A Black Market LitRPG

Chapter 28: Hijacking

The return of Kyle to the Seven Snakes was hushed and kept on the down low, with no fanfare. Kyle did not want to tip off any of the observers, be it the enforcers or other gangs like the Ardent Cretins.

He had left Sasha and the company workers behind in the goblin den to serve as the logistics and defenders, while the five remaining loyal companies continued to work as planned. Some of the workers definitely skimmed some of the Euria Seeds, but Kyle did not care as long as they did not eat too much into their profits.

With updates from Damian and Keith, the Seven Snakes had expanded quite significantly. Many of the restaurants under them now had backrooms, filled with pubs or brothels. Keith and Niko were working on setting up a casino in one such backroom, though it was to be small in scale at first.

Kyle glanced through the list of new vipers, who acted as squad leaders: “Monica, Adrian, Niko…” The Seven Snakes had more than fifty associates now, but Kyle had not met with any of them yet.

The new vipers had climbed the ranks due to their hardworking ethic, and their ability to hustle, allowing the Seven Snakes to slowly spread across the district. This combined with the effects of the soup kitchen and the weekly public clean-up events has skyrocketed Seven Snakes’ reputation in the community. All according to plan.

None of the Euria Seeds were bought by his gang, instead routed to the other Sectors to reduce the trail they had. Kyle complimented Keith on the complicated paper trail, ensuring no one would be able to find out. Money was collected in cold hard cash in person rather than through bank accounts, preventing traces by the local authorities.

The new supply of Euria Seeds did drop the prices in the market area, allowing Kyle to make even more profits on his addictive potions, which had been selling like hotcakes in the expanded Lusty Arcian.

With this, he could generate enough money to pay off the debt to the Crimson Swords, which meant his gang was in the clear for now.

However, running a gang was an eternal battle against the law. Every expanding gang would have to contest with the local enforcers, who usually turned a blind eye until something grew too big. Right now, they were near that threshold. Damian had got a few corrupt enforcers on the gang’s payroll, reducing the heat, but there seemed to be trouble looming on the horizon.

It was due to a piece of news that shocked Kyle when he returned: the raids by the enforcers on the Ardent Cretins. It was reported to be extremely brutal, with many low-level grunts killed by what seemed to be an overzealous inquisitor.

“Isn’t it a good thing that they got raided? That reduces their financial advantage over us, allowing us to expand outwards even more. Right now, we’re stuck in this district because of them. If the enforcers keep this up we might have a chance.” Damian reasoned.

“No. It hints that the new inquisitors that recently took office are finding evidence or warrants, or going all out. They are targeting the big fishes first for now as they generate the most heat, but soon the increased surveillance will trickle down to us.” Kyle knew the Ardent Cretins must have had local enforcers on their payroll, so for them to still get raided means there’s been a sweeping change in law enforcement, or at least the purpose of law enforcement.

“Indeed, they are clearing the low-hanging fruit first of the big gangs, trying to weaken them. Did you see the West Sector? It’s almost in full-blown conflict now, a three-way fight between the Veiled Angles, Violet Demons, and the enforcers.” Keith handed a newspaper over to Kyle.

Kyle read the article, frowning slightly. The Ardent Cretins limiting us now is the least of our worries – the inquisitors seem to be on a warpath for some reason.

“When was the last time inquisitors came to the city?”

“Erm… I don’t think it was when any of us were around…” Damian shook his head. He had only been in the gang for five years and had never heard of inquisitors coming. However, it was obvious that the Seven Snakes could come under greater scrutiny from now on. Every step had to be measured.

“We will now come up with contingency plans to deflect as much heat from the enforcers as possible. We might be on track to pay off the debt, but the enforcers can restrict our operations, which would hurt us financially.” Kyle began to pace the room, thinking hard and recalling all the methods he used to evade the Galactic Council in the past.

“It’s not enough to entice the corrupt enforcers. We need to blackmail them. Set them up with sex workers from the brothel if possible or have them gamble at the new casino. Use our connections through the locals, bribe them to do it if they must.” Kyle spoke quickly.

“Damian, increase the number of informants we have in the local enforcers through this method.”

