6 Times a Day

Chapter 31 Cute Amy

Amy hung out at the Plummer house most evenings and sometimes in the afternoon as well, but she hadn't been there much the past several days. Suzanne had been keeping her busy at their home, so Suzanne would be able to flirt with and dress sexily for Alan without her daughter getting involved. But Suzanne could only keep Amy away for so long and, indeed, Amy showed up again Sunday night.

It seemed that Amy, like her mother, also preferred the happy environment of the Plummer home more than the unhappy one of her own Pestridge house. Mostly that was because Amy was very good friends with Katherine, even though they were one year apart in school - Katherine was a junior, while Amy and her brother Brad were both seniors like Alan. In fact, Amy and Katherine were more like close sisters, since they'd been doing things together since they were in diapers.

Amy was a truly unique girl. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, as befitted the daughter of someone with Suzanne's looks. Her breasts were still far from the heaving watermelons that her mother had, but nonetheless they were more developed than almost everyone else's at the high school, even a little bigger than Katherine's. They also looked proportionately bigger because Amy was only five foot eight, compared to Katherine at five foot eleven.

It also didn't hurt her bust line that she was slightly plump. That by no means meant fat; she just had a fuller, curvier figure than the typical skinny fashion model. She had mostly copper-colored hair that verged on becoming dirty blonde if she spent a lot of time in the sun. Like both her mother and Susan, she had fair skin and tried to avoid the sun as much as she could.

Her face differed from her mother's though. Whereas Suzanne had a naturally sexy "come hither" look and narrow eyes and eyebrows that made her look very intelligent and worldly, Amy had a much more open and innocent look. She had wider, hazel eyes and a nearly permanent smiling expression, with big, rosy cheeks. She almost always seemed happy and content, because she was a naturally positive and happy person.

But what made her unusual was the rest of her personality. She was frequently called an airhead or a space cadet. She came across as extremely absent-minded, completely guileless, and naturally kind, leading people to conclude that she was too naïve and gullible for her own good. Her mother in particular worried about how Amy would survive on her own in a harsh world. As a result, all her family and friends tried to protect her and run interference for her.

In reality she just had different interests than her peers. She wanted to be an artist, so she tended to look at things with an artist's eye, noting compositional aspects rather than attributing meaning to what she saw. That would have explained a lot of her "airhead" or "space cadet" detachment, except that only her family and very close friends realized that it was her artistic bent that caused her to behave that way, simply because she saw things so differently.

Regardless, her personality and looks perfectly fit the role of cheerleader, so naturally she was on the varsity cheerleading squad. She'd become a cheerleader in part because it was what Katherine was doing. They were already best friends, but being on the same squad of six cheerleaders only strengthened their bond.

Katherine was on the squad because she wanted to be popular, and she was so athletic and good looking that she could get on the team even though her personality didn't fit in with the other cheerleaders. Amy didn't share those motivations, but wanted to be with her best friend Kat. Like Katherine, it wasn't hard for her to get on the team, thanks largely to her looks.

Suzanne had an even harder time understanding her other child, Brad. In recent years, he had moved into a world that was completely alien to his mother and his sister. He'd become a rebellious type, somewhat like the popular image of James Dean or The Fonz. But time had changed what appearances were considered rebellious; Brad had ever-present black clothes, spiky hair and a few piercings. He was into loud thrash metal music that everyone else in the house hated, and he really loved "macho" men's stuff like cars, football, and fishing. He was on the football team at school as well, so he had some areas of common interest with his father. But he and his mother had little to talk about, other than what food was being served for dinner.

So with a husband she resented and a son she didn't know, the only reason for Suzanne to be at home was to be with Amy. But Amy was rarely at home; she was often off with her friends, doing cheerleader practice or hanging out in malls and the like.

When Amy did come home, she was like her mother in that she preferred to be over at the happier Plummer household next door. She was somewhat close to Susan and Alan, since they'd known her from before she could talk, but both were also on different wavelengths, Susan with her religious prudishness and age difference, and Alan with his nerdy, boyish pursuits. So she usually hung out with Katherine when she went to the Plummer house. Amy and Katherine weren't that naturally compatible, but they had shared everything together from early childhood. That led to Katherine acting like Amy's very protective older sister, even though Katherine was only eleven days older and Amy was a grade ahead in school.

Amy seemed so clueless that her family and friends all tried to protect her, especially from leering men. Amy had had a frightening sexual encounter the year before, where the guy had tried to take advantage of her apparent naïveté and rape her during a date. (Luckily, he hadn't gotten very far before she'd successfully cried out for help.) So other people were always telling her whom she could do what with and when, keeping her on a short leash where her social life was concerned.

