6 Times a Day

Chapter 57 Domineering Suzanne

Susan and Suzanne got back together a few hours later. They lay on lounge chairs by the pool in the early afternoon.

Susan wore a two-piece bikini, with swaths of various shades of blue and purple. It was a new gift from Suzanne, making it the first true bikini she'd ever owned. It had a relatively conservative cut, almost like a sports bra, but it was a drastic change from her older one-piece suit that seemed intentionally designed to hide all of her charms.

Suzanne also had a bikini, a much more revealing red one, but she only wore the bikini bottoms.

Susan was duly shocked about that, but Suzanne managed to convince her that it wasn't a big deal. She explained, "Look, Sweetie needs to cum six times a day, every single day. Who knows how many weeks or months it'll take before he gets better. His treatment may well go on indefinitely. I'm going to have to get very used to being naked, or at least topless, around him on a daily basis. So I need to get accustomed to it myself first."

Susan frowned, but accepted that.

Smiling, Suzanne added, "You should try it too. After all, don't you want to get used to showing Sweetie your bare chest?"

Susan reflexively covered her big breasts, even though she was wearing a bikini top already. "No thanks!"

Suzanne decided not to push it, at least for the moment. She shrugged. "Suit yourself. But if he ever has trouble getting an erection, seeing you topless will fix him up right away. Guaranteed."

After Susan got over that initial shock, Suzanne slid her bikini bottoms down as far as decency would allow, right to the edge of her bush.

"What are you doing?" Susan asked in dismay.

"I'm trying to get rid of my tan lines." That was bull, because Suzanne's skin was too fair for tan lines. She knew from painful experience that she pretty much went from pale to sunburned, which is why she was always careful to cover her alabaster skin with the strongest suntan lotion she could find. She wasn't interested in getting a tan; she only wanted to talk to Susan while they were both nearly naked.

Eventually Suzanne brought the conversation around again to the earlier topic. "Like I was saying downstairs earlier, you've been doing well, considering everything. But still, you're forced to cope with his penis. Thinking about it, being close to it, even touching it. That can be very trying."

"Yes," said Susan, now in a drained tone. "So very trying. You understand just how I feel."

"We've established that it's not a sin for you to give him a handjob. In fact you'd be helping to save him from sin. I'll do what I can, but I can't be here to help even close to six times a day. Besides, you said that Akami specifically told you that YOU are the one who will have to perform the abnormality checks. Even so, you still have trouble accepting that helping him out would not be wrong. So how do you expect to do those checks? It seems to me that you don't really have a choice."

Susan thought about that for some moments. Then she asked, "Tell me, is your vision really that bad? I still haven't seen you wear reading glasses."

"We went over this yesterday." Suzanne lied, "My vision is good enough for most things, but it's not twenty-twenty. Polyps and abrasions on his penis can be very small. They can start out no bigger than a pimple. I might do an okay job, but you'll do an excellent job. Don't you want what's best for your son? What if I miss something that you would have caught? Would you ever forgive yourself for that?"

"No, I guess not," Susan conceded glumly.

Suzanne continued, "So here's what I recommend. You have to make a mental separation between your son and his penis. Think of the penis in the abstract. It could be anyone's penis. Your husband's penis, for instance. Think about the penis as a purely physical thing, as a medical thing, just another part of the body's anatomy. The fact that it's attached to your cutie Tiger is just a side issue. Just like your teeth have to be brushed every day, his penis is something that needs to be stimulated to reach orgasm every day, six times every single day. If no one else can help, then it's the duty of people like you and me to caress it or suck it so he can achieve release, so that he can be fully healthy."

"Are you saying ... I should put my mouth on my son's ... private organ?" Susan had a dazed look on her face. Since she wasn't feeling horny, she had trouble using the word "penis." She even managed to avoid saying the word "suck."

"There's your problem, right there! Don't think of it as your son's penis. Just think of it as a penis in the abstract. Put a different face to it. Put your husband's face to it, if that helps."

Susan looked like she'd just sucked a lemon. She certainly didn't want to imagine giving her husband a blowjob instead; that would take all the joy out of it. "But sucking on it! That's so improper!"

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. It all depends on how much you're willing to help him. You could limit yourself to the abnormality checks once a week, if that's all you can manage. Or maybe you'll be a better mom - a more responsible and helpful mom - and lick, suck, and stroke him every day."

Those words hit Susan hard. Above all, she prided herself on being a great mother.

