A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 | A Dangerous Reunion (1)

* * *

She couldn’t tell how much time had passed.

By the time Rienne pulled away, she was completely breathless. Her lips felt numb while his were wet from her kiss. She could only imagine how hers looked.

[Black] “I didn’t expect that.”

Black whispered while barely moving his mouth.

[Black] “Not bad. And neither are those clothes.”

As he wrapped his injured arm around Rienne’s waist, she felt the panic swell in her chest yet somehow she couldn’t deny how safe and supported it made her feel.

[Rienne] “You can let go of me now.”

Rienne pushed against Black’s shoulder with her palm.

She was doing everything she could to stay calm, but this man always found a way to shake her up. It was difficult keeping her head, but if she were to get too relaxed, she’d end up sitting in his lap.

[Rienne] “I should go…”

But noticing something, Rienne suddenly stopped talking.

Black was narrowing his eyes.

[Rienne] “Ah.”

Without even realizing, she was pushing against Black’s injured shoulder of all things. Rienne hurriedly pulled her hand away.

[Rienne] “I wasn’t paying attention….. Are you alright?”

[Black] “It’s fine.”

He said it was okay, but he looked like he was wincing in pain.

[Rienne] “It’s not fine.”

Rienne took her hands and gently placed them over the wound she had just pushed, stroking it as if to soothe it or make his pain go away.

There was no blood, so at least she hadn’t accidentally reopened the wound.

[Rienne] “Next time, tell me if something hurts, alright?”

[Black] “I didn’t think it hurt that much…… It’s nothing to worry about.”

When he said that, his lips were just as red and passionate as they were before. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but Rienne felt like it suited him.

It was a good look on him.

I wish he’d look like that whenever he sees me.

….Wait, what am I saying?

As her thoughts quickly spiraled, Rienne jerked her head back, fearfully pushing them down and hurriedly looking away.

[Rienne] “I’m going to leave now.”

There was work that needed to be done. She needed to stop a certain someone from returning before he accidentally started a pointless war.

[Rienne] “If you’re not in any pain, then you should be fine eating on your own.”

Hearing that, Black made a funny face but Rienne, who was turning to leave, didn’t see it.

[Rienne] “I hope you get well soon, Lord Tiwakan.”

And then Rienne left without waiting for Black’s response.

It wasn’t until the door shut behind her that she realized she forgot the bandages and medicine on the table, but she couldn’t go back and get it now.

…It’s all done now.

There’s no turning back.

It was already clear to her that Rafit and Black were entirely different from one another. Rienne was filled with a strange sense of relief. Like a part of her couldn’t wait to get away from all the times Rafit would exaggerate his pain just to get her to stay with him.

Now she was engaged to another. By her own strength, there was nothing she could do to escape it.

* * *

There were dozens of excuses Rienne could give to meet with the Kleinfelders.

Linden Kleinfelder, who was presently acting as head of the family, was the chairman of Nauk’s delegation, and Rienne could think of many valid reasons she could give to visit him.

Moreover, Rienne still had to give the family her regards. Rafit was the Commander of the Arsak Knights, so she was expected to express her condolences for the loss in person.

[Weroz] “I must protest, Princess.”

As Rienne was preparing to leave, Weroz stopped her.

[Weroz] “Visiting the Kleinfelders now would only cast a shadow of doubt on us.”

[Rienne] “If that’s what you’re worried about, Weroz, then rest easy.”

Rienne turned to look at herself in the mirror. As a final preparation, she added a flower accessory to her hair. A symbol of mourning. All that was left was to wear a black cloak to wear over her dress—the one Mrs. Flambard was sent to retrieve.

[Rienne] “They already know he’s alive.”

[Weroz] “What? Is… that true? How can you be so certain?”

[Rienne] “It’s just a feeling. I think they may have checked the body before returning it to us.”

The leader of the Tiwakan was actually being rather generous, warning her that he was aware of the truth.

[Weroz] “But I thought they didn’t know what Sir Kleinfelder looked like.”

[Rienne] “I don’t know… maybe they recognized the symbols on his armor or something similar.”

[Weroz] “Symbols……oh…!”

Weroz’s face turned pale with sudden realization.

[Weroz] “Perhaps they recognized the decorations on his helmet?”

