6 Times a Day

Chapter 51 Suzanne's Tongue

Alan sat up and looked around. He finally realized with a start that his cum lay all over Suzanne's tremendous tits. Much of it had hit her right in her cleavage. Then he looked up and saw that even more had landed on her face.

He wanted desperately to take his hands and explore the depths of that deep valley, rubbing his cum all over her round mounds. The fact that she was still lightly panting, causing her cum-covered tits to heave, only increased his mental excitement. He also got an extra thrill from being reminded how he'd shot his load on his mother's equally huge tits the night before.

But he dared not touch Suzanne, not understanding what limits there might be. Others might have been much bolder, but he was too inexperienced and shy to take the initiative. Furthermore, he saw no need to push his luck, particularly since his penis was down for the count and he was so wiped out that he could barely move a muscle.

Suzanne said, "Okay, now it's time for you to REALLY tell me what happened during your medical appointment. Not to mention what happened when you masturbated in front of your mother last night!"

He feigned confusion. "What do you mean?"

She pouted, "After I do that for you, you still play dumb with me? I talked to Susan about it and she told a different story than the one you gave at dinner. For instance, you forgot to mention how Akami gave her a so-called breast exam."

"Oooooh... THAT appointment."

Suzanne chuckled.

He said, "Look, I'm just trying to protect her. She obviously was very conflicted about the whole thing. I don't want her to be all embarrassed."

Suzanne ran her hand through his unruly hair. "That's really sweet, and that's one reason why you're my Sweetie. But she told me everything. You know how we don't keep secrets from each other, so why should this be any different? I just want to hear your view, your impression." She ran down some highlights of the event, revealing how much she knew already.

So he went over the appointment again, but this time didn't hold anything back. In truth, Susan hadn't told Suzanne absolutely everything, but Suzanne adroitly asked him questions to help fill in the gaps in her knowledge without revealing that there had been any gaps.

As he talked, he felt his erection slowly reviving. The fact that Akami had rubbed his dick had been extracted from him during the previous night's dinner only after repeated questioning. This time he freely described Akami's sexy ministrations in great detail. In fact, after a while, he mentioned little else but that and the way that Akami had fondled Susan's chest. The more he talked, the more he remembered just how exciting it had all been.

Between his own words and the continued sight of his cum slowly trickling down Suzanne's body, his hands found themselves wrapped around his new hard-on.

But she quickly saw that and said, "Don't you dare touch that just yet! Leave that to me. Why do it yourself when you've got Aunt Suzy all addicted to your cock already? You've won yourself a very eager cock stroker."

He could hardly argue with that. Christ! Is she serious?! This must be a dream, and I'm gonna wake up at any moment. He pulled his hands away.

She added in her delightfully raspy voice, "But since you got your pleasure, I hope you don't mind if I get off too." She thrust one of her fingers into her gash, which unfortunately for him remained hidden under her kimono.

He couldn't really tell what was going on underneath there, but he desperately wanted to find out. Growing bold, he reached out to adjust her kimono and give himself a better view.

She chided. "Look, but don't touch. It's my great pleasure to give you stimulation, Sweetie, but we can't go any farther than that. So no touching me. After all, I'm your dear old Aunt Suzy, aren't I? This body has to remain off limits to you."

For maybe a week at most, hee-hee, she gleefully corrected herself in her private thoughts. Just until Susan comes around some more. Then she told him, "Now, no pouting. And since you're being so good, maybe you'd like me to do this some more?" She took his hot pole back in her hands and resumed stroking it.

"Um, yeah?!" he answered with incredulous joy.

She was all smiles. "Me too. Now, tell me more about how you really felt at the doctor's office."

He had pretty much told her everything already, but he didn't mind describing how Akami had played with Susan's immense breasts in more detail. He was amazed that he could even talk while Suzanne's sliding fingers were pleasuring him so much.

At one point, he thought, Somehow, I feel surprisingly comfortable in this situation, as if we've done this many times before. Sure, I'm insanely horny - how could I not be with the goddess Suzanne?! But I'm not jittery like earlier. This must be because I know and love my Aunt Suzy so much. We get along so well. In a weird way, this feels natural!

He kept on talking as she continued stroking while lightly blowing air over his cockhead. But before he could finish the story, much less tell the next one about his masturbation session while his mother was watching, there was a knock on the door.

It was Susan. She said through the door. "Tiger? Suzanne? You still in there? How's it going? It's been a while now."

Alan looked around for his shorts and started to reach out so he could quickly put them back on.

But Suzanne waved that effort off. Instead, without attempting to cover up or move from where she sat, she said, "Oh, things are CUMMING along nicely. Come on in, Susan."

Then, to his total shock, Suzanne kept on stroking his erection, occasionally using both hands.

Susan opened the door and stepped into the room. The first thing she noticed was Suzanne's pale white back. She didn't see any clothing above her friend's waist, and realized that meant Suzanne's front also was completely exposed. Then her eyes went to Alan and she realized that he was sitting in the perfect position to ogle Suzanne's bare chest.

