6 Times a Day

Chapter 60 Amy

Later that afternoon, Suzanne was at home washing dishes in her kitchen when Amy walked up to her, looking a bit anxious. "Hey, Mom."

"Howdy, Honey Pie. How goes it?"

"M'kay, I guess. But can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, my sweet girl. What is it?" Suzanne kept on washing the dishes.

"Um, can we just talk for a minute? It's kind of important."

Suzanne was surprised, since Amy rarely was insistent about things. She dried her hands and turned around. "Wait. What's with your outfit?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"It's far too revealing, Honey Pie."

"MooooOOOOoooom! You wear stuff more revealing than this all the time. Besides, I was just working out."

"In that?" Suzanne decided she should try to lighten up. "We'll talk about it later. ... Okay, what's on your mind?"

"Um, you see... I want to talk about Alan."

"Okay..." Suzanne suddenly felt very nervous. She wondered whether Amy had found out about the sexual things she'd been doing with Alan lately.

"Well, you know, he's been really into Christine for a long time, right?"


"And Christine's, like, totally awesome. I mean, she looks all wowser, if you know what I mean, and she's super smart and super athletic, and, well, just... super everything! Who can compete with her?"

"She does seem to be a pretty impressive young lady, from what I hear," Suzanne said cautiously. She didn't know where Amy was going with this, but she was greatly relieved that at least Amy apparently hadn't caught on to what she was doing with Alan.

Amy nodded. "So... I figured I didn't have a chance with Alan if he's all super hung up on her, and he was until recently. As we all know, he asked her out, and she turned him down, and he was all bummed out about it. I didn't know if she would come to her senses and see what a great guy he was, or what. But today, I happen to know that he talked to her at school, and they agreed to be just friends."

"Really? Interesting." In fact, Suzanne was quite interested, since she hadn't heard about that before.

"Yeah, well, and we all know that he's totally got a crush on Ms. Rhymer." By "we all," she meant herself, Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne - everyone who hung out at the Plummer house. "And that's a pretty serious crush, but come on! She's his history teacher, so nothing's gonna happen there. Right?"

"Right. But where are you going with this?"

"Well, I was just thinking... what if I could be his girlfriend?" Amy's eyes lit up. "Wouldn't that be cool?"

Suzanne scowled. "Hold on, young lady. That most definitely would NOT be cool!"

"Why not? Alan's a great guy! You know he is! Is there anyone you know who'd make a better boyfriend than him?"

"No, of course not. But that's beside the point. You're not ready for a boyfriend. Don't you remember what happened with Jack Johnson? That was a total fiasco. We can't have that happen again."

"Awww, Mom! Jack was a total bozo brain. That happened ages ago, but you keep using it as a reason why I can't date. Besides, that's why Alan would be so great. He'd be, like, the anti-bozo. He kinda loves me and I kinda love him already. We've grown up together. We could-"

Suzanne cut her off. "Yes, you love each other, almost like siblings. That's a totally different kind of love. It would only mess things up if you bring romance into it. Besides, who's to say he'd feel the same way?"

Amy said defensively, "Well, I'm just saying 'What if?' Would it be OK if he does show interest, and things kinda work out?"

Suzanne folded her arms defiantly. "Most definitely not! You're not ready for a serious relationship."

"Oh, Mom, come on! You treat me like I'm still a little girl!"

"Well, you ARE still my little girl." Suzanne glanced down at Amy's ample chest. "Just because your body has... developed doesn't mean you're ready. You may THINK you're ready, but you're not."

"MooooOOOOoooom! That's so untrue! I'm of age; I'm a woman now!"

"Honey Pie, I'm a lot older than you, and I'm experienced in these things. Besides..." Suzanne paused, as she realized she had to be careful what she said. She was thinking that Amy couldn't possibly date Alan because of the way that Suzanne herself was getting sexually involved with him, not to mention the long-term plans she had for him. But she realized there was no way to explain any of that to Amy, except possibly in a very oblique way.

"Besides what?" Amy finally asked.

"Well, there are things about Alan's situation these days that you don't understand. It complicates matters considerably. When you get older, I'll explain more of it to you."

"Mom! I'm older now! Why do you treat me like a baby?! Sheesh!" Frustrated, Amy stomped out of the room.

Left alone with the dishes, Suzanne thought about what had just transpired. Amy? Interested in my Sweetie? My sweet little Honey Pie and him? No way, no how! That would ruin everything!

She sighed, then tried to calm herself. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. After all, she used him as a subject for her drawings these past couple of years. He even posed for her while nearly naked a surprisingly large number of times, when she was doing her Life Drawing. Even though he was wearing a tight brief, I certainly saw that his penis was visibly erect, or at least turgid, in pretty much every one of her drawings!

She stared off into space with a fond smile. He really is a handsome, well-endowed boy; there's no doubt about that! I should never have given her permission to spend so much time drawing him like that, almost naked, except that I was enjoying her sketches far too much myself.

She sighed again. I suppose I was being willfully blind, refusing to see that as a huge sign that she had an interest in him. I can't just keep assuming that, because they're like family, they can't get the hots for each other. After all, look at how I've fallen for him! Now that I think about it, all those damn sexy drawings probably did a lot to get me so hot for him. So why wouldn't they have had the same effect on her? I have to stop thinking that she's somehow too young to be interested in sex.

I suspect she's having this fleeting fantasy because she thinks that he's free now because Christine turned him down. Only he's not free. He's a smart cookie; he knows he's got a good thing going, getting all this help around here with his "problem." If he were to announce that he's got a real girlfriend his age, that might jeopardize everything. So he's not going to ruin that by dating Amy; I can guarantee that.

Therefore, I don't have to do anything. He's a considerate guy, so if she comes on to him, he'll let her down easy. No problem. I wish every problem could be solved this easily, with inaction. Hee-hee.

Of course, down the line, things will get tricky when she finds out that Sweetie and I are sexually involved. For crying out loud, just a short time ago he was shooting his spunk all over me! It would be more than a little embarrassing if Amy were to walk in on something like that! What would I even say or do? I probably won't be able to keep that a secret from her for very long, so I need to think of something.

And it'll only get worse when she finds out that he's involved with Susan and Katherine too, once my scheming there reaches fruition. I suppose one could argue that it would make sense for her to get it on with him too, if the others are doing so already, and normally I might be open to that. But not with my cute Honey Pie! She's just not ready. Emotionally she's a few years behind the way her body is maturing physically. Maybe, eventually, I might be open to that idea. In a few years, MAYBE. But not now. Besides, she's a very beautiful girl; I'm sure she'll find a wonderful guy when the time is right.

Anyone but Alan, please! Good grief, having Amy in the middle of the orgies I'm envisioning would really put a damper on things, at least for me. Incest between the Plummers - that's a whole different matter, because they're not blood relatives. But my Honey Pie and me? Touching in a sexual situation? Ugh! I shudder to think!

Maybe I should set her up with somebody else. Now, there's an idea. Just as soon as she's mature enough, I'll find a really great boy for her who'll put all thoughts of my Sweetie out of her mind. And that's if she still has a crush on him by then, which I highly doubt. I'm sure she was just having a fleeting fantasy about him today, after what she heard about him and Christine.

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