[Rienne] “Decorations?”

[Weroz] “The person who took Sir Kleinfelder’s place. Sir Kleinfelder is the only Knight who has such ornate armor, so perhaps they noticed the armor that man was wearing didn’t match how decorative his helmet was.”

[Rienne] “It’s possible.”

The rumors always called that man a barbarian, but he was surprisingly sharp. Frighteningly so, if he noticed something like that.

And it wasn’t just him. Whether it was Tiwakan’s leader, his right hand, or any other member—they didn’t live as the undefeated champions of the battlefield for no reason.

[Rienne] “Now that I think about it, he didn’t say much when he showed us that sword. He only vaguely said ‘he’s not coming back’. He probably knew even then that the Commander wasn’t the one who died.”

He didn’t walk into that meeting with blood on his face because he was a barbarian who didn’t know any manners. He likely did it on purpose.

[Weroz] “How much do they know?”

[Rienne] “More than we think they do. There may not be any point in trying to lie to them.”

Lord Tiwakan was now a denizen of the castle, under the name of being the Princess’ betrothed, and the Tiwakan Mercenaries were mercenaries no longer, but the Guardian Knights of Arsak.

[Weroz] “Then why, Princess, are you visiting the Kleinfelders…”

[Rienne] “I’m going to tell Rafit to run away.”

When Rienne said that, her face twisted into a dry expression. As if mocking herself.

[Weroz] “Are you really giving up on Sir Kleinfelder and his family?”

[Rienne] “If it means saving his life. The Tiwakan have been kind to us thus far, but not enough to allow the person who shot that arrow to live.”

[Weroz] “We don’t know for certain if Sir Kleinfelder was responsible for that yet, Princess.”

[Rienne] “The truth hardly matters. The problem is that someone tried to assassinate the leader of the Tiwakan. They’ll expect him to pay for this.”

[Weroz] “The Kleinfelders won’t let that happen.”

[Rienne] “Yes. You’re right about that… but I can’t let them fight. Would you want the Kleinfelders to engage is such a pointless battle with the Tiwakan, knowing they have no chance at winning?”

[Weroz] “I…”

No doubt Weroz had given it some thought, too.

The Kleinfelders and the Tiwakan were entirely unmatched. Considering the Tiwakan had an advantage over them in every single way, Rienne’s decision was a wise one.

[Weroz] “But Princess, once this is done, you’ll never be able to escape his clutches. You know this, right?”

[Rienne] “I’m aware.”

[Weroz] “Then please, think again. If you let Sir Kleinfelder go, then you’ll be cutting off your only way out.”

[Rienne] “There already is no way out.”

Rienne’s voice turned harsh and firm.

[Rienne] “You know this as well as I.”

[Weroz] “I know, but… You’re the one getting married, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I’m ready for what my choice brings.”

That was the strangest part. Somewhere deep inside her, Rienne felt like that man wasn’t so terrible, even though it would’ve made things much easier if he were. Of all the things surrounding this laughable marriage, the most laughable thing was Rienne herself.

[Rienne] “Hm… Where is my cloak… has something happened to Mrs. Flambard?”

Rienne quickly changed the subject, just as Mrs. Flambard knocked on the door and entered.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I brought your cloak, my lady.”

As she entered the room, the woman immediately frowned as she saw Rienne standing in front of the mirror.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Are those your mourning clothes, Princess?’

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

Rienne cocked her head, quickly looking down at herself.

[Rienne] “Um, yes. This is all I have. You deal with my wardrobe, Mrs. Flambard. You should know that.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh no, is this that dress?”

Mrs. Flambard adamantly shook her head.

[Mrs. Flambard] “How long has it been since you last wore this—five years or so? Oh, no wonder it looks so different. You’ve grown up so much, of course it wouldn’t fit the same.”

Now three people had pointed out her clothes. Suddenly, Rienne felt grateful towards Weroz for thinking nothing of it.

[Rienne] “I haven’t grown that much. Besides, I don’t think it looks that terrible…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you saying? It’s just the opposite!”

[Rienne] “What?”

Another wave of confusion hit Rienne.

