A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 36 - Pitfall (1)

Chapter 36 | Pitfall (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


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After she finished washing up, next came getting dressed.

Rienne put on a lilac colored dress, one that had long since gone unworn. Across the thin fabric were small, detailed embroideries—so delicate she couldn’t help but wonder if they might accidentally rip or tear in some places.

Practicality was key so most clothing that served no real purpose was quickly sold off, but this one remained.

The only reason Rienne left this one in particular set aside was because of Mrs. Flambard. She had cried, asking her to leave this outfit alone, insisting it’d be a waste to get rid of a lilac colored dress that suited Rienne’s features.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Thank goodness I managed to convince you to keep this after asking a hundred times.”

She nodded her head as she turned her attention to Rienne’s hair, carefully dressing it to match the outfit.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, I did a good thing convincing you. How could our country’s dear princess only have plain and sturdy clothing?”

[Rienne] “I haven’t really needed anything else.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But why? You look so lovely dressed so well.”

[Rienne] “I suppose.”

Mrs. Flambard, who worked diligently with her dexterous hands, braided Rienne’s hair, pinning it back with violet flowers.

[Rienne] “You are very lovely. I know I was the one who dressed you, but you simply look too beautiful.”

Rienne gave a shy smile.

[Rienne] “Thank you.”

The woman looked at Rienne with an expression of happiness upon her face. Once she finished adorning Rienne’s hair with all the necessary decorations, she shook her head.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Now, I must head for the Temple entrance while prying eyes linger elsewhere. My apologies I could not stay with you for your meal, Princess.”

[Rienne] “No, you are doing something far more important. Please return safely.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, my Princess.”

With a tense face, she bowed her head and quietly excused herself from Rienne’s room.

[Rienne] “I still have some time left.”

She hurried to get herself ready, so she still had some time to spare before the promised time.

[Rienne] “Maybe I could work on altering the clothing? There must be something she hasn’t finished yet.”

So Rienne said out loud, but her body didn’t move. For some reason, she couldn’t stop looking in the mirror.

[Rienne] “Does something like this really suit me…….?”

Looking at herself from the front, it was hard to see all the flowers Mrs. Flambard had braided into her hair.

[Rienne] “I wish I could see it myself.”

If Mrs. Flambard was telling her she looked beautiful, then it must be true, but Rienne still wanted to make sure with her own eyes.

I wonder…..if he’ll think it looks nice too…..

[Black] –‘All of the sudden, I thought you looked so lovely.’

Remembering that, Rienne instinctively closed her eyes—thinking about those words he spoke while showering her with kisses. It made her dizzy and the tips of her toes tingle, as if she were floating on air.

Rafit never held back a kind word when it came to her beauty. He would constantly praise her at the end of every sentence, but those words never managed to touch her heart like these did.

And she felt the same way about his looks, too. She always thought Rafit was handsome, but the way he looked never made her lose track of the time in the same way Black did.

[Rienne] “……..I feel nervous.”

As she closed her eyes, her lashes trembled. Rienne grabbed the fabric of her neckline, holding her hand to her chest.

Never before had merely the thought of meeting up with someone made her so nervous before. Her heart felt like it was trembling from the bottom up. Like so many other things, this was another first.

[Rienne] “Why…only with that man…..?”

Rienne couldn’t stop thinking about Black. It was like her thoughts were being trapped somewhere with him. Steeling her heart, she stood up in front of the mirror.

[Rienne] “I can’t. At this rate, I might actually start to feel some affection for him.”

He was not a man she could afford to feel anything like ‘love’ towards.

But as much as Rienne tried to ignore it, perhaps there were already many times when that word entered her heart. Perhaps it was far too late to try and tell herself those sorts of things.

[Rienne] “I need to do something. I don’t want to get to the dining hall first.”

Thinking she’ll work on altering the clothing Mrs. Flambard left behind, Rienne left for the room where she stayed. It was a bit far off from Rienne’s current bedroom. Since she was once her nanny, it was right across the hall from the room Rienne used as a child.

As she left, Rienne noticed Black’s room was empty. There wasn’t a single sound coming from it.

[Rienne] “I’m certain he’s not already at the dining hall.”

There was still just under an hour before the promised time.

[Rienne] “………..Well, perhaps he’s busy elsewhere.”

Rienne began her walk towards the east wing where Mrs. Flambard’s room was located.

[Maslow] “Princess!”

Unexpectedly, she ran into Maslow on the way there.