Suzanne went on, "You don't have to decide now. In any case, draw a solid mental line between helping your son and incest. They're completely different. Incest is having intercourse. That's a totally different thing. As long as you don't get emotionally or even romantically tied up in it, there's no harm in just providing some physical relief for him. Even Nurse Akami said so. Think of when you go to a professional masseuse. You have a strange person put their hands all over you, and touch you in sexual places, like your inner thighs and your ass. But that's okay, because it's not done with sexual intent. It's done for the purpose of getting the muscles in that area to release and relax. If Tiger gave you a massage and ran his hands all over your naked ass, would that be incest?"

"No?" Susan answered uncertainly. She was in danger of slipping into a daydream as she thought about how wonderful such a massage might be.

"No!" Suzanne said with conviction. "Of course not. It's only a massage. And what if you turned over and he ran his hands all over your bare breasts? Picture him massaging them at length, exploring every inch of them with his tender hands."

Susan clutched her chest, and felt little but bare skin. She felt naked and exposed in her bikini. Her nipples suddenly grew erect. She asked uncertainly, "Do breasts even need to be massaged?"

"Sure they do. It just depends on the situation. For instance, what if you were lactating and you were having trouble with it? Sweetie might pull, twist, and fiddle with your nipples for as long as it took until your milk was flowing freely. Why, he's such a thoughtful guy, he'd probably suckle on them if need be."

Susan suddenly felt dizzy; it was like her nipples burst into flames. She'd never been able to lactate for her children, and doing so was a long-standing fantasy of hers that Suzanne had discerned.

Suzanne went on, "He could do all that and it would be okay, because it's just a medical thing. And even if it wasn't, a little breast play here and there is okay. That doesn't count. Remember, incest is only intercourse."

"'Incest is only intercourse,'" Susan repeated in a daze, like someone being brainwashed. She began subtly shifting and writhing on her lounge chair, because she was too horny to keep still.

"So that's how I think of it, anyway," continued Suzanne. "You know that I'm also very close to him. He's like family to me too. Since he's not your natural son, how different are our situations really? I know you hate to be reminded of that painful fact, but it means you could help him with his penis needs every day and not have to worry about it being considered an incestuous sin."

That's a very good point! Susan thought.

"I've decided that I would be remiss as his friend and 'aunty' if I don't give him a handjob or blowjob whenever he needs one. You know that yesterday I gave him a handjob. You even saw it, didn't you? Did you see my hands sliding up and down his great big erection?"

Susan spaced out, recalling what she'd seen. Suddenly it was as if her pussy had burst into flames along with her nipples.

Suzanne let her fantasize for some long moments, but then she prodded, "Well? Didn't you see?"

Susan turned her head away in embarrassment. "I might have, uh, seen ... your hands around his ... er, his, uh ... his member-"

"And starting today, I'm going to give him a blowjob, if I can have your permission."

"A blowjob?! But why? Isn't a handjob enough? Is there no end to the depravity?"

Suzanne sat up and looked at Susan with a cocked eyebrow. She often gave that look to express impatience with people.

Thanks to Suzanne's movement, Susan noticed her friend's large melons slide and sway. That made her think of her equally large orbs doing the same thing, except with Alan there, watching. Her nipples tingled with erotic joy. She asked, "Could you please put your top back on? It's distracting!"

Suzanne let out a disappointed sigh. "Susan, first of all, I explained to you why I need to go topless. I have to get into practice being naked. But please, let's not hear things like 'Is there no end to the depravity.' How many times do I have to explain that what we're doing is not immoral?"

Susan complained, "A blowjob in and of itself is immoral. In our church back in Nebraska, the preacher told us that the only allowable sexual position is the missionary position. Ron tried to make me do the doggy-back position once, but I put my foot down. And oral sex wasn't even up for discussion. No siree!" She firmly shook her head no.

"Susan, you're having some kind of bad prudish flashback. Those days are over, okay? And by the way, it's 'doggy-style.' Sweetie has a serious medical problem and you're still living in the last century. If you're too stubborn and repressed to change your ways on oral sex and just stick to giving him handjobs, that's your problem. But are you saying I shouldn't either?"

She paused, giving Susan a chance to respond.

When Susan failed to do so, Suzanne continued, "Are you saying I should just let him suffer until he develops some abnormality on his penis from all the self-abuse? Or gives up with the treatment? You heard what the doctor said he needs. He still has no girlfriend - I have to help him out! You should too."

Susan was petulant. "I don't see what the difference is. If you have to use your hands, then so be it. But why the mouth? That's so much more vulgar. It's VERY improper!"

"Six times a day is just so often, Susan. With nothing but hands, hands, hands, his penis is going to get severely chafed and have all kinds of problems. Variety is what's needed. Just picture my long tongue licking directly on his sweet spot. Do you think that'll cause any chafing?"

