6 Times a Day

Chapter 1096 Glory knows some truth!

Chapter 1096 Glory knows some truth!


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William Osborne, Jesse Boyer

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk


Alan was sitting in a chair that was pulled up to Glory's big desk. There were a number of papers in front of him. He had a pen in hand and looked to be busy at work marking the papers. He looked up in surprise to see Heather and Simone come in.

Heather and Simone walked right up to him, giving only slight nods to acknowledge him there.

Heather though, was snickering at the same time. She said, "I should speak with the person in charge here." She looked at Glory, and then looked at Alan. Then she said to Alan, "Hard at work, I see? I'll bet you're very busy."

Glory closed the door and walked up to the others. She and Alan had been talking, not fooling around. So even though Alan's correcting of papers was a hastily arranged cover story, Glory said with some sincere indignation, "Heather, I don't appreciate your insinuating tone. You know that Alan works as teacher's aide, helping me with some mundane tasks."

Heather turned her evil glare on Glory and sneered, "I've heard it called a lot of things, but never a 'mundane task.' Alan, tell me, it sounds like you're not rocking her-"

Simone cut in before Heather could say something inexcusable about Alan and Glory having sex. She said, "Hold on, Heather. Ms. Rhymer, please, don't mind her. I'm the one who brought Heather here and I apologize for her attitude. She and I need to talk to Alan alone. It's urgent. Believe me, I wouldn't interrupt without a very good reason."

"That may be," Glory said, obviously irritated, "but this is my classroom and if you have something to say here, you'd better say it in front of me." She drew herself up and gathered around her all the authority of a school teacher that she could muster. She folded her arms under her chest, both to intimidate Heather and to arouse Alan.

Simone gave some consideration on the problem of where to talk. She was very mindful of the fact that Christine was waiting outside. She thought, Damn! Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Here, or out there? Hmmm. If we go outside, Christine and Heather might come to blows, plus Christine has that whole secret rumor network of hers. Ms. Rhymer is known for soaking up all the gossip but at least she keeps what she learns to herself.

Alan spoke up, turning to his teacher. "Ms. Rhymer, this is pretty private stuff, I'm sure. It might even be related to some of the problems I'm having that we were talking about earlier. I think it's pretty important that I hear what they have to say."

Glory acted very firm and authoritative. "Well then, if it's so important, spit it out, girls. If it does relate to Alan's problems, and I'm sure it does, then that's even more reason why I should hear it. In fact, I was just giving advice to him on that very topic as we were grading papers, so I want to know. Or, if you prefer your privacy" - she gestured with imperious finality - "there's the door."

In actual fact, Glory had seen Christine in the hallway briefly and was using that knowledge to her advantage as she bluffed her way through this situation. The last thing she wanted was for everyone to go into the hallway and leave her behind. In fact, if they did that she would be more than a little bit tempted to follow and snoop. She loved to gather up school gossip just as much as ever, and if the gossip involved Alan AND Heather, her interest level was off the charts.

Simone looked around like a trapped animal. She finally said, "Okay. Um. Alan. Let's see. How do I put this? ... Oh, Jesus." She kept looking at Ms. Rhymer, who was trying not to look too smug. Simone threw her arms up in frustration. "This is so embarrassing! ... What do I say?!"

Glory gave Simone some assistance. "Look. While Heather is completely wrong with her irresponsible insinuations that Alan and I have some kind of physical relationship" - she shot Heather a nasty look, which Heather gave back in kind - "it is true that he and I are friends."

Heather snorted loudly with disbelief and derision.

But Glory ignored that and continued speaking directly to Simone. "In fact, I pride myself on being something of a mentor to him. He comes to me with his problems. Personal problems, even. I know all about his rather unusual ... let us say entanglements ... with more than one girl. I even know all about his sexual history with someone standing right here." Taking an educated guess, based on Simone's subtle beauty, not to mention her continued embarrassment, she added, "Or should I say some people? Very little gets past me. So don't be shy. If this is to help him with his problems with the football players, I promise I will not punish anyone and I will not let a word of what is said leave this room. I assume it's a given that everyone will agree to the same about secrecy?"

She looked pointedly to Heather.

The blonde bitch grudgingly nodded, but said snarkily, "I've been keeping the secret of your little love affair with Alan, so I can keep this secret too."

Glory stepped forward, filled with the desire to actually punch Heather in the face. The fact that Heather's allegations were true somehow made Glory even angrier, because she was mad at herself and she projected that anger onto Heather. She forced herself to stop, but she was so pissed off that she couldn't think up any clever comeback.

 Then Heather impatiently said to Simone, "Spit it out already, girl."

To Alan, she added with her own frustration, "She hasn't even told me what this is all about, just that this is so, so, SOOO very important and I have to come with." She rolled her eyes, as if she was sure Simone had been exaggerating about the urgency and importance of whatever this was.

Simone tried to build up some courage to talk with a teacher listening, and finally blurted, "Okay. If that's how it's going to be, I'm just going to spit it out. Since we're all in the know, we all know how Alan ordered Heather to take that extremely large Bitch Trainer up her ass before school, right?" She'd been looking away from everyone as she said this, but after she was done she looked at Glory to gauge her reaction.

