A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 82 - Dare to Name a Flower

Chapter 82 – Dare to Name a Flower

Chapter 82 | Dare to Name a Flower

translator/editor: astralmech


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[Rienne] “It’s hard to believe there was ever a time when they fought.”

Dinner time quickly came around.

The two of them were swamped with their work in preparation for the wedding all day, but their mealtime was finally when they could properly face one another.

Rienne wore a dress similar in style to her lilac one from before, with the two fussy women dressing her up beautifully to commemorate her final day before getting married.

[Rienne] “When I was trying on the dress, both of them were ready, needles in hand. They wanted to be prepared in case there was anything that needed to be adjusted. But it fit me perfectly.”

Both of them seemed happy that the dress was so flawless, but they looked a little disappointed as well. Remembering it made Rienne laugh like a child as she talked about it.

[Rienne] “There are so many similarities between the two. One might even think they’ve known each other all their lives. Though, things are still a bit awkward.”

But that just made her laugh more.

[Rienne] “I think they’ll become good friends soon enough. It’s only a matter of time at this point.”

[Black] “That’s great.”

[Rienne] “And when they were looking for earrings and a necklace to match the dress, they ended up choosing the same pair. Seeing them like this, I have hope they’ll get along even better…….Oh, but that reminds me.”

[Black] “What is it?”

Black asked as he cut up the roasted fowl into smaller pieces, occasionally feeding Rienne as she talked. He looked at her, putting another bite sized piece into her mouth as her words trailed off.

[Black] “Talk while you eat. I don’t like it when you forget to eat properly, Princess.”

Rienne swallowed the food fed to her by Black before making a serious expression.

[Rienne] “Wait, I had something I wanted to say.”

[Black] “What is it?”

[Rienne] “The jewels in the jewelry room. It’s too much.”

[Black] “What do you mean, too much?”

[Rienne] “It must’ve cost so much money. I don’t know the exact amount, but just by calculating it in my head, it must’ve been….”

[Black] “It’s not a big deal.”

Black cut off her words in the middle.

He always had the same expression on his face whenever Rienne said stuff like this. Rienne thought his face looked surprised or even grumpy, but in truth, he just felt very sad.

Something in his heart felt like it was drowning at the thought of Rienne, alone in the moment when she was forced to part with so many precious belongings.

[Rienne] “How is it not a big deal? It’s so much.”

[Black] “You told me you wouldn’t worry about money anymore.”

[Rienne] “I’m not worried, but um……”

[Black] “You are. You’re afraid our pockets will run dry.”

She got quiet. Clearly she couldn’t deny it.

[Black] “Phermos is the one who manages the Tiwakan’s assets, and there’s no one who hates needless spending more than him.”

[Rienne] “Then he must’ve objected to buying so much jewelry.”

[Black] “No. It was the opposite. He said it was royal property, so it would only be natural to repossess them. They were well worth the price.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Black] “Apparently, the market price here is cheaper than the rest of the continent, so the value of rarer jewels tends to go up. It was better to get them back quickly. And the price was even better since we purchased them all at once.”

But all of these reasons were entirely irrelevant.

Even if they were several times more expensive or even if Phermos had desperately tried to persuade him not to, Black still would have returned those gems to their rightful owner.

[Black] “And it’s a bit embarrassing to say this…”

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Black] “I did this because I wanted to see you happy, but I thought saying that out loud might seem unattractive to you.”

[Rienne] “What are you saying? Of course that I wouldn’t think that.”

[Black] “Then just be happy. That’s why I spent the money.”

Rienne looked at him, not really sure what to say back, but eventually she just sighed, leaning her forehead against Black’s shoulder.

[Rienne] “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. It’s just that…all I’ve done these past years is worry about finances, so I guess I’ve just developed a bad habit.”

Black took his hand and slowly stroked Rienne’s back; a soothing up and down motion.

[Black] “That habit will go away soon.”

[Rienne] “I don’t know if it will be that easy, so I can’t make any promises.”

[Black] “After a while, it’ll become harder and harder for you to think like that. Your money troubles are a thing of the past, Princess.”

…..Are they really?

But even if it was hard to believe it, Rienne knew Black was right.

The biggest leech, sucking the royal family dry, was already gone, and all the assets that once belonged to the Kleinfelders now belonged to her. That alone would already be enough, but now the remaining five families were required to pay large sums in taxes.

Unless something terrible happened at the last minute, there would be no shortage of money. This was Black’s gift to her.

[Black] “Now, eat more. You haven’t eaten properly for a while.”

Black once again put the fork up to her mouth.

