1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 61: We Are In Business

Chapter 61: We Are In Business

Julian returned silently to Antonius' side after examining the statues of his men, tending to their wounds, encouraging the livings and commemorating the dead.

"My admiral, I have a terribly sorry news for you."

Antonius replied without tilting his head. "Speak."

"Francesco is dead."

"I see."

Silence took over on the beach, forming a clear contrast to the clashing and battle cries in the port.

As the noise inside the port quietens down, Antonius suddenly stood up and asked Julian with the former's back still facing the later.

"Julian, do you still have the balls and strength to raise your blade? On a mission that might make your fate like that of Francesco?"

"You do not need to question me that! Admiral!" Upon hearing this, Julian stood upright in a straight line and slammed his right fist against his heart. "You made me what I am today from a puny fishing boy! You gave me respect and prestige that I never had before in my life! Thus, I am very much honoured to be your pioneer! Admiral!"

"Good" Antonius nodded. "I need you to go inside this port from the North-Western gate, engage the enemies directly and hold your ground as long as possible."

"Admiral, may I know how many men are with me this time round?"

"I can only give you a thousand men of sailors and light infantries, thus you will be engaging an enemy army much bigger, better equipped and more disciplined. Can you do it?"

Julian lowered his head and remained silent for a while, suddenly he pulled out his dagger and sliced it across his cheeks before anyone else could react, then vowed with his hand holding the dagger pointing to the sky with blood dripping down from his cheeks onto the sand beneath his feet.

"As witnessed by Christ, Saint Michael and Saint George, I, Julian, shall hold my grounds until we die by an enemy blade!"

After the vow, he went away in a fast pace, gathered a thousand men into four battle formations and stormed into the North-Western gate of Glck.

Abdullah walked forward and said in a deep tone. "My brother I must congratulate you for having such a valiant young chap under your leadership."

"Aye, thank you. But it's not the time for congratulation partiesMauro!"

Upon hearing his name, a fully plate-armoured man who was all along silently polishing his cutlass by one side stood up, walked infront and bowed towards Antonius.

Antonius nodded and continued. "Once again I sincerely thank the help being provided by you and Giovanni Mauro, I need you to go all the way to the Eastern gate of Glck and wait there. When you hear or see three artillery shots from the flag ship Formidata, charge in and engage the Ottomans from their back, don't give them time to re-group and put up a defence, is that clear?"

Mauro slammed his fist to his heart as well, then went back and whistled. Soon after his whistle, around five hundred Genoese mercenaries belonging to Giovanni's band, all equipped with full Italian plate armour, Pavise heavy shields, Genoese Long Swords hiding behind a cliff beside the beach stood up and followed Mauro's lead silently into the unknown marching as one.

"Truly an army of elites and professionals Wont it be a pity if some of them died here?" After Mauro and his men left, Abdullah asked thinking.

"My brother, elites are supposed to conquer the toughest obstacles to prevent the death of lesser men." Replied Antonius as he called out for the next person. "Abraham!"

"Aye Captain!" Abraham cried out addressing Antonius by his old title.

"Take my cutlass, Abraham." Ordered Antonius monotonously as he detached his blade and handed it over to Abraham. "Take my cutlass, run it through the folks who killed Francesco, avenge him with their blood Since we can no longer bring him back, send more men to accompany him."

"Aye captain! So, what am I going to do!" Abraham took over Antonius' blade with a pair of trembling hands and asked.

"Take a thousand men with you, after you hear or see three artillery shots from the flag ship Formidata which you should be quite familiar with her sound, charge into Glck from the North-Western gate, replace Julian and his men and give the Ottomans a final strike! Then leave a narrow opening and allow them to make an escape for the gates."

"Aye Captain!" Answered Abraham as he continued yelling. "For the spirit of Francesco!" Then he gathered a thousand sailors resting on the beach and set off for battle under the dimming sunlight.

Antonius sat back on the stool staring pointlessly at the sun, after a few minutes, Abdullah approached him and asked. "So, what are we going to do?"

Antonius did not answer his friend's question directly but asked Abdullah back. "My brother, do you also learn how to count time when you are studying in your Madrasa?"

"Oh yes of course!" Abdullah recalled excitedly. "We do learn about how to keep track of time in order to better keep track on when to do our daily prayers to the all mighty Allah, we do this by"

"Perfect!" Antonius clapped and interrupted. "If it is like this, please inform me in half an hour's time, it is hard for a not really educated man like me to keep track of time with my eyes and experience when the sun is falling down, thank you my brother."

"It is fine."

Antonius closed his eyes after speaking, the guards almost thought that he is off to dreamland and dared not to disturb him from his sleep. However, Abdullah can see from his heavy breathe and slightly trembling boots that this man is only trying to hide his anxiety and nervousness, appearing to be all confident and quick witted infront of his men.

Soon, thirty minutes passed.

Immediately after Abdullah informed him, Antonius sprouted up and yelled. "The time is right! Send the signals!"

"All of you! Come with me! We got a business to take care of!"

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