6 Times a Day

Chapter 44 Susan Topless?

Suzanne was lurking around the Plummer house after Susan went to her room, like a spy on a secret mission. She wanted to know just how excited Susan was getting. So, once she thought the coast was clear, she snuck up to Susan's bedroom and put her ear to the door. She heard sounds of moaning and bed springs squeaking.

She slipped down the hallway to the guest room, which was on the other side of Alan's room. She pulled out her cell phone and made a call. "Akami? Hi there. This is the perfect time. She's just masturbated, and I'll bet she's naked." After some words from Akami, Suzanne ended the call by saying, "Thanks. I'll be waiting."

Suzanne and Akami had conferred on the phone earlier, and they were on the same page. Akami had already used the soreness of Alan's penis to come up with the idea of pushing Susan into get in another sexual situation with her son. Akami didn't have an exact plan, but she'd told Susan at the end of the appointment that she'd call her later to check about his level of soreness.

When Suzanne had found out, she couldn't have been more delighted. The two of them worked together on just what Akami would say when she called Susan that evening, so Suzanne already knew exactly how the phone call would go.

Susan was startled to hear the phone ring. She was still lying in bed, recovering from her latest orgasm. There was a receiver on the bedstand so she scooted over and picked it up. "Hello? Plummer residence?"

"Susan? Hi there. It's Akami Fubuki."

"Oh, hi Akami. How are you doing?" Susan sat up in bed, careful to cover her breasts, as if she could seen through the phone line.

"I'm fine, but I'm worried about your handsome son. As you may recall, I told you I'd call you later and see how things are faring with the soreness he's been feeling in his penis."

"Oh, yes. That." Susan's heart leapt to her throat, because she could sense big trouble coming.

"Have you checked his condition, or asked him about it?"

"I'm afraid I haven't."

"Well, you really should."

"Oh dear!" Her heart was racing. "What should I do?!"

"I think a thorough abnormality check is in order, just to be on the safe side."

"WHAT?! You can't possibly mean that! Who would do it?!"

"You, of course."

"ME?! But I'm his mother!" Susan clutched at her chest defensively with her free hand, inadvertently causing the sheet to slip down in the process.

"True, but that's a good thing in this instance. Who would do a better, more conscientious job than you? Nobody!"

"But... but I can't! I really can't! That would mean I'd have to touch his... his member! Akami, you can't ask me to do that! It's terribly improper! It's just not done!"

Akami said patiently, "Of course it's done. You already did it earlier today, didn't you? How else can you check the condition of his penis if you don't touch it?"

Susan was completely dismayed and alarmed. What worried her was that she was also greatly aroused. She stammered, "C-c-can't... can't I just, just... can't I just look at it?"

"Well, I don't know. I'm not sure if that'll do the job. What if you miss some bumps that aren't readily visible?"

The two of them went back and forth for a while. Susan remained adamant that she couldn't touch her son's penis under any circumstance. She was determined to draw a line in the sand over that. In desperation, she ended the call and called Suzanne, hoping against hope that Suzanne could perform the required check.

But Suzanne had foreseen that. She had slipped out of the house unnoticed and then deliberately failed to answer her cell phone, so Susan would have no alternative.

Frustrated, Susan called Akami back and they resumed their negotiations of sorts. Akami had been hoping to get Susan to stroke Alan to climax under the guise of an abnormality check, but she could see that would be pushing her too far too soon. So in the end, she conceded that Susan could simply visually check Alan's penis for soreness.

She gave some detailed instructions on how to do that. Actually, it was very simple and boiled down to checking for redness, pain, and swelling. But she wrapped her explanation up in technical terms to make it sound like Susan would now have some special soreness-detecting ability, thus forcing her to be the one to do the checking.

However, Akami insisted that Susan then remain on hand to watch him masturbate himself "to completion." Akami stated that she was fairly confident that Alan's penis would feel fine when flaccid or even erect, but it was his actions during and just after an orgasm that needed to be monitored closely for evidence of soreness.

