6 Times a Day

Chapter 1143: What a party! Damn!

Chapter 1143: What a party! Damn!

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As soon as Alan sat down next to Akami, she asked him, "Alan, how do you do it?" Seeing from his blank look that he didn't catch her meaning, she clarified, "I mean, before you came downstairs for the party Susan and Suzanne were entertaining us with stories of your sexual exploits from earlier in the day. I just don't see how you can handle it. Sex wears the body out like playing a sport. By the time you're done tonight you'll have burned so many calories that you must feel like you ran a marathon. As a nurse, I'm fascinated, not to mention puzzled." Alan contemplated that for a minute, and explained, "Well, it's not all that bad, nothing like a marathon. But sometimes I do wonder myself how I keep going. I think it's a combination of things. For one, you may notice that I don't engage usually in much athletic or acrobatic sex anymore. The sex with Brenda was kind of an exception 'cos I really wanted that to be special for her. But generally speaking, the others seem to realize I can only do so much in a day, so usually they do most of the work while I just sit there. For instance, woman on top has become my favorite position, just because it's easiest for me. And, of course, this house is blowjob central, which hardly takes anything out of me."

"Except for cum," Akami quipped, "which in your case is a very big exception."

"Touché. But it's unbalanced, even though each woman I love seems to love blowjobs, maybe because they usually have a great cum themselves while they're giving me one too. Still, at first, I felt bad about it. I guess I still do. I mean, it seems like I haven't gone down on a woman in ages. But there's just no chance in hell I could keep going at this pace doing it any other way. I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving vacation so I can establish a new slower pace and give back a little bit more, you know? Less quantity and more quality."

As his eyes roamed over Akami's body, he continued, "But another thing is that my body has been slowly building up an endurance for this kind of thing. It's like... if you're out of shape you can't suddenly go jogging ten miles a day. But you can build up to it in a couple of months. Like, back in the early days, my dick was sore a lot. Sometimes I felt like I might even have to schedule an appointment with you about it. But I've slowly built up my stamina for that, too." "Well, that may be," she conceded, "but what about the emotional toll? The stress of that wears the body out also. Even just feeling great pleasure can be extremely draining after a while."

He agreed emphatically. "I know, I know! You're telling me! I have so many joyous highs every single day. I should put my foot down and say 'no' more often, but how can I resist feeling so good? It's like a drug. It's like... we've left the normal world, and live in

a hypersexual world where all our wildest fantasies come true every single day. It's intense. And how can I resist the likes of you all? I guess I'm just a big softy, even if it feels like I'm slowly heading towards some kind of complete collapse."

"Wait a minute," she said with more playfulness in her voice. She put her hand on his crotch and playfully squeezed him. "You're big, I'll give you that. But a softy? No sir!"

He chuckled. "The trouble is, I AM a softy. I love my family so much; I want to make everyone feel good. I keep thinking that we're in a frantic phase right now and that things'll mellow out after a while, but it has yet to happen. Every day gets crazier and crazier and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever turn the corner."

Akami took pity on him and withdrew her hand from his crotch while they continued to chat. She reassured him, "Don't worry, I'll have a talk with a few of the 'ringleaders' of this nefarious plot to constantly drain your balls dry. After all, I'm your primary medical caretaker for all practical purposes and I think a little bit of rest and relaxation is exactly what the doctor is going to order here. From what I understand, you're regularly overshooting your six-times-a-day target so often that you don't even keep track anymore. You don't need to keep up that pace. It's not healthy or sustainable in the long run."

"Thanks. I'm glad to hear that."

She winked, "Of course, I'm not going to fill out that prescription until you treat me to a little bit of nookie myself. I do remember a promise that a certain someone was going to 'get stuffed with hot meat,' no?"

She remembered how shocked she was when Susan had said nearly those exact words earlier in the evening, but now she had to force herself not to be even more forward and blatant, mindful of his need to rest.

He groaned, "Oh man! Have mercy!" But in fact, he was looking forward to plowing into her as soon as his penis was feeling a little bit better. It was definitely hard enough at the moment, but still feeling a little tender.

