6 Times a Day

Chapter 151 Ms. Rhymer

Alan played tennis in his P.E. class. Afterwards, he took a shower at the gym, then went to meet Ms. Rhymer in her classroom, since he'd promised earlier to come back to talk to her.

By the time Alan got to Ms. Rhymer's classroom, all of her other students were gone. Glory was at her desk grading some homework when he came in and stood in front of her.

"Hi. You said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did." Instead of motioning for him to sit down, as she normally would have done, she stood up. She walked around her desk to stand right in front of him. "You can probably guess what this is about. I'm very concerned about your recent behavior. On Wednesday you promised me that you'd try harder not to space out during class. But today was just as bad as before your promise."

He dropped his head sadly. "I'm sorry."

"What's the problem?! You said you needed time to adjust to your new medical treatment regimen, but it's been almost a week since we discussed it and nothing seems to have changed."

He recalled that the previous time they'd talked, he'd tried to hint that he could use Glory's sexual assistance. Since then, his confidence had grown by leaps and bounds, along with his sexual fortunes. That led him to try again to promote the idea of her helping him. He wanted to be subtle about it, so that if she rejected his advances it wouldn't damage their friendship.

He sighed. "It's tough. Since we spoke frankly last time, can I be completely frank again?"

"Please. Remember, I'm not just your history teacher, I'm also a concerned friend."

He nodded. "Well, the thing is... I have been getting help with my six-times-a-day problem. Mrs. Pestridge has been a great help. She's a great friend, as you know. But I've gotten some other help as well."

Ms. Rhymer raised a curious eyebrow. "OTHER help?! What does that mean?"

"As I'm sure you'll understand, I can't name names. But anyway, it's weird. This hasn't been going on that long, but it's like my body has already adjusted. I've been cumming steadily, averaging six times a day, so now it's like my body is all geared up to cum every few hours."

She frowned. "So... is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"A good thing overall, I guess. It makes it easier to meet my daily target. It's like my body has accepted that I need to cum a lot, and so it's getting super ready many times a day to help make that happen. But the problem is... well... It's kind of embarrassing. I shouldn't say."

Needless to say, she couldn't resist. "No, please do say! How can I help if I don't understand what's going on?"

Knowing he had her on the hook, he played coy. "I don't know. This probably isn't the kind of thing a teacher and student should discuss. You could get in trouble."

"Let me worry about that." She reached to the top of her head and pretended to take off one hat and then put on another. "The school day is over. I'm taking off my teacher hat and putting on my friend hat, okay?"

He grinned. "Okay." His frown quickly returned though. "But still, it's weird. But I guess if I explained this much, I might as well tell you the rest. You see, in order to cum six times a day, every day, I have to space things out, 'cos it usually takes time for me to recover after each... well, you know. So I do it in the morning before school, then as soon as I get home after school, and then again late in the afternoon, and after dinner, and so on. But there's this gap in the middle - the seven hours of school - where I can't cum at all!"

Seeing that she was receptive, he pressed on, "But like I said, my body has changed so that it needs to cum every few hours or so. That's why things reach kind of a crisis stage during your class. The timing couldn't be worse! Fourth period seems to be right when my body needs another orgasm the most, and to make matters even worse, YOU teach the class!"

She asked, "So what's so bad about that?"

He blushed, although he was partly acting. "Well..." He looked away in embarrassment. "I don't know how to say this... so I'll just say it. You're... you're very beautiful. Obviously! And during class, what else am I supposed to do but look at you? That makes things hard... er, I mean, difficult..."

His blush deepened and he looked even more abashed. But he wasn't as innocent as he appeared. His word choices were very deliberate, including his "accidental" use of the word "hard" to show that he was thinking about his erection. He knew that once he mentioned that she would inevitably look at his crotch, and even the remote prospect that he might have some sexual success with his hot history teacher meant that he would already have a full erection.

Indeed, she couldn't help but notice the large bulge in his shorts. She had to resist the urge to lick her lips. Since his head was still turned away (and deliberately so), she was able to gawk at his bulge for some time. But the prolonged silence became problematic, causing her to say, "Please continue."

"Yeah, so... Well... since we're talking totally frankly... I can't believe I'm telling you this, but... I... I get the worst case of blue balls! Pretty much every day! In your class!" He looked shyly her way. "You know what that means, don't you?"

She stared at him with a stern frown. "Of course I do. Look, normally I wouldn't recommend this, but why don't you try looking elsewhere while I teach? It's not like you have to stare right at me. Just listen to the words I have to say."

"I've tried that, believe me! Ms. Rhymer, for a long time, I've... Well... Ugh! I can't say!"

"What is it?!" She sensed he was about to confess his love for her. She was very excited, even though she knew she shouldn't be encouraging this sort of thing. She had a special soft spot for him, her favorite (and quite handsome) student.