[Rienne] “……We should eat together.”

Letting him feed her and swallowing the food in her mouth, Rienne offered the same dish to Black.

[Rienne] “The one not eating properly is you, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “I’m a bit busy right now.”

[Rienne] “Hm? What could be taking your attention over eating during your mealtime?”

[Black] “I have to look at you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “I don’t want to miss anything.”

Black took Rienne’s hand, burying his face against her wrist.

….This was bad. At this rate, neither of them would eat a proper meal again.

But while Rienne was stuck in her own thoughts, Black never once closed his eyes as he kissed the inside of her wrist. And just beyond her small fingers was the sight of those eyes, filled with a burning intensity.

[Rienne] “You have to eat….”

[Black] “This is important.”

How was this important?

[Black] “Whenever I see you these days, I can only think of one thing, Princess.”

What he was talking about probably wasn’t all that serious, but the way he said those words, she felt her neck heating up.

[Rienne] “What do you think about?”

[Black] “It’s not something I can talk about over the table.”

[Rienne] “Then where would be better?”

[Black] “The bed, maybe?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

So she was right. He was thinking about something entirely inappropriate.

[Rienne] “You have to eat.”

Awkwardly casting her eyes to the side, Rienne’s expression was trembling as she spoke so quietly, Black needed to lean in to hear her.

Lowering his head, he whispered back.

[Black] “I will.”

[Rienne] “Why are you whispering?”

[Black] “You whispered first, Princess.”

That might be true.

When she lowered her head, she realized that they were sitting very close to each other, and her voice naturally got smaller.

This was quickly becoming another ritual of theirs—sitting side by side whenever they had meals together.

[Rienne] “That’s because we’re already so close, I end up speaking quietly…”

[Black] “I know.”

She needed to widen the distance between them, but he kept murmuring like he was trying to stop her from doing just that. It was enough to make her smile inadvertently.

[Rienne] “Then……”

[Black] “Yes?”

[Rienne] “Until the second dish comes out…….”

[Black] “What is it?”

[Rienne] “Should we kiss?”

[Black] “. . .”

Ironically, just as she was inviting him closer, this was the moment when the distance between the two of them suddenly widened.

Though it was only because Black had pulled away without warning, leaning back in his seat. His head was turned away from her as he laughed. It wasn’t a smirk or a chuckle, but a real, genuine laugh—one that was stupidly loud, too.

Rienne was so shocked when she saw it, she just sat there, her lips slightly parted.

Why is he laughing……? It took me a lot of courage to say that.

[Rienne] “Stop laughing. It wasn’t even that funny. And you say that sort of thing all the time, Lord Tiwakan…….”

[Black] “I agree.”

Black’s laughter quieted as he closed the distance again in an instant.

[Black] “Close your eyes.”

He narrowed his eyes, looking darkly serious as if he’d never been laughing in the first place.

[Rienne] “No…I’ve lost my heart to do so. You laughed at me.”

But just as Black got close to kissing her, she pressed her hands against his lips, blocking his attack.

Though, it wasn’t like her desire to kiss him had gone away. It was just that the mood had shifted so suddenly, she felt like her body was getting uncomfortably hot, and she needed to give herself a second to breathe.

[Black] “Then find it again.”

She felt him start to kiss her fingers, his lips drawing down until he was holding her palm against his mouth.

Rienne closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh as the sensation of his soft kiss spread. It felt like her toes were curling inside her shoes.

[Rienne] “But…why did you laugh?”

[Black] “I just realized something.”

After thoroughly kissing her palm, his hand slid down to hold her wrist, pulling her hand away while shifting his body closer.

[Black] “Anytime I laugh or smile, it’s always because of you, Princess.”

And without a second thought, he came as close as he could to her, gently pressing his lips against hers. With a smile, Black whispered his words into their kiss.

[Black] “Before you, I don’t ever remember laughing like this.”

He softly urged her to part her lips as the kiss deepened.

And like she’d done it a million times, she wrapped her arms around Black’s neck, feeling the ends of his short hair tickling her finger tips. It felt so soft and against her skin—the touch alone sweetly warming her body.

Even if their second course were to be served, their kiss would’ve gone on for a very long time.

But before that could even happen, there was a different intrusion.


* * *


[Darren] “You have my sincerest apologies, I’m terribly late……Or perhaps I should say I’m too early?”

Rienne stood at the opposite end of the table, dipping her body in a respectful curtsy, but she was really struggling to be nice right now towards Grand Prince Darren.

Nothing was harder than having to welcome guests who weren’t really welcome.

And it was beyond her why he was showing up all of the sudden anyway. She could not recall sending him any sort of invite.

