1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 7: Queen of All Cities - Constantinople

Chapter 7: Queen of All Cities - Constantinople

"But my Sultan, with my utmost respect I must advice you, that constructing a fort on the bottleneck of the Bosporus is no diplomatic action, it is an act of war!"

The Grand Vizier stood up and warned the Sultan with a grim face.

"Yes! My Sultan! I urge you to reconsider, the Sultanate cannot fight enemies on multiple fronts, building the fort will inevitably provoke the Romans!"

"No no no, Constantine agreed with me, everything inside the Theodosian walls belong to the Romans, anything outside those walls belong to me." Mehmed knew what they are about to say and replied with a cunning smile.

"Butbut my Sultan, remember what happened at Varna ten years back? The pope can send an entire army on us! We cannot face both of them at once! Furthermore"

"Ahh Varna, yes Varna, let me tell you what my dear Candarli Halil Pasha, they failed once in Varna, and they will fail again in the same place, I, the Sultan of Ottomans, is not afraid of them." Mehmed replied. "Or are you trying to mean that I am not as good as my father in leading my boys?"

"No! Sultan! I don't mean that way!"

"Good, now you are dismissed, I will summon you when I need you by my side." Upon saying this, Sultan Mehmed turned and left the room, giving the old Grand Vizier and his supporters a cold back.

"yes, my Sultan." This is a full defeat for the Grand Vizier, as day pass, he fears that he is losing grip and influence of the young Sultan. A Grand Vizier without enough strength and power to influence the Sultan can usually end up in some very bad consequences.

The Rumeli Hisari, or Fortress on the land of the Romans, is planned to be built on a strategic location at the very bottleneck of the Bosporus. It will be able to fully serve the purpose of blockading all naval traffic between Constantinople and the Black Sea, thus preventing any aid by Roman allies in the region from reaching Constantinople, a real masterpiece idea by Mehmed II.


While the hassle and hustle continue in Edirne, Antonius and his crew has already reached the outskirts of Constantinople, sailing slowly into the golden horn at dawn.

The early sunlight come as a blessing by god, light started rising from the horizon driving away the mist and fogs of the early morning like knight driving away his foes, then shines upon the land removing all remaining darkness, casting the land and sea a golden theme-perhaps that is how the name of "Golden Horn" came about.

The light shines upon the enormous city walls stretching beyond sight, it appears like even Athos the giant himself cannot cross these massive walls, the light removes the mysteries surrounding the city and dons her in a new coat-a new coat of prestige.

"Welcome! To the Queen of all cities! Constantinople!" Abdullah exclaimed excitedly running to the front of the ship and waving towards the city like a child. He is the person among the crew who is the most familiar with the city as he has frequented her being a merchant between the Romans and the Ottoman.

As the fleet sails into the golden horn shielded under the vast impressive Theodosian walls. The walls almost blocked the light from covering the waters of the Golden Horn, it is piled using dyed polished marbles and bricks, it has a height that is higher than any known city walls in the entire Europe, and what makes it more impressive is that it is built a thousand years ago.

The keep and towers which forms a vital part of a walled defence makes Antonius gawp in shock, its now not hard to find out why so many armies who tried to take this city all ended up in vain. On the towers and keeps flies the Emperor's purple royal banners decorated with the crest of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Orthodoxy Patriarchy.

To the north of the Golden horn is the famed fort of Galata, another Genoese colony that serve as the frontier of trade between Ottomans, Greeks and various states on the black sea. In the centre of Galata is the famed Tower of Galata, or Christea Turris as called by the Genoese themselves. It just seems that the tower is trying to reach for the sky just like the ancient Tower of Babel itself god knows whether God will send his punishments upon the Genoese who built such a sky-scraping tower like the Babylonians.

The fleet slowly sailed into the harbour of Prosphorion, where a large welcome ceremony has already been prepared by the emperor himself to welcome Antonius and Giovanni together with any outside help that came along.

Banners were hung from the Gate of Eugenios casting Giovanni and Antonius names, the statues of Lioness guarding the gate are also painted in Genoese colours. The arch gate of Eugenios, built with imperial golden tiles on the outside, glistering in the reflection of the deep waters.

Beneath the gate, the residents of Constantinople, or should we call the last of Romans, lined up singing praises for lord, Jesus and Trinity, waving their hands or banquets of flowers waiting for the crew, and the bell of Hagia Sophia rang twenty-one times signifying the importance of the arrival of Antonius and Giovanni is as important as the coronation ceremony of a new emperor. Following the bell of Hagia Sophia, every church in the city, big or small, started ringing, forming a melody, a tune that feels like the sound came straight from the heaven blessing people with eternal enlightenment, giving the city a sacred feeling.

After Giovanni and Antonius entered the city riding a white horse, with headband made of flower and in the songs of praises, what first came to their sight is the spectacular beyond words Hagia Sophia, which forms the sky-line of Constantinople.

Then came the "Great Palace" and the Wall of Byzantium. Inside it contains buildings that form the signature of the city, such as Column of the Goths, the great Theatre of Constantinople, Hippodrome, Bath of Zeuxippos and many others, forming a perfect chain of wonders of architecture in the medieval world. All of these sent Antonius and Giovanni dropped their jaws and widened their eyes and pupils that they did not realise their legs were shaking because of awe and anticipation.

It is only till now that they truly understood why people say that. "Whoever controls Constantinople, controls the centre of both east and west." As they enter the walls of the city and looked at the massive super structures, building marvels, that they finally know what is true power, wealth and prestige.

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