Glory looked like she'd just swallowed a fence post. Her eyes bulged out and she nearly gagged. But she recovered quickly. She desperately wanted to know more. So, even though her eyes were still too wide and alert to look normal, she gave Simone a knowing nod and non-verbally encouraged her to continue.

Simone looked back at Alan, who seemed surprisingly poker-faced and uninvolved. She said, "God, this is too weird! But if you all want to hear it, I'm going to tell it!" She gave a big breath and continued, "Okay. It's like this. Heather was gone from school for two hours earlier, supposedly to change out of one outrageous outfit and into, well, into another." She almost had to laugh at how similar Heather's current outfit was to the one that had gotten her kicked out of school mere hours before. "And you know how she acts all spaced out and kind of drunk whenever she's got a big dildo up her, uh, posterior?"

Alan nodded.

Glory's mind raced as she mentally reviewed Heather's in-class behavior over the past couple of days. Everything Simone was saying was new to her, but it struck her that Heather's peculiar change in demeanor during class since Monday now made sense. That also meant that what Simone was saying now was the honest truth. She struggled not to show too much surprise on her face, but her heart was pounding with excitement - this was prime gossip.

Heather though, was starting to get suspicious about Simone. As difficult as it was for her to walk in her five-inch heels, she began pacing away from Simone, then turned back at her friend accusingly. "Just a minute. Where are you going with this? Alan, tell her to stop. Let's take this conversation outside already!"

Alan turned to Heather and said firmly, in carefully even tones, "Be quiet! Let her finish."

Alan did a double-take as he remembered something from earlier. He gave Heather another look and said accusingly, "By the way, Heather, are you forgetting what I told you this morning on how you're supposed to address me?"

Heather paled and all defiance seemed to flee her. "You can't be serious, Sir?" She nearly whispered the "Sir." She looked at Glory, mortified.

"That's part of it," he corrected her. "And I didn't hear that last word. What happened to you wanting to use the sarcasm approach?"

Heather thought, Fuck this shit! I'm not going to embarrass myself in front of this teacher. Why should I? I'm the queen of the school! NO FUCKING WAY! But she was extremely aroused. Even as she was thinking these thoughts, she brought her legs together and made her body stiff. Then she turned around and bent over at a right angle. While the skirt she wore now was longer than the one that she'd been sent home for wearing earlier in the day, the difference was only about three inches, at most. So, as she bent over, her skirt rose up high, exposing her entire ass to her most hated teacher.

 Glory's eyes went wide again and she couldn't help but mutter, "Jesus!" At first she didn't even realize that Heather was wearing a thong and thought the girl was totally bare-assed commando (just as she was). But she took a few steps forward until she had a better view and discovered with some relief that Heather was in fact wearing at least something to cover her pussy, albeit barely. Heather's ass cheeks however were completely exposed and the outline of her pussy lips was clearly visible.

Despite Glory's anger and lack of lesbian leanings, as a tanned athlete herself she couldn't help but be impressed by, and even feel slightly envious of, such a muscular, deeply tanned, and well toned female ass. The lack of any tan lines whatsoever was particularly noticeable and shocking.

Heather was trying to pretend Glory wasn't there. She knew that her nipples were exposed and in fact most of her tits were dangling out of her tight top, but she tried to pretend that wasn't happening too. She said to Alan, in a louder voice, "Sir. It's a little late for sarcasm to save me in this situation, isn't it? Sir!" She sounded pissed off, but there also was a slightly submissive element in her voice.

Glory didn't miss that tone, and it left her completely bewildered. The use of the word "Sir" caused her eyes to bug out even more.

Simone could see Glory's extreme shock and asked, "Ms. Rhymer? I thought this was all old hat to you? Don't you know all about Alan and Heather and me, and her training program? You said you did."

Glory recovered somewhat. She continued with her bluff about knowing more than she actually did and replied, "It is. It is. But it's one thing to hear it in the abstract and quite another thing to see it for the first time with your own eyes. Can't you see that?"

Simone visibly relaxed and laughed. "Yeah, I can. In fact, I can totally relate! I remember the first time I saw Heather tamed by Alan. The stuck up girl was completely naked, wet, and desperately begging for a good fuck. I think my eyes popped out even more than yours did just now!" She laughed harder, but then realized she'd used the word "fuck" in front of a teacher. She blushed, and said, "Um, I meant begging for a good, uh..."

Now it was Glory's turn to laugh. The absurdity of attempting to be proper and polite while attempting to complete the phrase "begging for a good..." really struck her funny bone. She said with a smile, "I know what you mean. And while I don't approve of swearing, in this case I'll let it slide, since we are talking about Ms. Morgan here. Feel free to use the word 'bitch' as well." She laughed a bit more, glad to get that dig at Heather in. As a teacher, she wasn't allowed to call Heather a bitch to her face and she'd internalized rules like that, so that was probably as close as she'd ever get.

Simone laughed at the bitch comment, and saw that Alan was laughing, too.

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