6 Times a Day

Chapter 1082 Susan X Suzanne X Brenda

Chapter 1082 Susan X Suzanne X Brenda

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Brenda felt better by now, though still a bit overwhelmed. She got up and knelt between Suzanne's thighs. Looking up into Suzanne's ravishing ivory face, she said, "I am so completely sorry for yelling at you. Please forgive me. I had no right to do that. I hope you'll punish me later, but for now, let me try to make it up to you just a little bit."

She pulled Suzanne's lycra pants to the side and began to lick her pussy.

Suzanne tried to push Brenda's head away, but without much success. "Brenda! Really. You don't have, ugh, have to, oooh! To do that." She felt guilty, since she thought that Brenda's outburst was a justifiable reaction to her thoughtless comments.

Brenda stopped and looked up again. "Mistress Suzanne, I generally think that you understand me pretty well. Surely you understand that I MUST do this. This is what I do. I'm a complete submissive. Other people may find joy in their passions. A baseball player loves to play baseball, or whatever; this is how I find MY joy. One thing I love about this family is that you can relate and you can accept me for what I am. Please don't ask me to stop?"

She began pulling off Suzanne's lycra pants.

Suzanne's willpower crumbled and she let Brenda remove the last of her clothes. "Ah, what the heck. Knock yourself out. But not so intense! How am I supposed to concentrate?"

She thought, Speaking of Sweetie being tempted by corruption, I think Brenda's going to corrupt me too.

But she said out loud, "Susan, what were we talking about? Oh yes. Your fantastical Big Tits Theory."

Susan complained, "'Fantastical'?! How can you call the Big Tits Theory just a sexual fantasy? Think about it. Look at yourself. Look at me. Look at Brenda! Especially look at Brenda. Let's be honest, with no false modesty. When it comes to beauty, the three of us are in the top one percent of the top one percent of all the women in the world. We're just not genetically built like other people. We're hard-wired for sex! We're hard-wired to serve."

Suzanne complained, "Those two things aren't connected."

Susan replied emphatically, "Yes, they are! And I have a theory for that. I think women like us were probably bred to be sexual playthings down through the ages. Think of the wife or mistress or harem girl of a Viking warrior king or a Turkish sultan. Those women had children, and only the most beautiful and sexually talented were deserving of belonging in the harem of the leader of the next generation. Over millennia, an upper class of harem types must have evolved, women bred for beauty AND submissiveness. Look at us. You practically only have to touch Brenda and she cums in buckets. It's just not normal. You and I are almost the same. Most women aren't wiping their own pussy juice that's dripped down below their knees on a daily basis. That's not normal either, especially for a woman her age. Whether you like it or not, we've been born and bred to serve in the harem of a natural master like our Tiger. It's a fact!"

Brenda was so moved by those words that she felt goose bumps all over. So true! That explains me! That explains everything! And it's a good thing! I have special talents, a special purpose!

Suzanne was a bit taken aback by this, because it did make a fair amount of sense. Near the throes of orgasm, she grabbed Brenda's head and pulled her away from her lap temporarily, so she could think and talk.

After recovering a bit, the sexy redhead said, hesitantly, "Okay, let's hypothetically say that's true. How did we all end up here in the middle of nowhere in Orange County? Why aren't we in Istanbul or Paris or Beijing or somewhere fancy like that? And how is it Sweetie found so many of us in such a short time?"

"I don't know," Susan answered honestly. "The truth is, he didn't really find us; we were gathered together already. Even Brenda moved in a close, exclusive social circle. Maybe since there are no real harems left in the world anymore, or only a very few, at least, people like us get scattered to the four corners of the Earth. Maybe people like us naturally seek each other out. Or maybe it's fate. Maybe there are forces at work more powerful than we can ever understand. It's all so wildly improbable that you just can't say it's all random! That's PROOF that there's a higher design here. It must be God's will!"

