1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 440: Is Self Consciousness Important In Politics?

Chapter 440: Is Self Consciousness Important In Politics?

"Other countries. It follows that if the workers in England or France now liberate themselves, this must set off revolution in all other countries revolutions which, sooner or later, must accomplish the liberation of their respective working class."

-        Friedrich Engels

"Oh, I see, you know some times there are so many kings and dukes named Charles that I find it hard to classify who is who."

"You are indeed humorous, your majesty."

"You know why did I ask you the question on the purpose of your years of fighting? It is because of this king Charles VII of the Franks. He is a kind of king that has virtues I failed to observe on the other nobles reigning an independent state. I asked you the question of why you fight, because I know the reasons why Charles VII fought for his entire life, even till his death. He fought not for his personnel interest, but for his own people. He spent decades going around his country after his coronation, attacking one after another castle and holding owned by the English, vowing that he shall reclaim all of the lands belonging to the Franks back under the rule of the Capetians, bringing it under one crown instead of two, that is the reason why he fights, it is for his country, what about you?"

Antonius did not answer his question directly, he got up from his seat, walked around the garden in circles looking up at the sky. The sky of the summer is blue, indeed, a heavenly like duvet that never changed, being tough, humble and appealing, always making people wonder what does the world look like from up there, being wrapped around in the sky's blanket feeling the serenity of all wonders of the living world, it must have the special ability to clear one's mind and solve one's doubt instantly when looking down from high places. But sadly, Antonius cannot fly, and so he continued pacing himself in circles, thinking of an answer to the Holy Emissary' question. Leon Battista Alberti's heart dipped, as he knows from such actions that the Caesar is perplexed, and he might be lost on the path he chose himself.

A minute later Antonius came back to the old man.

"If you are to ask me this question twenty years ago, I would say that I fight for my sheer survival;

"If you are to ask me this question fifteen years ago, I would say that I fight for a place to stand in this world;"

If you are to ask me this question ten years ago, I would say that I fight for other's respect;

If you are to ask me this question five years ago, I would say that I fight for my people and my followers who have trusted me and sacrificed for me along the way;

But a minute ago when the answer that I am still fighting for my people is about to spit out of my mouth, I suddenly started questioning myself in my mind. Can I still say that I belong to them? Ever since I took over the city of Thessaloniki, I have moved in to a grand palace ornated with lavish treasures. I married a daughter of a noble who I could only look up to in the past and day dream about such things, I have received a rank that I could not possibly imagine a decade ago when I just landed on the shores of Constantinople. My relationship with all my followers, including Helios, the past Yuri, Abraham, Anjelo, and others from a pal or friend like relationship to a sovereign vessel like relationship. It has indeed been an extremely long time since I last visited the tavern and had a face to face conversation with my citizens. So, I started questioning my consciousness, can I still call myself one of them? Can I still represent the 'people' in their interests?"

The Holy Emissary listened silently as he looked around at the crowd leaning on top of his walls and outside the hostel's door. They came from all walks of life, some are kids who are just like Antonius when he was younger, standing there bare footed. Some are workers donned in a simple singlet with dirt tainted on their faces, some are riches decorated with jewelries and fancy silken clothing, some are sailors with head bands covered in the scent of sea salt. But all of these people have one identity in common, they are legitimate citizens of Thessaloniki, protected by their lord Antonius De'Ricci. 

"How about now?" Leon Battista Alberti turned his focus back to Antonius. "What is your answer?"

"My answer for now would be fairness and righteousness."

"Alright, so that is your answer. Just as what I have expected from you."

"I want to break the chains and shackles being put on these people, making them be stuck to the class, career and living condition they have for generations. I need to try my best to give each of them an equal opportunity in life, and the most I can do now is to secure them an environment as stable as possible, removing the people who are once oppressing them giving back their lands, and most crucially, give them a equal share of resources in developing their future and the ability to raise their social statues, which in my planning, it shall be done through a fair education system"

"A fair education system For every one including peasants" Leon Battista Alberti massaged his forehead. "I am glad that you are really in the process of doing this, as of what I have personnelly observed along the way. "You know what, your majesty. By far you are indeed the most unique kind of ruler I have seen in my past sixty years of life. If you permit, I would like to request to stay here inside the city of Thessaloniki to aid you with your broad education plans, and at the same time, make a further observation to see if you can really keep that consciousness in your mind, or turn in to abyss like the others, if you don't mind me."

Antonius is startled, for he never expected a Holy Emissary would say any thing like that. He too knew what this means for a man of the Pope to stay in his city, and the amount of knowledge this old man carries with him inside his head. But before Antonius could make an official reply, the assistant of the Holy Emissary, who was wary of their conversation since the start standing on their back, immediately pleaded the Holy Emissary in an almost pleading tone.

"Your Holiness! The Pope is still waiting for you to return, he has got high anticipations on you"

"We can discuss this later." The Holy Emissary seems to have made up his mind, turning down his assistant's plead with out any hesitations. "Remember, I have never signed an official contract making him my liege, and neither am I a man of the church, I only stayed in Vatican for my zeal and personnel friendship with his holiness and the cardinals. Now I have found the place for my true passion, I have found a city where I can make use of my talents, I have found a government that allows me to peek in to the future, and so now I shall deliver a letter to his holiness, along side with the diplomatic report. I hope that you can fulfil your duty and send this two things safely back to his holiness."

Then, under the eyes of Antonius, Leon Battista Alberti took out a sheet of yellow paper and spread it on to the table. But instead of writing a formal letter, he first drew a few straight lines and squares which seems like the ones they use for architecture planning graphs with out the assistance of a ruler, then he drew a creature looking like a horse in motion with out any saddles and bridles. Upon finishing this drawing he handed it over to his assistant. "Show this letter to his Holiness, and he shall understand what I mean."

The assistant knows that he is determined, he sighed in disappointment, shook his head grabbing the letter and stormed out of the door, calling for the rest of the legate and started preparing all their luggage to prepare to embark on a trip back to Roma. Only a few disciples decided to stay. Leon Battista Alberti, now no longer representing the Pope, stared at the now empty yard filled with chickens and vegetation. "I have just made the garden thrilling with lives, and yet now I feel that it is so empty."

Antonius gave the old man a gentle pat on his back, then held his hands firm and grinned. "Welcome to the city of Thessaloniki, Master Leon Battista Alberti, I hope that you shall enjoy your stay over here, and I certainly hope that you won't get disappointed by the future I present to you."

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