6 Times a Day

Chapter 1139: Alan's pain and pleasure

Chapter 1139: Alan's pain and pleasure

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-4.5K words

Then the light was turned off, which plunged the room into near-total darkness. The music also came to an abrupt halt.

Alan could see, or sense, shapes moving around the room, but he had no idea what was going on. He assumed that no one would tell him what was happening if he tried to ask, so he didn't bother. He realized that whatever secretiveness there might be was for his benefit so he could have another pleasant surprise.

It had only been a minute or so since Amy and Akami had been stroking him, but his dick didn't get much of a chance to rest. In the darkness, he felt the presence of Susan and Suzanne on either side of him.

Susan whispered very quietly, "Son, how does it feel to be master of a harem? Pretty good, huh? My son! You've tamed so many busty and beautiful women! It makes me SO HOT!" The glee was so evident in her voice that it seemed she was enjoying things even more than he was. "It's very important that you don't cum just yet, so hold on a little longer please."

The two mothers worked together to pull his shirt off. (Suzanne had been naked already from her poker victories, and Susan had likewise shucked whatever clothes she still had on.) Then they greedily attacked his crotch with their hands.

He'd been jacked off by his two mothers together or separately so often that he could tell from the way their hands roamed over his erection that they were the ones who had replaced Amy and Akami. What he didn't know was why those two, or why now.

He thought, Mom thinks I have supernatural stamina. Sometimes cumming is out of my control! Like right now, almost. I'm so close!

Then the music came on again. It was "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys: "I, I love the colorful clothes she wears / And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair..."

Other sounds and movements slowly came to a halt. Then Amy's voice was heard in the dark, sounding surprisingly loud and authoritative. "Ladies and gentleman. Or should I say, my master and my fellow harem nymphos, tonight is a very special night for one very lucky lady. Yes, I'm speaking about Brenda Hunter. Alan, tonight is the night that Brenda is to give herself to you."

His heart raced even faster as he pictured Brenda in his mind. He didn't know what was coming, but he could tell it was going to be great, and highly arousing. He thought it was nuts they expected him to refrain from cumming through all of this.

Amy continued, "Now, I know that you've already fucked her, and fucked her good. She wants to give herself in that way to you again, but also give you so much more. It's not just that you've tamed her with your cock, though of course you did that. What we're talking about is a deeper giving of body and soul. She wants to be your slave, and the Plummer family slave, in EVERY sense of the word."

Alan felt a tingle of excitement shoot from his cock straight up his spine. With the way his two mothers were happily stroking his shaft, he had to clench and strain not to cum. Just feeling their huge bare breasts brushing against his legs was almost too much to take.

Amy continued, "She wants to pledge herself to serve you, to serve your thick and always hard cock, and to serve the rest of your family, for the rest of her life. Yep, you heard that right: for the rest of her life!"

That got through the thick sex fog clouding Alan's mind. Seriously?! No way! I still don't know her that well. How can she mean that?! And what about Adrian?! But... WHOA! If that's true... WHOA!

Amy went on, "She's ready to make a very serious commitment, much like a marriage, but in its own way maybe an even stronger and deeper commitment than that. I know this is a surprise, but the rest of us in the family have discussed it and decided there's no way you'd turn down an offer like that from such a cute, bouncy, juicy, lusty, busty, and all around sexy and fun woman. Did we guess correctly? Do you want Brenda as your slave?"

Alan suddenly had an epiphany. Reminded by the song playing in the background, his mind flashed back to a period some months before when he'd been discovering the Beach Boys and getting into their music. He remembered night after night of sitting at home, working on his homework. His sex and love life was nearly non-existent back then, consisting only of occasionally masturbating to fantasies about Glory or Christine.

He thought, And now, the undeniable fact is I'm master of my own loving harem and the most busty woman I've ever seen in my life is offering herself to me as a slave! Life is an amazing thing!

There's absolutely no telling what may lie just around the corner!

He was so stunned by how much his life had changed for the better, despite his exhaustion, that he felt overwhelmed to the point of nearly passing out.