Suzanne scoffed. "You lost me there. I'm sorry. I don't believe in fate or in God. Maybe you have a point about socially selected breeding for sexual characteristics. Of course that happens. But there's a huge gap from that to the Big Tits Theory. I don't mind the idea of being especially hard-wired for sex, but not to serve. That does not describe me at all. Nope. No siree. I find the very idea highly offensive."

Susan exclaimed, "But look at Brenda! Haven't you heard a word she's said?"

Suzanne looked down into her lap where Brenda's tongue eagerly explored the insides of Suzanne's pussy, as far in as her tongue could go. Sheesh! Brenda certainly makes it tougher to make any argument against a natural type of subservience. She's taken to her new life like a duck to water!

But Suzanne replied, "Brenda is one in a million. Not only that, but there were a lot of environmental factors in her life, like the way her mother sexually spanked her, setting off who knows what kind of sexual fetishes, and her mother's tragic early death."

Suzanne raised her hand to stop Susan from protesting. "Enough. Please. If the Big Tits Theory works for you and Brenda, then fine. I won't try to pop your bubble anymore. But please don't mention it to me or anyone else. I don't want to think about it, or think of myself that way. I'm sick and tired of hearing it." She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind.

Brenda, who had been mostly looking up at Suzanne while licking, saw Suzanne's emerald green eyes close and could see they would stay closed for some moments. She briefly withdrew her tongue from Suzanne's pussy lips and turned enough to make eye contact with Susan. She gave Susan a big encouraging smile and two thumbs up. She wanted Susan to know that she agreed with everything she had said and then some. She knew this was a bit naughty vis-à-vis Suzanne, but she couldn't contain herself.

Susan couldn't help but giggle at this. She winked at Brenda conspiratorially.

Brenda winked back. She sighed with contentment at having such wonderful mistresses and returned to her task of getting Suzanne to climax.

Suzanne, while enjoying Brenda's attentions physically, was still very distraught mentally. She opened her eyes and looked at Susan with exasperation. "Susan, we got a bit off track, but do you see where I'm coming from about Sweetie and his problems, at all? Don't you see? Don't you see the very way that you proved how I would behave if I was in charge in the morning, or the way Brenda thinks and acts, don't you see that only shows just how serious a problem this is?! Power corrupts. It's a fact!"

Somehow, that last thought made her look down at Brenda, who was happily lapping away.

Susan, still sat directly in front of Suzanne and replied, "Actually, I do understand exactly where you're coming from. You're my very best friend and loving sister, after all. We do have a problem here. You kept telling me and I never really got it, but I think I get it now. I really do. The lottery metaphor, that makes sense to me. I always had absolute faith in Tiger's talents, so I never worried about him too much, but you're right: it's the very fact that he's so talented that could be his downfall. But what to do? You know I've NEVER had much willpower with my children. It's a miracle they're not horribly spoiled already. Ron was never there for them, and I never said no."

"Noooo, you didn't," Suzanne agreed, slowly, trying hard to think and speak clearly despite all the arousal. "But when they did something you didn't like, you'd look at them with sad puppy dog eyes so tragic that even I would nearly cry, if I happened to be in the room. In a way, that was ten times more powerful than saying no. You can still do that. You hold an incredible power over your cutie Tiger's heart. More than I do, I'll freely admit."

Susan responded, "But Suzanne! How can I do that, now? I just take one look at my Tiger's crotch, and I know that there's a dangerous sperm buildup going on before my eyes."

"Not all the time," Suzanne scoffed.

"Actually, pretty much ALL the time! Sperm is constantly being produced at an alarming pace, and it needs to come out! Preferably into my mouth so I can taste it and properly savor it, but really any hole in any big-titted babe will do. That's where it BELONGS, gracing a woman's fair skin like liquid jewels, or oozing out of well-fucked holes. That's become so important to me that I've willingly enslaved myself to my own son! I know you think I'm crazy, but Tiger NEEDS TO CUM!"

This idea was so wonderfully arousing to Susan that she began to run her hands all over her body, as if to put out small fires everywhere. She managed to slide her workout outfit down to her stomach in the process.

