6 Times a Day

Chapter 1088 Alan, don't you want to be my boyfriend?

Chapter 1088 Alan, don't you want to be my boyfriend?

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William Osborne, Jesse Boyer

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk

—-----------------------------------------------4K words

As Alan walked down the hall on his way to Glory's history class, he felt a hand fall onto his forearm. He spun around and tried to defend himself, instantly assuming that the football players were out to hurt him again.

But he breathed a sigh of relief because it was only Christine. She'd jogged down the hall to reach him; it looked like she was dealing with something very important and urgent. "Alan. I have someone you should meet."

Alan thought that was odd. He also found himself very embarrassed on the inside when he looked at the real flesh and blood Christine and thought about the over the top sexual fantasies he'd had about her only a few minutes earlier. As he stared, he could almost picture her naked, with his erection sliding through her deep cleavage. He stood dumbly, feeling greatly ashamed for his fantasies. It was like a cold bucket of reality had been dumped on his head.

"Cat got your tongue?" Christine asked as she held him by the forearm and pulled him along, gently. "Come on. Do you want to meet this person now or what?"

Alan's eyes watched her twin globes heave up and down in response to her jogging. When they finally came to a halt, he recovered his wits. "Oh. Uh. Sure. Let's go."

Christine was both secretly amused and chagrined by his big-tit fixation. She decided not to say anything about it this time though, since she was in a hurry.

He followed behind as Christine rushed down the hallway. While she'd worn a frumpy gray dress in his dreams, in reality she wore ordinary black slacks. He admired her legs, but more from what he remembered in the dream than what he could tell through her clothes.

He thought to himself, Christine, would it kill you to wear shorts for once in your life? Outside of when you play sports or go running you seem to think there's some law against baring your legs. And I know from stolen glances here and there that they look great. In fact, I'll bet her thighs are even stronger than Simone's! Man, I'd love to see these two in a cat fight! Whoa, take it easy, boy. Stop thinking about sex for like five minutes already! He stared at her slacks as if trying to burn a hole through them.

Christine turned back and asked him, "What's with you today? You've been spacing all day." She had to have been unaware of the staring he'd just been doing, unless she had eyes on the back of her head, and he guessed she was referring to all the other times he'd spaced out.

"I dunno. Not enough sleep today." He thought, Like I could ever tell her the truth: "I dunno Christine, it could be that I can't stop thinking about fucking your tits. And popping your cherry. Oh, and in my dreams my mother seems to be selling 'Incest-O-Matic', whatever the heck that is, and I might have made Simone pregnant, and my sister thinks she's a cat, and I'm about to have a wild sex orgy poker party tonight, and I seem to be losing what's left of my moral bearings... Oh, and did I mention that I'm fucking my mother and my sister, and that I now have two of each? Basically, there's a lot on my mind!" I don't think there's a single person who would believe what's happening in my life, even if I told them the full truth.

There wasn't much point in talking while they hustled down the hallway, so they were silent until suddenly Christine made a sharp turn and Alan found himself at the same stretch of empty hall he'd used to talk to Sean earlier. He didn't see anyone at first, but Christine led him to an alcove. A slightly mousy and bespectacled girl stood there waiting for him.

Christine brought Alan right in front of the new girl. "Alan, Michelle. Michelle, Alan. Michelle helps me get the scoop on things at school. She's got something to tell you."

Alan had no idea what to expect, but after so much strangeness in his life, he was ready to roll with the punches. He assumed it would somehow involve sex, given everything else that was happening, but for once he was wrong about that.

Michelle started in, "Um, okay. I've got this brother. His name is Gary. He's on the football team. I'm not that close to him. He and I are really different. But we're still family. Anyway, I was really surprised today when he sees me in the hall and he's all super keen on talking to me in private. So we talk... Are you getting all this? You look a little out of it."

"No. I'm good. Please keep going. I'm very interested."

"Um, okay. He tells me that some of the other football players are planning something. Did I mention Gary is gay? He is. He doesn't mind telling anyone, even though he gets a lot of grief from all the homophobes around here. Anyway, they're planning to do something to you. And somehow they wanted Gary to do something sexual to you. I didn't really understand it all. He was very, very vague. I kind of even inferred that much. He definitely doesn't want to do whatever they're doing, even though he hates your guts-"

"Wait a minute. Why does he hate my guts?"

"Duh! Just about everybody on the team hates your guts."

"Really? Why?"

Michelle turned to Christine, who still stood next to them and generally kept a lookout while listening in. "Boy, Christine, didn't you tell him anything?"

Christine answered while she stared down the hall, "As you can see by looking at his frazzled face, lately he often doesn't even know if he's coming or going, much less what some football player he's never met thinks of him."

Michelle looked at Alan curiously while he tried to wipe whatever expression he had off his face and replace it with a normal look. She continued, "Anyway, nobody thought much of you one way or another until you started to go out with Amy. Then people thought that was pretty impressive, since most everyone thought you were a virgin and many think she's the most attractive girl in school, or at least the cutest. Then Amy started telling everyone that you were a great lover and that you slept with pretty much anyone you wanted and she didn't care."

