1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 5: Brothers in Arms

Chapter 5: Brothers in Arms

1452 AD 25th October, port of Chios.

Chios is a typical bustling vibrant port city in a chain of isles in the Aegean sea, a pearl of the Genoese settlements, and a main trade route harbour between vital cities of the Asia minor trade network like Izmir, Adana, Amasya and Athens.

Antonius landed his sea-faring boots on the harbour together with Abdullah, Abraham and the legate of Candia, Stefano D'Correr.

The port, being a usual port having the familiar thick smell of sea-salt, filled with the cries of sea-gulls, yelling of sailors working to upload or unload their cargos on ships, and blaring sound of merchants trying to advertise their merchandise.

However, it is very different from the port of Candia. Unlike Candia, which is filled with manure and stranded animals snuffling at pile of rubbish and rotting food, together with drunkards and beggars wandering the streets. Chios on the other hand is full of life, no disorder can be seen here, everything is well organised and there are even cleaners on streets.

"By far this is the most refreshing harbour that I have ever seen." Antonius took a deep breathe of the fresh air and commented.

"Yes, I have to admit as a Venetian that your Genoese have done a much better job in maintaining the image of their colonies." Said Stefano.

"May I ask why we are here, Antonius?" Stefano looked at the captain and asked. "We need to get to Constantinople as quick as possible; situation is growing tense."

"We are here to see an old friend that I promised, gentleman. Won't be long I promise." Antonius replied casually. "Moreover, we need the time for our crew to take a rest and resupply."

"I see."

"I shall meet your back here tomorrow."


Giovanni has made his camp near a well-decorated village called Dafnonas in the mountain ranges not far from the city.

It is a discrete place for anyone, perfect for a mercenary camp, under cover of the outside world, close to the port so the transmission of information with outside world is quick. With a water supply, enough stockpile of food, hard-to-climb terrain and a simple constructed fort, it can last a long time if any sort of siege takes place.

"Giovanni! My friend!"

"Antonius! I know that you will come!"

The two burly men laughed thunderously and hugged together.

"My dear Antonius! I am so glad see that you heeded my advice, following the sea route from Candia to Chios, then to this puny little village, more than delighted. I was still wandering what could have stopped you, the plunderer of Aegean, from coming here to show your force, guess I was wrong." Giovanni while laughing, held the hands of Antonius tight and led him into the main tent in the camp.

"I must apologise, my friend, I got delayed by something, but I've acquired more important news on the way here."

"What a coincidence, I've got news to share with you as well, but you first."

"The Venetians will try intervene to stop the war between Mehmed and Constantine, but we cannot expect too much from it. If war is the case then they will send unofficial help in the form of legates, actually I have a legate with me on this trip as well."

"Venetians?" Giovanni frowned. "How did u cross with them?"

"That is a long story but that will be for another time. What about you? What news do you have?"

"Mine is morediscouraging, my report from Genoese merchants says that the Sultan's ships are patrolling the waters along the route to Constantinople and stopping all Greek ships from entering the city."

"That is bad news." Antonius furrowed his brow. "But still acceptable, we will fly the Serene flag of Genoa, if they stop and check our ships, we will just say we are sailing to Galata."

"With a fleet of ships carrying a few hundred-armed soldiers?" Giovanni asked sarcastically.

"Well, that means that if we must engage, we can outnumber them with ease isn't it?" Antonius answered with confidence in his eyes. "I am sure that your band of merry-man can solve those newbie sailors."

"Yah, I guess you are right. We got to set off as soon as we can, preferably tomorrow."

Antonius, worried that a potential battle might occur sooner or later if some menace caught eyes on the fleet of ships on open sea, questioned Giovanni about the total strength of his mercenary company he is going to bring with him.

While Giovanni on the other hand, jeered at Antonius for having lost his wits and guts for all these years at seas, decided to have an official parade to boost his confidence.

It is about mid-day just pass noon; the nearby orthodox church has just rung its bells. The sun is up high above and scorching the mass ground. Giovanni ordered his units to line up in a parade form dressed in full armour and equipment.

"Welcome, to the Vanguard of the Shield, my friend!" The commander of this unit, Giovanni Giustiniani Longo introduced Antonius enthusiastically while holding his arm, and stepped into the parade square. "You are the first that I have given the honour of a full parade. No one, even the emperor of the Greeks or the Serene Doge himself, has the power for me to do that."

