6 Times a Day

Chapter 6 P Examination (4)

Alan and Susan gave their thanks to the doctor and walked out into the waiting room, where they figured they would set the time for their next appointment with the receptionist. But to their surprise, there was no receptionist. What was even more surprising was that Suzanne was there instead, reading a magazine in the waiting room.

"Suzanne!" said Susan, in sudden and great embarrassment. She immediately thought about Alan's new medical arrangement, and wondered what Suzanne would think if she knew. Oh dear! Will I have to tell her? How can I keep it a secret from my best friend when I tell her all my secrets? Shoot! I tell her absolutely everything. How can I not tell her about this?! Oh, how dreadful! I think I'll just die. How can I tell her that I stared at Tiger's... Oh, I don't want to even think about it!

Susan's face grew red as she considered the implications. So did Alan's. Little did they know about how much Suzanne already knew.

Suzanne stood up and smiled happily. She was wearing a smart-looking lemon-yellow business suit with a white blouse. Although she didn't work in an office, she usually preferred to dress in a formal manner. Among other reasons, she knew it made her look extremely good. ----**Image in the Paragraph Comments**----

"Surprised to see me, eh? I'm not surprised to see you. I wanted to know exactly how my idea of Alan seeing Dr. Fredrickson about his problem went. I scheduled my own doctor's appointment right after yours, so I could hear it immediately, straight from the horse's mouth."

"Uh, that's great," said Susan slowly, stalling for time. "Thanks... uh, for your concern."

Susan was furiously trying to think of what she would tell her best friend. She was grateful that no one else was around, because she felt like sin was written clearly all over her face. In fact it was after 5:00 p.m., since their appointment had taken much longer than the few minutes that had been scheduled.

"So what's the verdict?" Suzanne asked the two of them eagerly, pretending not to notice their great awkwardness. "Don't keep me waiting! Does the doctor have a cure for Sweetie's problem?"

That question made both Alan and Susan blush. Neither had the guts to explain.

Suzanne prodded, "You were in there a long time, Sweetie. What were you doing all that time?"

I imagine I shouldn't say that the nurse was rubbing my dick off and on for about 20 minutes, Alan thought. God, she basically gave me a handjob! How do I explain that to Aunt Suzy?

"It went well!" he said suddenly. He plastered a big, fake smile on his face and tried to bluff his way through. "The doctor said that I could be treated, and that I would be having a lot more energy in a short time, even though the treatment would be a bit, uh, unusual." He began to frown and blush as he considered how to explain that part.

"That's wonderful!" Suzanne replied with genuine joy, despite not really being surprised. She immediately hugged them both, first Alan and then Susan.

Naturally, neither of them realized just how happy Suzanne really was, because Alan's comment about the unusual treatment told her that they had fallen for her six-orgasms-a-day scheme.

Soon I won't be just hugging him, Suzanne thought to herself. He's going to be mine. All mine! Woo-hoo! Today's the greatest, the start of the rest of my life with my chosen man, my Sweetie!

She pulled back from her hugs, and then said with a serious, concerned face, "But what's this about unusual treatment? What are they going to do to you, Sweetie?" She asked this with false naïveté, as she put her face close to his and brushed his hair out of his eyes in a motherly fashion.

Both Alan and Susan looked at each other. The same thought was on each of their minds: What are we going to tell her?!

Suzanne was like Alan's second parent, much more so than Alan's own father, so much so that he referred to her as his aunt even though she wasn't actually related. No one had thought to consult Alan's father about today's diagnosis, and since he was overseas, he probably couldn't have been reached readily by phone even if they had tried.

Alan and Susan both realized that there was no way that they could keep the truth from Suzanne for long. Once she wanted something, she almost always got her way, and she clearly wanted to know about their appointment. But both were too shy to actually explain at that moment, especially since they were in a public place.

Susan and Alan exchanged knowing looks. Then Susan said to Suzanne, "It's quite secret. Can you promise to keep a really big secret, and I mean, swear utterly honestly that you won't tell another soul?"

"Of course!" Suzanne feigned cluelessness. "What's all this about? What could possibly require so much secrecy?"

Just then, Akami opened the door to the waiting room.

Susan jumped a little in fright.

The nurse said, "Mrs. Pestridge? The doctor is ready to see you."

Suzanne turned to Akami and said brightly, "That's me!" She then turned to the other two and said, "I have to go. Can I talk to the doctor about it? I'm sure he can explain the medical details better than anyone."

Alan and his mother looked at each other again, reaching an unspoken agreement, after which Susan said, "Okay, but afterwards come straight to our place so we can discuss this further. I'm really kind of up in arms and I... Well, I'll explain it to you later."

"Okay," said Suzanne happily, kissing each of them on the cheek. Then she left the room with Akami.

Susan was greatly relieved. If the doctor was going to break the news to Suzanne, that meant that she wouldn't have to. She prayed, though, that the doctor would keep his explanation clinical and not be too detailed in recounting just what had happened.

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