After a few minutes of cajoling, Susan reluctantly agreed. Her heart still beat fast and hard, because she was just as aroused as she was frightened.

Akami added a kicker. "By the way, there's one more problem."

"Oh no. What's that?"

"It's only natural that your son is going to have a very, very difficult time getting aroused. It can't be denied that you're a truly extraordinarily beautiful woman, Susan, but this is almost certainly going to be awkward and embarrassing for you both, and that's a mood killer. So you'll need to create a welcoming, sexy vibe. I suggest you simply go topless. That'll help ensure he'll get erect and stay that way for the duration."

"Nurse! What are you suggesting?! I can't do that!"

"Why not? He saw you like that today."

After some more back and forth, Susan compromised. She refused to go topless, but she agreed to wear something "extremely sexy." When prodded if she had any clothes she'd worn lately that got a big reaction from him, she grudgingly confessed to the red outfit she'd worn at dinner and how that had gone over. She immediately regretted mentioning that, because Akami insisted that she wear it.

Akami concluded the call by saying, "I recommend you act fast, before you get cold feet and start to worry too much. Do it now, as soon as you get off the phone!"

Susan fretted, "I probably would, but there's just one thing: Alan is off watching a movie with some friends."

"Shoot." Akami had been unaware of that, since Suzanne hadn't mentioned it. "Do it as soon as he comes home then. I'd like for you to call me once he cums, so I can get an immediate report on whether he's still sore or not. If he is, we might have to schedule another appointment for as soon as tomorrow, depending on how bad the soreness is. But I don't want to stay up late; I've got to be at work early tomorrow. Therefore, I'd like for you to call me as soon as possible. Will you do that?"

Susan was still very fretful. "I suppose so. But, nurse, is this REALLY necessary? It all just seems so... well... unusual. I can't believe what you're making me do!"

"Susan, let me assure you that I don't like this any more than you do. But need I remind you how he answered when I asked him just after his last orgasm whether his penis was sore? I remember his exact words: 'Yes, sore, very sore! Arrgh!' Don't you remember that, and his tortured moans and groans?"

"I do," Susan replied, more worried than ever.

"Now, imagine that, only getting worse and worse with each new orgasm he has! If that's the case, we'll have to suspend this treatment right away, and then I don't know what we might do instead. So a lot is riding on this. You need to be there for him, as the loving mother you so clearly are, and see with your own eyes if he's really sore or not. It would be even better if you could touch it, and examine with your fingers if-"

Susan interrupted, "Nurse, please! I told you already that I can't do that! I just can't! I'm a good Christian woman! I believe that's clearly a sin."

"Suit yourself. I understand your issues. But if you do get a chance to touch him-"

"That's not going to happen! I'm sorry!"

"Okay, if you insist. But remember that you almost certainly will need to perform abnormality checks on him in the future. So how would this be different?"

"It's just... I'm not ready, okay? I'm not ready!"

The phone call ended a short time later, after the usual goodbye pleasantries.

Susan sat there in her bed, beside herself with lust and fear. She wished Alan was home so she could get it over with. She tried calling Suzanne again, but Suzanne still wasn't answering.

Frustrated, Susan put on her typical frumpy, conservative clothes and went next door to find her best friend. She was still holding out hope that Suzanne could perform the required check instead.

But Suzanne knew Susan almost better than she knew herself, and she'd anticipated that move. She'd already left her house to take a long walk, to make absolutely sure that she couldn't be found.

Dejected and stressed out, Susan went back home to wait. She changed into the sexy red outfit she'd worn for dinner. But then she regretted doing so, because it aroused her so very much. Every move she made seemed to make her nipples and pussy tingle. She knew that Alan was likely to come home very soon, so she just forced herself to grin and bear it. Besides, she feared that if she took the outfit off, she'd just wind up masturbating again.

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