Suzanne rolled her eyes.

"Suzanne, it's so true! From when I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep, that's the primary thought on my mind. How can I help him cum? How many times will he cum? Who will he cum into? How hard will he cum? How much will he enjoy it? How many big-titted women will get to enjoy his sperm? Did he find any deserving new cunts to cum into? These are the kinds of questions that make or break my day. If he came a lot and really enjoyed it, it was a good day for me."

Brenda was nodding emphatically. She could have said the same, word for word.

Susan continued, "Before I drift off to sleep, I'll review the day and almost always smile and go to sleep contentedly, because most days are good days, where he cums six times or more, into or onto a variety of sexy women. But if he didn't, then I'm sad. Call me crazy, but that's my life now. Everything else, even my own wants and needs, sexual or otherwise, are secondary."

Brenda, her chin and nose smeared and dripping with Suzanne's pussy juices, suddenly rose up from where she'd knelt and turned around so she could grab Susan's hand. She squeezed it tightly and seemed to tremble with happiness. "Susan! Mistress Susan! It's like you're reading my mind! I absolutely love you!"

Suddenly, Brenda leaped forward and threw herself into Susan. They kissed on the lips as Brenda squeezed Susan with all her might. The kiss was incredibly intense and lasted a long time. The fact that they were sharing and swapping Suzanne's juices turned them on even more.

As they kissed, Brenda thought, Gaawwwd, I love it! This place is a submissive woman's paradise! It would be plenty great being Master Alan's only slave, but getting to share the entire experience with the likes of Mistress Susan and Mistress Suzanne makes it all MANY times greater! Like what Susan just said about judging her day by the quality and quantity of our master's many sexual experiences! So true! That crystallized some feelings I hadn't been able to express. And then when we talk about this kind of stuff we get all hot and bothered and kiss like this! I love it! Together, we can serve him so much better!

Before too long, Susan and Brenda were seriously going after each other's bodies. They mashed their heavy tits together over and over, and continued to kiss like they were attempting to permanently fuse at the mouth. The only reason they didn't take things further was because they remained seated and didn't lie down.

But after a few minutes, Susan remembered Suzanne and looked over to her. "Suzanne? What's up? You're lost in thought and you're not joining us?"

Suzanne in fact was in deep thought. Now that Susan and Brenda were motionless and attentive, she snapped out of it and said, "You know, Susan, you're kinda crazy. I'm sure you obsess about those things much more than even he does. That's not healthy. But I do understand you, you know I do. You and I are soul sisters, too. I understand Brenda, too, far more than I think she realizes. The fact is, those kinds of questions come to me every day, too. I'll admit that my pleasure comes first."

Susan and Brenda were both mildly perturbed to hear that last comment, but they stayed silent.

Suzanne went on, "But Sweetie's is a very close second. If he were to go the whole day only cumming a couple of times, or not at all, like when he went that whole weekend on that horrible camping trip, I'm practically a wreck. You know what we are? We're like three crazy people in an insane asylum. We're having an argument, and I'm only ever so slightly less crazy than you, so even what I'm saying would sound totally insane to any outsider. But that's our world now. And I don't know how to get out of it."

She thought to herself for some moments, then added, "I'm torn. I'm of two minds. On one hand, I look at how the three of us behave, and I think the situation is hopeless. We're all too horny to be able to even talk seriously about him for five minutes without getting carried away and going wild on each other. How can we ever resist him enough to provide any discipline to stop him from drifting into, well, I suppose you could call it the complete triumph of the 'Bad Alan?' Maybe you're right. Maybe we are hard wired to be uncontrollable sex nymphos."

Susan suggested, "We've just been unusually horny and excited this week, what with so many amazing things happening,"

She was trying to be optimistic to counter Suzanne's gloomy mood. Also, abashed by Suzanne's comment about how they couldn't even keep their hands off each other for five minutes, she nudged Brenda to get off of her lap, forcing Brenda to stand up.

