2000 Years Of Magic History In My Head

Chapter 6

Klinssman’s Diary (3)

It used to be called the Seoul Forest.

After the forest was burned down by an A-class monster, Salamander, people built Hunter Academy in its ruins. The hope of humanity was placed in the hands of tens of thousands of trainees, and the young warriors who completed the training course each year protected Korea from monsters.

The Department of Magic Training.

The department only had a few hundred trainees in the entire site. The magic students, including Professor Baek Dong-suk, arrived.

It was a scene that showed the status of a wizard.

In the case of the Warrior Department, there were thousands of trainees, even if it’s just a simple training ground. They complete all training courses in less than half the time of the Magic Department. More than 90 percent of the students who enter the academy belong to the Warrior’s Department, which the sad reality they had to accept.

There are about 50 students in the first class of the Department of Magic.

Professor Baek Dong-suk, who confirmed that they were all gathered, briefly explained the upcoming training.

“The monster we’re going to face today are Goblins. According to the monster encyclopedia, the Goblin is a small monster less than 100 centimeters long and has no special ability. He is also the lowest monster classified as an F because of his weak offense and defense. But it should not be underestimated.”

F grade

It’s a fragile monster, as Professor Dong-suk said.

Even ordinary people without mana could defeat it.

However, due to the magician’s nature, fighting in closer proximity is not a problem.

“Four people in one group will face three Goblins. The battle begins at a distance of 50 meters, and training will be completed when all three goblins are defeated. I think you’ve all heard about the importance of practice. In this training, where goblins can only be magically defeated, there were only a couple of bloody accidents last year.”

The students were nervous.


The students, at the thought of being injured, stared back at Baek Dong-suk with anxious eyes.

Since they were still in training, they hoped Baek Dong-suk would provide them with minimal safety.

However, he continued to speak,

“Remember. Hunter Academy teaches you how to fight a real enemy. You learned the basic training course to become hunters at the Youth Academy. The hunter is the guardian of this land from the dangers of monsters, so take the risk. The risk of losing one’s life is a risk all hunters have to take.”

This was not a playground.

This was real.

It is not a school where children play, but a training center for warriors who can die at any time.

“For now, I will give you a 30-minute tactical meeting. Use your knowledge to survive without bleeding. Oh, tell me now if you have a student who wants to give up. If there is a stupid man who can’t even play his part, the team members will suffer. “

A hands-on lesson.

That’s how the students’ infamous training began.

* * *

Kang Min-hyuk’s group placed fifth.

The tactical meeting lasts half an hour.

During their team’s meeting, Kim Chang-soo actively led the conversation.

“I checked last year’s injury report, which was caused by the Goblin’s quick movements. The Goblin is not a strong monster, but a single blow to wizards like us can inflict a fatal wound, so the point is to block the enemy’s attack.”

He drew on the ground.

Three goblins and four humans.

“The two-way magic casting takes about three minutes. So, while Min-ho casts a second circle magic, Jung-min and I will begin to hit the Goblins with the first circle magic and immobilize them. At this time, Jung-min and I have to use 1st circle magic by a minuscule time difference only. That will immobilize the Goblin, preventing it from moving forward.”

Lee Min-ho and Kim Jung-min had their roles.

Kim Chang-soo, who made the plan, glanced at Min-hyuk, thinking about what he could do.

It was hard.

Min-hyuk had just entered the magic department, so they expected him to know only a little magic.

It was quite a headache.

They thought he was a stranger to even the basics. It’s very dangerous to put him in the plan if he could only use 1st circle magic. Even if you can use 1st circle magic, it would usually take a long time for a beginner like him to cast it.

They thought Min-hyuk was a useless resource.

This is why they wanted to avoid him.

Unlike others, no one knows how deadly the basics are.

“Kang Min-hyuk.”


“What 1st circle attacks can you do?”

“A lot.”

Kim Chang-soo sneaked a glance and laughed.

‘He’s bluffing.’

First, it’s just 1st circle magic.

There are about ten known 1st circle magic. On the same topic, Min-hyuk thought it was right to say that many magic tricks can be done, in front of him, a 2nd circle wizard.