Therefore, the issue of whether to tell Amy about Alan's medical situation was a difficult one. On the one hand, she came over to the Plummer house a lot, and like her mother she came and went with her own key without knocking. But on the other hand, nobody really knew if she could keep a secret, because they'd never known her to keep an important one before. For all they knew, she might just up and blurt out something in her absent-minded way. Even Suzanne tended to think of Amy as an airhead.

The result of all this was a very awkward scene that Sunday evening. Alan, Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne were in the living room watching TV when Amy came over. That in and of itself wasn't unusual, because the Plummers had a really amazing wide-screen TV. That was another reason why Amy liked to come over so much.

But since no one had told Amy about the new "sexing things up" policy, she didn't know why the three women there were dressed in such revealing clothing. Susan wore a formal and somewhat revealing dress, while Katherine wore a loose summer dress. Suzanne was wearing more formal clothes than what she'd just worn at dinner back in her own home. But it was clear to Amy that none of the others were wearing a bra.

None of them realized that Amy had entered the house. As she walked into the living room and stood behind Alan, she looked over towards her mother and realized that, from her point of view, or Alan's, she could see her mother's entire pussy!

Suzanne was engaged in a bit of a stealth operation. She'd worn a fancy outfit that covered her upper body more than usual, and that even kept her boobs quite restrained, so as to draw Susan's suspicion away from her. But the skirt exposed most of her thighs when she was standing. Not only had she helped Alan cum twice in his room earlier in the day, but she'd been teasing and tempting him with her appearance almost all afternoon as well.

Thus, by sitting on the sofa with her feet up on the cushions, the fabric rode up to her waist and exposed everything below it.

The positioning of the sofas meant that neither Katherine nor Susan could see that Suzanne now had her pussy completely exposed for Alan to see.

As if that wasn't enough to blow Alan's mind, her hand was also absentmindedly lingering in that area. It looked like she was liable to plunge a finger into her slit at any moment.

Everyone was looking at the TV in rapt attention, except Alan, who clearly had his eyes on another show.

"Hi Mom!" Amy finally said, after checking out everyone in the room.

The others all looked up, startled, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

Suzanne immediately jumped in her seat and began covering her pussy even before she'd figured out who was speaking or from where. When she saw where Amy was standing, she turned beet red.

Alan blushed as well, though Amy could only see the back of his head from her point of view. She couldn't be sure of where he'd been looking.

"Amy! You surprised me. How you doin'?" said her mother, scared, but trying to sound nonplused.

"M'kay. What'cha watching?"

"A 'Friends' rerun. Come sit down and join us." Suzanne made a show of making room so that Amy would sit on the same sofa as her, putting her daughter between herself and Alan.

Amy did so.

A commercial soon came on, and they muted the sound as they usually did for commercial breaks.

Amy asked, "Hey guys, where are all the clothes? Everyone's dressed kinda all skimpy."

One could hear a pin drop in the ensuing awkwardness. No one knew what to say. The problem was that none of the women had talked about the potential for such a situation with Amy coming up, mainly because Katherine and Susan both looked for Suzanne to take the lead, but Suzanne was in denial about her daughter becoming a sexual creature.

Katherine and Susan were going through a sexual awakening, and having Alan around was what made showing off fun. He was a safe target to test out their new looks. He was so polite and considerate that he didn't have it in him to do something shockingly aggressive or nonconsensual. Neither woman would even think of wearing the same clothes around a stranger.

Suzanne was getting an erotic buzz by taking things one step farther with Alan, and was greatly enjoying the slow "hunt" since it was rare for any man to not instantly fall all over her. But Katherine and Susan had been such goody-goodies for so long that not even Katherine had fully realized where Suzanne was taking things. She knew in general terms what Suzanne had been doing to Alan in his bedroom (since she was listening in), but she would have been shocked to discover how Suzanne had been secretly exposing her pussy.

A painful and extended pause came to an end when Suzanne answered Amy, "It's the heat wave, Honey Pie." (That was Suzanne's usual term of endearment for her daughter.) "The air conditioning isn't working over here, so we're all just dying."

It was true the air conditioning was broken, thanks to Suzanne. Taking advantage of a minor heat wave, she wanted the temperature uncomfortably warm, which would encourage the wearing of skimpy outfits. She'd simply thrown a breaker switch on the air conditioner unit, and then told Susan that she'd take care of getting a good repairman she knew to come and fix it. Thanks to that set-up, she could come up with all sorts of delays and excuses.