But at the same time, he realized that the words Amy was speaking had been carefully thought out in advance, probably with the input of Brenda and others, and that this was the start of a ceremony of sorts. So gathered his wits together and did his best to treat the occasion with a great seriousness. However, there was one issue that was bothering him. He asked, "What about Adrian?"

Amy replied, "Ah, yes. We thought you'd ask that, and it's good that you did. I have an answer on that I'm supposed to give. Understand that Brenda is talking about a major commitment. She wants to serve us every day, and she would, except for her son. We have made an agreement to ensure she can spend many hours a day serving the Plummer family as a maid and sex slave, and still have plenty of time to be with Adrian when he's not in school. Since you have many women and Adrian only has one mother, if he needs or wants her for any reason, including sexually, that would come first. Is this acceptable to you, Master?"

He thought that through carefully, or at least as carefully as he could while practically going crazy from so much mental and physical stimulation. Wow! Brenda as my SLAVE?! Somehow, with her, I'm guessing she's going to take that VERY seriously. But how can I turn her down?! She's so sexy! So stacked! So... Brenda! The Adrian thing is a problem, maybe an unsolvable one, but come on. Brenda is so extraordinary, how could I say 'no' even with problems way trickier than that?!

After a pause, he simply stated, "Yes."

"So do you take Brenda to be your slave, in every sense of the word?"

His heart was thumping like a hammer. Every nerve ending seemed to be tingling. He knew this was a pivotal moment that would have implications lasting decades. He sat up even straighter and formally replied in a deep and commanding voice, "Yes. Yes, I do."

As soon as he said that, he heard a great gasp come from where he guessed the kitchen was. He also thought he heard a bit of sobbing. He nearly laughed, assuming correctly that those were the sounds of Brenda being overwhelmed by emotion upon hearing his reply. But he remembered the importance of this event for her and kept quiet.

He realized there were some pretty huge caveats regarding Adrian, but that only sounded fair. Given his own incestuous relationships, he could hardly keep Brenda and her son apart. The fact that Suzanne and Susan were also currently jacking him off greatly limited his ability to think deeply about the ramifications. But he figured that if the rest of the family had discussed it and agreed to it, it must be the right thing to do. Suzanne, especially, wouldn't do anything rash or stupid. He had confidence she'd help find a way to make the Adrian situation work out.

Amy continued with deep portent, "So shall it be. Master, fellow nymphos, I give you the newest member of the Plummer family harem: Brenda Hunter!"

Everyone clapped enthusiastically (except for Susan and Suzanne, who were keeping their hands busy in Alan's crotch). The lights came on while the Beach Boys sang, "Good, good,

good, good vibrations..."

Brenda stepped forward from the kitchen into the dining room. She was crying tears of joy. Naturally, Alan had seen Brenda in various states of undress many times before, but he was nonetheless stunned by her appearance and her beauty. She wore a provocative French maid outfit, in the typical black with white frills and lace. As with all the other such outfits she'd left in her closet back home, it left her breasts and shaved pussy exposed. But the reason why she'd picked this one out from all of her outfits was because it lifted her monstrously large breasts farther up and out than any of the others. She looked like the epitome of a human sex toy, but at the same time, her deep passions and emotions shone through.

She stood for a moment, blushing and crying, totally overwhelmed. She was trembling badly. She was so nervous that she was cupping her pussy without realizing it. But still, anyone could see the rivulets of cum were flowing so copiously from her nether lips that some lines of cum had already made their way down past her knees.

She seemed uncertain at first, then dramatically rushed headlong at where Alan was sitting on

the sofa, crying, "Master!"

Since Alan was sitting and Brenda was standing, her big, bare tits ended up enveloping his face as she clung to him for dear life. Somehow, he found that very appropriate. With Brenda's giant pillows doing their best to nearly suffocate him, she gushed, "Master? Master Alan? Do you really mean it? Do you want me to be your slave for ever and ever? Your complete and utter slave? Your property? Heart and mind, body and soul?"

"You know I do," he replied seriously, even though his voice was somewhat comically muffled. He was straining extra hard not to cum. He couldn't believe his mothers hadn't stopped jacking him off yet - it was like they were determined to make him cum at a very

inopportune time.

