6 Times a Day

Chapter 128 Plan.

When practice ended, Katherine had to ask Kim to take a close look at her paint job, to make sure all the frigging and leaking hadn't ruined it.

Kim gladly did so. She lay on the ground and looked up between Katherine's legs as Katherine "accidentally" walked over her. She gave Katherine the bad news that, unfortunately, the pink parts of her pussy lips, now engorged, were fairly visible. That just made both of them hotter, because it was clearly too late for Katherine to turn back from cheerleading just because she was without panties.

Alan, meanwhile, was at the game to look out for his sister (and to look at her too). Because he got there early, he went down to the field to say "Hi" to Katherine and Amy.

When he did so, Katherine and Kim were standing together. He noticed there was something odd about them, but he couldn't quite understand it. They seemed strangely energized, with both of them staring at him very intently. He knew Katherine was wearing nothing but painted-on panties underneath, so he could understand her behavior a bit, but he didn't get why Kim seemed to be acting the exact same way.

But after he said his hellos, Kim took him aside and spoke to him for a minute or two. He found that odd as well, because it seemed that she wanted to tell him something important, but she never quite did.

With more of the crowd showing up, Alan had to leave the field and go to the stands. He had borrowed a pair of binoculars, and then sat in the front row of the stands to get the closest view of his sister that he could. He also made a point of avoiding his friends so he could sit by himself, completely away from everyone else. Luckily, the stands were only half-filled and few wanted to sit in the front row, since the higher seats gave a better view of the game.

He told himself that he was merely interested in making sure the paint job worked well. However, he already had a stiff erection just from anticipating what he would see.

The game began, and the cheerleaders started to do their thing.

Alan couldn't see much of Katherine's privates with his naked eye. He didn't get many chances, because Katherine jumped around as little as possible. When he did get a chance, he thought he could see a flash of pink, and realized with a twinge in his dick that he must be seeing her labia.

But he wondered, Did I notice it only because I'm looking for it? Is it my imagination? Can others see it too?

However, it wasn't just in his mind. With the high-powered binoculars he had borrowed, everything was clear as day. Instead of being fifty or more feet away, it seemed to him like he was only five feet from her - he felt he could reach out and touch the clearly visible hairy mound of her pussy.

He quickly stopped and looked around at the crowd to see if anyone else had binoculars. Luckily, it was just an ordinary game between two high school teams, and no one else seemed to have cared enough to bring any. The crowd was pretty small in any case. He felt relieved, and went back to staring at his sister.

Down on the field, Kim stood next to Katherine as they jumped about. Heather was on Katherine's other side.

Kim whispered to Katherine, "I can see where your brother is in the stands."

"Where?" Katherine asked excitedly.

"There," Kim pointed. "He's in the very first row. And it looks like he has some serious binoculars and isn't pointing them at the game. Is that what you call 'brotherly love?'"

"I told you already it's not like that," said Katherine resentfully. She was seriously regretting having told Kim who'd painted her privates. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach that her incestuous situation was being exposed, and she didn't see what she could do to stop it.

But knowing that her brother was watching, and with binoculars to boot, she began to jump around more enthusiastically. It made her hot to think that, in fact, three other people already knew she wore no panties: Alan, Kim, and Heather.

— — —

Back in the stands, Alan's reverie was broken when he heard the voice of Christine behind him. "Hi Alan. What'cha looking at?"

Startled, he turned to face her guiltily. "Oh hi, Christine. What are you doing here?"

He said that relatively calmly, but inside he was panicking. Christine, of all people! Oh shit! We haven't really hung out in a significant way in a week. Why now, of all times? I feel too embarrassed to talk to her now.

Christine was still nervous about being with Alan after how she'd turned him down, but she was making a conscious effort to repair their friendship. Everyone thought she was as strong as steel, but she lacked a lot of confidence about certain things, most of them having to do with sex and relationships. She smiled and tried to act casual. "I just saw you here and thought I'd sit with you. What are you doing here? I thought you didn't like football, other than watching the Chargers."

Alan realized that it was clear he was looking at the cheerleaders and not the game. "I was ... looking at my sister doing her cheerleading. She asked me to watch. They've got a whole bunch of new moves, and she wanted to get my opinion about them."

"Oh really? Can I take a look?" Christine asked, even as she reached for the binoculars.

"No!" He lied, "Um, I mean, these binoculars are not mine. The guy I borrowed them from gave them to me very reluctantly. He said I could only use them if I didn't let anyone else touch them. So I really have to respect that."

"Okay. Geez. Not a big deal."

Phew! That was a close one. God, what if she saw me staring at my sister's pussy, flashing in the sun? She'd think I'm a total pervert, or worse. She'd never speak to me again!

