1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 444: Owner of Kastoria

Chapter 444: Owner of Kastoria

They are indeed short sighted to use such a dirty trick even in this times, but honestly speaking, if just even one of the war lord is not being short sighted, then the land of Epirus would not be so chaotic and ununified for ages since the collapse of the Ottoman order in the region. Every one is just battling one another for a bit of interest or a tiny strip of land with little or no strategic planning for what that can happen in the future. Their eyes are mostly focused only on the lands of Epirus, they do form alliances, some times. But those alliances would always dissolve within a year or end up badly with one side stabbing the other in the back.

"Honourable Sanjek" A mount came galloping to the ruler of Ioannina through the narrow mountain valley filled with marching peasant soldiers carrying long spears. "The outposts have observed that the Ceylant emseddin has left the city of Kastoria with the bulk of his army towards the fortress of Verga, and he is wielding your flag."

"A kind gesture from him, send a messenger to him saying that I appreciate his help." The Sanjek nodded. "I would have expected him to throw all of his army in to aid me if he is not a dumb ass, his city Kastoria is merely a twenty plus Roman miles' distance to the Rumelian rally point. If I fail keep them out, he would be the first to get crushed."

Instead of moving out with orders, the rider remained by the side of the Sanjek with his head lowered. The Sanjek realised that this faithful man of his still got some words hidden within himself. He frowned and questioned. "What else do you have in mind my son? If by the Mighty Allah's grace, you have a good news, then just let it out; If you have a bad news, say it out too, it would merely be another bad news stacked on top of the old ones which is already a tower."

"Honourable Sanjek The Bey of the east, the head commander Gkhan Sari, have successfully captured the city of Vlore from the Venetians with out much fight."

"That is an incredibly good news!" The fifty plus years old Sanjek laughed out loud. "Then why do you have this pathetic look on your face? We got to spread the news of this victory to the entire army!"

"But" The messenger's scalps itched as he continued. "Those crooked Albanon infidels rebelled over night, sneaking upon our proud Ottoman warriors when they are still sleeping and stripped them of their weapon in such a disgraceful way, they even had your head commander Gkhan Sari by having him kidnapped All of this happened is because the news of that Kafir Rumelian Antonius' advancement in to Epirus started spreading around the city."

The Sanjek almost fell off the horse hearing this news, but he managed to sustain his image and kept in his position. "Oh, that is it? DO not worry my son, we shall be there to punish them once we have secured our borders and expel the troubles out of our home land."

"Another thing, honourable Sanjek." The messenger took a peek up fearing that these bad news might be too much for his master to handle. "In the north"

"It's the Albanons, I know, carry on."

"In the south.."

"Those war lords are laying their troops along side the borders, am I right?" The Sanjek seems to have knew this all even before the arrival of the messenger. "I knew that they are going to do since the start. If they could have be a little united during the times of crisis, then we could have saved the situation after Sultan Mehmed is recalled by the Mighty Allah, if they can be united as one then we could have pressed down the Venetian expansion and the rise of the pirates in Thessaloniki. But no, they cannot even unite with each other for a few months when facing real threat, so what more can I say? I can only say that I have expected this since the beginning."

The messenger looked down at his mare grazing on the dried grass patch, he gave the Sanjek a salute and went back for his duty. Actually he has got another piece of information that he thought that it would be best not to inform the Sanjek, that is his wife, who is a staunch lady to her husband, died because of dystocia. Before she died she insisted to the messenger on not informing her husband about this piece of tragic, as she knows what her husband is currently doing right now for the fate of all Ottomans remaining in Epirus.

In the times of crisis, even a woman who is relatively uneducated knows more about what she must do than the men leading armies and cities.

Thanks to the willing support offered by Ceylant emseddin, the Sanjek is able to place his central supply point directly in the city of Kastoria, the largest city in the entire district. It seems like Ceylant emseddin has threw all of his dice out facing this kind of life and death situation, not giving a damn whether there is a possibility where by the Sanjek might deploy his troops in to the city and take it, chasing him and his army out of his capital. Of course, the Sanjek would not do such things, at least not now when he is facing such a dire threat, he can leave it for later after the war

The Sanjek built his major encampment on the high lands in the village of Melissotopos, which is a less than twenty Roman miles straight line distance from the enemies. A suicidal kind of distance if it is not for the mountain ranges, curvy steep roads and only one exit through the fortress of Verga, controlled by the Sanjek's men. The location is almost perfect for a military encampment, seating right on the opposite of Kastoria, with a lake near by as their water source, a high land offering them good sight and natural protection. If the Rumelians broke through Verga this place is impossible to be ignored by them, if they do not want to face an endless sabotage and the threat of their arse getting poked by Ottoman spears as they advance.

Actually, the old Sanjek does not understand his enemies, he have no idea why that pirate admiral chose to bite through the hard terrains of Epirus, when there is a much better target lying for him in the north. The Rumelians could have went north instead to take Manastr(Bitola), then extend his control in to the Sanjek of Ohri, that Abbas Pasha who supposedly controls this region does not have that much influence leaving this place in a semi autonomous state. Actually if he has learnt Greek, care about all those information on the news paper from Thessaloniki, then he would have an idea that there are a bunch of bandits saying that it was the Ottoman warlords in Epirus who sent them and murdered the pirate admiral's favourite guard. He must have vomited blood again if he knew about it, as he had never done such deeds before.

Over the next couple of days, the Sanjek would often just sit by the 'Orestiada', that is what the locals call it. It is just a large pond surrounding the city of Kastoria, giving it a natural habitat and a fresh water source that the entire city's population can depend on, for ages. The locals kindly referred this lake as the 'Mitera' which simply stands for mother. The lake watched population after population of locals passing their entire life drinking her water. The 'Mitera' simply watched one's first cry in the world when he is born, to the first time one is baptised by the father using her water, to one getting married and having their kids, to their final fate leaving the world. The lake simply watched, for generation after generation, century after century, she never ages, and she is merely an observer and benefactor of the city of Kastoria.

The Sanjak bey of Sanjak-i Yanya, Hseyin elik simply sat by the shore lines of the lake watching its tide rise and fall. Sadly speaking he is not from here, and this lake by right does not carry any specific meaning or definition for him. But still he enjoyed staying by this lake every time when he came by this lake, looking blankly at the city of Kastoria in a distance, as this lake still resembles some thing that should be already sealed in his deep aging memories.

The old man's guards stood firm by his side, watching if there are any suspicious activities going on. They are still inside a supposed enemy's territory so any things going on can spike their nerves. But the old Sanjek seems to not get his guards' nervousness at all, for he is just seating there watching over the lake for hours, all the way till evening.

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