6 Times a Day

Chapter 1099 Satisfied Alan!

Chapter 1099 Satisfied Alan!


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Alan was conflicted, torn between his lusty desires and a reality check. He stood up and walked over to Heather's trembling ass, like a moth to a flame. He said to Simone, "Here, I'd better check for myself. Otherwise, Heather will complain that you made it all up." That was his stated reason for getting up, at least. In reality, he was just too horny to sit still.

That gave Heather new life. She'd been tantalizingly close to a climax, and now Alan could push her over the edge. She yelled, "Alan! Sir! Please check with your cock! Shove your cock in there and check that way! Your finger is good, soooo good, but your big fat Bitch Taming cock would be so much better! I need it soooo bad! Please!" Her hips bucked and rolled as if he was already fucking her there. In no way was she faking about her need to be filled up at that moment, especially since she'd been "empty" for a couple of hours by now. Her whole body writhed with a passion one could not get from mere acting.

Alan slapped her hard on one of her ass cheeks. "Shut up, bitchslut! What are you up to?" He took a strong grip on her buttock and started squeezing hard. "Tell me! Tell me!"

But his slap only aroused Heather further. In fact, she began cumming on the spot. She yelled, "Yes! Yes! Call me bitchslut in front of Ms. Rhymer! That's what I am! Your bitchslut! Your one and only bitchslut! Sir!" Again, it was obvious to everyone that she wore the name "bitchslut" with a deep pride. She also loved to use the word "Sir" once she got in the right mood, like she was now, because she knew that it was a word reserved for her use only.

Glory's eyes were bugging out. It was all she could do to keep her hands on her desk. But her hips were gyrating in her seat, and she was on the verge of cumming just from that.

Simone was similarly at a loss over what to do, struggling to control herself. The smell of pussy from three aroused women now filled the room.

Alan let go of his firm grip on Heather's ass and then slapped it harder. "I said, Shut up! Who's your Inner Bitch Tamer?" He grabbed both of her muscular butt cheeks again with his hands, and squeezed.

Heather felt so good she thought she was literally melting. She'd just finished cumming, and yet the way he roughly grabbed her ass cheeks as if she was a piece of meat made her feel even better than the climax. In her mind, she had a sudden daydream of him somehow simultaneously filling up her mouth, ass, and pussy all at once. It seemed so real that her nose and mouth were filled with the smell of his cum's aroma and she had an overwhelming desire to feel his erection slide far down her throat. She yelled, "You are! Sir! Wonderful Sir! Fuck me! Tame me! Fuck my face to shut my mouth!"

Alan spanked her several more times. "Listen to me! I'm mad at you! Pissed! You have to tell me what you know!"

But Heather acted liked she hadn't heard him at all. She was so aroused that she knew she had to calm down a bit or she would actually confess everything. She focused her concentration on Glory instead, and the instant burst of angry feeling that inspired helped her self-control tremendously. Lifting her head up, she looked her teacher right in the eye. "Ms. Rhymer, you ugly prude, you WISH you were in my position, don't you?! Getting spanked by a REAL man! Don't you! Don't you?! Alan may fuck you, but he doesn't ream out your scrawny behind like he would a REAL bitchslut's ass, does he?"

To herself, Glory shouted, YES! YES! in response to Heather's question about wanting to be in her position. But her pride and her desire not to look foolish in front of Heather just barely enabled her to avoid shouting those thoughts out loud. She clenched the edge of her desk so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Alan slapped Heather on both ass cheeks, harder and harder, and harder still. "Shut up! Just shut up!" But the more he slapped her and the harder he slapped her, the more excited Heather got. She appeared to be in the throes of a multiple orgasm now. Unfortunately, that was the last thing Alan wanted to have happen if he was going to find out why she'd taken her Bitch Trainer out.

Simone didn't have any desire to be spanked, normally. But she stood there, practically hopping in place, and wished she was the one getting thoroughly spanked.

Alan thrust a finger through Heather's spastically clutching anus. He confirmed for himself that the dildo was not inside her. Yet he felt like he was losing control of the situation. He wanted to fuck Heather terribly badly, but he knew that if he did she would win the battle of wills.

His solitary finger was soon joined by another. Before long, he looked down and saw that his fingers were now rhythmically pumping Heather's spastically clenching asshole, now that they were inside. He seemed helpless to pull them out, or even stop thrusting them into her. Further, he found his cock pressing up against one of her ass cheeks. It seemed to have a mind of its own and was working its way close to either one of Heather's ready holes.

Now that the focus was on her ass again, Heather could imagine her ass being filled up with Alan's powerful rod with such crystal clear realism that she was half convinced she actually was being assfucked by more than just two fingers. She felt like she was going insane because the desire in her was so strong she was nearly hallucinating.

Alan focused on his desire to not let Heather win. He knew that she was incredibly dangerous and that as soon as she had the upper hand she'd have her foot on his throat (not only metaphorically but very possibly literally). With a great effort of will, he managed to pull his fingers out of her strong anal grip. Panting, he stepped back.

