A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 | Exile (2)


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[Noble] “Regardless of the evidence, the former head of the delegation cannot be sent to the gallows.”

The noble who opposed the verdict looked at the other nobles like he was asking for permission. 

However, Rosadel and Ellaroiden were more focused on trying to gauge Black’s reaction rather than returning the noble’s eye contact. Even Burey was entirely distracted by the new throbbing pain in his wrist.

[Arland] “Princess Rienne has offered amnesty to the prisoners in the event a unanimous verdict cannot be reached by the council. To avoid hanging, the two parties guilty of treason will be permanently exiled from this land. Do you agree with this pardon?”

The meaning of the amnesty deal was obvious. It meant that the royal family would no longer tolerate the sight of them if the guilty wished to keep their heads attached.

The nobles all exchanged looks, their faces turning grim.

If it were the past, the royal family could not have done something like this. But now the royal family had the backing of the Tiwakan—something no other royal family on the entire continent had the luxury of claiming.

Arland’s voice was calm as he continued on.

[Arland] “If the council opposes this pardon, the royal family can no longer maintain this offer of amnesty. Considering that the council is against hanging, the guilty must remain eternal prisoners until the end of their days.”

[Linden] “Absurd!

Linden pulled up his head, screaming as he did.

[Linden] “What a joke! How dare you say such a thing to a man of the Kleinfelders!”

As Linden started shouting again, Black turned his head, quietly gesturing towards one of the mercenaries that was guarding the door. Seeing the subtle motion, the mercenary approached him.

[Black] “Don’t let the prisoner make any more noise.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”


Before anyone even saw him coming, the Tiwakan mercenary grabbed the back of Linden Kleinfelder’s head, smashing it into the floor.


As his head was lifelessly pulled up from the stone floor, a trail of blood followed from his forehead to the ground below him.

[Linden] “Agh…..Damned…..beasts…….”

[Mercenary] “Quiet.”


Again his head was knocked against the ground. Watching such an awful scene before them, it was obvious to everyone that anytime Linden dared to open his mouth, his head would once again be bashed into the stone floor.

[Linden] “. . .”

Once Linden finally shut up, Arland continued with his verdict.

[Arland] “Shall I take that as a rejection of the amnesty, former delegation head? Very well. I will record the traitors’ names as prisoners forevermore.”

[Linden] “W, wait!”

Linden nearly tripped over himself trying to get his words out fast enough.

Grabbing him by his hair, the mercenary was about to deliver another blow, but Black held up his hand, silently belaying the order.

[Linden] “I will……accept the amnesty.”

Linden was grinding his teeth as he accepted the plea.

Exile was completely unacceptable. The mere thought of going out in the world and losing all the power he had accrued in Nauk, it felt like his stomach was catching fire.

But he couldn’t go back to the dungeons, much less stay there forever.

It would be better to find support from another country that would take them in even if they were exiled. Luckily, Rafit was one of the only grandsons of the Kingdom of Sharka. If they went there, that would open more doors for them.

[Rosadel] “I accept.”

Rosadel spoke next.

When Linden looked at him, Rosadel silently held up his broken left wrist rather than avoiding his gaze. It was a silent exchange, one saying he could not afford to fight this verdict.

[Arland] “What of the other families?”

As Arland asked, the heads of the other four families reluctantly nodded in agreement.

[Arland] “Then I will record the families’ unanimous vote to accept the pardon. In accordance to exile procedures, the exiled cannot carry anything on their person. Such things include their name, status, and wealth. The Princess has allowed the exiled to adorn the attire of a servant if they wish to leave with clothing.”

[Linden] “Wait, but then—!”

Linden faltered for just a moment to speak, but it was too late.

The law, which was once meaningless against those with power, applied to even those of the Kleinfelder name once their power disappeared.

[Arland] “As the law states, the property of the Kleinfelders will be seized by the royal family.”

[Linden] “Robbers!”


With a motion of Black’s hand, the mercenary nodded, bashing Linden’s head against the stonework. The wind was knocked out of him and he immediately felt dizzy, like he was losing consciousness.

[Linden] “No, this cannot……”

But his voice was too quiet. All the nobles could see was his blurred eyes.

Right now, the Kleinfelder name no longer held any power and they all knew it. Now, he was in such a pitiful position that if he ever spoke out of line, his head would once again meet the stone floor at a terrifying speed.

[Arland] “The exile will take effect immediately. Think of it as the Princess’ mercy.”

Arland quickly wrapped up the council meeting.

[Arland] “As an exile, Linden Kleinfelder has officially lost his status. As such, he is no longer qualified to serve as the aristocratic delegation’s head. Now that the position is vacant, the remaining five families must decide on a new one, of which the deadline is tomorrow, where we will discuss a new High Priest. If there is no delegation head that can make the decision, the authority will be left to the royal family.”