[Rienne] “Lord Maslow……? What brings you to the castle?”

Ever since Rienne discovered Maslow attempting to write a letter of appointment for knighthood in the King’s Office, she had banned him from entering on his own. Now Maslow was only permitted entrance if Rienne personally approved it or if he made a request for entry first.

[Maslow] “It couldn’t be helped, there’s too much work that needed to be done. I needed to speak with you about the reconstruction of the Temple stairs, as well as the matter of the Kleinfelder knighthood….”

[Rienne] “And as we’ve discussed, the money for the stairs will be paid under the name of the Tiwakan. As for knighthood, I have nothing more to say about that. There’s nothing I can do for you until the Kleinfelders agree to a price first.”

[Maslow] “I’m aware, but shouldn’t we pay prior fees to the quarry before construction begins? The longer this process is delayed, the more the priests’ prayers are replaced with wailing. It became too much for them, so they sent someone to speak with me.”

[Rienne] “If that’s the case, then why did they go to you instead of coming to me directly?”

[Maslow] “A priest is here to speak with you. It’s precisely why I entered the castle. There’s simply too much to discuss.”

[Rienne] “I see.”

Rienne was a bit pressed for time, but it was not in her nature to postpone dealing with political affairs simply because she wished to have a meal.

[Rienne] “Then let’s make this quick. Lead the way.”

Rienne invited him towards the King’s Office.

[Maslow] “Thank you for your permission, Princess.”

Maslow quickly followed her, taking the lead with hurried steps and sparing a few glances around him.

She should’ve noticed right then that something was wrong.


* * *



The door closed behind her as soon as she entered the King’s Office. Rienne turned her head back in surprise, only to see the person who closed the door was wearing the robes of a priest.

[Rienne] “What’s going on?”

Rienne asked, her eyes alternating between the priest and Maslow. Maslow simply bowed his head, muttering.

[Maslow] “What else could I do……I had no choice, Princess.”

The man wearing the robes was in fact, not a priest.

[???] “Keep your damn mouth shut and listen to me, Princess.”

With quick gesture of his hand, he took off the hood that was covering his face. Hearing that same teeth-grinding voice, Rienne immediately recognized who it was.

Unsurprisingly, it was Linden Kleinfelder.

[Rienne] “Such a disgraceful appearance, Lord Kleinfelder. Were the Tiwakan guarding the gates so terrifying, you needed to disguise yourself as a servant of God?”

[Linden] “I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut. Are those ears of yours clogged?”

Rienne’s biting sarcasm was immediately met with vitriol from Linden.

[Maslow] “Oh….. my lord, how could you……?”

Not knowing Linden would behave this way towards the Princess, Maslow’s face turned pale as his hands shook.

But neither Rienne nor Linden cared about what words they used. Their relationship had already hit rock bottom—long since past the point of feigning pleasantries.

And Rienne herself would much rather use her words to fight than even pretend to be nice.

[Rienne] “My ears are perfectly fine. Discard any hope that I’ll help you at this point and just leave. Or should I scream instead?”

[Linden] “You little……!”

Linden raised his hand up as if he were about to strike Rienne.

But it was an empty threat. Linden didn’t seem ready to cross that line just yet.

And of course, Rienne wasn’t about to take it quietly either. If Linden ever dared to raise his hand against her, she was prepared to bash him over the head with an ink bottle.

[Linden] “Listen here…….You’ll be releasing Rafit today. You hear me clearly?”

[Rienne] “If you really think that’s possible, then you need to wake up.”

[Linden] “What!?”

[Rienne] “You know what he’s done. In the middle of town, he tried to kill my fiancé in broad daylight! And you want me to just ignore that and let him go?”

[Linden] “What does it even matter? There’s nothing the eldest son of the Kleinfelders cannot do in Nauk!”

As the exhaustion set into her gaze, Rienne looked at Linden. If that’s what he truly thought, he’d be able to maintain his composure even after everything he’d done.

[Rienne] “…….I won’t change my mind. Besides, there’s nothing I can do. The person in charge of Nauk’s security is Lord Tiwakan now.”

[Linden] “I’ve heard he’s quite the dog, drooling the moment you lift your skirt, Princess, and yet you’re claiming there’s nothing you can do.”

[Rienne] “That’s enough!”

[Maslow] “L, Lord Kleinfelder! You can’t say something like that……..!”

It was an unbelievable insult, cutting beyond all reason. Even Maslow was shocked to the point of pointing his finger up at the Kleinfelders.

