1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 72: The Anabasis

Chapter 72: The Anabasis

Mehmed did not know that he must thank the senators and the Ecumenical Patriarch for solving his trouble before hand. If he had knew about how they rejected Antonius' request to install guns on the Theodosian walls, he would have awarded them with a ton of medals after all of this is done.

Nonetheless, with one quarter of Ottoman war machines getting pinned down, the siege capabilities of the Ottomans went down by a great chunk. Thus, they have to pull back, re-organise their positions, cut down trees and assemble new siege engines, while also taking time to collaborate all artilleries found.

The Battlefield quietened down again for two days because of this. Perhaps an indication that this siege will not go as smooth as people have speculated beforehand.

Meanwhile on the evening of fourteen February, Antonius' fleet sailed back into the port of Neorion. Constantine the emperor, Mega Doux Loukas and a bunch of other important figures showed up in ceremonial uniforms on the deck welcoming Antonius and his men coming back.

The citizens of Constantinople has already been notified of another victory by the navy on evening the day before their return, a big news indeed which injected a syringe of confidence into their blood stream. Countless heads of admirers bobbing up and down behind their emperor on the dock hoping to have a look at their idol the forever victorious Antonius De'Ricci.

It is under this atmosphere that Antonius stepped his feet onto the stone platform. People cheered waving their hands mid-air shouting out his name. Soldiers in the surrounding shoving their blades high up in the air saluting Antonius. Young folks in the back questioning loudly whether the navy will again be open for recruitment.

Constantine smiled, walked forward holding his double headed eagle sceptre and gave Antonius a warm hug, then whispered gently before his ears. "I have not let your trust down have I?"

Antonius is stunned for a moment but soon hugged back and whispered into Constantine's ears. "Aye, emperor, I thank you on behalf of my fleet for your trust."

Constantine chuckled a bit, stopped hugging Antonius, covered his nose and fanned the air between Antonius and him with his hands. "Go take a bath." He exclaimed under his breathe. "You stink with a mixture of perspiration, blood and smell of the salty sea!"

Antonius laughed out loud and nodded, then walked away towards the gate waving and smiling towards the citizens of Constantinople. Suddenly, a small shadowy figure wearing a black hood ran out from the crowd and bumped into Antonius. This scene immediately sent a fright and chill down the spines of Yuri and Abdullah who are following Antonius closely behind thinking that it might be the renowned organisation of Hashashin.

To their relief, the shadowy figure did not draw out a dagger, instead it turned out to be a lady with a bit of her long brunette hair exposed outside, handling over a banquet of gorgeously decorated pinkish Santorini flower to Antonius while hiding her face down in the hood. Antonius, although surprised for a second, took the banquet of Santorini flower with both of his hands from the lady, made a series of sailor's laugh, raising the banquet into the air like a victorious gladiator in the old Roman times showing off his trophy to everyone on the stage.

The lady in hood ran off back into the crowd while everyone watching even Constantine laughs, applauds and whistles for her courage. Only the Mega Doux Loukas Notaras scowled at the back of the lady in hood, feeling that she is strangely familiar, but he is not able to recall who she is.

A few hours later, Constantine organised a state dinner in the Forum of Constantine with all citizens of Constantinople for two purposes. The first is obviously to welcome Antonius and his men home, the second is to spread news of his victory, elaborate on how significant it is which will boost the lowering morales of the citizens and nobles since the siege.

The celebration feast prolonged all the way into the night, people drink giggling around drinking mead mixed with water and stuffing their stomachs with stiff bread. The ordinary folks really know how to enjoy themselves despite all odds in the time of difficulties. Everyone dancing around hardly got any seconds standing still, moving around with great flexibility like they are made of cooked pasta. Even their emperor Constantine went down the stairs enjoying the night with his people from all walks of life, he has never been so happy since the demolition of the Rumelihisar castle, his face forming an epic picture of true joy, he even dragged Antonius down into the dance with him which the later came down unwillingly as he only wants to sleep.

However, there is someone among the crowd who did not really enjoy this night. He is the Mega Doux Loukas Notaras, made an excuse to the emperor and left the ceremony early, now on his carriage riding towards his estate. His instinct tells him that there is something wrong today, but he just cannot catch the tail of the hint.

After arriving home, Loukas Notaras went upstairs before the door of the library and watched inside from the windows. His daughter Anna Notaras is sitting there on the couch grinding Hellenic literature as always. After a while, Loukas pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Hearing the noise of the door behind, Anna stood up and bowed towards her father. "Father, welcome back."

"What are you reading today my child?"

"The Anabasis by Xenophon of Athens."



Loukas sighed. "How many times must I tell you my dear child? Read more of books about churches, Christianity and Orthodoxy, embrace more teachings of God and Saints, that is good for you."

"I am sorry, father."

Loukas stared at Anna's head and questioned. "Did you step out of the house today?"

"No, father."

Loukas continued to stare at her for a while, shook his head and continued. "Anna, after all of this is over, I am going to marry you with a prince from the house of Ruriks to extend our family networks to the land of Rus, I have met him already, a good young chap with the virtues of a knight."

Anna bite her lips, did not make a reply and bowed her head even lower.

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