“Keith, make sure every ‘venture’ we have is well hidden behind more legitimate fronts. We will need to begin shifting the Seven Snakes base as well into a more decentralized version.”

“Already on it, sir.” Keith nodded. “I already have the Lusty Arcian remodelled to be a beauty school at the front. As for the Seven Snakes’ base, we’re in the process of acquiring a total of seven different locations that our members can rotate through. The brewery will be shifted as well along with Professor Dicar.”

“How soon can we get the relocation done?”

“About a week. Not a lot of setups are needed.”

“Good, I want us cleared out of here by then before we get hit. Get Monica, Niko and Adrian in.”

The three of them soon entered, lining up in front of Kyle. Kyle did not trust them fully yet but seeing that they had been promoted out of the recruits meant that Damian and Keith trusted them.

“Monica, in charge of smuggling the alcohol brewed by Professor Dicar to our ventures. Any updates?”

“Yes sir, the enforcers have been doing more regular wagon checks, trying to catch anyone flouting the prohibition bans. We’ve been disguising the wagons as food supplies or potions, but we did have a few wagons caught over the last two months.”

This wasn’t good. Alcohol was the lifeblood of the brothels, pubs, and casinos. “Damian, fix this issue. Make sure the patrolling enforcers don’t bother us any longer. Next, Adrian.”

Adrian was in charge of observing the district, trying to pick out other gangs’ spies or newly-formed thug rackets. He used to be one of them, so he had experience in spotting the same signs. “Yes sir. My squad has rooted out five thug gangs so far. We’ve successfully converted three of them into our own affiliate rackets in exchange for protection from other thug gangs. Two thug gangs were imprisoned, currently used by Eric in alcohol testing. Half of them have already died. Bodies have been incinerated, no one would be looking for them.”

Kyle nodded, unfazed. Alcohol brewing was a dangerous process, a single overdose could kill anyone. Better to try it on a few humans first before serving it to their loyal customers. His eyes landed on Niko.

“Yes sir! Security at our ventures has been stable. So far, no incursions or raids by enforcers.”

“That’s it?”

“…yes sir…”. Niko was obviously flustered by the lack of activity he had compared to the other two. The lackluster reaction from Kyle pained him internally. I need to do something big if I want Kyle to recognize me.

“Enforcer activity is increasing, so please keep your men under control. Do not do anything to give us away to the enforcers.” Kyle lectured, before dismissing all of them from his office.

Law enforcement never changes no matter which universe, huh? Kyle smiled to himself. While there was definitely a threat from the enforcers now rising, Kyle had dealt with this for his entire former life. As long as I play my cards right, we can make something out of this. Perhaps even be a major gang in no time…

The restaurant was packed to the brim. Weary factory managers just clocking off the shift, stall owners who just had a good run at the food market, or administrative clerks complaining about their day. A hundred tables and booths were filled up, with two dozen waiters going back and fro.

An old factory worker entered the restaurant, his attire shabby and grimy stained with the grease from working the machines. He rubbed his hands anxiously, walking up to a waiter.

“Sorry sir, do you need something?” The waiter was confused, wondering why the older factory worker was standing in front of him.

“Hi, I’m looking for a toilet. Really urgent. Preferably one with a golden snake.”

“Ah, just right down the double doors, turn left and you’ll find it.” The waiter nonchalantly motioned behind him.

The old factory worker weaselled his way through the tables, trying to ignore the weird stares he was getting from the restaurant customers. He reached the double doors, opening to reveal a crowded kitchen, the smell of oil and spices filling the air.

He walked through them with trepidation, stealing a quick glance at the chefs. None of them seemed to be particularly bothered that he was there, despite not being a chef or a staff member. Navigating through the tight space, he soon reached a discreet black door, knocking on it with a specific pattern.

A small sliding notch slid open, revealing a pair of piercing eyes. “Who?” A gruff voice wafted from behind the door.

“I know Niko, let me in!” The older factory worker said desperately.

The sliding notch closed, with the door opened. “One wrong move and you’re dead, old man.” The guard grinned, motioning for him to enter.

