6 Times a Day

Chapter 55 Dirty Talk

The next morning, Suzanne thought, It's time for a serious talk with Susan. I'm sure she's about to fall back into her prudish ways as a means of dealing with her unfamiliar urges. She's like memory foam: if I'm not actively imprinting a new impression, she's going to snap back to her prior shape. I'll soothe her feelings about all these exciting changes that are troubling her, and push her further at the same time. This is fun!

She looked at her best friend, who was dressed only in black spandex exercise clothes. The two of them were finishing off their morning exercises in the Plummer house basement, the same room where Katherine had 'practiced' her naked cheerleader routine the night before.

Suzanne was surprised at just how rapidly Susan's attitudes were changing. She'd tried for years and years to get Susan to loosen up about sex, without much success. Now it was as if the floodgates had opened. Suzanne felt she had to strike fast while Susan's newfound feelings about sex were still in flux.

Susan had always had a certain uptight vibe to her, but lately she'd seemed very carefree and happy. True, Susan was all over the place with her feelings, one moment lost in an obvious sexual fantasy and the next going on about sin and the fires of Hell. But overall, now that Suzanne was convinced that Susan had incestuous feelings for her son, Suzanne was pleasantly surprised that Susan wasn't more visibly wracked with guilt and torn by indecision.

She must be deceiving herself, Suzanne decided. She's experiencing all the joy of sexual liberation and fantasy but hasn't actually given any serious thought to potential real-life consequences. Maybe that's because she doesn't fully admit that she has "those" feelings for him or that he has "those" feelings for her. Or maybe it's just that right now it's all still just fantasizing, and the prospect of actually touching him in a sexual way seems completely off limits. She can write off what happened yesterday as a one-time freak event.

She's going to be in for a real surprise soon, when she has to admit her feelings and motives fully, and then act on them. The shit's about to get real!

Suzanne found herself torn about the idea of Susan and Alan getting physical together. On the one hand, she wanted Alan all to herself. Divorcing her husband and marrying him instead was a constant fantasy of hers, even as she realized the odds were slim that he would marry a twenty-one-year-older woman. But on the other hand, she was also very turned on by the idea of Susan getting it on with her own son. And she felt she was doing Susan a big favor by sexually liberating her. Most importantly, she knew that the more Susan transformed, the more sexual fun she herself could have, not only with Alan, but hopefully with Katherine and Susan too. Ultimately, her vision of a sexual utopia included both Alan and Susan, which meant that they would need to get intimate with each other as well as with her.

Suzanne looked at her friend on the adjacent exercise machine, stretching her legs out and then pulling them close to her chest, over and over again. It was a piston-like movement, just like fucking. She'd talked Susan into wearing a new outfit that was really skin-tight. It practically looked painted on, and she wasn't "allowed" to wear any underwear underneath.

Susan is like me; she just doesn't know it. She can deny it and push away all of the countless guys who try to get in her pants, but that doesn't erase the fact that her body is built for one thing: fucking! Just like me. At least I recognize it and haven't lived like a nun my entire life. Heck, most nuns have had more sex than she's had. Of course she's always covered up like a Saudi woman in a burka because otherwise the line of suitors after her would stretch down the street, and she doesn't want their attention. Such a waste of a body like that.

It's too bad she got married barely out of high school and never had a chance to play the field. She's never experienced great sex. However, it's not too late for her. We may just end up best friends AND lovers. Wouldn't that be sweet? And sharing Sweetie between us? Phew! That idea heats up the room! I just have to play my cards right.

Actually, I'm not sure if I really have to do much pushing at all, now that the wheels are in motion. It's more that I should guide things to make sure they stay on track. Angel, for instance, seems to be progressing fine without my meddling. This six-times-a-day scheme is such a powerful setup. Susan and Angel can do all kinds of incestuous things with Sweetie and still convince themselves that it's all just to further his treatment. Hopefully, it's just a matter of time before the two of them knuckle under. Even more hopefully, my own knuckles will be involved! She chuckled to herself.

No father at home, everyone walking around nearly naked, no other sexual outlets... They're both ripe fruit ready for the picking!

And speaking of fruits, they're both so sexually repressed that the taste of forbidden fruit is all the sweeter for them. It's irresistible. Sweetie's a good kid who normally wouldn't think any serious nasty or forbidden thoughts at all. But when a beautiful - no, make that a gorgeous - woman throws herself at you, what boy his age could resist that? Nobody. And if several throw themselves at you, there's no way he can say no. The fact is, wealthy people like us fuck whomever we want. I just have to push things a bit here and there to make sure it happens. The Plummer family orgy! Yes!

The only problem was, Suzanne felt bad about lying to Susan and keeping her real intentions hidden. She tried hard not to think about it much, but the guilt really bothered her. She was a natural schemer, but over the years she'd come to trust Susan with everything, trying to be as honest with her friend as possible. It was as if Susan were the conscience that Suzanne sometimes lacked.

But now she was essentially cheating on her own conscience. She tried to tell herself that she was doing it for Susan's own good, but the fact was she knew deep down that she'd do it even if Susan didn't benefit, just to get Alan. As long as she didn't out-and-out hurt her closest friend, she would be relentless in her pursuit to win him. Her life was boring and in a rut, with no end in sight until she fell in love with him, and now all her future hopes depended on him. She wanted to make up for lying to Susan by giving her the same happy ending - love and sex with Alan - that she would make for herself.

Suzanne spoke aloud, "Susan! I'm all done here. Are you?"

"Yeah. That was really invigorating." They each toweled off the sweat before beginning their cool-down stretching exercises.