As she stepped further into the room, she was able to see around Suzanne's back more until she saw enough of Alan to determine that he wasn't wearing any shorts. Then she saw his shorts on the floor. She froze before she got enough of an angle to see his erection, but she knew it was there from the lusty look on his face.

Susan gasped loudly. Oh no! Suzanne, she's ... she's ... I can't believe it! She's playing with his member! Why is she doing that?! Doesn't she know I'm standing here?! Of course she does. I'm so confused! Oh dear. This is dreadful!

Susan recovered from her shock enough to shriek, "Suzanne! What on God's green Earth are you doing?!"

"You know very well what I'm doing. Sweetie needs a lot of help, and I'm helping him."

"B-b-b-but" Susan stammered helplessly. She couldn't see what Suzanne's hands were doing from where she stood, but her body suddenly felt strangely tingly all over just the same.

While Susan was practically in shock, Alan was nearly as surprised, due to how she looked. He couldn't get over the outfit she was wearing. She looked like a teenage girl about to go out on a hot date, with a black mini-skirt and a nearly skin-tight top that exposed her shapely back and taut belly. She was blushing profusely and holding both arms to cover her chest, but that just made her all the more arousing.

Suzanne hadn't turned around to look at Susan at all, but she knew with certainty that Susan was blushing and covering up as much as she could. Suzanne was the one who'd told her what to wear, and she knew well Susan's personality and how uncomfortable she would be wearing that outfit. So, as she rubbed Alan's sweet spot - his frenulum - a little bit, she said to Susan with authority, "Drop your hands to your sides this instant."

Susan was mortified, but she brought her arms down. She still hadn't tried to move to a spot where she could get a good look at Alan's crotch, for fear of what she'd see there. It wasn't his erection that she feared so much as the sight of Suzanne's hand holding it, and probably even stroking it. She knew that would make her feel terribly jealous, and even more aroused than she already was.

Although Susan couldn't see what Suzanne's hands were doing, she could see Suzanne's arms moving. Oh my God! Dear God! She's... She's... She's pumping on him! Just like Akami did! Just like what I saw him doing to himself last night too! Oh God, I'm living that nightmare all over again! But the "nightmare" was so "traumatic" that her nipples practically poked through her top, and her already wet pussy started to pulse with need.

After Suzanne gave Susan enough time to reposition her hands, Suzanne said, "Now, thrust your chest out and let your son admire your new outfit."

Susan protested, "But this outfit, it's hardly appropriate, I mean, it's so scandalous to begin with-"

"Susan!" Suzanne was good at speaking in a way that demanded obedience.

Susan could hear the squishy sounds of Suzanne's hands sliding up and down Alan's pre-cum-soaked shaft. "Suzanne, please! Really, don't you think that while you're in the middle of, well, using your hand to-"

But Suzanne interrupted, "Remember that you're here for visual stimulation. You're doing what you can do to help his condition, and I'm doing what I can. I'm in the middle of helping his member get hard again, and you have fantastic 38G breasts that help inspire him. I think he could use a good dose of visual stimulation right now."

"But you have 38G breasts too," Susan pointed out. "And what's more, you're topless."

"I know," Suzanne replied. "But he's got a special thing for yours. Don't you Sweetie?"

Alan figured it safer not to reply.

After a pause, Susan sighed. "Very well." She thrust her chest out and stood with her arms straight at her sides, like a soldier at attention. Meanwhile, she continued to stare. As if there was any doubt about it, she just confirmed it! She IS "helping his member get hard again." That means her fingers are playing up and down his thick ... member. I knew that's what that lewd sound was. Oh dear! Why does this keep happening to me?!

She glanced back over at Suzanne, only to see that while Suzanne was preoccupied with Alan's crotch instead of her, Alan had turned his head and was looking directly at her.

Her nipples and pussy buzzed with arousal as she thought, Tiger's staring right at me! Oh God! Too exciting! Why does he bother looking at me when Suzanne is totally topless right in front of him? And she's simply gorgeous! Could it be that he thinks I'm sexy too? Does he really have a "special thing" for my breasts?

Oh, he does! I just know it. Look at him: he's staring right at my CHEST! Oh God! I'm so humiliated in this ridiculous pose, but I can't deny that I'm feeling strangely... tingly... all over again. It's so hot! Tiger just loves his mommy's big tits!

Suzanne finally looked back to see what Susan was actually doing. She demanded impatiently, "More thrusting, please."

"Is that really necessary?" She loved the attention that her stance was getting, but she felt guilty and slutty too.

"Suuuuusan!" Suzanne chided.

Blushing furiously, Susan thrust her chest forward as far as she could. She wanted to crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment, but at the same time she reveled in the shame and the naughtiness of what she was doing. She still couldn't stand to look in her son's direction beyond an occasional glance, but she felt light-headed since she knew he was staring at her.

