A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 18 - Trap (2)

Chapter 18 | Trap (2)

* * *

If Rienne needed to make an excuse, then she had one she could use. She could easily say she wasn’t feeling well because of her pregnancy so she wouldn’t be able to spend the night with him.

But an excuse like that wouldn’t last long.

After saying that, Rienne would need to have a child as soon as possible once they were married. Black would be the father naturally, but at least the child would inherit the Arsak family name just as they promised and become the next ruler.

If it worked out, that would be the best possible ending for Rienne. She was being forced to get married, but she would still be able to protect everything important while minimizing losses.

…For herself at least.

But that wouldn’t the case for him.

If she did this, Black would have to live without ever knowing the child was his own. Thinking about that made Rienne’s mind and heart feel heavy for entirely different reasons.

Even if it means protecting Nauk…can I do it…?

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you thinking about, Princess?”

As Rienne’s imagination spun, Mrs. Flambard’s voice broke through.

[Rienne] “Oh…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “How will you refuse your first night?”

Rienne hadn’t made up her mind yet.

[Rienne] “I’m not sure.”

Her present excuse only worked until the end of her monthly fever. Beyond that, she needed another excuse to refuse sharing a bed with him until she sorted things out.

[Rienne] “First, I need to think about—“

Knock, knock.

A knock sounded out at the door, cutting off Rienne’s words.

[Mrs. Flambard] “He must have returned already.”

Mrs. Flambard stood up.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll answer the door, Princess. You should compose yourself as best you can.”

As she watched Mrs. Flambard’s back walking towards the door, Rienne gently smoothed her face with the palms of her hands.

But there was no point.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, I’ll get the door for you!”

Mrs. Flambard called out as she opened the door before letting out a shocked scream.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ma’am?”

Hearing the sound of the woman’s scream, Rienne jumped to her feet in surprised, and the moment she saw the source of the shock, her entire body hardened like a statue.

It wasn’t Black.

[Rafit] “I just found something out.”

It was Rafit.

Rafit Kleinfelder, the one person who should never be there, was here in Castle Nauk. Rafit pushed past Mrs. Flambard, who couldn’t shake off her flustered shock, and slammed the door behind him.

[Rafit] “Is it true, Princess? That you’re pregnant…..with my child?”

* * *

Of course it wasn’t. Rafit should know that better than anyone.

[Rienne] “Leave. Now.”

Rienne raised her hand and defiantly pointed towards the door.

[Rienne] “I don’t know what you were thinking coming here but the Tiwakan have eyes and ears everywhere, most of all here. That should be obvious so just go.”

[Rafit] “Not until I get an answer.”

Hearing him spew such nonsense made her spine shiver. Rienne stomped her foot.

[Rienne] “What are you even talking about? You should know the answer better than anyone.”

[Rafit] “I don’t! How am I supposed to know what’s true?! We were parted for over fifteen days!”

The color completely drained from Rienne’s already pale face.

[Rienne] Wh…what are you talking about?”

[Rafit] “Not once have you ever allowed me to sleep with you, Princess. So what’s this that I’m hearing about being pregnant with my child?”

[Rienne] “That’s…”

Rienne bit her lip tightly. She was afraid if she didn’t, she might end up saying cruel words unlike any she had ever used before.

[Rienne] “Are you truly asking me that? You?”

[Rafit] “I need to hear you explain this. What the hell do you mean by a ‘child?’”

Before now, it didn’t occur to Rienne that Rafit wouldn’t understand her intentions. The Rafit she knew would never have been so foolish.

So what he was doing right now was trying to confirm what he wanted to know. He wanted to hear her say it out loud.

That Rienne had lied about being pregnant in order to refuse the Tiwakan’s proposal. That she was desperate to say no, to the point of lying about something like that.

[Rafit] “Did you tell that barbarian that you were pregnant with my child?”

Rafit’s voice became more affectionate and wistful the more he talked.

[Rafit] “Did you tell him your heart was already spoken for? Did you tell him I’m the one you belong to and the father of your future child?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne felt herself getting dizzier. It was like the lie she told to refuse the proposal was just twisting into a monster the more people talked about it.

[Rafit] “You told that animal that I’m the one you belong with.”

[Rienne] “No, that’s not what I…”

As Rafit approached her with arms outstretched as if to hug her, Rienne took a step back, but Rafit just kept coming closer without hesitation.