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You look absolutely lovely in black, Princess. Back then, I thought your youthful energy was what made you so pretty, but now I can hardly classify what you’re wearing as ‘mourning clothes’. You’ve lost so much weight, it’s practically falling off of you! With so much of your chest and shoulders exposed, you look like you’re preparing for your wedding night! Lord Weroz, how could you not say something?”

Suddenly, Mrs. Flambard’s fervent lecture turned towards Weroz. Weroz just shook his head in embarrassment.

[Weroz] “Oh, well… of course I think she’s beautiful, I just thought…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, what does a knight know about beauty?”

Shaking her head, Mrs. Flambard turned towards Rienne to stop her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “In any case, you can’t wear this for mourning so you must change, Princess. I fear what might run through that barbarian’s crazed head if he ever saw you wearing this. He looks like the sort of man to swallow you whole!”

[Rienne] “. . .”

At Mrs. Flambard’s warning, Rienne’s face turned pale; something the eagle-eyed woman didn’t miss.

[Mrs. Flambard] “He’s already seen you wearing this, hasn’t he?”


[Rienne] “….Well….it’s not as though he’s seen me naked…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, but your figure is still exposed, we can clearly see the shape of your body. That might be even more of a problem.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t find any words to say.

She could remember Black looking at her and telling her that her clothes ‘bothered’ him, and how Phermos blatantly asked if she was going to keep wearing it.

So that’s what they meant.

Mrs. Flambard even said it was like a dress one would wear on their wedding night. If given the opportunity, Rienne was certain she would’ve been blunter with her words.

…Oh god… what if he thinks I wore it on purpose?

Even though it was way too late to be worrying about something like that, Rienne couldn’t stop thinking about it.

And I even kissed him first.

It would only be natural…. If he thought she deliberately wore such tempting clothes while acting in such a way in front of him.

* * *

After that, Rienne quickly took off that dress.

Mrs. Flambard promised to fix it but in the meantime, Rienne had to settle for wearing the darkest colored dress she had with a black cloak over it. Newly dressed, Rienne set off for the Kleinfelder Estate.

Though she was a Princess, her escort was simple. As always, only Weroz accompanied her.

[Rienne] “There are lots of Tiwakan soldiers out here today…”

Rienne sat on her horse, her voice low as she spoke to Weroz and looked around the streets. Weroz nodded in response.

[Weroz] “They must still be searching for the attacker.”

[Rienne] “…At this rate, the Tiwakan will find out all there is to know about Nauk.”

[Weroz] “You’re not wrong.”

Rienne gave a bitter smile.

[Rienne] “It’s a good thing they still don’t believe the arrow to have been ordered by Nauk itself. They could take everything from us too easily.”

[Weroz] “Things would have been different had the attacker succeeded.”

Whatever sincerity Rienne’s smile may have carried immediately disappeared.

[Rienne] “Yes…everyone in Nauk… killed to pay for someone else’s revenge.”

[Weroz] “. . .”

Weroz knew Rienne wasn’t wrong. All he could do was drop his head and not say anything in return—his grey hair stretching across his forehead.

[Rienne] “I’m glad the leader of the Tiwakan still lives. Instead of taking Nauk by force, he’s been gracious enough to propose instead.”

[Weroz] “It’s a bit suspiciously kind, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Either way, we need to accept it. In fifteen days—no, even less than that, the leader of the Tiwakan will be ruling Nauk alongside me.” (1)

The Princess was only stating a fact, something that Weroz knew long ago, but he still couldn’t get used to hearing it out loud.

[Rienne] “We’re almost there.”

The entrance to the Kleinfelder Estate was in view.

While its height was nothing in comparison to Castle Nauk, it had it beat in scale and luxury, boasting even more servants than the royal palace.

Bang, Bang!

[Weroz] “Open the door! Her Royal Highness, Princess Rienne of the Arsak Family has arrived!”

Weroz knocked on the door as he announced Rienne’s presence. After some time, the servants finally came to receive them.

T/N: (1) The reason why Rienne is still a Princess despite the last king having died years ago is because she isn’t married. Naturally her husband will become king, though the arrangement she has with Black established in Ch. 4 still acknowledges the birthright of her ‘child’ above all else. Basically, he’s helping her ascend without taking power from her in the same way the Kleinfelders’ would’ve.

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