"Susan, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Have you masturbated since the appointment with Akami?"

"Hey! That's a VERY personal question!" Susan suddenly stopped her stretching. "And by the way, the answer is NO!"

"I think you have," Suzanne said boldly.

Susan blushed as she thought about just how much she'd masturbated in the last 48 hours, starting with her time in the bathroom at the doctor's office. She was most ashamed to recall how she'd secretly played with her nipples and even her pussy the evening before while Suzanne was in her bedroom upstairs. True, she'd done it under a sheet, and only because Suzanne's talk made her too horny to control herself. But now she worried that Suzanne had witnessed her secret "shame."

Suzanne could guess what Susan was thinking, and didn't want her to worry. "Of course I have no way of knowing for sure; I'm just saying that because everybody masturbates at some point. It's no big deal. I've already proved to you that female masturbation is no sin. We all do it. It's just that some people are willing to admit it, and some aren't."

Susan thought about the fact that she'd never really masturbated until two days earlier during the medical appointment with Akami. She'd been so sheltered that she was almost an adult when she first learned women could even do that sort of thing. Since the appointment with Akami, she'd been making up for lost time. In fact, she'd masturbated six times since then. She'd even masturbated herself to sleep the previous night, just hours earlier. However, she still called it "performing a breast self-exam," and she generally restricted herself to touching her breasts and not her pussy. But her nipples were so sensitive and her thoughts and fantasies about Alan were so arousing that she was able to climax each time just the same.

She'd managed to avoid masturbating so far since waking up that morning, but even while she was exercising she'd already been thinking that another "breast exam" might be in order very soon.

Susan realized the "breast exam" distinction would never fly with Suzanne. For one thing, Suzanne would ask why Susan needed to perform a monthly exam five times in a single day. So, with a hangdog expression, she admitted, "Well, okay, so what if I do? Rarely, mind you! And I'll have you know I only touch my breasts and not any further down. But what business is it of yours, anyway? It's a very private and very personal thing!"

"I'm just curious what you've been thinking about lately when you're masturbating, that's all."

"SuzaaaaAAAAaanne! No WAY! That's way too personal!" She blushed profusely, because ALL of the sexual dreams and fantasies that she'd been having lately revolved around Alan. She closed her eyes in shame as she recalled some of her recent sinful thoughts involving her son.

Last night was the worst. After I saw Tiger sitting naked in his room with Suzanne right there on her knees in front of him, I nearly lost my mind! I wanted so badly for that to be me. "Look, Tiger. Look at Mommy's titties. They're just as nice as Aunt Suzy's, and just as big too. You want to play with them? Why don't you play with them while Mommy holds your erection? Oh yeah! Mommy likes to hold her Tiger's meaty rod so very much. Can Mommy stroke it for you too? If you let Mommy stroke it, you can play with her boobies any time you like. Squeeze my nipples just a little more, Tiger! Oh yes! Mommy's stroking faster and faster!"

And that darn Suzanne. Coming into my room and making me think about how it would feel if Tiger were to cum on my chest, and even on my face. I mean, the thought of stroking his big member over and over again, and even licking it, just so he could cover me in his sticky goo again! 'Cos he's already done it to me twice, and I loved it! And Suzanne seems to think I might even have to put it in my mouth and suck on it in order to get him to cum! Why, the very idea is just so ... hot!

Wait. Did I say "hot?" I meant "disgusting." I mean, what kind of mommy, what kind of big-breasted mommy, would take her son's huge erection and lovingly lick and kiss... Uh-oh, I'm doing it again. My head is filled with nothing but these filthy thoughts!

Suddenly she snapped back to reality, remembering that Suzanne was standing there waiting for her response. Oh dear! I hope it wasn't obvious that I was spacing out there.

In fact, it was obvious; Suzanne had seen Susan's eyes glaze over. But she was diplomatic enough not to mention anything.

They got some water bottles from a nearby counter and sat down to recover from their workout.

"I'm sorry for asking," Suzanne said contritely. "It's just that... I'm sure this last week or two have been very trying for you, ever since Sweetie began his treatment. After hearing about what happened at the appointment with Akami, it sounds like you were put in a very difficult position."

Susan turned a deeper shade of red. She had no way to respond to that. The use of the phrase "difficult position" made her think of her position on the floor of the medical office bathroom frigging herself, and that only increased her shame. She felt like she would die of embarrassment.

"Don't worry," Suzanne pressed on, "I think you've been performing brilliantly in a very difficult situation. Normally, no mother ever gets put in the kind of situation that you've been forced into. I mean, I know you would NEVER want to do anything incestuous with your son."

"Never!" said Susan, with wild desperation in her voice.

"I know, I know. Relax. You're just helping him with his medical problem. That's all. The fact that you may end up jacking him off on a daily basis has nothing to do with incest."

"Wait!" Susan thought, What did she just say?! "Jacking him off on a daily basis?!" That's... that's just too... too... HNNG! I can't breathe!

She pulled herself together and pleaded, "Suzanne, can we please not talk about that right now? It makes me feel ... conflicted. Frankly, it gives me a headache."

"Okay. Sorry." Suzanne realized that she probably was pushing too hard. It wasn't the end of the world to give Susan a break for a while. But she planned to return to her same themes over and over until Susan was a complete "convert." She knew that with Susan there was no middle ground; Susan was used to complete moral clarity and had a hard time with gray areas. Thus Suzanne had to break down Susan's belief system, substituting a new belief system that looked at sex in an entirely different way without affecting Susan's innate goodness.

Suzanne had some errands to run anyway, so they agreed to meet later by the backyard pool and continue their conversation at that time.

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