He felt mentally and physically exhausted. He raised his hands above his head and cried out, "Fuck! I have to cum so bad! So bad! I need to fuck someone right now!"

Simone immediately offered herself. Her body flew to him like she was made of iron and he was a giant magnet. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and hooked a leg around one of his. "Take me! Fill me up again! I can still feel your cum in me, but I need another load!" She panted breathlessly with need.

Glory was at her breaking point. Learning that Alan must have cum inside Simone a short time earlier drove her heat up yet another notch. She looked back and forth between Alan and Simone and prayed that what looked likely to happen wasn't actually going to happen right in front of her. She was clenching her fists so tight that she thought she was going to squeeze her thumbs right off. In all the excitement she'd forgotten that she wasn't sitting behind her usual teacher's desk but was instead seated in a mere student's desk that offered no cover for her privates. Her legs had now swung around to better face the others and her legs were splayed open, showing her entire pussy off for anyone to see. Rivulets of cum dribbled out of her and pooled in her seat. Her only saving grace was that the other three were so lost in their own passions that no one was bothering to look her way.

Sweat rolled down Glory's forehead and she clenched her eyes closed tight in a desperate attempt to shut out all the stimulation bombarding her brain. She found her thighs rubbing against each other like frantically busy cricket wings, but that only heated her up more. Nothing she did seemed to help. She wanted to jump up and shout, "Fuck me! Me! Take me, young man! Me! Me! Me! Me! ME! Not Heather, not Simone, dammit, ME!"

She tried to focus all her thoughts on the image of Heather gloating if she actually said and did that, and that at least did give her some pause. After all, she wasn't even supposed to be physically involved with Alan, and if Heather confirmed that fact, there would be big trouble.

Meanwhile, Alan was silent. He merely staggered back from Heather and untangled himself from Simone's octopus impression. Then, seemingly after a great exertion of will, he closed his eyes. He bent over as if he'd finished a hard run and was catching his wind.

The others all waited, breathlessly, for whatever he would do next. The room seemed liable to explode at any moment, but there was no telling just how. There were still more than ten minutes left before the end of lunch. If Alan wanted to fuck Glory while she lay on top of Heather, or have any combination of the three women he wanted, there was no doubt by anyone in the room that he could have done it. Erotic desire in the room was so all-pervasive that one could have cut it with a knife into pieces and sold it.

Alan pulled back up from his hunch and looked at the three of them. He was sweating profusely, even more than the others. He realized that if he gave in to his desires it would lead to complete disaster because fifth period was starting soon and once they got started they would be like a runaway train unable to stop for the next class or anything else. He was also aware of the rivalry between Glory and Heather, not to mention Glory's monogamous ways, and knew that giving into his urges would feel great in the short term, but cause serious long term problems.

Heather remained sprawled over Glory's desk, buck naked except for the clothes bunched around her waist. She remained the center of attention, and the others watched her ass cheeks rise up and down as she labored to breathe.

Alan finally let out a big breath of air and said, "Listen. It's going to be like this. Simone, straighten up your clothes. Heather, you too, get dressed. Glory, I'm so sorry you had to see this. You're my friend and advisor. If anyone still has any thoughts about those rumors that Glory and I get it on, I hope this puts them to rest. Glory is just my teacher. That's it. A very attractive teacher, yes, but that's it. Okay?"

He staggered away and went to the window. He stared up into the sky, his heart still pounding hard in his chest.

Nobody answered him directly, but his words definitely signaled the end to any further sexual possibilities.

Heather got up and quickly put her clothes back into a publicly presentable state. Both she and Simone were feeling more than a little bit chastened and embarrassed now.

Glory still was sitting with her pussy on prominent display. She even had a leg up on her chair, leaving her entire crotch completely exposed. But luckily she stood up, saving herself the disaster that would have ensued if Simone or especially Heather had looked her way.

She didn't even realize what she'd been showing because her concentration had been so intently focused on Alan and Heather. The image of Alan's two fingers pushing into Heather's desperately hungry anus seemed burned on her retinas and she walked around a little bit to try to shake away that vision. She continued to openly gape like an uncomprehending idiot.

Heather and Glory were pondering just how they would deal with each other in the future.

Everyone tried to calm their heavy breathing and look "cool." They were all aware that an orgy had nearly broken out, and probably would have had it not been for the time and place.

Simone thanked her lucky stars that she didn't have any classes taught by Glory and wasn't likely to have any before the end of her high school career. She thought with a blush, I guess when I said "I can still feel your cum in me but I need another load!" I didn't exactly leave much room for doubt in Ms. Rhymer's mind what I meant. Geez! Someone please kill me now! She's gonna hate me as much as she hates Heather.