The sight beyond the door was a completely different view from the rest of the posh restaurant. Card games, dice games, every gambling game you could think of was right here. High-rollers surrounded by escorts laughed their heads off as they watched their opponents squirm on their velvet chairs. Bartenders served alcohol non-stop, with some of the customers already clearly drunk, but still paying right out of their weekly pay.

The old factory worker tried his best to avoid the others, finding his way through the casino. Unfortunately, he bumped into a large Seven Snakes associate, who glared at him in anger. “Old man, you lost? Or a snitch? Whatchu doing here? Who let you in?!”


“He’s with me, back off, Bosso.” A young man wrapped in bling and a formal suit shoved the large guard away, who immediately lost his anger and scurried away, as though afraid of the young man.

“Niko!” The old factory worker patted him on the shoulders, before examining him. He was the one who had introduced Niko to the Lusty Arcian in the first place. “You’re all grown up now! Look at you!”

“Haha, thanks Karl, how’s the factory been treating you?” Niko motioned to an empty booth on the side, already pre-arranged with drinks and snacks.

“Oh you know, same old, same old, manager got a bit pissy as usual…” Karl sat down in the booth gingerly, feeling the velvet. This level of comfort was far beyond anything he was used to, having grown up poor. He glanced at Niko, who seemed to be comfortable in this area.

“HAHA! They always get pissy, even if you did everything right. Anyway, the drinks are for you, have a go. We got our own in-house brewery now, so our alcohol is top of the line now, or at least that’s what I think.” Niko poured a glass of wine, handing it to Karl.

“I, I don’t have any money left, I spent it all on the potions from the brothel… I just can’t kick the habit, you know? I tried borrowing money from the banks, but they are all complaining about my low income…” Karl’s face was downtrodden as he swirled the glass of wine, wondering if he needed to pay for it.

“Karl.” Niko suddenly grabbed Karl’s shoulder, staring at him. “This? All of this? Free. On the house. For old times’ sake.”


“Of course! We’re friends!” Niko grabbed his own glass of wine. “Cheers!”

They drank happily, talking about their past time in the factory together, reminiscing over shared memories.

“So… why the sudden visit?” Niko finally got to the point. “Don’t say for old times’ sake.”

Karl’s happy expression was frozen in place as he slowly put down the glass. “I need some extra cash, and seeing as the banks aren’t helping, I was hoping…”

“To borrow from me? Sure, Karl, but I need more assurance that you’re going to pay me back. I know exactly how much the factory pays you, and how much you spend on the brothel.”

“Look I swear I’ll pay you back. I’ll cut down on my brothel visits, and even if I don’t pay back, you can take my assets or –“

“Don’t fuck with me, Karl. I’m not the same naïve boy. You don’t have any assets left, you already pawned all of it off.” Niko snarled before suddenly slamming his glass on the table with force, frightening Karl with the sudden swap in attitude. “Be real. If you want money, you better come up with something valuable.”

Karl gulped internally as he saw how far Niko has changed, being thoroughly intimidated. “I really don’t have anything left, I’m at my wit’s end here!”

“Are you sure? I’m confident a senior factory worker must have access to some information…” Niko grinned.

Karl’s face was slightly confused for a moment before realization dawned on his face. “You… nononono there’s no way. I… I’ll be fired if I help you!”

“You want the money? Or nah? You’ll even get a cut on top of that. Imagine spending everyday working on the floor, watching all those goods roll past right under your nose, knowing that you’ll never earn more than half a rakel for any of them.”

The words cut deep into Karl’s heart, but his morals still lingered. “You don’t know what you’re suggesting - the manager would call the guards and the enforcers at a moment’s notice!” Karl shook his head vigorously.

“Oh I know exactly what I’m suggesting.” Just at this moment, the door to the casino opened to reveal two local enforcers still in uniform. Their piercing eyes scanned the room, eventually locking eyes with Niko. They made a beeline for Niko, but to the surprise of Karl, none of the other guards or customers even bothered, simply continuing on.

Niko stood up and shook hands with both of them, though one of them had a clearly sour expression. “You better have a good reason for bringing us in here.” The two enforcers sat down next to Karl, frightening him.

Niko sat down and leaned back on the booth, a wide smirk on his face. “How about a nice big cut of a factory hijacking?”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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