[Rafit] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I only said what I did to avoid the proposal. I didn’t think he’d still want to marry me if I said I already had a child.”

[Rafit] “Same difference, is it not?”

[Rienne] “It’s different.”

It wasn’t as though Rienne said she was deathly in love with Rafit Kleinfelder in order to turn down the proposal. It was just Rafit’s delusion that was making him believe that.

[Rafit] “It isn’t. Any man would tell you that.”

[Rienne] “It’s different…”

Rienne stopped talking. There was too much she wanted to say but not enough words to express it. No matter how you looked at it, this whole situation was beyond frustrating. Rafit was acting as though what he had tried to do to her never happened even though it occurred in his own home.

How could he do that? There was still a mark on his palm from it.

He was going entirely too far. Rafit had forgotten where his loyalties were supposed to lie—that Rienne was a member of the royal family and was owed his respect and obedience.

But at the end of it all, Rafit was still a Kleinfelder and the fact that Kleinfelder blood ran through his veins was undeniable. Rienne wanted to laugh at her past self who once believed him to be different.

[Rienne] “I am going to marry Lord Tiwakan and the child I bear will inherit House Arsak and become the next King of Nauk. That’s the path I’ve chosen to protect what’s important.”

[Rafit] “But you’ve already lied about it being mine. Do you really think that monster will allow another man’s child to live?”

[Rienne] “He will. That’s what he promised me.”

[Rafit] “You’re too naïve. I told you before, didn’t I? That barbarian has plans for revenge against Nauk. No matter what, he’ll see to it there’s blood to pay.”

[Rienne] “Don’t try and pass an unconfirmed rumor as the truth. I already said I don’t believe it. He would never have offered to write a pledge in the vows if he didn’t intend to keep his promise.”

[Rafit] “Vows? You already wrote your vows with that beast? He could break them any time he wanted.”

[Rienne] “Why do you insist on complicating matters? There would be no point in making such promises if he was planning on going back on his word.”

[Rienne] “Maybe he just promised you this in order to force you to accept the proposal.”

[Rienne] “You’re wrong.”

Rienne’s mouth twisted as she gave a hollow smile.

[Rienne] “You realize he could’ve just broken down the gates, right? He could have killed all of Castle Nauk’s guards and dragged me to the altar if necessary. He didn’t have to write a pledge nor make any promises in order to force me to become his bride if he wanted.” (1)

[Rafit] “Rienne…”

Rafit’s face distorted as Rienne faced him. Looking at him, she spoke her final words without an ounce of guilt.

[Rienne] “If there’s any loyalty left in you for the Arsak family or Nauk, then leave this land. Right now, I am no longer your lover. This is an order from your Princess. If you understand, then leave.”

[Rafit] “How could you….”

Just as Rafit began to grind his teeth—

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess!”

The urgent voice of Mrs. Flambard cut through between the two of them.

[Mrs. Flambard] “We’re in trouble! He’s on his way back!”

[Rienne] “What?”

Suddenly it was like there was something rattling inside Rienne’s heart.

* * *

As soon as she heard the news, Rienne began pushing Rafit towards the big window. There was a railing out there that he could stand on. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but he needed to hide so he wouldn’t be caught.

They had no choice—it was already too late to escape.

Rienne started closing the window, covering Rafit’s mouth with her hand just as she noticed him trying to say something.

[Rienne] “Don’t make a single sound and just stay still. I won’t be able to do anything for you if you get caught.”

Click, clack!

Just as Rienne shut the window, Mrs. Flambard raised her voice and made an announcement.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess, Lord Tiwakan has arrived.”


Rienne hurriedly turned away from the window, her heart pounding in her chest. Focusing herself, she swallowed her anxiety.

[Rienne] “Let him in.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess.”

With her hands trembling, Mrs. Flambard opened the door wide.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Please enter.”

Without even giving Rienne a chance to compose herself, Black entered the room. His blue eyes were staring straight at her and she was so nervous she almost bit her tongue.

[Black] “Did something happen?”

Those same blue eyes seemed to see through everything. Even if she had nothing to hide, she’d still be nervous.

….Just stay calm. He hasn’t seen anything. It’ll be alright… he doesn’t know who’s hiding here.

[Rienne] “Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?”

[Black] “You called me.”

[Rienne] “I did?”

