1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 9: Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos

Chapter 9: Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos

Later that day, in the Palace of the Porphyrogenitus, Blachernae.

The Great Palace of Constantinople, although fine on the outside, but is completely damaged beyond repairs as the leading usher has told them, by the crusaders and Venetians of course, just another prove that Giovanni have acquired to be sarcastic on Stephano.

The Palace of the Porphyrogenitus is another signature piece of architecture of the Romans, the reigning emperor two centuries ago developed the concept of this palace himself to show high prestige and utmost honour as the Emperor of the Romans, because the palace name literally translates into "The palace of those who are born in purple." Decorated elaborately in precious burnt red bricks and white marble, giving the entire lavish effect which awed all the crews once again.

"The Emperor did give us a ceremony designed splendidly and extravagantly despite his country already in such a state" Antonius sighed with gratitude in his voice for the emperor.

"Pfft you don't know my brother." Abdullah laughed. "This is the tricks the emperor of the Romans play every single time since centuries ago, they will also deliberately pay their clerks gold plated coins in front of foreign legates just for them to see, to give them the false impression that the empire is still as rich as ever."

"Isee, you know a lot of them."

"Of course, I and the Romans have been neighbors since my childhood."

The Roman usher in front, already embarrassed with his face blushing, quickly led the people into their respective seats to stop their conversation. The emperor seats in the middle, two of his most trusted men seats beside him. Giovanni and Antonius are seated on the emperor's left-hand side, while Stephano and Abdullah are seated on the emperor's right-hand side. The rest of the crew are seated on the outside where a sumptuous of Greek food and wine by the citizens of Constantinople awaits them.

In the midst of the feast, the emperor began asking.

"Lord Giustiniani, Lord De'Ricci, you and your fellow men are welcomed by all Romans into our city." The emperor, Constantine, gave Giovanni and Antonius a toast of traditional Greek grape wine in silver cup.

"Sogentlemen, I believe that you have studied Constantinople's uh, not so pleasant situation on the way here." Constantine stumbled as he asked the two men, apparently lack of confidence.

"Yesyes we have." Giovanni answered, while looking at Antonius.

"We must admit that the situation is not very good, emperor." Antonius said shaking his heads and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have a map of Constantinople, emperor." Giovanni continued as he stood up and laid a map of the city labelling key defence areas and potential threats. "According to our intelligence and calculations, you have around six thousand soldiers, and around ten thousand men in the city that you can mobilise, against the Ottomans who have more than a hundred thousand battle hardened soldiers."

"Yes, emperor." Antonius also stood up and analysed. "we would be powerless against them if not for those big, beautiful walls and moat. Furthermore, Blachernae's walls has no moat and is relatively weaker than other part of the walls, you better be careful of thatIf the city falls your, exquisite palace will be the first to face their blades." Antonius said in a straightforward manner, observing the expression of Constantine.

"Do have a little faith, Lord Giustiniani, Lord De'Ricci, the situation is certainly not ideal, but I believe that with you and your men's allegiance"

Giovanni interrupted Constantine. "Pardon me, emperor, allegiance?"

"with your solid support and your professional men, we can defeat the Ottomans, I have always heard of your gallant and ahead-of-times city defence techniques." Constantine continued with a dim face.

Antonius quickly stepped forward to apologise for his swashbuckling friend. "I am sorry for the interruption emperor, but we have fifteen Roman Miles of walls to defend, including the sea walls emperor. If we spread our men equally, we would be on the lesser side."

"II have send ambassadors to allies in Europe and the Balkans, requesting for reinforcements from the pope and city states in Italia, their troops hopefully should be arriving by any time now, the situation will be much better then." Constantine looked at Giovanni, trying to boost his morale.

Giovanni laughed, shaking his head in disapproval in the emperor's speech, he stared at the emperor with his warning pair of eyes like how he stared at his men.

"Forgive me." He said. "But in a war, in a siege, which you cannot lose, hope will only get you killed, emperor."

Constantine panicked, looked down and dared not look straight at Giovanni in his eyes, continued drinking his wine.

"Emperor." Antonius shook his cup and said sternly, breaking Constantine's last hope. "They won't be here; they cannot reach here. If I am the Ottoman Sultan, I will control the Bosporus, and stop any impending ship entering this area, while your tiny navy will be helpless to stop them."

There is nothing but only silence for a while. Stephano, the true and only diplomat, seeing the banquet is going tense and the atmosphere is growing tense, quickly stood up and saluted the emperor and comforted him.

"Don't worry, your majesty. I, as the legate of Venice with full responsibilities, will try to negotiate a treaty of peace between you and the Sultan under the supervision of the Serene Doge."

Abdullah quickly gulped down the last bit of cheese, stood up and toasted Constantine and also tried to relief the emperor. "Don't worry, imperator, I will try to contact the Grand Vizier and convince him to stop this whole plan of my Sultan and bring peace, back to the two countries!"

Constantine forced a smile on his face, toasted the two gentlemen on his right and complimented them for their efforts.

However, Giovanni is not done yet. He toasted Constantine and continued over the lid of the silver cup. "Emperor, if you want to have my full trust on you, whether you pay or not, I still demand the full trust of you as my loyal partner in this siege, or else I fear my brothers and I wont rest soundly in this city."

Constantine seems a little reluctant, hands trembling, because of fear perhaps as Antonius observes him closely. Constantine bite his lips, rose his guts, leaned forward and confronted the sight of Giovanni, then said in a solid tone.

"Lord Giustiniani I shall grant you the title of mgas domstikos ,or the commander in chief of the army, the entire Roman army will be under your lead now, do whatever you want without the need to tell me."

Constantine then looked at Antonius and said. "Lord De' Ricci, I shall grant you the title of mgas droungarios ,or the commander in chief of the whole Roman fleet, the entire navy will be under you command, please do whatever you can to break the blockade of the Ottomans."

The three men stood up and shook their hands firmly with one another, seeing the will to fight to the end in each other's eyes. Constantine requested. "Now Lord Giustiniani, Lord De' Recci, I have given all me support and trust on you, I hope that your will have all your most faithful trust on me, do whatever your want. I only have one request."

"Stop the Ottomans from taking this city." Giovanni added on.


Antonius, suddenly remembered something, asked Constantine. "Emperor, since I am now commanding your navy, I need to ask for a formulae of the Roman's secret weapon."

"You mean the Greek Fire?"

"Yes, emperor."

"The Greek Fire."

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