"You know what my vision of the future is, Master? Your pussy tamer in my slit, pounding me and controlling me forever and ever. Taming me. Ruling me! That's my vision of pure bliss!"

Alan at first didn't think anything special about those words, but then he sat up with a start. "Wait a minute. Is that a reference to George Orwell's book '1984?' You know the end with the image of a boot kicking a face forever and ever?"

She giggled through her tears of happiness. "Yep. Just because I'm stacked doesn't mean I

can't read. Since I don't have a job, I read a lot. I'm a big Orwell fan, and a science fiction fan, too. In fact, 'Dune' is my favorite book of all time."

"Wow. 'Dune?' You? That's pretty random. I love that book." He thought, She's into classic rock

AND sci-fi. I like her taste! Which I guess is pretty important considering that we're agreeing to be tied together for decades to come. WHOA!

He said, "That Orwell thing is kind of an odd metaphor at a time like this, but I guess it works. You know, we need to get to know each other a lot better out of bed, not just in it."

He heard muffled chuckles coming from around him. He realized that in the middle of being offered a sex slave, and with his face enveloped by her heaving boobs, he was having a full-on nerd moment. So he tried to get back on track to stop the snickers. "But the question is, why do you offer yourself like this to me?"

Still crying, she answered, "Master, I love you so much! The way I express my love is through

submission and devotion. I know some people would find that strange, but that's who I am. Because I love you totally, I give myself to you totally! I want to spend every single day pleasing you, serving you. Pleasuring your cock in every possible way! Do you want me? Do you want my love? My body? My heart?"

"I do." His head was still encased in her fluffy mountains. Inwardly, he was wondering why a

woman who was obviously smart and wealthy would want nothing more in life that to be a maid and sex slave. He figured there was more to that mystery that he didn't yet understand, but now was not the time to spoil the mood by asking lots of probing questions about it.

He knew it might tarnish the moment, but despite what Amy had said, he had to ask, "What about Adrian? I still don't see how that'll work."

"I love my son so very much! And yes, I hope to be fucking him soon. But he's so different from you. He's just not the naturally superior master type. So while I'll eagerly fuck him as a good mommy should, he could never own me, never be my master. To me, you are my Master Alan with a capital M, and will be forever! You unlocked my true nature, and fully tamed me. I

will always be Adrian's mother, but never will be his slave. I will always be YOUR slave! Does that make sense?"

"It does. But what does 'slave' mean to you?"

"What everyone thinks it means. A SLAVE! Just like from the pre-Civil War days. You OWN me!

In every possible meaning of the word! I must obey ANY order you give me! I'm YOURS! You sex toy, your fuck pet, whatever you want me to be! When I'm not with Adrian, taking care of

my motherly duties, my only purpose is to serve you and make you happy. Chain me and beat me if you must."

She added with a hint of worry, "Only, you could never sell me, because I can only be YOUR slave, forever and ever! I'm emotionally bonded to you and you alone! Even if you rejected me here today, I would still be your slave in my heart, because I feel so strongly about it. It just...


He thought, Wow, that's pretty intense! I wonder what led her to all that?! Brenda suddenly dropped to her knees. Her attention inexorably focused on Alan's rigid cock and Susan and Suzanne's hands still sloshing frantically all over it. Brenda watched the rhythm of two hands, each from different mothers, pistoning up and

down in Alan's crotch for a few moments. Then she looked at each of the mothers in the eye in turn and said, "Mistress Susan? Mistress Suzanne? Thank you for tending my master's

cock tonight. Will you allow me, your humble slave and loving servant, to share in the joy of

pleasuring it?"

They said, in unison, "We do."

Then Brenda stood up and walked to the dining room table where most of the others were

standing or sitting. "And Mistress Katherine? Mistress Amy? Will you also allow me to share in the bounty of our master's cock and all of his glorious cum?"

"We do," they both replied.

Alan found the whole thing kind of absurd. Everybody's so serious. So solemn. You'd think we're in

church or something, but everybody's naked and taking turns on my cock! Suzanne then got up and stood back, giving Alan's stiff pole completely to Susan for the

moment. Susan put her lips on her son's erection and sucked on it for a minute or so. She seemed determined to make him cum before Brenda could get a chance to touch it.