"I am honoured, my captain." Antonius, smiling, gave Giovanni a typical Genoese salute.

The soldiers paraded in combat form, most of them have full Italian plate armour that glittered under the powerful sunlight reflecting light directly into their foes 'eyes , their long sword shined like they are blessed with the Lord's fire of vengeance, their shields covering almost half of their body and judging by its thickness should be able to halt or reflect all incoming bolts.

While what is most astonishing, is that almost everyone of them carries a Milano crossbow on their back, fully mechanical from what Antonius observed. "Where did you get all these fine equipment?" He asked. "This is even finer than the Papal guards! Even the Papal guards cannot afford to have such professional soldiers and such sophisticated equipment!"

"Hahahaha!" Giovanni laughed, full of pride. "Well, it is entirely funded by me."


"Hahaha, you know me, my friend, its just some family fortune here, a part of my own savings there and some loans by the bank of Saint George, not a very difficult task you see."


Giovanni surveyed the equipment of Antonius and commented. "You don't have a set of armour for yourself yet right? I don't have any spare plate armour, but I can still offer you a chainmail, it will definitely suite you better on a battlefield."

A typical chainmail is indeed difficult to put on and Antonius has totally no experience on how to do it, it does not have any buttons, only a bunch of metal chains connected together.

A little army attendente called Francesco ran towards Antonius, slightly bowed, and began demonstrating on how to put on a chainmail.

First use full strength with both hands to lift the chainmail up above the head, lean the back and entire head forward in order to be able to slide into the corners of the armour. Then suddenly stand straight up, taking advantage of the weight of chainmail, it will fall down freely covering up his torso.

As for removing it, one got to sit down, lean your back and head forward as much as you can and let it slide down using its gravitational pull.

However its not done yet, after wearing the entire armour, one still must have to wear a thing called Fasce mollettiere, or Puttee, which is a kind of leg binding that is made of bandages covering the lower part of leg up to the knees, to provide protection and support for the wearer.

"Francesco shall be your attendente in combat, he will carry and maintain your equipment and armour, to give you sea-bond man who don't know how to fight with your feet on land." Said Giovanni, with a teasing tone.

However, this time Antonius did not tease back, he stood firm with armour on, saluted Giovanni with a serious face, and said. "An armour on battlefield is like having another life, I don't know how to thank you, Giovanni."

Giovanni stopped teasing, turned serious and saluted back. "Need not thank me my friend. If you can, save my life in a battlefield next time."

Antonius stood upright, slammed his right fist against his chest, and pledged. "I swear, as witnessed by Jesus Christ and the sun, that I will save Giovanni's life on battlefield next time when we fight arm to arm, even if it costs my own life."

The two childhood friends looked at each other, held hands and kept silent, after so many years their relationship has deepened, and from now onwards they shall be brother in arms, men on same boat to Constantinople.

Giovanni turned back and commanded his mercenaries. "Ready yourself lads! We set off for Constantinople tomorrow!"


Meanwhile, in Edirne, Saray-I Cedid-I Amire Palace.

A Divan imperial council meeting of Viziers and Pashas is going on.

Ever since Murad II died, there has always been a huge split between two parties, one is lead by the Grand Vizier, Candarli Halil Pasha, who has doubts about the young Mehmed II's leadership. The other one being Zaganos Pasha, who has accompanied Mehmed II for a long way and is the most loyal supporter of the Sultan.

The young Sultan Mehmed II, sits on top of the throne, exhausted already after listening to the in-fighting between the two parties for a whole day without making any progress, then the Kalemiye, in charge of scribes and paper work, passed the Sultan a file.

"My Sultan, a list of Beys and Qadis in Beylerbeylik of Iznik have impeached Zaganos Pasha. They say that the lands being granted to Janissaries by former Sultans after battle of Varna, but the land now is being granted to Christian peasants by Zaganos Pasha."

The Grand Vizier immediately stepped forward and pleaded. "My Sultan, this act is a serious insult to the orders of the former Sultan"

But he was stopped.

Mehmed bellowed like a lion king that can be heard even outside the council.

"The Sultan on the throne now! Is ME! MEHMED!"

"I am the Sultan!"

He swept across all the people bowing below him and ordered in a softer tone.

"If, remember gentleman, if there is a man, a Sultan, that your pledge your loyalty to, it is me, not my father."

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