Now that there were only five families left, they would be stuck in a battle of trying to find out which among them would become the new delegation head. The ensuing conflict would result in cracks forming, and the division between them would continue to grow.

Finally, these were the days where the Treaty of Risebury would start to crumble like sand.

Feeling satisfied, Black stood up from his seat.

While he didn’t particularly mind the hanging option, he wanted to respect Rienne’s opinion by avoiding any future clashes with the Kleinfelders, and thus agreed with the non-nuclear option of exile instead.

Besides, if the Kleinfelders’ property was confiscated, their soldiers would be more worried about making a living rather than fighting a losing battle. Their people were no longer any threat.

[Black] “Take them to the Temple. They’ll have to change into slave outfits.”

Linden brought together what remaining strength he had left.

[Linden] “Wha…..what!? Now? Don’t we deserve time to speak with our family!?”

[Black] “Of course not.”

[Linden] “No, you can’t do this! This can’t happen!”

[Black] “If you want to walk away from this land alive, then stop making so much useless noise. I’m not used to people being so loud in front of me either.”

[Linden] “W, what…..”

[Black] “You still don’t get it?”

[Linden] “. . .”

Just earlier, Linden was reminded of how concrete this man’s slow and languid words were. He never failed to follow up on a threat, so Linden had no choice but to shut up. After all, in the end, it didn’t matter what Linden had to say. Black’s job from this point forward was set in stone.

Now, if they were going to leave Nauk, they were going to have to rough it in the clothing of a slave.

* * *


[Phermos] “My Lord asked me to convey the news about the council in advance. He must’ve known you’d be curious. Would you like to hear about it now?”

Just as his lord requested of him, Phermos made his way to Rienne, but her bedroom was a little bit chaotic at the moment. 

The first thing he saw when he walked in was the sight of Mrs. Flambard and the tailor quarreling over the wedding attire. All the while, Rienne was quietly sitting to the side, focusing on documents relating to the title appointment while watching over the process.

[Rienne] “Is that so? It must be good news then. Let’s go to the next room.”

[Phermos] “Very well.”

Passing through the King’s Gallery and the bathroom, they entered the next room over—Black’s room.

[Phermos] “Though, what’s happening here?”

He saw it on his way in, but he was very curious. With the curtains removed, bedsheets pulled out and the bed laid bare, one could hardly call it a functioning bedroom anymore.

[Rienne] “Oh, I’m just doing a little redecorating. It’s customary in Nauk to do this for one’s spouse.”

[Phermos] “I see. But is that really necessary? The two of you will be sharing a bedroom anyway, so it seems a little redundant.”

Rienne widened her eyes.

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Phermos] “Sorry?”

But Phermos was also confused.

[Phermos] “Don’t you two share a room every night?”

[Rienne] “That was just happenstance. Lord Tiwakan should have his own room.”

[Phermos] “Oh….it’s like that?”

[Rienne] “Of course.”

[Phermos] “Ah……I see.”

The both of them felt the words of the other to be odd. 

Phermos was not familiar with the culture of Nauk in which noble couples slept in different rooms, while Rienne grew up thinking husbands and wives never used a single bedroom.

[Rienne] “In any case, what happened with the council?”

[Phermos] “Ah, yes, right. That’s what I came here to discuss.”

Explaining what happened at the meeting was a very brief discussion. Of course, Phermos omitted the minor detail that all but two of the noble heads had broken wrists now, instead stressing the fact that no one died.

[Phermos] “It all went by very peacefully.”

[Rienne] “Really? That’s a relief. It’s still hard to believe Lord Kleinfelder actually accepted the exile order.”

[Phermos] “After this, you’ll be very wealthy, Princess.”

Rather than saying Linden was extremely non-compliant, Phermos decided to focus on something more positive.

[Rienne] “It won’t be that easy. I doubt the Kleinfelders’ fortune would’ve been kept intact after all these years.”

[Phermos] “Still, you should take what you can. Once Linden Kleinfelder and Rafit Klein—cough, I mean, the illegitimate son are exiled, we can sort through their assets after they’re recovered. People like that have wealth hidden in every corner.”

[Rienne] “I hope you’re right.”

Rienne smiled softly at Phermos, who glossed over Rafit’s existence with a vague cough. 

Once again, she was getting that feeling that Black kept quiet even though he knew the truth about everything, even things from the uncertain past. 

Honestly, this man never failed to overwhelm her like this. So much so that her chest hurt from how much her heart was pounding with every passing day.

[Phermos] “Since my Lord has gone to oversee it personally, the rest of their property will be put into the royal treasury by the end of today.”