Seeing through the window's reflection that Heather was straightening herself up and a sense of decorum was returning, Alan turned and walked back to the others. He spoke to all three women very firmly. "This is how it's going to be. Nobody here is going to mention what happened today to anyone, ever. Is that clear? Not even the slightest subtle remark! Nothing! Blank slate! Nothing really happened here, when you think about it. Just a bunch of talking, more or less. We just found out that Heather isn't wearing her dildo and therefore she's up to something, and that's it. Is that clear?"

The others nodded. They were all glad to agree to his policy, hoping that would reduce any future awkwardness at least a little.

Heather was especially glad to grab at that fig leaf, since she had humiliated herself the most. Her head was reeling as she started to come down from her erotic high and she mentally reviewed what she'd said and done in front of Glory. She wanted to curl up and die.

Alan continued, "Simone, listen to me. I would really like to find out just what Heather is up to, but I'm in no shape to interrogate her at the moment. I'm too worked up and she's too worked up, and I am NOT going to ruin my relationship with my teacher right now by going too far with Heather, assuming it hasn't been ruined already. If it is ruined, then Heather, I'll blame you. Do you understand?"

Heather blanched at that prospect and at Alan's steely gaze. She nodded fearfully. But even now, she was extremely aroused, and seeing his determined look made her pussy throb all over again.

He then said, "So Simone, it's all in your hands. I want you to pass word to the other cheerleaders." He added an important afterthought, "Excepting my sister, of course. Get her out of there. But for the rest of them, make sure they know that they need to spend the entire cheerleading practice doing whatever it takes to get Heather's secret out of her. What is she doing? And why today? As if I don't have enough troubles already; now I have to deal with Heather's stupid shit too!"

He turned to Heather. "You really are a bitch, you know that, don't you? I mean, what THE FUCK?! If you please just confess right now I promise I'll go light on the punishment. Don't make me deal with this!"

Heather, now fully dressed (if one could call wearing the few fragments of clothes she had "fully dressed"), said saucily, "What, and miss out on all the fun you've promised me with the cheerleaders? I don't think so. Sir." As awkward as it was now that the sexual tension had greatly cooled, she nonetheless remembered to bend over at a right angle while addressing him. Only now she was feeling in control as she flaunted her dangling cleavage.

Alan groaned loudly both at her attitude and what she was showing. "Fine. Have it your way. You've earned your punishment, bitchslut, make no mistake, so there will be hell to pay if you back out. But if this has anything to do with the football players-"

Heather looked up and protested even as she stayed bent over, "I swear to God, this has nothing to do with that! Do you really think I'd risk my Inner Bitch Training and your wonderful assfucks? Would I bite the dick that fucks me, Sir? No way! This is just a minor thing. Kind of a surprise that will actually be good for you. Think of it like a surprise birthday party or something. You and I are friends! We're lovers! When it finally comes out what I've done, you'll thank me, Sir, believe me."

Alan thought, I can actually believe that. She really does think whatever she's doing is going to benefit me. But I can see right through her. She's trying to drive the other women away from me so she'll have me all to herself. That's what she thinks will "benefit" me in her twisted mind. But it's not going to work. Thank God Simone knows her so well and found her out. Now Simone just needs to read between the lines of what I was saying and understand that she needs to have no mercy in getting the truth out of Heather.

He redirected his attention at Simone. "Listen to me, Simone. This is important. Go all out to find her secret. Whatever it takes. Make sure that Janice especially understands that. And if you fail with the cheerleaders, take Heather home and keep on it until you're successful. She's yours to deal with for the whole day, until YOU feel like you're through with her and not before. If Heather disobeys one of your orders, she is disobeying me and will be punished accordingly."

"Oh, goody! Sir!" Heather said this while clapping her hands with relish, deliberately taunting Alan. She bent over again, but this time it came out as a sarcastic gesture, like she was mocking royalty. Inwardly, she wasn't so confident. She was thinking, Why do I keep bending over like I'm one of those stupid bird-dunking-into-water contraptions bored corporate drones put on their office desks? Alan should be both my boyfriend and literally worshipping me at MY feet!

Alan was glad for Heather's taunting though, because it made it seem as if Heather was looking forward to it, like it was all going to be a fun game. But he was thinking, hoping Simone could read minds, Be brutal, Simone! I swear, make her suffer. Tempt her with an anal orgasm, but deny it to her. Over and over again. Drive her mad.

"I presume you've already..." Alan let the unfinished question to Simone hang in the air between them. The day before, they had discussed her desire to plunder and punish Heather's backside with a strap-on that rivaled the massive size of her Bitch Trainers, and now he was wondering if she'd take the opportunity later in the day to put a strap-on like that to use.

Simone gave a very firm nod just then, knowing exactly what he was referring to. The smile that transformed her face was practically sinister.

He slumped into a nearby chair and waved the two girls off.

They left the room silently. Heather considered shooting one more insult in Glory's direction, but decided that any such words would only look ridiculous, given everything she'd said and done just now. She winced and wondered what she'd been thinking.

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