6 Times a Day

Chapter 1076 Sinister Plot brewing!

Chapter 1076 Sinister Plot brewing!

Silver Tier:

William Osborne

Broze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, VoidStar, WendigosArk, Jester Smash

--------------------------------------------- 3K words

"So. What are we doing here?" A bulky football player sat himself down on a bench in the men's locker room. It was about twenty minutes before the start of school and this room was normally empty at this time, but now there were nine football players all sitting on benches and staring at each other.

"Thanks for making it, Dave," said Ryan. He, along with another player named Jerry, were the ringleaders of previous plots against Alan. For instance, they led the efforts to push Alan down the stairs and have him sit in a freshly painted classroom chair. Both Ryan and Jerry were giant linemen. But Ryan had smarts while Jerry was as dumb as he looked, so it had fallen on Ryan to lead the meeting.

Dave nodded at Ryan, then smiled at one of the other players and gave him a manly hand shake that was more of an arm grasp. "Rock! Man! It's great to see you again. How's it hanging?"

Rock, a.k.a. Rockwell, had been the team's star quarterback until he'd been expelled from the school a week before. He also was Heather's previous public boyfriend. "Good. As I was just telling the guys, it's going all right in the new school. I get to start next week, which is good for me, but let's just hope we don't have to play you in the playoffs!"

There was good natured laughter about that, then Dave asked, "But what are you doing here?"

Ryan answered before Rock could say anything, "We'll get to that. Now that we're all here, let's get to business." He looked around, and satisfied that everything was in order and all were present, he launched into an explanation. "Why is Rock here? It's all about revenge. He got kicked out because of that little prick Alan Plummer. I don't need to remind you that Plummer's the reason we lost last week and our season is headed down the toilet. We lost our good friend Rock, four players got suspended from last week's game, and he's making a fool out of us. He got out-"

"Hey," Rock spoke up. "Don't forget the worst part. He's stealing our women! Heather left me for a fucking NERD, and she won't even return my phone calls! He's got some kind of weird hold over her."

Another player added, "Yeah. There are all these rumors about the guy. Supposed to be some kind of great lover. I don't get it. He's just a tiny twerp. This is like that movie, 'Revenge of the Nerds.'"

Ryan spoke, "Except that we're going to give this one a different ending. There are nine of us and one of him. He hardly has any friends at all, and the ones he's got are even bigger dweebs than he is. Plus, most the rest of the team is with us, some more, some less. It's just that you're the only guys I can trust."

"Especially with Brad," another player pointed out.

Rock replied, "Yeah. Brad. He seems like an okay guy, but he is the brother of Alan's girl, so there's no telling where his loyalties lie. He doesn't say much. But nine is more than enough. With this group, we can knock Alan's head so far up his ass that his nose will be rubbing up against his belly button, from the inside."

Ryan chimed in, "Hey. I'm all for physically messing him up. But that's not the whole solution. If we bust him up, he'll just get healed sooner or later and then he'll get all kinds of sympathy from the girls and we'll be painted as the bad guys. Unless we want to cause permanent damage-"

Rock smacked one of his hands on the other angrily and cut in, "I say, we fucking chop his penis off! That'll teach him not to stick it where it doesn't belong! Without his penis, he's nothing. Think about it. Why would the likes of Heather go out with a total loser like him. He must have a monster horse cock. Ten inches, at least. I hear that's what all the women want these days. They fucking obsess about huge cocks."

Rock frowned angrily. Most of the players in the room were too thick to notice, but Rock obviously had a grudge against big penises because his was undersized. And since the rest of his body was so big and muscular, that made his penis appear to be even smaller than it was. (Needless to say, Heather had only gone out with him because he was the star quarterback and her ticket to being named Homecoming Queen, not because of his sexual skill or endowment.)

There were some murmurs of agreement, but Ryan said, "Nice idea, but let's get real. What are you going to do, chop it off with a knife? Come on. Who would ever really do that? Nobody except that Bobbitt woman, and she was crazy or something. I wouldn't even be able to get close to touching anything down there. Now, kicking him hard in the 'nads, that I can do. Let's cause some permanent damage so he'll never be able to enjoy using the thing."

That got a much better response. Even Rock could see that was much more practical.