It took all of Alan's self-control not to lose a big load right there. He knew that would be a big disaster from Brenda's point of view. He'd experienced so much incredible stimulation already, especially from Amy and Akami, that normally he would have cum long ago. But he was worried that if he came, he might not get hard again or his penis would be too sore, so he

was prolonging his erection with every self-control trick he knew.

He was forced to whisper to Susan, "Please! Take it easy! I'm so close that it's crazy!"

She did back off some. She made long passes down his shaft, as far as she could go without deep throating. But while it looked impressive, it wasn't as stimulating as if she focused on his sensitive spot, which she usually did.

He was able to breathe a sigh of relief, even though he kept up with his rhythmic PC muscle

clenching. He was so happy that it seemed he was floating on clouds, and all the ego boosting "master" talk was making him even more giddy.

While Susan was on her knees happily licking and sucking away, Suzanne had been running

her hands all over him and encouraging him to play with her ass.

The others, except Amy and Brenda standing nearby, remained in their seats and appeared to be making good use of the chair dildos while they watched the cocksucking.

He was amused watching all of them subtly bounce up and down in the chairs. Susan had never quite mastered deep throating, and her control over her gag reflex was

imperfect, but she was getting quite close as her head repeatedly made deep bobs on her son's


Suzanne whispered in his ear, "I'll bet you're wondering why, at this big moment for Brenda, Susan is sucking your cock instead."

He nodded. He was panting too hard to talk.

"We're reminding her that serving you requires a lot of sharing, which means patiently

waiting. We're putting her in her place!"

He looked up to Brenda. She was writhing in place, seemingly dying of frustration.

Suzanne whispered a bit more, "Trust me, she loves being denied like this. It's part of her slave mentality. You'll come to understand in time."

After another minute of Susan's loud and lusty sucking, Susan and Suzanne switched places.

Suzanne did the exact same thing Susan was doing, except that she knew even more tricks with her tongue and lips.

Now it was Susan's turn to languidly run her hands over Alan's muscular chest and legs while

Alan fondled and teased her ass.

Even though Suzanne was also trying to take it relatively easy on him, he couldn't hold out

any longer - it was simply all too much stimulation to take. Nobody could withstand such pleasure forever.

He heard Kim scream out, "Oh good Gaawwwd! YES!" as she obviously reached an orgasm of



That didn't help his self-control in the slightest. He groaned and felt his balls tightening up.

Oh no! Oh nooooo! Not now!

But Suzanne sensed this. She quickly grabbed the base of his shaft and squeezed tight. She

hissed quietly, "Don't do it!"

Alan thought, God DAMN! It hurts, but it hurts soooo good! His urge to cum went from overwhelming back to barely tolerable.

Then Suzanne, smirking and very pleased with herself, let go of him. Brenda looked like she would do anything in the world to touch Alan's erection. Her eyes

sparkled with an almost desperate desire. She had come closer and closer, drawn like a moth to a flame, until she was standing as close to him as she could get. But instead of reaching out to his hardness, she placed both hands behind her back. Sitting up

on her heels, she thrust her chest out and dropped her eyes down. "Master, your slave is at your command. Is there any way I can please you? Would you, perhaps, want to fill one of my

holes with your sweet and precious cum?" Her tone was suddenly shy, as if she was worried he would reject her.

Alan could feel his "bad" side getting stronger. He felt very happy and aroused, but also intensely possessive. He wanted to fuck each and every one of his women so good and so hard

that they'd never forget it for as long as they lived. But most of all, he wanted to make Brenda scream like a banshee and rejoice in her decision to become his slave. 'Good Vibrations' was getting near the end and the Beach Boys were happily singing, "Na na na na na, na na na...' which seemed completely incongruous to his mood. But he didn't care.

He stood up, walked to the table, and swiped it clear. Cards, glasses, snacks, cake - everything

went flying. He was careful, at least, to make sure no one was in the way. Luckily, too, there was no wine bottle on the table and the glasses were made of plastic. Then he dramatically yanked at the table cloth and sent the rest crashing to the floor.

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