“Then take care of one of the goblins on your own. If there is a gap in the middle of the battle, come out.”


Kim Chang-soo continued to think about the plan.

What magic should he use?

Firebolts seemed the most effective use of the 1st circle magic for the fastest and most decisive blow.

“Jung-min and I will make firebolts as the initial first attack, then Minho will finish the fireball casting as soon as possible. You shouldn’t be afraid. A wizard can’t do anything if he loses his composure.”

“I’ll do that.”

“I will finish casting as soon as possible.”

Kim Chang-soo was a decent leader.

He was able to formulate a plan making the most of the member’s abilities.

The problem is…


“…… Damn it!”

“Medical team! Medical team!”

30 minutes later.

During the third group’s training, an emergency occurred.

* * *

It was an accident.

Three students, who were confident that they had taken care of all the goblins, got careless and were almost killed by the goblins.

“Oh, Awha!”

The student rolled on the ground.

Fortunately, only the arms were scratched, but the painful bleeding kept them awake. Pain is so strange. The screams of the injured students were so loud, until the medical team gave them an anesthetic.

The problem began then.

When Chang-soo witnessed the accident, a fear that existed only in his imagination began to materialize.

“… …Damn.”

“Aren’t we going to be like that?”

“Oh, I’m nervous.”

Fear began to spread.

For those inexperienced, seeing what happened to the third group only fueled their fears.

They were hoping that because of this, training would be over, but Baek Dong-suk was angry.

“Be mindful, you bastards! This is training, not practice. You won’t know what will happen until it happens, they made the mistake of not checking if the Goblins were dead. What a stupid thing to do, training will continue because they caused this accident themselves. Make sure to learn from them and not to repeat their mistake.”

The training was not over.

With the start of the Group 4 training session, Kim Chang-soo, who had been overflowing with leadership a while ago, turned pale.


His body trembled.

The sight of blood dripping down to the ground shook him.

‘Damn it. It’s real. Monsters could kill us. ‘

His heart sank.

He knew what being a hunter meant, but Kim Chang-soo was too young to be ready to die.

He was only 17 years old.

The knowledge gained at the youth academy was his only knowledge so far, and Kim Chang-soo was merely a boy with a small t-shirt, he was too embarrassed to call himself a hunter. Although he showed off his leadership skills, once confronted with reality, he could no longer control his trembling legs.

He wanted to sit on the ground.

The bloody scent seemed to cause dizziness.

It was then.


“… … ?! “

A hot energy sprang upon his back.

When I looked around in a hurry, Kang Min-hyuk placed his hand on Kim Chang-soo’s back.

“Breathe slowly.”

“What, what?”

“Don’t be consumed by fear. You said it yourself. A wizard can’t do anything if he loses his composure. So, get your thoughts together and regain your composure. It’s our turn right after Group 4.”

Chang-soo was embarrassed.

Though his thoughts got complicated, Kim Chang-soo began to control his breathing, as Kang Min-hyuk said.

“And besides, it was an accident caused by their carelessness, we just have to be careful not to make the same mistake. Goblins are the most powerful when in a group, and only three can hurt us.”

Kang Min-hyuk’s voice was calm.

With a stable voice to clear up the situation, Kim felt his fears fade over time.

And then he suddenly realized.

Thanks to Kang Min-hyuk, he was able to conquer his fear.

“……How could you be so calm? You just saw the kids screaming.”

Chang-soo wondered.

They’re not even hunters yet. They were young and inexperienced magic students.

His weak initial impression of Kang Min-hyuk had changed.


Kang Min-hyuk laughed bitterly.

Min-hyuk knew something that Chang-soo and his classmates did not.

“Being introduced to magic late doesn’t mean I have no experience as a hunter.”

They had no idea.

When Min-hyuk was only eight years old, while others were still being sheltered by their parents, Kang held the sword and cut a Goblin’s neck.

There was no need to reveal the past.

When Kang Min-hyuk finished talking, Chang-soo looked at him strangely.

“And a few minutes, the fourth group’s training is over. Group 5 goes forward.”

Group 5.

It was finally time for Kang Min-hyuk to come out.

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