He was truly tempted to confess his feelings, but he didn't have experience at that kind of thing. Christine had shot him down when he'd asked her out, which made him even more cautious. The fact that Ms. Rhymer was his teacher was also extremely daunting. Simply hinting around the subject seemed to be working well, and it was a hell of a lot less intimidating, so he decided to continue with that approach. "Well, it's like I said. Everybody knows you're the most beautiful teacher in school. It's just a fact! And we've kind of become good friends these past two years, even though I guess we still have some limits on that, being teacher and student and all. But, my point is, even if I'm not looking right at you, I'm still in your class and hearing your voice, and it's kind of inevitable that I'll still be thinking about you. So I still end up having that problem, you know, kind of no matter what I do or where I look."

"I see." She was secretly thrilled, but at the same time warning bells were going off in her head. She knew she should be discouraging his sexual interest in her, but the truth was she'd also developed a similar interest in him. In the last week, especially, it had become her favorite fantasy to imagine a secret romance between her and her handsome student. Lately, even when she had sex with her boyfriend Garth, she'd generally been imagining that she was getting fucked by Alan instead, which heightened the experience. Something had changed recently that moved Alan from the "nice guy" category to the "sexually interesting" and even "sexually dangerous" category.

Seeing her interest, he pressed on. "What really kills me is that picture I saw of you. When I don't look at you teach, it's actually worse, because I think about that picture, and my mind goes off into weird daydreams from there. I can't believe I'm telling you this, but you told me I should be frank so we can solve this problem."

She eagerly asked, "What picture?"

"You know, the one of you with the surf board. Remember? A long time ago, you told me about how you liked to surf as a hobby, and I gave you a hard time about it, saying that I didn't believe you. Then you showed me that picture to prove it, and you even let me keep it. My God! You look so sexy in that! Then, when you add in how my body is basically going haywire right during your class time, it's a recipe for disaster!"

She recalled the picture she'd given him. She'd told herself at the time that there was nothing wrong with her giving him a picture like that since she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit, but the truth was it was a pretty sexually enticing picture. Even back then, she'd had a certain "inappropriate interest" in Alan, though she thought it would never rise above totally harmless light flirting.

She said, "In retrospect, it was a mistake I gave you that. I'm sorry."

He said, with surprising forcefulness, "That was no mistake! I've treasured that picture, believe me."

She looked calm on the outside, but she found her heart pounding hard as she imagined him masturbating to that picture countless times.

In fact, that's exactly what happened, although even now he was too shy to directly admit it. Instead, he said, "How were you to know I'd have to deal with this totally bizarre medical treatment? No, you're not to blame for anything. You've been totally cool. No one is to blame. I've just gotta man up and deal with this. I mean, blue balls is painful, but it's not like it's going to kill me, right?"

She said sympathetically, "I'm really sorry to hear about that. Now, I understand why you're looking so distracted in my classes. I wish there was something I could do to help! May I ask... I know this is none of my business, but you know how curious I get... What happens at lunch? Do you get any, uh, relief then?"

"Unfortunately, no. I mean, I'm just a student in school, after all. It's not like I have some private place to go to. In fact, it's kind of out of the frying pan, into the fire, since I see all the pretty girls milling around in the cafeteria. But then, luckily, I have Mrs. Metzger for my fifth-period calculus class. And I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but she obviously can't hold a candle to you. So eventually my problem subsides, more or less, until I can get home. And then, well, you know."

"I see," Ms. Rhymer said carefully. But in her mind, she was thinking, I should help him out! Sexually! God, just look at his crotch. He's well-hung, for sure! And he's handsome all around. The truth is, I've had a thing for him for a long time now, but lately he has a new edge. It's like a sexual confidence. And that makes sense. He probably was a complete virgin up until a couple of weeks ago, and now he's got Mrs. Pestridge and "others" helping him out.

But of course I can't! It's a beautiful fantasy, but that's all it is or can ever be. I AM his teacher. End of story. But still... the poor guy is suffering!

She said, "I really feel your pain. I wish there was something I could do. If there's any way you think I can help, please let me know." It sounded innocent enough on the surface, but she was practically daring him to suggest that she help him with his orgasms during lunch.

He still wasn't willing to be that bold with his teacher. So he joked, "Stop being so sexy!"

She laughed, and he laughed too. Then, trying to do the responsible thing, she asked, "I can try. Would it help if I were to dress more conservatively?"

"Probably," he admitted. "But you know me, I'm a typical eighteen-year-old guy. So I guess I don't need THAT much help!"

They laughed some more.

He added, "Seriously, don't do that!"

That got more laughs, even though he was getting a message through at the same time.

After some more small talk about some innocuous matters, Alan left.

Glory didn't know what to think. Had she been honest with herself, she would have realized that she was crossing an inappropriate line to even be talking about such things with one of her students. But the more she thought about it, and even fantasized about it, the more she felt tempted to not only talk about fixing his problem, but actually get physical with him. It seemed like she had the perfect excuse to play around with him, since she could tell herself she was helping him with his medical treatment and his blue balls problem.

Had it not been for the fact that she was a teacher and he was a student, she would have done it. She felt on some level that her relationship with Garth was probably coming to an end anyway, so that wasn't her main impediment. But her teacher status was a very great obstacle indeed.


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