Ryan continued, "But like I was saying, physical damage is not enough. I'll tell you what I want. I want him out of this school so I never have to see his ugly face again. It would be poetic justice if we can get him expelled. Revenge for what happened to Rock here. But if we can't get that, then at least scare him so shitless that he'll run from this school with his tail between his legs. After that thing about painting his desk didn't work out yesterday, I got to thinking: why nickel and dime with a little thing here, another thing there? Each time we do something, it's a danger. Who knows, the rest of us might get expelled. So we should just do one thing so horrific that we'll completely break Alan's spirit. Make him piss in his pants in fear. If we do this right, we'll never see him again, I guarantee it."

Another player nodded and asked, "So, what you got in mind?"

Ryan explained, "Like I said, we've gotta go all out. We need to show everyone in this school who's boss. I say, we lure Alan somewhere so we can do whatever we want. That's why I invited Rock here, 'cos I knew he would want to take part. And this is what's sweet: what's the lure? Why, of course, Amy, his ditzy girlfriend. How many of you have thought about doing her? Who hasn't? She's such an airhead that we can lure her to someplace safe, like maybe this locker room after school. Then we tell Alan that we've got his girl and we're going to do her, repeatedly, if he doesn't show up and take his punishment like a man."

Rock, who had already worked out the plan with Ryan, explained excitedly, "And here's my favorite part of the plan: it's win-win! If Alan shows up, then we kick his ass into the next time zone. If he doesn't, then we've still got Amy, and we can do whatever we want with her and get revenge on Alan that way. Then beat him up the next day on top of it. We can't lose!"

"Yeah," Ryan agreed, pleased with his own plan. "And if Alan does show up, who's to say we don't fuck Amy right there in front of him? But that's not all. Gary, I was thinking. Everyone here knows you're gay."

Gary was the team's only openly gay player. As a linebacker, he was also a member of this group. "Yeah. So what of it? I've told you that if anyone gives me grief about that, I'm gonna kick their ass."

"Hey, relax. We're all friends here. Rock and I were thinking. Let's make Alan's humiliation complete. If he's so big into fucking, let's see how he likes getting fucked in the ass!"

Gary looked at the others warily. "And you expect me to be the one to do it, I take it."

Ryan and Rock nodded. Rock added, "We're not asking you because we're thinking you'd enjoy it. This is not about that; this is about making him pay. We want to completely destroy him mentally. This is a power play. I hate him so much I could almost talk myself into doing it. But I know there's no way I could actually do it, when push comes to shove. We were thinking you could."

Gary frowned. "I don't know. It's one thing in the abstract that you all know I'm gay. And it's bad enough the way everyone's so awkward around me in the showers and everything. But if you ever saw me do something like that, none of you would ever look me in the eye again. That plays into every bad stereotype. Even if it was in the next room, you all would be too freaked. Sorry. I don't want to do it even slightly, and you can't make me do it. We can just fuckin' pummel him with our fists. I'm all over that. You know, I saw something in a movie where you can take a towel and wrap it around a bar of soap and cause some serious pain without leaving any marks. I'm thinking that might be smart."

Ryan answered, "I'm with you. Good idea with the soap. And we totally understand about you not being willing to do the other thing. We were more just throwing that out there. I'm thinking though, maybe we could hire a couple of people to do it. A couple of guys to fuck him at both ends. Then take pictures and video. If we could get that, he'd not only leave the school, he'd probably leave the state altogether!"

The others all nodded with approval.

Rock said enthusiastically, "If that's cool with everyone, I'll be more than happy to pay whatever it costs to hire those guys. Alan is going to be sorry he was ever born. Did I tell you guys? After I broke up with Heather, I found out she'd started sleeping with him even before she broke up with me! He disrespected me and all but spat in my face! I can't bring him enough pain!"

All the other players desperately tried to avoid looking each other in the eye, and especially avoided looking at Rock. The truth was, nearly every guy in the room had had sex with Heather while she was still going out with Rock. (Gary was the one obvious exception.) They'd even joked with each other over how oblivious he was about her having fucked over half the team.