Trying to distract her, he told one of the blonde jokes he'd saved up for his encounters with her. He liked telling Christine dumb-blonde jokes, mainly because she was blonde yet also the smartest person he knew, so he could tease her about being a "dumb blonde" in good fun. "Hey, Christine. What do you see when you look directly into a blonde's eyes?"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't know. What?"

"The back of her head."

"Ugh," Christine said while frowning, even though she found it amusing. She immediately shot back, "Okay, you and your 'dumb blonde' jokes, I've got a 'dumb teenage brunette boy named Alan' joke. You want to hear it?"


"How can you tell a fax has been sent from a dumb teenage brunette boy named Alan?"

He shrugged, since he didn't have a good answer.

"There's a stamp on it."

Alan smiled and said, "Harsh." Then, after a perfectly timed pause, he asked cluelessly, "Um, what's a stamp, exactly?"

Christine burst into laughter.

While they were joking around, Christine was generally looking towards the playing field, giving him a golden opportunity to ogle her. Peeking at her was a bit risky due to the intense disapproving glares he would get when she caught him doing so. As usual, she wore clothes that fully concealed her cleavage, along with jeans or pants that hid her legs. Even so, her body was so amazingly curvy that everyone considered her smoking hot.

Alan already had a raging hard-on from watching the cheerleaders, and now with Christine next to him he was having even more lewd thoughts. He realized that he needed to get away from this situation and cool down.

After some more idle conversation and joking around, he said out of the blue, "Actually, Christine, I think I've seen enough of the game. It's almost the end of the first half, and the cheerleaders just do the same stuff over and over after a while. Since neither of us really is into football and this game is pretty boring, why don't we go get some ice cream?"

She stood up to go. "That sounds great."

He said, "Here's a joke for you. A blonde female police officer pulls over a blonde gal for speeding. She walks up to the car and asks the blonde for her driver's license. She has to explain, 'It's that thing with your picture on it.' The blonde driver looks all over and finally pulls out her compact, opens it up, looks at herself, and then hands it to the cop."

He paused for effect, then went on, "The blonde cop looks at the compact, rolls her eyes, hands the compact back, and says, 'If you'd told me you were a police officer when I first pulled you over, we could have avoided this whole thing!'"

Christine laughed heartily.

Alan naturally enjoyed making people laugh, but he especially liked making Christine laugh because when she did she tended to close her eyes, giving him more opportunity to ogle her body. Laughing also usually caused her full breasts to jiggle in very delightful ways.

As he gawked, he thought, Dang! Massive jiggling on a Wonder Woman day, no less. And I'll bet she doesn't realize how much her chest thrusts forward when she puts her hands behind her back like that. Is there some kind of cosmic conspiracy to make me cum in my shorts today?

He was referring to the fact that she was wearing her Wonder Woman T-shirt. It was practically the only T-shirt that she owned - she normally wore blouses - and it was a bit tight on her. It showed off her chest more than anything else she wore. On a good day like today, he could even see a hint of nipple and the outlines of her bra straps. He loved what he called "Wonder Woman days" - the rare times she wore that shirt.

Christine finally opened her eyes. "You're so bad, Alan." But she couldn't stop smiling. Being with Alan always made her feel good.

Down on the field, Katherine saw Alan start to walk off with Christine. She had been jumping even more enthusiastically ever since she had seen Alan watching. She began to flash her pussy and her ass to the crowd more and more in an attempt to keep him from leaving, to no avail.

As soon as her brother left, her behavior changed again and she hardly moved at all. She was jealous of Christine. I thought she wasn't interested in him and he'd given up on her. And now they're going off together somewhere. Shit.

— — —

When half-time began, Kim came up to Katherine, grabbed her by the arm, and whispered in her ear, "I think I know one cheerleader who has very unnatural feelings for her brother! The evidence keeps piling up. I saw how you were putting on a show for him, and then stopped and got all bummed out. You can't deny it. I think Heather will find that most interesting!"

Katherine realized that she'd been busted. "No! You can't tell!" she whispered back.

"For such a smart girl, you're not very bright. You just confirmed it! To think that until today I thought you were so conservative! Okay, I'll keep it a secret, including from Heather, but now you REALLY owe me. In fact, I think that basically, you're my bitch. You're my slave. What do you think about that?"

"What are you going to make me do?" Katherine asked in fright. She had images of being tied up with ropes in a dungeon.

"Nothing too much, and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself thoroughly, if today on the grass was any indication. For starters, I want you to wear the same painted-on panties to cheerleader practice all next week."


"That's the idea that Heather and I came up with. That's your punishment from her. But to get even with me, there's more. I want to wear the same thing next week too. I think it's totally hot. I'm waaaaay jealous! I wish I was you right now, flashing my cunny to hundreds of strangers! So you'll get your brother to paint me up too. How do you two do it, anyway?"