[Black] “I thought a meal was sent to your room.”

Black’s voice was so cold, even Rienne felt goosebumps forming along her arms.

The mercenary who brought Darren to the dining hall kept looking at Black, as if trying to make excuses with his eyes.

Randall did his best to get the Grand Prince to drink, but no matter how hard he tried, the difference in their status was clear, and he could not force him. The Grand Prince seemed to understand what was happening and left the room to avoid drinking.

But in his attempts to entice the Grand Prince, Randall drank too much and ended up passing out.

With apologetic eyes, the mercenary who came in his place seemed to say, Please forgive him just this once, sir. That kind of excuse.

[Darren] “Given the time, wasn’t that more of a snack rather than a meal? Although, I suppose it’s rude of me to disturb the royal family’s time.”

Entering the dining hall, Darren’s expression looked a little stunned for the briefest of moments, and he shook that off just a second too late as his complexion slowly returned to normal.

[Darren] “I’m truly sorry for being late, Princess. May you grant me the honor of being here?”

No, I don’t want to. And what do you mean by ‘honor’? You’re just acting like a bother.

[Rienne] “I’m afraid this place might be rather humble in comparison to what you’re used to, Grand Prince. This is but a simple meal between myself and my fiancé.”

[Darren] “You are kind to show such concern, but you needn’t worry. How could a place with such a lovely and beautiful princess be humble?”

Ah, it’s that word again. Does he think he’s complimenting me? Even after I told him I don’t like it when he says things like that to me, too.

[Rienne] “Please don’t tell me you mean to treat me the same as any flower adorning the table.”

[Darren] “How could I compare a Princess to flowers that pale in comparison? Now, where shall I sit?”

But no matter how unwelcome she tried to make him feel, he showed no sign of leaving quietly.

Underneath the table, Rienne gripped Black’s hand tightly, breathing deeply and giving him the answer he wanted, but one that she hated to give.

[Rienne] “I feel ashamed to invite a guest to a table where the food is already cooling, but if you insist, you may join us, Grand Prince.”

[Darren] “Thank you for your permission. I’ll take this seat.”

Without another word, the Grand Prince stepped away from the door, approaching the seat just across from Rienne and pulled out the chair.

Black watched him, his face scrunching in displeasure, then turned his head, gesturing to the mercenary.

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”

[Black] “Tell them to bring more food. We cannot neglect the treatment of our guest. Have them fill the table.”

[Mercenary] “Understood.”

[Black] “And bring alcohol. The kind Randall was drinking.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”

Sitting casually in his seat, Darren smiled slyly.

[Darren] “You don’t have to do that. And rather than calling me a guest, you should be calling me ‘brother’.”

Black didn’t say anything back, instead just picking up a wine glass. The mercenary who left hurried back, bringing along with him the requested alcohol and once the glass was filled, Black handed it to Darren.

[Darren] “…..Much appreciated.”

Darren took the glass in his hand.

[Black] “Drink.”

Guests also had courtesy rules they needed to follow. When personally offered a glass by one’s host, it was considered impolite and rude to set it down without taking a drink.

Darren diligently emptied the glass, but while he was busy, Black took Rienne’s hand, speaking to her in a voice that was dripping with affection.

[Black] “Why don’t we leave now?”

[Rienne] “Hm?”

[Black] “We’ve finished our meal.”

[Rienne] “Oh……”

They finished? That wasn’t how she remembered their meal going. While he was drinking, Darren pulled the glass away from his lips, absolutely shocked.

[Darren] “What? Didn’t you just start?”

With a hidden smile on her face, Rienne returned Black’s grip, standing up with much lighter shoulders.

[Rienne] “That sounds good. If we stayed, we’d only be burdening the Grand Prince with our stares. Prince, please finish your meal comfortably. You needn’t worry that you were late.”

The second course had just been served. There were eight different dishes, steaming hot and all looking very delicious—brought to the table atop large plates.

[Black] “This is all yours to eat. To show our sincerity.”

[Darren] “What do you mean…..? Aren’t you being a little too obvious with your poor treatment?”

[Black] “Poor treatment? This is the greatest respect the dining hall can possibly provide.”

Holding Rienne’s hand, Black left the dining hall. Just before he stepped out, he left a message with the mercenary who was overseeing the meals as they were brought in.

[Black] “Check the plates and make sure the guest eats everything properly. Tell him if he leaves anything untouched, I’ll get upset that he’s ignoring my sincerity.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”


Once they were gone from the dining hall, the door was closed tightly behind them, leaving behind only Darren and his attendant.

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