She continued, "A lot of people were really impressed with you for like five minutes, but that quickly turned to jealousy for most. Especially guys. The football players hate you in particular because they know that you sleep with Heather a lot and she used to sleep with at least half the team, and now all of a sudden she doesn't anymore. So it's like twenty jealous boyfriends spurned, all out for revenge. Plus, everyone seems to think you have a ten-inch penis, even though it's really just a shade under eight. And a lot of guys are very jealous about that, too."

Alan looked at Christine. "How does she know all that? Especially that last part. That's very private!"

 Christine gave a wry, conspiratorial smile. "She's good. But listen to the rest of her story."

She smirked, thinking, It's true; he just confirmed it! Eight inches! Statistically speaking, that's very impressive. He's such a relentless horndog. I bet I'm going to end up touching it one of these days, if only to get him to stop pestering me!

Alan turned back to the mousy but not unattractive Michelle. (Between her dark glasses and her extremely baggy clothing, it was hard to tell what she really looked like.) He realized that in making that "very private" comment, he'd all but confessed the true length of his dick, but it was too late to take that back.

He thought, It's not a big deal if anyone knows, but I'm not being my usual sharp self today. Focus, man, focus!

Michelle said, "Um, okay. So Gary really doesn't want to take part in whatever plan this is. They're going to go ahead without him. Even though he hates you, he doesn't want their plan to succeed. I think they're going to do something else involving homosexuality and he worries it'll reflect badly on him. Most of those players are so homophobic it's not even funny, and he naturally doesn't want it to get any worse if they witness homosexual acts firsthand."

"So he's going to help us stop them?" Alan asked hopefully.

"No. Not really. I'm sure he doesn't want his friends to think he's a snitch. I think he was trying to give me just enough information so I could do something to make sure the plan doesn't work, but not enough information to get his friends in trouble. I've saved his ass many times in the past and he thinks I can do it again."

"So wait. He knows you're talking to me?"

"No. He would probably be really angry at me if he knew about that. He was more coming to me for advice, trying to figure out how to get out of the jam he's in. He calls me a 'sharp cookie.' But he didn't really give me enough info for me to figure out what's going on. Does any of this make sense to you? Have you heard of some plot against you?"

"No. Well, in a general way I've known some of the guys on the team are out to get me. They've attacked me a couple of times, which I assume you might have heard about, since you know so much. But I never thought they'd go to the extreme of wanting to do... well, whatever it is they're doing. I don't know. But it doesn't sound good at all! Did he tell you anything else?"

"Nope. That's it. He didn't even tell me that much. He was more like, 'I've got this problem. Some football players want to use me to help get back at Alan. I don't care a rat's ass about that freakish nerd, but I don't want to help in the way they want me to. What do I do?' Those were pretty much his exact words. I inferred most of the rest and added what I already knew about you and him and his friends."

"Wow. Thanks, Michelle. Thanks a lot. Is there anything I can do to repay you for helping me out so much?"

There was a long pause, but finally Michelle just smiled and said, "Nope. Just be cool and stay safe. Watch your back."

"Okay. I will. Thanks again!"

"No problem!" Michelle waved, adjusted her glasses, then trotted off.

Alan mumbled to Christine, "So that's one of your team of 'Goody-goodies,' eh?"

In his mind, some dialogue from his dream ran though his head. First, his cry: "I'm going to re-coat your face with a fresh new load!" And then Christine's reply: "Do it! I love it!"

He wanted to crawl under a rock and die even as he failed to get the image of her face splattered with cum out of his mind. The sight of her mouth straining around his dream-enhanced, extra-huge penis also seemed permanently burned into his brain, even though it never happened in real life. If she only knew I'm a complete sexually-obsessed freak, she would run away from me as fast as her legs could carry her!

Christine visibly relaxed once Michelle was gone. She stayed where she was, looking down the hallway, but said to Alan, "I think we're okay. I didn't see a single person looking down the hallway."

"Well, if there could have been problems if someone saw me with Michelle, why didn't we meet in a safer location?"

"Because there's no time! Michelle is good at reading people, as you can tell. And she got the sense that something is going to happen really soon. Maybe even later today."

"Oh shit. What should I do?"

Christine looked him in the eyes. "I've noticed that the number of your male friends has fallen off to almost zero lately, and all of them are just fair weather friends except for Sean and maybe Peter. So I'm going to follow you around as much as I can. Get Amy and Katherine to help, too. Actually, it's much better to have females with you, because other guys they can punch, but girls they won't know what to do with. Hopefully they have some decency and the presence of a female may give them second thoughts. Plus, us girls are really good at screaming for help." She smiled as she added that last point.

He smiled in gratitude, but then the full meaning of everything she said hit him. "Wow, you don't pull your punches, do you? That's pretty harsh about my male friends."

"Hey, I call them as I see them," she replied with a shrug. "Don't you want me to be honest with you?"

