, I am a married man who swear before Christ that I shall be faithful"

"But you can adopt a lover! A mistress! Just like those Norman lords in Epirus!" The girl continued persuading in an anxious tone. "There is nothing stopped you! And there is nothing wrong about it! My lord! We can form a secret relationship, and you can put me in to a housing in the largest city Serres. I can do what ever possible for you, even more than your wife! Just please I beg you! My lord! Bring me out of this village!"

"I can't, I am sorry." Antonius made up his mind and shook his head firmly this time round. "You are pretty, I will give you that, but you need to know that I am not a man who looks at people only by their looks. I cannot bring you back to Thessaloniki with me and make you my 'mistress', that is against the law and also against the trust of my companion. But what I can do is write you a letter of recommendation in to the most elite and profound junior academy in all of Drama, you shall have the opportunity to leave the village I promise, but you got to do it through your own effort."

However, after hearing all of this, the girl fell on to the ground looking like she has lost her souls instead of jumping up in joy. Antonius thought that this ill knowledged girl does not know what does this letter means to her, and kindly explained. "With this letter you shall be definitely admitted in to the best college of Drama, they shall provide you with a comfortable living, train you with the necessary skills that make you truly stand out. And if you perform well enough you can even upgrade your path of academics going in to a college in Thessaloniki Where"

"Thank you, my lord, thank you." The girl's already pale face looked even whiter under the moon light. "I sincerely thank you for your kindnessBut I do not think you understand what my village, and what my people is like. Thank you And have a good night, may God bless you my lord, and please excuse me, I shall no longer disturb you"

Then, the girl made a slight bow towards Antonius and went out of the room quietly while cleaning the traces of tears on her face. A few seconds later Yuri bumped in to the door. "What a fine lass coming in to your hugs admiral, but why did you turn her away? Damn you could just have eaten her up don't worry, I won't go back and tell."

Then Yuri saw a shoe flying towards his face, he made a shy grin and quickly fended off the shoe, shutting the door and went back to his post.

"I shall inform the parent of the girl on what happened after they come back from their work. Help me lit the candles Apostolos, and tell Yuri to find my seal, I shall start writing the recommendation letter right away Seriously this is the very first time that such things have ever happened on me, I bet that if this tale gets passed in to the ears of those bards, I would instantly become the evil protagonist of some love tales taking advantage of a couple by abusing my rank"

Apostolos made an embarrassed smile and kept quiet, as he knows that these words are not for him.

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