Rienne’s eyes blinked in confusion. She didn’t quite understand what he was talking about.

[Black] “I thought there was something you needed me for.”

[Rienne] “Oh….”

Instantly Rienne felt a weight lift from her shoulders. It didn’t seem like word got out of Rafit’s arrival at the castle. This was just about message they’d sent about the measurements.

Releasing the grip she had on her skirt, Rienne continued on with a calm voice.

[Rienne] “As we were altering the clothing, I realized there were some measurements I was missing. I thought I’d like to see you again so I could get those numbers if you had the time.”

[Black] “Measurements…. Is that it?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Black’s blue eyes blinked slowly. Even though his face looked expressionless, Rienne noticed slight creases in his forehead.

Is he annoyed? It wouldn’t surprise me… I did make him come back for something so insignificant. Maybe that’s it.

[Black] “. . .”

But that didn’t seem to be the case. While Rienne couldn’t exactly pinpoint why, he didn’t seem like he was mad at her.

[Black] “Then measure.”

Approaching Rienne, Black outstretched his arms.

[Rienne] “Actually this time…”

This time Mrs. Flambard will be doing it. Please go to her for this, not me.

She needed to say it, but instead, as he got closer, Rienne got a good look at him and her eyes immediately went towards his face.

…And that’s when she noticed the smell of sweat.

The closer he got, the more she could tell how he smelled like sweat. His forehead was damp so that was probably why, but thinking about that made Rienne feel strange.

[Rienne] “…Did…did you run here?”

Rienne’s voice was soft like a whisper.

[Black] “Yes.”

[Rienne] “Why would you….”

[Black] “Like I said, I thought you needed me.”


When Rienne noticed the sound, she realized Black was raising his hand and running his fingers through her hair. As that soft slipping sound hit her ears, it felt gentle and oddly ticklish.

It’s strange.

Rienne murmured to herself under her breath. To think this man would work himself into a sweat just trying to get to her after hearing that she needed him.

This man was willing to do that for her…

Meanwhile, I’m….

[Rienne] “You were the one who needed this, Lord Tiwakan.”

Rienne didn’t even realize that her cheeks had turned a charming pink color or that her voice became just that much softer whenever she spoke to Black.

[Rienne] “The clothes won’t fit properly if I don’t get the correct measurements.”

[Black] “If I knew that, I wouldn’t have rushed to get here. I don’t want you to think I’m a unclean person.”

[Rienne] “It’s not that bad.”

It might even be the opposite.

Even though it was the smell of sweat, it only intensified his natural scent. It danced around the tip of Rienne’s nose, but she didn’t find it disgusting. Instead, it made the back of her throat burn.

….I need to move away.

She didn’t want Mrs. Flambard to catch them like this.

Rienne gently put her hand on Black’s chest like she was about to push him away, but there was no force behind it.

[Rienne] “I can’t measure you until you let go.”

[Black] “Just a little longer.”

Black didn’t let go of her, instead using his other hand to grab hers as he kept running his fingers through her hair.

[Rienne] “Is everything alright?”

Asking that, Rienne kept her voice quiet, her mind still very conscious of Mrs. Flambard waiting outside.

[Black] “I don’t know. I guess I was just surprised… No, that’s not the right word… more worried. I had a bad feeling.”

[Rienne] “Worried?”

When she asked what was making him feel worried, Black tightened the grip he had on her hand. It didn’t hurt, but it was definitely strong.

[Black] “I was receiving reports that the illegitimate son of the Kleinfelder family allegedly entered the castle. Around the same time, I was told you were looking for me, Princess. So I thought something might’ve happened.”


Rienne’s heart skipped a beat as if it was falling inside of her chest.

He knows….

She felt goosebumps forming all along her spine.

Black glanced down at Rienne’s silently pale face as he intertwined her lovely golden hair around his fingers. What was once a soft and ticklish greeting suddenly took a completely different meaning.

He was binding her to him.

Like he was telling her she couldn’t get away from him so easily.

[Black] “Were the measurements the only thing you needed me for?”

* * *

T/N: (1) Subtle but purposeful nod to what Rafit tried to do. The raws use the same terminology of a ‘forced marriage’.

Translator Comment: Rienne said a few chapters ago she’d be willing to do anything to protect Nauk, but now she’s having second guesses about this because it would be really unfair to Black. We love growth.

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