He thought, I don't even want to begin to imagine how many new holes she'd tear into me if I told her about my titfucking fantasy. She may have a thing for me, but I'm sure her fantasies are nothing like mine! He thought sarcastically, Her fantasies probably have a little more of candles and moonlight and soft music, and a little less of titfucking on a desk in front of all your classmates.

Snapping back to attention, he nodded.

She said, "You're a sitting duck! You need protection, unless you want to get your butt kicked. You need somebody to help you who has serious fighting ability."

He stood there trying to figure out who that could be.

Annoyed at his inability to draw the obvious conclusion, she added, "For instance, someone with some serious martial arts training."

A light bulb went off in his head. "Hey. If I remember right, don't you take martial arts classes a couple of times a week?"

She gave a bashful yet proud smile. "Yeah. I guess I do." Finally, he figures it out. Sheesh! I swear, his IQ falls by half around busty women.

Then, dramatically, she stepped back and kicked the air a couple of times. He thought it was a highly impressive display of martial arts prowess. One of her kicks was so high that it could have smashed his nose.

He imagined several very stunned football players falling to the ground after being on the receiving end of kicks like that. He was also impressed with the fierce passion with which she delivered the kicks, a passion that seemed to come out of nowhere and then disappeared just as quickly when the kicks were over.

She turned back to him and said with a casual smile, "Looks like you've got yourself a bodyguard."

"Looks like." He smiled back. "God, Christine, you're a total lifesaver. That may even become true in a very literal way if I get attacked. You and your remarkably knowledgeable and perceptive friends! Amazing. 'We're good at screaming for help,' my ass! I want to know just one thing, though. How did Michelle know about my real penis size, and just how widespread is that knowledge?"

"That was actually from Kim the cheerleader. A bunch of girls were sitting around gossiping about your supposed ten-incher, and she said, 'No, it's not! It's only seven and seven-eighths inches.' That seemed curiously specific, and I understand she seemed embarrassed afterwards for letting that slip out, so one of my friends told me about it and I filed it away as being the probable truth. Statistically, it's much, much more likely than the larger number. But most everyone still seems to believe the ten-incher rumor."

She abruptly switched topics. "As an aside, you do seem to have a lot of, how shall we say, intimate friends, don't you? Just how many of these 'helpers' have you got?"

He blushed. He was surprised at how often he'd blushed that day. It just seemed to be one of those days. I knew she was notorious for speaking her mind, but I didn't realize that even extended to talking so freely about the size of my dick. And my "intimate friends." Jesus! Talking to her is actually a bit scary because there's no telling what she might say next. AND it looks like she could totally physically kick my ass. I sure don't want to cross her!

He ignored her last question and replied to the first one. "Yeah. I guess I do. Thanks again. How can I repay you for your kindness?" He was so frazzled and busy thinking that he didn't even notice she had her hand over her mouth and was blushing profusely.

She had a bad habit of speaking first and only realizing the consequences of her words later. She could scarcely believe that she was actually talking to Alan about his penis size and eagerly leapt at his changing of the subject. She shook her head dismissively while looking away. "Stop saying that. You ever hear of people just being nice because it's the right thing to do and because they care?"

"Unfortunately, not too often. But in your case, I could never doubt your sincerity. So what do we do now, chief?"

"You hurry to your next class. I hear you've been doing that a lot today, and not always successfully, I might add. When class is over, just linger in your classrooms for a minute or so, and I'll be there to escort you to the next one. I can't always make it, but when I can't we'll find you a substitute or two. Actually, Sean is fairly buff; he's almost as muscular and handsome as you. He'd make a good bodyguard, so you should get his help. Sorry if I harshed on your friends, by the way." She still tried to hide her face and her embarrassment.

He thought, She knows I was late to first period and that I was talking to people in the halls and barely making it to class on time. Just how much else does she know about me?! Could she even be aware of what I was doing to Heather and Simone before school? She's got this whole friggin' "Goody-goody" spy network. Dang! That network could definitely be a double-edged sword for me. What if they overhear my loose-lipped sisters make some kind of incestuous comment to each other or to someone in-the-know like Kim, and word gets back to Christine? I don't even want to think about it.

He also made note of the way she dropped the "handsome" compliment in there. She's blunt and yet she can be subtle, too. I can't say I really understand her, but I sure would like to get to know her better. Making love to the real Christine would be infinitely more interesting than making love to the meek living-sex-doll version of Christine in my daydreams. Shame on me for ever thinking of her like that.

But he merely said to her, "No problem. Thanks. Again. Wow. You're great." Without even thinking, he gave her a hug. But just as unexpectedly, he pulled away.

She shot him a frustrated look that he interpreted to mean, Then why, Alan, don't you want to be my boyfriend?

He didn't know how to respond to that, so the two of them warily headed to his next class. He had visions of getting gang raped by a bunch of football players who could leap out at him from the shadows at any moment. There was an attack coming, and there really was nothing anyone could do to stop it until it happened. It was almost worse to know a little than to know nothing at all. For the first time in his life, he was truly afraid.


Will continue in a couple of days. Sorry for the delay, and you guys are the best!

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