However, they did have some sympathy for Rock in that they all felt like jilted boyfriends as well. Once Heather got involved with Alan, her interest in all her other partners had dropped to next to nothing, and when she did pay them any attention she was increasingly demanding. Just days earlier she'd told them all that she wasn't willing to fuck any of them anymore unless they measured up to her higher expectations. She'd even outright challenged a select few of them to try and fuck her in the ass, which had resulted in failure and humiliating rejection. (She was bluffing, since she wanted only Alan to fuck her ass.)

All the players rightly blamed Alan for Heather's even bitchier and more demanding attitude.

In an attempt to quickly redirect the conversation, one of the other players said, "So this all sounds good. So when can it happen? What do we need to do?"

Ryan replied, "We should talk to Amy and try to get her to meet at a certain time and place. We may just have to roll with the punches. If she isn't game, we can always go after his sister Katherine, as a backup plan. We could even see what develops today, though I'm hoping we can do it in a way so that Rock can be there to take part. That's why I'm thinking it might be best to do it on Friday. We've got a football game over the break and Rock's team does not, and of course Amy has to be there as a cheerleader. And it would give us so many excuses. Like everyone needs to come to such and such a spot after the game to take a team picture or some shit like that. Amy's such a birdbrain that any old excuse will do."

Dave said, "How 'bout we tell her she needs to come over to the men's locker room to suck my cock?"

The other guys laughed.

Ryan answered, "She's such a fucking cocktease, but she's gonna get what's coming to her. Don't worry, she's gonna suck your cock lots of times before the afternoon is over." There were more cheers in response to that.

One player named Craig who hadn't spoken yet asked, "Uh, don't you guys think that might be going too far? I don't want to get in trouble. This seems like some serious shit you're talking about here. Isn't it good enough to just kick his ass and drive him out of the school? I mean, what did Amy ever do to us?"

Ryan joked, "And I thought Gary was the gay one in our group! Come on, Craig. This is too-hot-to-trot Amy we're talking about here! She's fucking cockteased us all for years, that's what she did! Don't tell me you don't want to do her. Can't you just imagine having your cock in her mouth, Dave with his cock in her cunt, Ray with his cock in her ass, and then her hands pumping two more cocks? Come on! Think about it and tell me you don't want to do it. She may resist a little at first, but she's so sexual. You can't rape the willing. You know she'll end up loving it."

Craig thought about it. He was huge but dumb: one could almost visualize gears slowly turning in his head as he thought. Yet he asked a surprisingly good question. "What if Alan doesn't show, but just calls the police instead?"

Ryan explained, "We don't actually do anything with Amy until we have Alan under our power. We just keep her busy talking and stall for time. The police aren't going to come to protect some kid from school bullies. And even if they do, all they'll find is a group of guys hanging out with a girl cheerleader and it's the story of nine guys versus one. Anyway, do you have any idea how hard it is to get the police around here to come quickly for anything these days? You could tell them someone's been murdered and it would take them over an hour to arrive, if you're lucky. Alan's not going to sit around and wait while he imagines us doing who-knows-what to her, and he's got no friends of his own to help. Once we've got the two of them, we move to a safer location so we can really take our time. Don't worry. I've got it all worked out."

Craig pondered that. Finally, he made a goofy grin and said, "Yeah. Sounds pretty cool."

Ryan was pleased. Everyone was clearly onboard with the plan. While no one wanted to say it out loud because Rock was there, they hoped that Amy would soon take the place of Heather as the school slut. He continued, "All you guys need to do is two things. One, shut the fuck up. Not a word about this to anybody! That's why I'm sticking with just you guys, because I know you all and trust you like brothers. And two, just show up when the time comes and be ready to bash Alan's head in. Rock and I will take care of everything else. Is that clear?"

"Yeah!" the others all yelled in reply.

Ryan stood up and said dramatically, "Are you with me?"

"YEAH!" The others all stood up and pounded their fists in the air. It was easy to rile them up just as the coach would do before each game.

Rock slapped a lot of high fives, and patted a lot of backs, then said to the group, "I gotta run. I've gotta get back to my new school. But it was great seeing you all. You've got my cell number. If something comes up, give me a call and I'll drop what I'm doing and come right over, even if it's in the middle of school. I just can't wait to see the look on Alan's face. He's going to be so sorry he ever touched Heather."

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