"True," Suzanne nodded, "but one could have said the same last week. And the week before. And the week before. Every week, we're amazingly horny! It's like we're living an amazing dream that never ends and only gets more and more intense. But I do have hope. Because, on the other hand, I think of all the things in my life that I've done, and that you and I have done together. Things have a way of working out, you know? I almost feel like I could have the strength to tell him to do his homework before he can fuck. But I'm not quite there."

She thought, I just hope to God my plan to bring Glory into our group is gonna work because I need her support and willpower very badly right now. But I can't count on that possibility.

She paused, and then added, "And he still has his 'Bad Alan' problem. Can you two at least try to work with me on this? I'm going to try to give this my all. I'm going to dig deep in myself and try to find reserves of willpower to keep this household functioning on at least some kind of semi-realistic plane. Bills have to be paid. Food has to be bought. A whole range of things has to be done that has nothing to do with sex."

She said with determination, "Let's start with tonight. We're going to have the usual Wednesday night poke-her party, there's no doubt about that. I would never want to cancel it. But he shouldn't be allowed to join the party until he's finished his homework and household chores. If he only had a little bit of discipline every now and then I think that would be enough, because he's a good kid at heart. That's why we all love him. But I can't even REMEMBER the last time he's done something like do the dishes or clean his room. And don't say it happens sometimes when I'm not here, because it doesn't. Can we all agree on that, that we'll do that tonight?"

Susan and Brenda nodded.

Suzanne continued, "Here's the plan. Every day, one of us will talk to him when he comes home from school and determine a list of things he has to get done. The more he gets done, the more sex he can have. Simple, but effective. Let's say he finishes his chemistry lesson. Then he can run off and shoot his rocks off into Katherine's mouth. Then he does his math. He's free to pump a big load of burning cum into Amy's tight ass. And so on. We can make sex an incredibly powerful reward if we could just say no every now and then and delay gratification for a little while."

Susan joined Brenda on her feet. She pulled Suzanne up as well, and put her hands in Suzanne's. "I'm with you. I agree completely. I understand I have an unhealthy lack of self-control that could be damaging to my children's lives in the long term. I think today that I really do finally get it. I think you may be surprised; I may be able to help more than you realize. I can put my foot down sometimes, for instance, when I recently insisted Angel was not allowed to begin lactating, much less get pregnant. I think we can see a win-win, where Alan gets his homework done every day AND we all have plenty of crazy monkey sex with that forever loving cum-filled boy."

Suzanne smiled. "Crazy monkey sex. I like that." She turned to Brenda and thought, Bringing Brenda in as our sex slave maid is just like pouring gasoline on the fire that is Sweetie's problem. But there's no turning back now. She smiled encouragingly and asked, "Brenda, are you with us?"

The three of them now stood together in a small circle. Brenda put her hands on top of those of the other two, but much more reluctantly. "Okay, I'll try. But I'm afraid I'm just the opposite. As you get to know me better, I'll think you'll be surprised at just how little willpower I have. I'm as spoiled as anyone you'll ever meet. Can't I be one to work on the rewards end of the program, exclusively? I can handle that part pretty well."

Suzanne and Susan laughed. They answered together, "No!"

They drew together in a group hug. Given that the three of them were now topless, and Brenda and Suzanne wore nothing at all, the hug didn't stand much of a chance of failing to escalate into something more.

Susan got started on fondling Brenda's breasts in a big way. But before their kisses and fondles got too carried away, she asked, "Suzanne, one question. Is there any reason why we'd have to start practicing self-control right now?"

Suzanne replied, "No. Actually, the more we can burn off our sexual energy with each other instead of with him, the better we'll be."

Susan cried out happily, "Then burn, baby, burn! All this talk about the difficulty of resisting Tiger's cock, I don't know about you two, but it's made me-"

Suzanne finished the sentence, "SO HOT!" Then she burst into laughter at Susan using her catchphrase yet again.

The three of them collapsed to the floor, and soon all that could be seen was a wild tangle of arms and legs.

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