Rienne’s face paled as she clenched her whitened fists.

[Rienne] “Don’t you ever say something like that again. I won’t allow it twice.”

[Linden] “And if I refuse?”

[Rienne] “You don’t seem to understand why Rafit is still alive after so brazenly attempting treason. I swear on the name of Arsak, I cannot spare his life a second time.”

[Linden] “……Dammit!”

Unable to control his anger, Linden spat out a curse.

He knew Rienne was right.

The man they were talking about was the leader of the Tiwakan.

After the accident that nearly killed him, more than a few people witnessed him chasing down Rafit with the ferocity of a wild beast. If he wanted to tear Rafit apart limb from limb right then and there, there would be almost no way to stop him.

Although he’d never admit it, it was clear the only reason why his nephew was still alive right now was because of Rienne. That little girl, sitting in a throne she earned through happenstance while completely ignorant, must have made a bid for his life.

He knew his nephew was enchanted by the Princess’ beautiful appearance to the point of losing all reason, and the beastly leader of the Tiwakan was no different.

[Linden] “Then let’s negotiate.”

Which meant there was unfortunately no other way to get Rafit out of prison than to make a deal with Rienne.

[Linden] “Let’s talk money, as we’ve always done. I can cut thirty percent from the debt you owe and in return, you’ll be responsible for finding a way to get Rafit out. Do you understand me?”

……Does she understand?

Linden Kleinfelder somehow managed to keep his lofty sense of pride, despite the fact that he came to Rienne to beg for Rafit’s life. Just hearing his rude tone of voice, his words spoken through gritted teeth, made her want to slap him.

[Rienne] “Only thirty percent? I didn’t know Rafit’s life was worth so little to you.”

Rienne spoke while shaking out her hand, withholding the urge to do just that.

[Rienne] “Try again.”

[Linden] “What are you saying? It doesn’t matter how taken you are with money, Princess. Speaking like that is untoward.”

[Rienne] “Those who come to beg should act more polite.”

[Linden] “You impudent little……”

Linden bared his teeth and let out a growly breath. Rienne narrowed her eyes towards him.

[Rienne] “Feel free to insult me a hundred times over, it changes nothing. I’ve already given up on expecting honor or courtesy from the likes of you. Instead, I ask only that you pay properly. Rather than thirty percent, make it fifty. And I won’t pay any interest for the next three years.”

[Linden] “Are you trying to squeeze me dry?”

[Rienne] “That’s funny, coming from a Kleinfelder. The interest you’ve received thus far has been no insignificant sum, so there’s no need to be so somber.”

Crack. The sound of Linden grinding his teeth hit her ears.

[Linden] “…….If I do that, you’ll let him go now.”

[Rienne] “Absolutely not. Present to me a written deed for the debt first.” (1)

[Linden] “You must be joking.”

[Rienne] “You should be thanking me, but you don’t seem to understand the position of the one doing the begging.”

[Linden] “. . .”

The look in Linden’s eyes suddenly changed. Regardless of Maslow’s presence, he spoke towards Rienne informally—without a hint of respect.

[Linden] “How dare a little girl wearing a crown that doesn’t fit speak to me with so much tongue?”

[Rienne] “Who’s the one speaking like that…..Ah!”

Linden reached out, harshly and violently grabbing Rienne’s wrist.

Maslow shouted out in surprise, but made no move to help. In the end, the cowardly and timid advisor didn’t have the guts to stop Linden.

Roughly trying to pull back her wrist, Rienne shot a glare at Linden.

[Rienne] “Let go.”

Instead, Linden just gripped her wrist harder, even twisting painfully against him.

[Linden] “I’ve told you this before, but you still don’t understand your place. Somehow, the crown your father stole ended up in your hands and you think you’re so great for it. I could break your neck right now and nothing would change.”

Rienne pushed against Linden with her other hand, her voice gradually rising in volume.

[Rienne] “Seems you’ve gone senile. Even so, there’s a limit to what you can do, so just let go!”

But Linden didn’t budge. His voice turned grim, his teeth shown clearly like the fangs of a rabid dog.

[Linden] “Return Rafit by any means necessary. If not, I will wipe the Arsak family from the face of the earth by the power of the Kleinfelders.”

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T/N: (1) She wants to write up their agreement first.

astral comment: Linden looks exactly how we all expected him to.

ghost comment: Okay but why does Linden have the same mustache as Sportacus from LazyTown??

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