[Rienne] “Well…..I’m a little worried. Will it really be okay?”

[Phermos] “What can any of them do about it? It was a decision made by the council.”

[Rienne] “No, I don’t mean that. I’m just worried about what might happen to Lord Tiwakan. It isn’t certain that the remaining Kleinfelders will quietly let this go. Shouldn’t we send some soldiers after him?”

[Phermos] “Oh, is that what you meant?”

Phermos smiled.

The Princess seemed to care about his Lord very much, considering how she fussed over something so small.

[Phermos] “It will be fine. My Lord took eight of the men who have served him closest these past ten years before he went. I know how much he dislikes crowds or taking too many people with him when he goes out, but he didn’t wish to worry you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Eight is too little. The Kleinfelders have over five hundred soldiers in their private army.”

[Phermos] “We checked beforehand. Only half that number resides in the mansion due to the limited space.”

[Rienne] “Even cut in half, it’s still over a hundred men.”

But the more Rienne worried out loud, the bigger Phermos’ smile got. The Princess was very kind hearted, but surprisingly naive at the same time. Whenever she showed that look of worry in her eyes, he couldn’t help but smile.

[Phermos] “You do not know my Lord, Princess. Having served as the Tiwakan’s leader over the past ten years, we all know well enough that it would take lightning striking him from the heavens to kill him at this point.”

[Rienne] “Sorry?”

[Phermos] “To him, a hundred is a feasible number to take care of easily. And even if, in the worst case scenario, all five hundred soldiers were present, he would still manage to survive. After all, the arena where my Lord shows his greatest talent is that of negotiation.”

[Rienne] “What?”

Phermos was right in thinking Rienne didn’t know everything about Black because she still seemed very confused.

[Phermos] “I only mean to say that my Lord doesn’t always fight to win battles, especially when it’s unnecessary. From what I’ve seen of him, my Lord’s sword is unshakable, but that’s why it’s a heavy thing for him to wield at times.”

[Rienne] “I see……”

Rienne nodded, turning quiet as if she were thinking about something very carefully, but then spoke up again with a grim voice.

[Rienne] “Still, it would be better to send some soldiers after him.”

[Phermos] “Sorry? No, really, he’s fine.”

[Rienne] “No. I would feel more comfortable that way. You never know what could happen, right? So I really want to send someone after him.”

[Phermos] “Um……”

Phermos couldn’t really find the words to express how entirely unnecessary that was. If they sent guards after him now, the situation would already be over and done with before they ever got the chance to help.

But there was a problem. Rienne looked needlessly adorable with how determined she was to do it. She really felt it was completely necessary.

I can’t tell her no……. Hah… Dammit. This must be how my Lord feels.

[Phermos] “They might end up missing him.”

[Rienne] “That’s fine.”

[Phermos] “Then…..I will send a few soldiers his way.”

[Rienne] “Thank you.”

Once again, her smiling face filled with sincerity was unfairly beautiful.

…….This is bad. My Lord is incredibly quick to catch onto things.

Why did he have to suddenly become aware of how insanely pretty Rienne was in his eyes? He was not fearless enough to hold any feelings beyond that, but even thinking she was beautiful felt like he was betraying his Lord.

[Phermos] “I’ll be taking my leave, Princess…”

Phermos nodded with a pale face as he turned to leave.

[Rienne] “Ah, wait just a moment.”

Rienne reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, and Phermos almost jumped out of his skin in surprise.

[Phermos] “Why are you holding my arm? Just speak if you have something you would like to say.”

[Rienne] “Oh, I’m sorry if it was unpleasant. If you dislike others touching you, I will be more careful in the future.”

[Phermos] “Yes, thank you. That would be for the best. From now on, never, ever hold onto me. Now, speak your mind.”

[Rienne] “What is Lord Tiwakan’s favorite color?”

[Phermos] “Excuse me…..? I’m sorry, what?”

The question was so unexpected that it confused Phermos.

[Rienne] “I’m working on redoing the bedroom right now, so I thought it would be nice if I could use colors he was fond of.”

[Phermos] “I’m not sure…..? My Lord’s favorite color……I don’t know if he has one.”

[Rienne] “Hm? Do you mean you simply don’t know it or that he doesn’t have a favorite color at all?”

It was both.

[Phermos] “Well, I never thought about something like that because it’s something that’s never interested him in the past.”

[Rienne] “Oh, I see.”

Rienne gave an understanding nod.

[Rienne] “Then I’ll just need to ask him when he comes back.”

Phermos had a question he wanted to ask, too.

Why did her face need to shine so brightly as she seriously considered her beloved’s favorite color? Where was the fairness in that?

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