"He painted me during lunch, in a supply closet." Katherine was in a state of shock.

"Perfect. Sounds delicious. On top of that, any time I want your body, you come running. What are you doing tonight?"

"I have a date," she lied.

"With your brother, I'm sure," Kim snickered.

"No! That's not true!"

"Whatever. I want you to cancel it. You're cumming with me. Spelled C U M. You'll find I'm really not mean, and I'm not into anything weird. I just like to get off."

"I-I-I can't! My father is coming home, and he's been away for months! I'm going to be really busy this weekend!"

Kim remembered that Katherine had in fact previously mentioned her father coming home over the weekend, so she figured it wasn't a lie. "I'm sure we'll find some time. Starting after the game. Give me your phone number."

— — —

When the game ended, Heather and Kim took Katherine to a nearby supply shed and made her put her fingers in each of their pussies at the same time.

Katherine frigged first one and then the other and then back again. The whole time they talked to her in greater detail about her new, submissive situation.

Katherine protested that she had to leave immediately because her mother was coming to pick her up.

But they didn't let her off that easily. Heather, naturally in charge, said, "Katherine, since you're in such a rush we'll let you go, just as soon as you lick my pussy. Kim, you'll be getting plenty of this treatment from her in days to come, so be patient."

Kim just stayed silent and watched intently to see what Katherine would do.

Katherine pushed aside Heather's panties yet again. She noticed that the two girls seemed to mock her lack of panties by keeping their own on.

As she stared at Heather's pussy, she thought to herself, This morning I'd never even imagined touching a woman, and now I've already gotten intimate with two pussies at the same time! How crazy is that? To Heather, she said, "Look, later, but right now-"

"Stuff it," Heather interrupted. "If you argue, I'll make you spend more time arguing than just doing it, and in the end I'm going to make you do it anyway. Just give me a few licks to show me you're capable and understand your position. If you're really in a hurry, you'll just get it over with."

Katherine could see no way out. She looked intently at Heather's pussy. She had to admit that it was a really pretty one with nicely-formed lips and a cute little clit that poked out just below a furry patch of blonde pubic hair.

She bent down and gave a few perfunctory licks. She was surprised by the taste and smell, both of which she found very arousing. She found herself thinking she might get off on having her tongue slide into Heather's snatch, if it weren't for the humiliation she'd been put through.

Mercifully, Heather let her go after that, knowing that she'd have more opportunity with her later.

Katherine felt extremely weirded-out and humiliated by the whole episode and was grateful for it to be over.

If pressed, Katherine would have had to admit that theoretically she didn't terribly mind the idea of pleasuring or being pleasured by beautiful girls, and these were the most beautiful girls in the school, but she adamantly didn't want to be anyone's slave. She figured that situation could only go from bad to much worse, especially if Heather was involved.

So as soon as she got home, she told Alan everything that had happened, hoping he could help get her out of this mess. She just left out one little detail. She mentioned the part about how Kim claimed that she had a thing for Alan because of all that happened with the painting and binoculars, but she left out her admission that it was true. She was so concerned about all these problems that she didn't even try to tease or flirt with him as she told her story, although the details created a perfect opportunity.

When she was done, Alan suggested, "First, keep stalling for time. Kim has too many plans for you down the line to actually rat you out at this point if you don't see her this weekend. Just stall as much as you can."

"I'll try."

"Meanwhile, I'm thinking the only way to get out of blackmail is counter-blackmail. We have to get Kim in some compromising situation so that she has to be the one to cry uncle. When that happens, her power over you will end immediately. We may have to do something with Heather too, but she's a tough one, if there's anything at all to the rumors of her bitchy reputation."

"There is, believe me, there is," Katherine frowned.

"That sucks," he said. "However, with Kim out of the picture it will be your word against Heather's, which is infinitely better than two against one. Since Kim is so set on doing this painted-underwear thing, we should have a lot of chances to get back at her. I'm thinking on game day next Friday, I switch the paint that I paint her with to something very water-soluble. Then all we have to do is threaten to get her wet, like splash some water on her in the middle of the game, and she'll be totally ruined! She'll have to agree to anything we say."

"Big Brother," cooed Katherine, "you're so smart! That's why I had to tell you everything. I feel soooo much better now. I couldn't stand to think of having to be a slave to those lesbo bitches for the rest of the year. But I still have this paint all over my butt. Can you help me get it off?"

"How am I supposed to do that? I hadn't really thought about that."

Katherine was suddenly feeling randy again, now that she had potential solutions to her most major concerns. She flashed her butt at him and said, "Does it come off by licking?"

In actual fact, because Alan used a very hard-to-remove latex-based paint, he did have to help in removing the paint. It wasn't easy.

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