There was a long pause. He sat thinking while she sat next to him, waiting for him to speak. He finally said, "Akami? You know, about this whole six-times-a-day diagnosis. Is that really on the up and up? After all this time, the more I think about it... Well, it just seems so


She very consciously remained still and expressionless on the outside, although she was freaking out on the inside. She thought, I can't tell him the truth! For one thing, Suzanne would KILL me. And I mean that very nearly literally! Plus, oh God! Susan would hate me, too! And Alan would think I'm completely unethical and never want to see me again. I might even destroy this wonderful sexual world they've created. I'll just have to brave it out.

She replied, "You're kidding, right? Do you think that I and Dr. Fredrickson would betray our medical ethics? For what? Why on Earth would we do that?"

He sighed. "No, of course I don't mean that. I'm just blowing off steam. I mean, why six times a day? SIX fucking times! True, I'm averaging more than that now, but when the crash comes, and I know it will, I probably won't even get close to six anymore. That's why I get so frustrated about this treatment, because it's just not sustainable in the long run."

She thought, Why did Suzanne have to pick SIX times, anyway? She really got greedy with that. Maybe she assumes everyone else has a sex drive as high powered as she does.

She lied, "Look, no one ever said you'd have to do that for the rest of your life. The goal was to get your hormone levels back to normal. Once that happens, of course, you could cut back, if that's what you want."

"Really? Why didn't anyone tell me that?! I feel so much better just knowing that. Except nothing's changing, my thyroid levels must still be the same. I'm just as tired as ever. If I didn't take a nap today, I swear I would have dropped dead."

She thought, Heck, given the amount of sex this kid is having, anyone would drop dead without a lot of sleep. She told him, "Remember that in the greater scheme of things, being tired and taking naps is hardly the end of the world. Almost every single other patient who comes into our office would be happy to trade symptoms with you. You don't have to keep to the schedule if you don't want to."

He sighed again, more dramatically this time. "No, I'll keep going. It's like I was saying, I just can't say no. Look at these women here at the party. I mean, seriously, look at these women! Forget the tiredness, forget the treatment. That hardly matters now. The thing is, I just can't stop getting incredibly aroused by all these women! And I don't want to! I just wish there were 48 hours in a day or I had an identical twin or something. You're right, it's the emotional strain that's the toughest. I have no idea how those sultans of old did it. Keeping a happy and satisfied harem going is hard work!"

She theorized, "I think those kings and such with large harems had very little contact with their concubines. They'd be off in one part of the palace and one or two might get called in to sleep with the ruler on any given night. I imagine very little emotional attachment, unless the guy had a favorite concubine or something. What you're doing is something entirely different. It's as if you've married four, and now with Brenda, five women simultaneously. Really intense emotional marriages. And then on top of it, I heard through my phone calls with Susan about your exploits with the rest of the cheerleading squad, your history teacher, and who knows how many other lucky ladies. That's why you need rest and relaxation, kiddo. Maybe for a while you should consider six times a day to be a maximum, not a minimum." "Hmmm..." He was very thoughtful and stared off into space for quite a while. But after more than a minute, all he said was "hmmm" again.

She was dying of curiosity and asked, "What are you thinking so deeply about?"

"To be honest, not much. I'm just kind of letting my thoughts run off on random tangents. But you made a good point about having intense marriages. I'm going to have to think about that some more. A lot more. What can I do, or should I do, about that? I want all of them to be so happy. Looking into the future is hard. Things have been moving so fast that I can't even say what things'll be like in a week, much less a year." He drifted off into thought again.

Trying to distract him from thinking about the six-times-a-day scheme any further, she commented, "You know, when I think about it, your ability to love at least four women with all of your heart and soul is probably even more remarkable that your sexual endurance or stamina. We live in such a monogamous society today, but not you. It's like you've forged your own alternate reality. How do you do it?"

He asked rhetorically, "If you love your mother a lot, does that make you love your sister any less? Not in my book. Plus, my family four are all such great people that how can I not love each one of them so much?"

"Yeah, but there's the sex," she pointed out. "When people have sex, things change. For one,

people get possessive."

He laughed. "I do get possessive, but it only seems to work one way. I can't bear to think of any of them having sex with another man, while I'm free to spread my seed anywhere. Hypocritical, huh? But that's how I am and I can't help it. Isn't that how most males are? We're a hypocritical lot when it comes to sex."