"But none of you are wearing bras or panties," Amy pointed out. "That's totally weird! Cool, but weird." She pouted, "I wish I didn't have to wear undies all the time."

The three other women were taken aback again. That they weren't wearing bras was obvious. Even as Susan moved around in her chair to speak to Amy, her giant boobs bounced around and then jiggled in ways that would give any man an instant boner.

It didn't give Alan a hard-on only because his penis was already rock hard, and had been so almost from the moment he came home that afternoon.

But the lack of panties was far less obvious, unless one had seen what Suzanne was doing as Amy walked in. So Susan asked Amy, "How did you know we're not wearing panties?"

"I saw Mo-" Suzanne assumed that Amy was naïvely going to complete her sentence by saying, "I saw Mom's pussy, and she was playing with it in front of Alan." So, foreseeing what was coming, Suzanne cut her off.

"That's right!" Suzanne blurted out, masking her true, frightened emotions. "I'm so proud of you! My daughter is so observant, aren't you?"

Amy shrugged as if to say, "Heck, anyone could see that."

Suzanne continued, "Yes she is!" She looked over to Susan and said to her, "You see, most people looking at you would never guess that you're not wearing panties. But an observant artist like my daughter would be able to notice the absence of panty lines even from a distance."

Suzanne pressed on before Amy could contradict her or stupidly blurt out something else that would expose what she'd been showing Alan. She was regretting not having given Amy a heads-up as to what was happening, rather than just avoiding the issue and hoping that Amy wouldn't come over. She thought quickly, trying to come up with better excuses. "So it's the heat wave, but that's not the whole story. You see, we made a private bet, didn't we, Susan?"

Because Suzanne's head was turned towards Susan, Amy couldn't see Suzanne's face, so Suzanne made wild gesticulations to Susan with her eyebrows and hands to indicate that Susan should go along with what she was saying.

Katherine saw the faces and started giggling.

Susan was totally surprised. She replied lamely, "Uh, private bet? Yeah, that's it, a private bet!" She wasn't a great actor, since she always wore her emotions on her sleeve, but she tried her best to play along.

Suzanne continued to expand on her made-up excuse, "You see, it's been unusually hot lately, and so the other day, we women, we were all sitting here and discussing how hot it was, and trying to figure out what to do about it. We made a bet, and I won. And the terms of my victory were that we'd all use my method to beat the heat by wearing loose clothing and no bras or panties for the whole month."

"Wow," said Amy. "That's really cool, in more ways than one. And I'm really surprised, especially that you'd go along with that, Aunt Susan. I mean, you're so... traditional."

Susan replied nervously, "Yeah, well, a bet is a bet, right? And it's not really so bad. In fact, I don't mind at all. I'm a lot more comfortable now. And anyway, it's only for inside the house. Not even your house, of course; just this house. No way would I walk around like this in front of a stranger." That reminded her of standing naked in the shower in front of Alan, and she started to squirm about nervously.

"Why don't you dress like that at home, Mom? And what about Alan?" asked Amy. "He just-"

Suzanne again cut in before Amy could say any more. "Alan! Is ... a member of the family, right? So he doesn't count. It doesn't matter if we walk around naked in front of him, even, 'cos he's a very nice respectable boy who would never take advantage of us. Right, Sweetie?"

"Right." Alan, somewhat bewildered by the conversation, figured it was best to play along too.

Suzanne quickly went on, "Now, Honey Pie, you might say, 'But Mom, you're not a Plummer.' But you know that you and I are like members of this family. So Sweetie is perfectly fine with our plan."

"Oh really?" said Amy with innocent glee. "That sounds like fun! I wanna do it too! Can I join you guys for the month too?"

The other women all looked at each other questioningly. There was an unspoken understanding that the decision was really up to Suzanne, since she was Amy's mother.

So, grudgingly, Suzanne answered, "That's fine, darling. But if you do, you have to promise one thing. From this moment on, you won't say one thing about any of this to anybody. Not a word about panties, or bras, or looking, or nakedness, or anything. Is that clear? Not even talking amongst ourselves. Just total silence on this. We don't talk about it; we just do it."

"M'kay!" Amy enthused. "I like keeping a secret! This is going to be fun!"

Suzanne was very proud of herself. In one fell swoop, she'd accomplished three things: she'd managed to get Amy to keep quiet about Alan staring at her uncovered pussy, she'd come up with a credible explanation that would cover just about anything Amy might accidentally barge in on during the next month, and she could now test Amy with a less important secret to determine if it would be possible to tell her about Alan's "medical treatment" sometime in the future.

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