1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 81: Spears Against Horses

Chapter 81: Spears Against Horses

On the high grounds one Roman mile away from Constantinople, Mehmed sits on his white horse with Zaganos Pasha behind him inspecting the offensive operation by the north army group on the walls of Blachnarea.

Everything seems to be going smoothly, and Mehmed almost jumped down his horse in joy when he saw the gate opened by itself, hoping that it is some 'loyal admirer of Mehmed' in action opening the gate to welcome their Sultan's troops in. For one second, he even has thought of the reward to be offered to these loyalists a noble title, a dozen concubines, a piece of land in Rumelia and an endless supply of golden ducats.

Luckily, he does not have to worry about spending money for the reward now because even a totally ignorant man can see that these folks shining under the sun are not here to surrender.

Although beaming with displeasure and resentment, Mehmed still kept his positive noble image an asked the frontline commander Zaganos Pasha.

"So, these bloody bandits slaughtering my innocent men are those Genoese twits you are talking about the other day?"

Zaganos Pasha looked at the direction his Sultan for a while, and then shook his head. "Forgive me, my Sultan, those men are not the Genoese marry men I have told you."

"Oh?" Mehmed raised his eyebrow. "You have a reason?"

"Yes, my Sultan." Zaganos Pasha bowed to Mehmed on the horse. "If it is those Genoese mercenaries, they will line up in a formation with Pavise shield in the front and crossbows in the back, they will first use their crossbows to harass our force's formations creating a chaos first before rushing in with their long swords and light shields, they would not use weapons like these long spears which can be a burden and nuisance in a crammed close quarter combat."

"Then why are they using spears and heavy shields?"

"Forgive me my sultan, I am also confused, perhaps it is just because the commander of this army is a knucklehead totally ignorant about how to fight a war on land in a formation."

"Never underestimate your opponent Zaganos Pasha."

"Yes, my Sultan."

Mehmed, clearly unconvinced, continued watching without replying anything to Zaganos Pasha. Leaving the later bowing there not daring to sit back up in a state of awkwardness.

"I have seen enough." Mehmed said under his breathe biting his teeth as the Romans out of the gate continued picking down Ottomans one by one with their spears. "Send the calvaries, crush them."

Zaganos Pasha finally took the chance to sit back upright and shouted. "Yes! My Sultan."

The flags man, after getting Zaganos Pasha's approval, started waving his signal flag to inform the men below about the instructions send by the Sultan. Not long later, a fleet of Ottoman Sipahi horse archers newly supplied from the Bey of Iznik departed the camp and rode towards the direction of Constantinople in god's speed.

While the situation below the Gate of Gyrolimne has ended up as a stalemate. The Ottomans dare not approach the Roman circle of spears, while the Romans dare not step forward to attack the Ottomans as it will make them dispersed causing a hole in their defense, and the already weakened Ottoman archers are trying their very best to suppress the arrows fired on the walls.

Then the Sipahi light calvaries arrived at the scene. To everyone's surprise, a cavalry unit recognized a Roman despite the fact that his face is well hidden under a helmet.

"Hey you! I found you! You Jelly-Belly piece of crap!"

No one replied to him of course.

"Hey! I am talking to you!" The cavalry stopped his horse and pointed towards Antonius.

"Who? Me?" Antonius stood up pointing towards himself.

"Aye! You!" The cavalry continued. "Your men shot my men back on the beach of Glck! So, I am going to have your head to appease their souls in Jannah!"

"Ohhh." Antonius leaned back giving the man a surprised look. "I am sorry can you repeat one more time? Or perhaps it is just that you are too insignificant for my ears to hear, that is why I cannot hear you!"

This sent the Roman infantries in the formation laughing around like mad, while also making the Ottoman calvaries beaming steam with rage.

"Just remember! The person who is going to kill you today, is named Talmi!" Talmi raged and rode away to the back with his calvaries.

Antonius tilted his head back into the formation and asked his men in a puzzled tone. "Are they running away from a fight? But he just said he is going to have my head!"

An experienced mercenary by his side answered his doubt. "No admiral, the calvaries need speed to maximise their force of collision, and speed needs a process of acceleration which in turns needs distance, that is why they are riding back, because they need a longer distance than this to reach full speed"

The old mercenary no longer needs to explain to his admiral, because his voice is interrupted by a series of trembling sound from a distance away that sounds like an earthquake. "Be careful admiral, they are coming! Hold your shield tight! That is the only thing that can save you from a mad horse!" The old mercenary shouted with a serious look on his face.

The calvaries came fast and furious, showing up right before the eyes of Antonius with the speed of a flash, the metallic horseshoes of their horses clapping off the winter frozen Earth like the rumbling of thunder. Honestly speaking Antonius have never seen a force like this before, no man can realise how reckoning a force of two hundred horses galloping unless if he confronts them with his own eyes.

"You leave me no choice. Prepare to meet your end, Antonius!" Talmi exclaimed with his saliva flying out everywhere and eyes bulging from excitedness of slaying the man he hate.

Without the need of a reminder, Antonius knew that this time round they are in very big trouble.

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