Akami and Alan then launched into a lively discussion about the differences between males

and females and their relative hypocrisies and idiosyncrasies. They continued to talk for a few minutes until the party in the dining room began to break up.

In another minute or two, some of the women started to drift into the living room. Alan looked up and turned his head around as Katherine walked in. "Hey, Evil Sister. What's happening? Is that it? Is the party over already?" He noticed that she was wearing nothing but

her high heels.

"Nope, Big Lighthouse Brother. We're just taking a page from the Alan Plummer playbook and having a strategic break. Phew! Things are getting pretty steamed up in there! You

shouldn't miss it."

"Yeah, I saw enough, thanks to your uppity evilness," he replied with chagrin. "Bwa-ha-ha-ha!" Katherine laughed manically, as if she were a mad scientist in a B-grade movie. "Come on, how could I turn down that opportunity? Miss Virginal Ice Queen meets the poke-her party orgy? I just had to see how you'd respond to that."

As Katherine teased and Alan complained, most of the other women were straggling into the

room. Just about all of them held glasses of wine or champagne and were tipsy at the very


Katherine, Susan, Amy, and Suzanne were totally naked, but all the others were generally down to their last item or two of clothing.

Kim was the only one still wearing all her clothes because she'd merely won a hand or two in

the game.

Alan stood to greet them and to mingle.

Susan appeared to be quite inebriated. She came up to him and steadied herself against him.

"Son! Tiger! What a party, huh? You have no idea how much FUN I'm having! Look! I'm totally STARKERS! Hee! I'm in my bathing suit, er, I mean, my birthday suit! But you know, what's great is when, you know, everyone else isn't naked but you're BUCK NAKED and you're wearing high heels to BOOT! Ha! 'High heels to boot'? Did I make a funny? Hee-hee! I feel so nakedly naughty! Anyway, not only that, but EVERYBODY's wearing high heels 'cos that shows they're ready to get FUCKED by my big strapping son 'cos he's got a big tasty COCK! Oh God, yes he does! And he's just so BIG and HANDSOME all OVER that I want to bend over this sofa and take it HARD up the ass 'cos it's so naughty and there are all these big boobs hanging out EVERYWHERE, great big boobs, and pretty women I want to eat ALL UP and oh my gosh we have to do this MORE OFTEN! Every night, even! Hey, why not?! What a GREAT idea!" She swayed back and forth while she said all this, as if she was trying to get Alan to come into


Xania, who had been guiding Susan through the room, took her hand again and said into her

ear, "Come on, Susan. Why don't you sit down and rest. Let the overtaxed guy chill out a bit. Okay? Come on."

Susan got up on her own, but then stumbled back into Alan. "Oh, hello there, sailor! Guess

what? When I have a few drinks, I'm easy! Total fuck bait! You just might get lucky with your own mother tonight, you naughty boy!" She hiccupped and laughed some more.

She finally allowed herself to be pulled away by Xania and promptly plopped down onto one of the sofas to rest off her drunkenness. She reluctantly handed Xania her unopened bottle of champagne as well. However, she was sober enough to remain awake and aware of what everyone else was doing.

Alan was floored by the fact that Susan was drunk since, he'd never seen her that way before. But there was something about it that was quite endearing. She was a traditional Midwestern soccer mom at heart. She actually hadn't drunk that much tonight, but she drank so little in

her life that she had next to no tolerance for alcohol. He found it fittingly cute and innocent for her to have no clue whatsoever about drinking too much.

As soon as Susan and Xania were out of Alan's hair, Kim walked up to him and put a hand on

his shoulder. "Alan! Hey. Wow. What a party! Damn!"

She'd obviously loosened up quite a bit in the last half hour. She'd gotten over her stunned

silence, no doubt with the help of a lot of wine. Her hand was on Alan's shoulder in large part to help her remain standing and, if anything, she was even drunker than Susan. She leaned in closer. "Alan. I cannot thank you ENOUGH for inviting me here. I mean it! This is like... well, no one would ever believe it! And to see my dream woman in the flesh! Holy cow!"

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