1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 57: Burning Port

Chapter 57: Burning Port

The fire continued burning casting the water surface, the sky and people's face in an erotic but charming colour of ruby and gold, fire dancing on the water surface like maidens in a pub.

The fortified walls and barricades designed and built by Ottoman naval warfare engineers, and those smaller civilian ships levied in time of need became the greatest obstacle for any Ottoman ships to escape this abyss made of fire. Those fishermen, merchants and ordinary sailors, from all walks of lives and professions totally innocent from this dammed war, mobilised and levied by their lords and liege, burnt alongside in this fire.

War, war never changes. No matter whether one are a decent chap filled with the Seven Virtues, or dreadful twits full of Seven deadly Sins, innocent or not, they are only a miniature and insignificant figure in a violent clash between two states.

No one cares about them.

After fulfilling their strategic goals, Antonius ordered his fleet to immediately move backwards to hunt on those ships that successfully made it out of this place, and also to avoid any potential damage on themselves by the fire.

"Cap Admiral!"

Antonius' varangian captain approached Antonius' flag ship on a fast boat with the help of his sub-coordinate Harald, put down his oars and laughed out loud with his hands on his waist. "Admiral! This battle is indeed satisfying watching our foes cry and burn... However, we won by a surprise attack which is provided by Sir Abdullah's mastermind, and the use of gun powder The Varangians, marines and Admiral yourself still have not showed the fearsomeness as sea-born warriors in this battle!"

Yuri shouted out loudly with his Nordic voice sending his words into the ears of every commander and captain on ships around him. However, neither did Antonius nor other crucial officers such as Abraham, Abdullah and others reprimanded him for his words, it is clear that they all agree and approve Yuri's words.

Antonius knowing Yuri has a hidden meaning in his words, sneered and asked. "What are ya up to Yuri! Let it out before I go down there and kick ya arse!"

"Aye! Sir!" Yuri gulped, pointed at the burning Ottoman harbour and responded immediately. "What I mean is, admiral, all of us can see that we have successfully destroyed our enemy's navy by one strike An heroic act indeed, but after we go back to the city with a detailed battle report, those bastards in the land forces are going to laugh at us at you, admiral! They will say things like we only won this battle with some ridiculous new weapons, not with the strength and morales of a true warrior."

"How much did you bet with them?"

"A hundred Ducats" Yuri replied nervously and continued as others started laughing at him. "But that is not the point, admiral! I have spotted an opportunity that we cannot let away here! With so many ships, I bet theres around a few thousand Ottoman guards and sailors on the shore too. Admiral, I want to ask you, do you dare to land on shore, wipe out these enemies with only blades in hand and light armour?"

Antonius stood up, thought for a while and responded laughing. "Why the hell not, that sounds fun! But dare you stimulate me, Yuri, tell me this is a plan, not some random idea that popped up in your muscle filled brain! Where shall we land!"

"There!" Yuri pointed towards one direction. "There! Admiral!"

Antonius inspected the site that Yuri is pointing, and he immediately understood what Yuri is thinking. Yuri is trying to take full advantage of the chaotic situation on shore and the ravaging flickering fire on the water to land on shores close to the Ottoman naval installations, sneak to their back in the midst of this chaos and surprise the Ottomans in harbour who are busy dealing with burning ships and spiritual-crumbled sailors.

Indeed, it is a good plan, because the Ottoman naval installations are never designed to defend attacks coming from the back, as no one other than themselves are capable of doing an act like this on the vast land of Anatolia. Furthermore, the Ottoman scouts have all been drawn back by their desperate commander trying to settle down the desperate situation, thus they probably will not detect the Roman forces until their blades reach before their face. Lastly, in a battle between armies composing of thousands of people, the most important thing is organisation, whether soldiers can abide by orders, and the morale and calmness of the army on an overall scale.

In this case, the Ottomans now have none of them.

However, after a thousand thoughts ran through the mind of Antonius, he shook his head mildly and asked Yuri back with a chain of questions.

"Yuri, do you know that the Ottoman Anatolian army installations in Abydos Mysya are merely a couple of Roman miles away? What will their reaction be when they take notice of the fire here? Will there by a reinforcement heading this way? If we cannot achieve a successful strike, what if the Ottoman reinforcement arrive before we retreat?"

"Yes, admiral, that is why I am requesting you to give orders as soon as possible, trust me admiral, this shall be a decisive victory!" Yuri stared at Antonius yelling with all of his strength. "I shall lead a pioneer division consisting of Varangians and marines, and I shall form their spear head, lead the charge and penetrate right through their camp before you lead the bulk of the men and claim this victory!"

After Yuri finished his speech, the captains and men on board all looked at Antonius. They never say a thing but their eyes all burning with the spiritual fire to fight.

"Hahaha.. Yuri!" Antonius laughed out loud with his hands on his waist and continued. "I shall heed your advice, but do not ever disappoint me, I shall be watching you from up here!"

Yuri, filled with joy, scrambled into action with his Varangians, for the first time since they are employed.

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