Susan's eyes glazed over as she pictured that. "No, I suppose not," she finally admitted. She wondered why she found the idea of Suzanne doing that so very arousing. She licked her lips unthinking, fantasizing about doing it to him herself.

Suzanne continued emphatically, "Of course not! And he'll get bored. It's like having vanilla ice cream six times a day. Anyone would get bored with that before long. I'll probably do other things too, just to help with the variety."

"Like what?"

"Probably a titfuck." Seeing the look of confusion on Susan's face, Suzanne elaborated, "I've told you about those before, some of the times when I was recounting my affairs. Remember? That's where you repeatedly slide his big erection between your breasts. You put some lotion or oil there first for lubrication and it's even less chafing than using the mouth."

Susan clutched her boobs together tightly, imagining her son's hard-on trapped in her cleavage. "I don't know. That just seems so-"

"Improper. I know. But desperate times require desperate measures. Would you throw yourself in front of a train to save your son's life?"

"You know I would!"

"So you'd do that, but you wouldn't let me put his penis in my mouth to help him out? Or do it yourself? Susan, your mind is all in a muddle. You need to see the forest for the trees here."

Susan just sat quietly, taking all of it in. She was feeling increasingly aroused, and that was making her feel more receptive to these ideas. She's right! Why would I give my life for him, but not give my body to him? That doesn't make sense.

So Suzanne continued, "That's why I was asking you what you masturbate about. It's not so much the deed as the context. It's okay to have a little fun, get a little pleasure from helping him out even, as long as one keeps things in perspective. Why not? It sounds like Nurse Akami was enjoying herself, and I don't begrudge her that. But if you or I start thinking about him in a romantic way, then that's what's unhealthy. Then people can lose control and cross boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. When you daydream about him, do you think about him in romantic terms?"

"No. Of course not." Only after she said this did she realize that she had just admitted to daydreaming about him. Suzanne already knew about Susan's dreams, but daydreams were much more embarrassing since one had some control over them.

"See? So what's the problem? As long as you daydream about him in a sexual way but not a romantic way, that's perfectly fine. It's just a penis, another part of the body like an elbow or forehead. Remember, just think of it as a penis in the abstract. There's no sin, there's no harm, and if you get a little enjoyment in the process, that's all the better. This is just a temporary thing, for as long as the nurse says it's necessary. A year from now, we'll probably be looking back on this and laughing with fond memory."

Susan was skeptical. "I guess... I still have a lot of reservations about this, but ultimately I trust you even more than I trust myself. If you think it's really necessary for him to have these blowjobs, then I give you permission to do them. But please don't expect me to do them too. Is that clear? I can't imagine anything more repugnant than to put one of those things in my mouth. Ugh!"

She said that, but not very convincingly. In truth, her curiosity was much greater than her disgust.

"Okay, fine. And thank you." Suzanne figured she'd pushed enough on that for the moment; she would apply more pressure later. "But you will still help with the daily handjobs, right?"

"Suzanne! You can't ask me to do that! I'm a good Christian woman!"

"I don't see what that has to do with anything, but fine. Let's drop that for now. At the very least, you'll help with the abnormality check, won't you?"

Susan frowned. The problem was, she wanted to do the abnormality check far too much. Even the idea of a blowjob seemed a lot more intriguing to her than she was letting on. Additionally, she felt like she'd be letting Suzanne down if she didn't at least help with that. But she also feared that she could slide down the slippery slope.

She finally asked, "Why don't we play that one by ear? Since the appointment was on Tuesday, that means a check won't be needed again until next Tuesday. Maybe some other solution will present itself by then. For instance, what if we pay Nurse Akami to do it? That would just mean he sees her every week instead of every two weeks. What's wrong with that?"

"There are some other possibilities, and that is one," Suzanne said noncommittally. "But if you think about it, if we pay her for sexual help, that becomes prostitution, and that's illegal. Are you willing to take part in a crime like that? Do you want to expose your son to prostitution, and tell him that's the answer to his problems?"

"No! Of course not! But the alternative-"

Suzanne abruptly rolled to her side. "Right now I'm feeling tired. I think I'm going to take a nap."

Suzanne pretended to sleep as a way to cut off the conversation, now that she'd accomplished what she wanted. She thought, Susan jacking Sweetie off is a vital part of my overall scheme, since she's gotta learn to walk before she can run. It's good to plant the seeds with talk of blowjobs, but I'll need to focus on handjobs with her for a while.

I have to keep anticipating alternatives, like paying Akami to do it, and keep Susan off balance with excuses for them not to work. Susan will be forced to jack him off herself when Tuesday arrives, for lack of anyone else able to do it. Then, once she gets started, hopefully she'll tumble down that slippery slope. And she'll keep falling and falling until we wind up as one big fucking family!

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