1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 48: Another Day in Senate

Chapter 48: Another Day in Senate

The sound of canon firing by the Galata lasted an entire morning till noon.

In the end Antonius received no protection fee, he received an official complaint from the residents and governor of Galata from the constant sound of bombardment, a warning letter from the emperor who spilt his cup after the rounds are fired. And a bunch of rotten eggs accompanied with lettuce leaves for causing such a nuisance in the early morning when they re-enter the city.

Antonius replied a letter of explanation and apologies to the emperor, telling him there is a new kind of canon in disposal and invited him to see it for himself. He set up a stage in the Forum of Constantine and made a speech to the citizens with tears in his eyes portraying himself as a victim who had to make the experiment so near because of Ottoman pressure, winning their sympathy and boosting their rage towards their common foe the Ottomans.

While for the Genoese colony of Galata and their governor, Antonius anchored his fleet outside their harbour and sent marines blockading all their gates. He proclaimed that this is a personnel action not representing any organisation or countries. This fuss ended by the governor of Galata giving him a personal gift of ten thousand Ducats of Genoese coins.

Meanwhile, the commander in chief of the Ottoman army on the Marmara frontier, Zaganos Pasha soon acquired the information of 'mysterious white fog' and 'thunderous sounds' coming from the directions of Constantinople. He touched his beard and sent a couple more scouts in the direction, in which they found nothing.

Antonius ordered the site to be covered in deep snow, the shell fragments to be recycled, the guns to be taken back into camp for further training, and the sheeps to be taken back into camp to be made into Lamb Kleftiko, a form of mutton chop, traditional delicacy in Greece.

Antonius as an experienced military commander, immediately realised the great potential it has in battle and of course against the impending Ottoman threats. With this in mind and a good mood, Antonius rode into the imperial senate soon after finishing his lamb chop to propose the idea of deploying artilleries on the Theodosian walls.

His good mood lasted until he reached the senate.

"I oppose the idea of deploying that canon on our serene walls! I will stop this proposal of stupidity with all my power! Who is with me!"

On the stage, an old man with a goat beard bobbing up and down bellowing with his eyes like a pair of bronze bells. For a moment Antonius almost thought that the old man is going to suffer from a heart attack and collapse or something.

"Aye! I am with you, your holiness!"

"Senators! Romans! Listen to the words of wisdom by the Ecumenical Patriarch"

The senators sitting around the great hall in robes stood up shouting, clapping and whistling showing their support. Antonius is shocked at this sight as he felt that his proposal is solely to increase the defensive capabilities, make the city more secured. Furthermore, he did not even ask the senate for more expense as he planned to use his own money and his own money.

How did it become like this?

"You! Italian Lombard barbarian!" The old Ecumenical Patriarch Athanasius II walked down the stage towards Antonius! "You cursed barbarian, Declare your filthy purpose! What are you up to putting your barbaric possessions on the glory of Nova Roma, our most prestigious walls!"

Ecumenical Patriarch almost yelled under his breathe close to Antonius' face. Antonius can almost feel the old man's stinky blows of breath of cheese blowing onto his face. He urged the sensation to argue back in respect for the old man, remained silent and backed off.

However, his actions are taken by the Ecumenical Patriarch as an act of weakness and cowardice. He became more and more excited that he even raised up his sceptre and ceremonial cutlass trying to hit and chase Antonius out of their sacred hall, and finally, Antonius cannot take it no more.

He pushed the Ecumenical Patriarch away causing him spinning and falling on a senator behind him. Some other senators and Ecumenical guards, seeing this, immediately drew their blades out holding them in hands, surrounding Antonius in a circle.

While Antonius has nothing to fear, He drew his own blade out and held it tightly in his hands, calling out to others like a beast. "Do not think you are the only ones with blades here, I too, have a blade! Different from your blades which are like twigs hanging by your sides, only for decoration. My blade here, has ran itself into the throats of my enemies, soaking itself with blood. You want it running your throats too?!"

The others damn not move, the situation immediately turned into a stand-off.


"Stop! Stop! Romans! Gentlemen!"

Amidst the atmosphere which is like a fire barrel beside a volcano very likely to explode soon, the emperor, Constantine, finally stopped watching the show and came down trying to comfort all the people.

"We don't need any internal conflict now! Your highness, please have some respect for my mgas droungarios. And Lord De'Ricci, please, respect the old man"

Constantine walked to the middle of Antonius and his senators, snatching a senator's blade and putting it back to their respective scabbards. "No blades in the senate! Guards! Confiscate all their blades! We are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of gods! Calm yourself down!"

Constantine ended this argument with his diplomatic skills, but the senate meeting has to be interrupted for the day as well and shall be re-organised another time.

The next day, Constantine sent Antonius a letter, permitting his rights to set up artilleries on the towers, but not on the walls. Because after examination it is determined that the Theodosian walls has no slots for large calibre artilleries, furthermore the wall's width is insufficient for the length of these long bronze tubes as well.

After reading, Antonius sighed, and dumped the letter into the fire.

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