6 Times a Day

Chapter 113 Teacher To The Mix?

Needless to say, Alan was even more distracted at school than the day before. At one point, he actually walked squarely into a pole and fell flat on his back like some kind of cartoon character. He floundered badly on the second-period test that he had made such a point about needing to take.

The same thoughts kept going through his head. This can't be happening to me. Three or four of the most gorgeous women in town are all after me. Including my sister and my totally and quite literally cock-hungry mom. It's so incredible! This is the kind of thing that happens to other people, like in a porn film or something, but not actually to me right here in real life!

How will things ever be the same again? What'll happen now? We can never go back; we can never have a normal relationship again. This has to end in disaster somehow; I just know it. It's like some kind of natural law. For instance, what about jealousy? Like, are Mom and Aunt Suzy at each other's throats right now, or is Mom sitting at home happily describing all her blowjobs to Aunt Suzy? I don't know which thought is more alarming. Fucking, fucking INSANE!

Things just can't go on like they did yesterday. For one thing, there's no way I could handle that much intensity. But God, how I love it! I can't stop. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion, but I can't stop.

His history teacher, Ms. Rhymer, had another private talk with him before he left for lunch.

She said, "Alan, I couldn't help but notice that you were distracted all through my class. In fact, I'd say you were a complete space case today! Now, I know you're one of my students, but we've gotten to the point where I feel like I can call you a good friend too. So is it okay if I frankly speak my mind on this?"

"Please do."

"I suspect this has something to do with what you told me yesterday, how you have to climax six times a day for medical reasons. It's not just how you were today. You've been acting damn odd for days now. Sometimes you're smiling like an idiot, other times it looks like you're suffering, and still other times you're simply off in some la-la land. It's because of this diagnosis, isn't it?"

"It is," he admitted.

"What's the problem exactly? I can understand you thinking about it some, but it's like you've become unable to function in my class. I assume that much the same thing is happening in your other classes, which makes this a really serious concern. What is it?"

After Alan's great sexual success with his mother and Aunt Suzy in recent days, and even promising developments with his sister Katherine and their neighbor Amy, he was soaring with confidence. He wondered if he might have a chance at fulfilling his longstanding sexual fantasies with Ms. Rhymer as well, so he said, "Well, it's just that six times a day is so much. Since we're talking frankly, I'll admit that even before this I would normally cum three, four, or sometimes even five times a day." He exaggerated that somewhat to impress her with his sexual prowess.

He continued, "So you'd think six wouldn't be that much of a stretch. And it's not, on any given day. But to reach an average of six times a day, every single day... I don't know if I can manage that. Any time I fall below average, then I have to make up for it the next day by that much more. Pretty soon that requires an incredible number of orgasms in a single day!"

She was surprised, and even impressed, at how virile he seemed to be, but she tried not to show it. "But you have Mrs. Pestridge helping you out, don't you? And since we're speaking really frankly, she's a stunning and obviously very sexy woman."

"True. But she can only help me so much. Most of the time, when I feel like I might manage one more time, she's not around."

"I see." There was a long pause while she considered what to say. "I don't know if it's appropriate that we even discuss this, but you're a friend as well as a student and it is negatively affecting your schoolwork. I'm concerned. Is there anything I can do to help?"

He looked away in embarrassment. "The kind of help I really need... Given that you're my teacher, it wouldn't even be right for me to mention it!"

"I see!" She thought, Obviously, the poor guy needs sexual help to reach his daily targets. And he's right; that is inappropriate to even mention. As much as I like him, there's no way I could help him with that! Physically...

She said, "You're right. Since I'm your teacher, there probably are some things we shouldn't discuss. I'd get in hot water if it came out that I'd discussed even this much with you."

"Don't worry. My lips are sealed, as always. You know that."

"Of course. You're a prudent guy. But you can't mention that we've talked about this with anyone! I really should keep my mouth shut and butt out, but I can't help but feel concerned. It's like I'm watching you slip from being a top student, getting worse day by day."

He said sheepishly, "Sorry. I think it's just that I'm still trying to get used to this new situation. I'll try harder not to be distracted. I promise that I'll do better tomorrow."

She nodded. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure you WILL do better. I have great confidence in you, young man."

He smiled weakly. "Thanks." He left a short time after that.

However, she didn't feel that she'd really helped the situation. She strongly suspected that he'd remain very distracted in the days and weeks to come.

Now she was in a real fix, because she'd been really turned on by her conversation with Alan the day before. She thought repeatedly about the idea that Alan had to orgasm six times a day for medical reasons, and that distracted her for the rest of the day.

Once she was by herself, she thought, His situation practically begs that I help him get an orgasm every day during lunch! It wouldn't really be having an affair with a student. After all, I have my boyfriend Garth, and Alan seems like he's pretty wrapped up with Mrs. Pestridge. Besides, no one can compete with her beauty or style. It would be more like I'm just providing a much needed service. But still, I could realize all of my student sex fantasies with my very favorite student!

And I can certainly tell that he wants it too. He's had a crush on me forever, and it was so cute yesterday the way he blushed when I asked why he gets particularly horny in my class. It's because he's thinking about me - I just know it. The fact is, he's been crushing on me for years!

But how do I get this thing started? I can't just walk up to him and say, 'Hey, I'd like to give you head every day.' Actually, if I said that to the Alan of a few weeks ago, it probably would have completely destroyed his cute little mind. But it sounds like Suzanne is giving him a thorough sexual education. He may be quite the sexy little stud by the time I get my hands on him, hee-hee. That is, IF I get my hands on him.

And reading between the lines, I gather that nurse he was talking about may be giving him a hand as well. In fact, the whole medical thing sounds like some kind of scam, but why should I care? Well, I do care, obviously, since he's my friend as well as my student, but it's not like I'd be able to prove anything.

The way he was so bashful and shy was really cute, but it seems he's changing daily. Out of the blue, he's turning into some kind of teenage Don Juan. Once he gets his head out of the clouds and realizes what he has going for him, it's going to be scary how the girls will come running.

But seriously, this is all a fun fantasy, but I'm not the kind of woman to actually DO anything with him. For one thing, I've never been unfaithful to any boyfriend. And a teacher doing that with a student would be so wrong, no matter what the reason. If we were caught, it would get me fired for sure. I just can't do it!

She found herself thinking about his problem more and more. But it brought her nothing but frustration.

That soon would be Alan's lot as well: frustration. Even as he sat in his fourth-period class, thinking about his mother, big events were happening back home.

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