She thought, Tiger's member is long and stiff and thick, I just know it! I can't see it directly, but I know exactly what it looks like after yesterday! Boy do I ever! Suzanne's busy running her lucky fingers all over it, while he gets even longer, stiffer, and thicker looking at Mommy's big rack! Son, that's the same rack you squirted two loads of cum on yesterday!

Oh dear. I can't let myself think such naughty thoughts. It's all so exciting, but it's wrong too! It's okay if he gets horny, but I shouldn't be getting tingly like this!

Alan was so transfixed by the sight of his mother standing in that lewd position that he hardly paid attention to the way Suzanne's fingers were dancing up and down his shaft and cockhead. However, he certainly did enjoy the amazing feeling. He thought, What's with Mom?! It's like she's Aunt Suzy's puppet, staying in a weird pose like that. But what a sexy, sexy pose! DANG, she's hot! And she's my loving mom!

Suzanne, still without turning, then asked Susan, "So. What is it that brought you in?"

Holding her body in that lewd thrusting position, Susan tried to say in a casual voice, "Oh, I just wanted to say hello and see if you needed anything. Just seeing how you're getting along. But I, uh... I didn't know that you'd be, um..."

The truth was, she hadn't had any reason to come in, but Suzanne had told her in advance that this was the time she was going to be giving Alan his first handjob, and as the minutes went by Susan's curiosity eventually got the best of her. She absolutely had to know how things were going. She secretly longed to stroke him herself, but she didn't dare. At least she could live vicariously through her best friend.

Suzanne knew this would happen. She could have strung Susan along, but decided to have mercy since Susan was doing her best by wearing the outfit and posing in such a sexy way. She said, "I just stroked him to a very nice climax, didn't I, Sweetie?"

He thought, I can't believe we're having this conversation. How surreal! But he answered, "Uh, yeah. Mom, it was, um, very nice. Aunt Suzy is very talented with her hands."

Susan also found the whole situation bizarre, but she managed to reply, "That's nice. I'll bet she is. But Suzanne, isn't he, uh ... still ... you know ... hard?"

Curiosity was making her slowly drift further into the room, even as she kept her chest thrust out. She finally reached the point where she could see Alan's erection, and she dared to look directly at it. She held her breath in awe as she saw it pointing up stiffly. She actually couldn't see much of it, since both of Suzanne's hands were wrapped around it and sliding up and down, but she saw enough to feel an electric, erotic shock down to her toes.

She froze again and gawked. She didn't even notice all the cum on Suzanne's face, since her gaze was focused on Alan's hard-on like a laser beam.

Oh Lord! Dear Lord God! She really is doing it! Mmmm! Look at all that thick yummy goodness in her hands! Oh God! She's gonna stroke and stroke and stroke until he just explodes! He's gonna cum all over her! Just like she said he should cum all over ME! And just like he splattered me last night, TWICE!

I thought that was gross at first, but I'm kind of getting to like it! And look at Suzanne. She doesn't seem to mind at all, and he splattered his cummy sperm all over her face! WOW!

Confirming out of the corner of her eyes that Susan had come even closer and could see Alan's erection now, Suzanne felt delightfully devilish and just couldn't resist temptation. She flicked her extraordinarily long tongue out and briefly lapped it against Alan's sweet spot.

Alan didn't see it, since he was looking at Susan, but he felt it. He didn't know what was happening exactly, but a jolt of pure pleasure shot through him like an electric shock. He closed his eyes tightly and cried out loudly. Between the way Suzanne's fingers were dancing all over his shaft and the way she was continually blowing air on him in new ways, he didn't really consider that it could be her tongue that had caused the jolt. Besides, the last time he'd looked, her mouth was too far away for her tongue to reach - if it had been a normal-length tongue, that is.

Susan did see it. My GOD! Look at that tongue! I knew she had a long tongue, but I didn't know it was THAT long! It's not even human! She gasped a few seconds after Alan's cry, since the pleasure he felt was instantaneous, while it took her a bit to register and truly believe what she was seeing.

Since Suzanne was only "supposed" to be giving Alan a handjob and not a blowjob, she reluctantly pulled her tongue back in her mouth. She could hardly wait to do a lot more of that in the near future though.

Alan belatedly noticed Susan's gasp, and opened his eyes to gawk at her some more.

Realizing that Alan could see how blatantly she was staring at the handjob Suzanne was giving him, Susan freaked out and backed away. "Um, nice. Very nice! Uh, I gotta go. Let me know if you need anything else!" By the time she finished saying that, she was back in the hallway. She closed the door behind her and rushed to her bathroom to take a cold shower.

She couldn't believe how aroused the entire encounter had left her. Oh my! Oh my! That was too hot! That shook me down to my bones. I think that's the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life! Except maybe watching Tiger cum on me twice last night. Okay, it's tied. I just hope and pray that my wanton, shameful lust didn't show on my face!

But it had, of course. She was terrible at hiding her true emotions. Not only had Suzanne picked up on her mood, but even a highly distracted Alan had as well.

Susan's one all-consuming thought was that those could be her hands, provided she would agree to help him "do his thing" in a more direct manner.

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